《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 23


Chapter 23

Zayn's POV

"I- I can't go in there." She said quietly. "I can't."

"Perrie? Are you ok?" I asked her, sweat breaking out on my forehead. She shook her head tensely, still staring ahead at the amusement park.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked me, the words barely making it out of her mouth before she started sobbing faintly.

I put my hand on hers, stroking it with my thumb lightly before nodding.

"Go ahead." I said, urging her to talk.

"I was 14. I had come to an amusement park with my family and some friends. It was about 4pm and my friends and I were waiting at the ferris wheel. There was a bunch of boys standing in front of us waiting. 4 of them went in the first cart that came past but one of them was left behind. When the next cart came by, the boy grabbed my hand roughly and pulled me into the cart. My friends were protesting and I was protesting but he just dragged me into the cart. The cart went up to the top and that was where it stopped." She said before taking a deep breath. I got a tissue out of the glove box and gave her a tissue to wipe her tears before she continued.

"When the Ferris wheel stopped, he. He raped me. He took that time and raped me in the cart." She said. I gasped loudly. Who would want to do that to such an amazing girl?

"Hey come here." I said, pulling her as close to me as the gear stick and hand brake allowed me too. I stroked her hair lightly, hoping to calm her down. Slowly the gentle sobbing calmed down and turned into small gasping for breath once in a while. Through all this, I kept slowly stroking her hair, feeling the silky, light weight flow pass my fingertips.


"Thank you." She said, into my shirt.

"We don't have to go in there if you don't want to." I said to her. She shook her head into my chest.

"I don't want to but you planned this whole date out. It's been so amazing already and it's only going to get better." She mumbled into my shirt.

"Perrie. I don't want you to do something you don't want to. Ok?" I said to her. She sighed before nodding.

"Plus. I've got another idea." I said to her. "Come on." I said, slowly sitting her up properly so I could get out of the car.

"I thought we weren't going in." she said, confused.

"We're not. We're going to stay outside." I said. I got out of the car and opened the boot of the car to get a blanket out. Then, I opened her door so she could get out. She looked so utterly confused yet it was so adorable.

"Come on." I said, holding my hand out to her. She took it and got out of the car. I gathered the blanket closer to me and then we walked. We walked just a little way from the amusement park, to a little jetty.

Then I sat down at the edge of the jetty, slinging my feet over the edge. The jetty was high enough that my feet didn't touch the water which I was happy about. I signaled for her to join me so she slowly got down and sat next to me. I put the blanket over the top of us to keep us warm.

I put one arm around her, bringing her closer to me and the other hand I held onto the blanket with, so it didn't fall into the water.


We sat in a comfortable silence for a little, just enjoying each other's presence before I spoke.

"Thanks for telling me that." I said to her.

"It's ok. You deserve to know. Because it's going to ruin our relationship if I didn't tell you." She said.

"Our relationship?" I asked her.

"Well it's not official, since you haven't asked me yet, but I want it to be." She said, quietly, hiding her adorable blushing face in my neck.

"Oh." I said, finally getting what she meant. I lifted her face out of my neck and lifted it up so I could look into her eyes.

"Perrie? Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" I asked her.

"Zayn? I'd love to." She said, nodding. "You may now kiss your girlfriend." She whispered quietly, her eyes darting down to my lips and that was all I needed. I cupped her cheek gently and leaned down, kissing her lips gently.

We broke apart, breathless and with lips swollen as we heard fireworks erupt in the sky.

"Look." I said, pointing over to the fireworks.

"They're amazing." She said, in awe of the coloured sparks lighting up the night sky.

"No. You are." I said.

"Cheesy." She replied, teasingly.

"You love it." I said, pausing as I realized what I'd just said.

"I do." She said, laughing quietly.

And I love you, I thought in my head.

A/N Well that was Chapter 23. What did you think of the rest of the Zerrie Date? And Perrie's story? Poor Perrie :( Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry it took so long to update!! Votes and Comments much appreciated.

QUESTION: Would you guys prefer another boyxboy romance (e.g. Niam) in this story or would you prefer another girlxboy romance (e.g. Niall and some other girl)?

Just comment your answer below :)

Thank you :)

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