《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 26


Chapter 26

~Louis' POV~

What was Nick and Harry doing kissing? I couldn't help but feel tears sliding down my cheeks. So that's what was happening while I was in hospital. While I was in the room next door to Harry, he was kissing another person.

I let out a small sob, pain coursing through my heart but obviously they heard it as Harry abruptly broke away from Nick.

"Lou - " he began but I cut him off.

"Don't call me that." I said harshly.

"But -" he tried again.

"Nope. I don't want to hear it." I said, tears still flowing down my cheeks.

"Please." He said. One simple word caused my walls to break down and the trickle of tears that flowed down my cheeks before turned into a waterfall.

"I can't. Have fun together. You two deserve each other. A f***ing stealer and a slut." I said before I turned, my heart not being able to handle much more.

I began walking away and of course no one followed me. Harry probably would've if he wasn't confined to the bed.

Actually, scratch that. If he planned to follow me, he wouldn't have kissed Nick in the first place

I swiped the back of my hand against my cheek before speeding up, running away from the love of my life who took my heart out and shoved it down my oesophagus.

I ran outside to where my mum was waiting with the car and opened the passenger door. She opened her mouth to ask but I shook my head.

We sat quietly, throughout the whole drive home and when we got home, I ran to my room, bawling my eyes out.

~Harry's POV~

"Nick! What the f***?" I said after Louis had ran away. It hurt me to see him like that, eyes red and wet, shaking, breaking down but I couldn't run after him as I was confined to this hell of a bed.


"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself! You're just so intriguing." He said, coming closer to me again but I stuck my hand out, pushing him away from me.

"Stay away from me. Actually better yet, get out of my room and never come back." I said forcefully. He got up out of the chair and walked out, pushing over his chair in the process.

When he'd left, I broke down into tears. I had just lost my Louis because of some stupid kiss that didn't mean anything.

~Niall's POV~

Days passed and as I observed Harry, I could tell he was getting worse. I didn't know what had happened between Louis and harry but obviously they had broken up. Harry just looked so broken. He was laid in the bed, curled up slightly into foetal position. His head was constantly buried into the crook of his arm and the only time he came out was when Zayn, Liam or I forced him to eat, or when he needed to go to the bathroom or when the doctor came to check up on him.

The doctor, everytime he checked him, would shake his head in disapproval or disappointment or even sadness.

"His memory is getting worse. Before he was getting small flashes of memory every so often but now he's forgotten pretty much everything he had previously remembered and if it continues, he's soon going to have long-term memory loss which could last the rest of his life." The doctor explained to me after his check of Harry.

"Is there any reason this might be happening?" I asked him.

"Has something tragic happened or something traumatic?" he asked me. I nodded hesitantly.

"He broke up with his boyfriend recently. Do you think that could have triggered it?" I asked him, suggesting a possible explanation.

"I think that's exactly the trigger." He nodded, sadly.


"Is there any way to fix it?" I asked him.

"Reversing the situation could possibly work. If they were to get back together he might slowly start to remember things." The doctor said.

"Oh." I said, dead-panning. "Thanks, doctor." I said, smiling slightly. I had to get Louis and Harry back together again. After I had thanked him, he turned to leave and I pulled out my phone to call Louis.

"What do you want, Ni?" Louis' croaky and hoarse voice came through the phone sounding bored and tired.

"You have to forgive Harry for whatever the hell happened between you two and get back together." I said plainly.

"No I can't! You don't what he did." He protested.

"Louis. It's affecting his health and specifically his memory. His memory is getting worse because of what happened! Come on. I know you still love him." I said to him. As I said this, I was met with silence. I could tell that hit him.

"I do. But he cheated on me." He whispered quietly. Harry cheated on Louis? No. Harry would never do that!

"Harry would never do that!" I said to him.

"That's what I thought." He muttered.

"Well if you decide to change your mind, come down to the hospital. You know what room he's in." I said, before hanging up, leaving him to think for himself.

~Louis' POV~

When Niall hung up, I tossed the phone over in my hands thinking about what to do. Harry's memory was getting worse and it was because of me. But I couldn't forgive him for what he did.

What do I do?

~Niall's POV (Sorry for all the POV switching)~

Once I'd hung up with Louis, I walked back into Harry's hospital room to see him in his usual position. I sighed, praying that Louis would come back. For a good 15 minutes, I observed Harry, my heart breaking at his brokenness.

Just as I thought this, I heard a loud bang coming from outside. I hopped out of my seat and ran outside to see Louis holding Nick roughly against the wall.

"Louis! What are you doing?" I exclaimed. He ignored me.

"Why did you kiss him?" he asked Nick roughly. Nick hesitated so Louis pressed tighter to the wall.

"WHY?" he repeated.

"Stan told me to." He said. I could see Louis' body physically tense at that.

"What do you mean Stan told you to?" he asked, his voice slightly less frightening.

"He knew it would hurt you. So he told me to seduce Harry and kiss him." He replied.

"So Harry didn't kiss you?" Louis asked. Nick shook his head.

"And Harry didn't want to kiss you?" He asked to which Nick shook his head again.

"F*** you." He said before punching Nick in the stomach and letting go of him. He walked away from Nick and then paused outside Harry's room. I watched him take a deep breath before he walked in.

A/N So what do you guys think!? What do you think about this chapter? Louis broke up with Harry!?! Harry's memory was getting worse!? Nick was working for Stan all that time!?! DRAMA!!! Anyways, comments and votes are much appreciated! Remember that there is no sequel to this story!! One more chapter and then the epilogue! Also the whole thing with his memory getting worse and stuff... Not sure if that's true or not! I'm no expert in memory loss or anything so sorry

Thank you for reading!!!


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