《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 25


A/n This chapter is dedicated to the fellow Larry shippers that committed suicide recently because of Channel 4's stupid documentary. RIP.

Chapter 25

~Liam's POV~

"Win. Me. Over." He said. The words rang over and over in my head like a bell that just wouldn't shut up. Ok. How was I supposed to do that?

Now I probably look like I'm only trying to get Niall as a rebound to get over Danielle but that wasn't the case. Sure I had to get over her but I wasn't using Niall to do that. No. Then why was I going to try win over Niall? I guess you could put it this way. I'd always felt like I loved Niall more than just as a brother or best friend but I never thought too much of it because I was dating Danielle and I was extremely convinced I was straight... guess not.

What was I supposed to do? I got up and paced my room, thoughts running around in my mind. It was like a lightbulb flashed in my head. Harry. He was always the romantic person, maybe he'll have something.

Feeling kind of icky from crying I had a quick shower before driving over to the hospital and running to Harry's room.

"Harry! I need help!" I said, my face red and breathing quickly.

"Woah Liam. I know you're excited to see me but no need to scream." He said sarcastically, examining my physical state. I rolled my eyes before talking.

"I need help to win Niall over." I explained.

"Niall?" he asked, confused.

"Yeah Niall. You know short, cute leprechaun, the most amazing blue eyes and blonde hair that I just." I started saying.

"Liam. You're rambling." He said.

"Right." I said. "So?"

"And why do you think I can help you win him over?" he asked.

"Well because you're probably the most romantic out of all of us." I said.

"Ok. Well what does Niall like?" he asked

"He likes food, erm, music, singing, playing guitar, laughing, talking." I said, cutting myself before I started rambling again.

"Well your job is to come up with something that combines that." He said.

"Easier said than done." I said to him.

"Well if I was trying to win Louis over, I would probably take him to a lake and then have a picnic and serenade him because he likes music too and then just have fun together. Probably have a swim and do some other things." he said.

"Harry. You're rambling." I told him.

"Oh right. Sorry." He said, his cheeks flaming up.

"It's ok. That's a great idea! Can I use it?" I asked him, already getting ideas forming in head.


"No." he said and all the ideas streamed out. My face obviously told him I didn't like the idea because he started cracking up.

"I'm joking. Of course you can. I'd help but I'm kind of stuck in this bed." He said.

"it's ok. I'll get Zayn to help me. " I said. "Thank you so much, Harry!" I said, waving good bye to him before running out to my car and driving over to Zayn's house.

The door was wide open so I walked in and man did I regret that. Zayn and Perrie were furiously making out on his couch, their arms wrapped around each other tightly, pulling each other closer. I coughed awkwardly but they continued kissing. I tried two more times and it wasn't until the third time that they finally released each other.

"Oh Hi Li Li. Sorry about that." Zayn said, fixing himself up.

"Hey Liam. Sorry you had to walk in on that." Perrie said.

"it's ok." I said. "Anyways, I need your help, Zayn. And I guess you could help too Perrie."

"Sure. What's up mate?" he asked me.

"I need to plan out a date with Niall. I'm planning on taking him to a lake close to Craig's Park and having a picnic and then singing a song to him. I already have the song but I need help setting up and stuff. So I was planning on getting all his favourite food and then sing and yeah." I said, exhaling at the end.

"Harry came up with that idea didn't he?" Zayn said.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"You could never come up with anything that romantic." He said simply.

"I'm very romantic thank you very much!" I insisted.

"Keep telling yourself that. Anyways, yeah we can go get the food. I know which food to get and I'll bring it past your house." Zayn said.

"Thank you!" I said before rushing out quickly.

"No worries!" He called back.

I quickly rushed back and changed into something suitable for the date before grabbing my phone to text Niall.

"You said I had to win you over? Well come to my house today at 2pm." I texted him.

2 pm. That gave me about 1 and a half hours to get everything done. I grabbed my guitar, a picnic rug and anything else I needed, packing it into my car.

