《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 20


Chapter 20

Harry's POV

"Louis' in hospital."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"He's in hospital. I don't know why but from what I saw it looked like he was in a fire." Liam explained. "He was just wheeled in on a stretcher next to this girl. I don't know who she is but maybe she was one of Louis' friends or something."

"Can I see him?" I asked him. I was genuinely scared for Louis even though I hardly knew him. Liam shook his head before explaining.

"No. He's in ICU. His burns were obviously quite severe and I heard some doctors saying something about lots of smoke in his lungs. The girl looked worse than him and she was only in her underwear. You won't be able to see him until he comes out of ICU." Liam said.

I sighed and fell back into my pillow.

"He'll be ok. Don't worry." Liam said, as if he could sense my anxiety.

"I hope so." I muttered before Liam turned and walked out of the room, giving me space to think.

It was weird. I had forgotten Louis but the feelings for him and the love I felt for him was still there. Even though I hardly knew him. Love was a crazy thing.

Now I was just plain worried. What if Louis wasn't ok? What if he forgot me? What would happen with us? What if he realizes he loved that girl instead of me?

Negative thoughts swirled through my head, each making me more worried than the one before.

"That's it." I muttered before flinging my covers off. I turned to drop my body over the edge of the bed, holding the bed to steady myself before I took a step towards the door. Having not walked for a little while and being a bit uncoordinated with the damage to my head, I was bit rusty in walking so I slowly made my way to the door, taking step after step. Once I made it to the door, I pushed the knob down and I slowly pulled open the door.


"Liam. The doors opening by itself!" I heard Niall say worriedly.

"That's stupid, Niall. Doors don't open by themselves." Liam said. I literally could hear him rolling his eyes as I kept pulling the door open

"Look Liam! It is moving!" Niall screamed. He sighed but turned around just as I stepped out from behind the door.

"Harry! What are you doing out of bed!" he cried as Niall exhaled in relief and turned a deep shade of red in embarrassment

"I wanted to go see Louis." I said to them.

"No way. Get back into bed. I told you that you couldn't see him until he got out of ICU!" Liam said, sternly as he gently pushed me towards the bed.

"No please!! I have to go see him! I love him!" I called. At that, Liam's insistent pleas stopped.

"You love him? How do you know that? You don't even remember him properly." Liam said.

"So? Love is love. Don't you feel that with-" I said before flashes popped up in my head. Louis and I sitting together, Louis and I at the shops, Louis and I kissing in the hallway.

"Harry? Harry? Are you ok?" I heard Liam, Niall, Zayn and my mum calling anxiously, but all I could hold onto were those images. Were they memories? Or just my imagination.

"Louis." I muttered.

"Lads? Are you here for Louis Tomlinson?" I heard someone ask.

"Yes." Liam said, focused more on lightly slapping me than what the person was saying.

"He's awake." I heard. That was all I needed to smack me out of my trance.

"Louis' awake?" I asked him to which he nodded.

"I have to see him." I said pulling myself to stand better as I had sagged a bit when I had those flashes. Liam sighed but then reluctantly agreed.


"But we need to get you a wheelchair." he said. I nodded, too exhausted to fight. Niall held onto me while Liam went and found a wheelchair.

"Here you go, Harry." Liam said, coming around the corner wheeling a chair.

"Hop in." he said placing the chair in front of me. Niall helped me into the chair and then went behind it to push me. They gently rolled me over until I sat outside a room.

I took a deep breath before rolling my chair in and then gasped as I saw the state Louis was in. His arms were both burnt, his face had burnt marks scarring his cheeks and he was gasping in air as if he couldn't breathe.

"Oh my gosh, Louis." I exclaimed.

"Haz?" he croaked.

"It's me, boo." I replied, rolling closer to him.

"Why are you here?" he asked me.

"To see you, of course." I replied.

"You should be in bed!" he croaked. I laughed. Even though he was worse off than I was at the moment he was still so caring and protective over me.

"I wanted to see you!" I replied, reaching gently for his hand.

"When did our lives become a drama?" I muttered, stroking his burnt hand gently.

At that he cracked a small smile.

"When I decided to tell you something I shouldn't have." I heard him mutter.

"What?" I asked him.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you later when we're both in better states." he replied.

We sat in silence for a little while, me just gently stroking his hand until he opened his mouth and spoke.

"Thank you, Haz." he said.

"For what?" I asked hum.

"For giving me another chance." he croaked before a coughing fit took over him.

He opened his mouth to continue his speech but I got up, leaned down and kissed him lightly on his chapped lips, silencing him.

"Shh. We're ok now, boo. Everything will be fine."

A/N Here you go! Chapter 20!! I know I really suck at updating! Sorry! I hope this chapter made up for the awfully long wait! Hope you guys liked it! Votes and comments much appreciated!!

Thank you :D

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