《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 24


Chapter 24

Niall's POV

I sat down on the chair next to Harry's bed. I had popped into the hospital this morning. Zayn wasn't going to do it because he was still on cloud nine from his date last night and Liam said he had to see Danielle.

I looked over at Harry and sighed. His face was glowing with happiness and that came just from talking to Louis. Is that what mutual love does? Make you overflow and glow with happiness? I wouldn't know. Never experienced it and I'm never going to because the person I love doesn't love me back.

Just the thought of them makes my insides bubble and I can't help but smile. Then my smile turned upside down when I think of them.... taken. I try to keep the smile on my face but my eyes, being the window to my soul, give it away.

"Nialler?" I hear harry ask.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah. I'm ok." I say, putting a small smile on my face. I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my chinos so I pull it out, answering it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask the person on the other end. I hear sniffling before a quiet stuttering voice came through the phone.

"Niall?? Can you come visit me? I need you." I heard him say. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement when he said he needed me.

"Ok. I'll be there soon!" I said to him.

"Harry? I'm going to go. Ok? Liam needs me." I said to Harry.

"Ok. Say hi to Liam for me." He replied.

"Ok. Bye!" I said before leaving the hospital. I quickly drove over the familiar roads until I got to Liam's house. The front door was swung wide open, inviting anyone in.... or otherwise ushering someone out.


I took a step in to see Liam's parents sitting at the dining table conversing. They looked up and saw me.

"Oh Niall. I'm so glad you're here. You always make Liam feel better. He's upstairs in his room." Liam's mum said to me.

"Oh ok. Thank you!" I said, before walking up the stairs quickly. I walked to his door and knocked quietly on his shut door. I could hear light sniffling coming from inside the room.

"Niall?" he asked quietly from inside.

"Hey Liam. It's me." I said. The door opened and I was pulled into a tight hug. Liam buried his face into my neck and cried. I could feel tears dripping down my neck but I didn't say anything. I just stood there stroking his back comfortingly until he finally took his head out from my neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked him to which he hesitantly nodded.

"Danielle broke up with me." He said. I was going to say something but he continued. "She said that I no longer loved her and that I didn't spend enough time with her. But that's not true, is it, Niall?" The look on his face caused my heart to break. It just looked so hurt and vulnerable.

"No of course you love her and spent heaps of time with her." I said, before I slowly lifted up my hand to stroke away the tears that were dripping down his cheek. He closed his eyes and buried his cheek into my palm deeper. My breath hitched as he sighed contently, his cheek still in my hand.

"Niall?" he asked, lifting his cheek from my hand.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"This." he said, leaning into me and meeting my lips. I froze as the feeling of his slightly rough lips on mine overwhelmed me. Finally I was getting the kiss I wanted. His lips kissed my non-responsive lips gently before his tongue darted out of his mouth and ran along my bottom lip. That's what made me react.... but not in the way you'd expect. I placed my hands on his broad chest trying not to fanboy about touching hos chest and pushed him away. It hurt. I wanted to kiss him but I couldn't. I couldn't take advantage of his vulnerable state. What if he didn't actually like me back and he was just kissing me to forget his break up with Danielle?


"What are you doing, Liam?" I asked him.

"Kissing you." he said, as if it was obvious.

"I know but don't use me as a rebound. You need to sort yourself out. Work out if you're really over Danielle and if you think you are and you want to move on, then you're going to have to work for it." I said to him.

"Work for it?" he asked, slightly confused.

"Win. Me. Over."

A/N here's Chapter 24! Hope you guys liked this Niam chapter. What did you think of this chapter? Votes and comments are much appreciated.

I thought that I should let you guys know that there are only a few chapters left in this story and there is also going to be no sequel. Sorry guys!

Thank you.

Rebecca :)

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