I drove over to the place I found. It was actually quite beautiful. It was very quiet so we wouldn't be disrupted. It had soft green grass, tall trees that filtered the sunlight and a quiet lake that lapped at the edge of the grass.

I pulled out the picnic rug and laid it down before texting Zayn.


"Can you bring the food over to me? And then at 2 go back to my house, blindfold him and drive him to Craig's Park? I'll take it from there. Thank you!" I texted him.

"Sure mate. See you then. " he replied simply. I kept my guitar in the car and drove over to Craig's Park. About 15 mins later, Zayn drove over and parked next to me, handing me the food.

"Thanks mate." I said, taking the food and driving back over to the place. I parked my car close by and then got to unpacking the car. I laid out all the food nicely and soon enough it was 2pm.

"Got him. Coming soon." Zayn texted me.

I got back into my car and drove over to Craig's Park and about 1 minute after I arrived, Zayn drove back up to me.

He helped Niall out of the car and then I helped him into my car.

"Where are we going, Li?" he asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." I said, driving over to the place. Once we got there, I helped him out of the car and walked him slowly over to the picnic rug.

"Can I take off the blindfold yet?" he asked, anxiously.

"Nope. Not yet." I said. I let go of him and walked to the other side of the rug, picking up the guitar.

"ok now." I said, taking a deep breath. He took off the blindfold and I began singing.

"Baby I, I wanna know what you think when you're alone

Is it me yeah?

Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh

We've been friends now for a while

Wanna know that when you smile

Is it me yeah?

Are you thinking of me yeah? Oh oh

Boy what would you do?

Would you wanna stay if I were to say

I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss

I wanna be first yeah

Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this

And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Baby tell me what to change

I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you

What I wanted to tell you yeah

Maybe I just gotta wait

Maybe this is a mistake

I'm a fool yeah, baby I'm just a fool yeah

Boy what would you do?

Would you wanna stay if I were to say

I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss

I wanna be first yeah

Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this

And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

Your last first kiss (x3)

Boy what would you do?

Would you wanna stay if I were to say

Your last first kiss

I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss

I wanna be first yeah

Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this

And if you only knew I wanna be last yeah

Baby let me be your last, your last first kiss

I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your last

Your last first kiss

I wanna be last yeah baby let me be your last

Your last first kiss"

I looked at him to see his eyes wide, with tears trailing down his face.

"Can I be your last first kiss?" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied, nodding before running over to me and kissing me.

"Thank you, Liam. You've definitely won me over." He said.

~Louis' POV~

I was finally able to get out of hospital and I was going to surprise Harry. I hadn't told him yet so I was going to sign out and then walk over to his room and kiss the hell out of him.

The nurse took me over to where I had to sign out, went through a few things with me and then I was free to go.

A smile lit up my face as I walked towards his room but that smile soon fell as I saw something I never wanted to see in my entire life. If I had a choice I'd rather kill myself than see it again.

Nick and Harry kissing.

A/N Ok. Yeah I know I'm cruel. I don't update for a month (sorry!) and then I leave a cliffy. Sorry!! Hope you guys liked the Niam action that happened!! And sorry about the Larry thing.... You probably all hate me now..... Once again, there will be no sequel for this story. There are about 2 chapters and an epilogue after this. HOWEVER!!! GOOD NEWS... for you I think.. maybe. I will be starting a new Larry AU story after this called That Fine Line.

Here is the story line:

One Direction, the worldwide sensation consisting of Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik.

But what if two members hated each other? What if these two members were then forced to act like a couple in public? What if one of them had a girlfriend and the other one was a 'beard' to their relationship?

But what if these two members end up getting closer and closer? There's a fine love between love and hate. What if they cross this line?

Anyways!! As always. Votes and comments are much appreciated! Hope you guys liked this chapter... even with the larry drama happening.

Love you all!!!

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