《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 21


Chapter 21

Louis' POV

After much negotiation and constant nagging, the doctors allowed me to be moved into the room next door to Harry's.

Of course I would've preferred to share a room with him but the doctors thought that wasn't good so the room next door was the closest I could get.

I had gotten better in these last couple days. My lungs weren't filled up with so much smoke. The burns on my body weren't as severe-looking as they were before but they still hurt like s***.

I looked down and smiled at the text that had come through. Harry and I had been texting whenever we weren't able to visit each other.

I miss you, boo x - H

Same here. I want you to kiss my burns better :( x - L

Aww do they still hurt? X - H

Yep :( -L

"Excuse me?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see a small, timid boy standing at the door holding a large bouquet of flowers.

"Flowers for erm..." he said squinting at the little card attached to the flowers. Harry Styles?" he finally asked.

"Nope. He's next door." I replied, pointing in the direction of Harry's room.

"Oh ok. Thank you." he said.

"Wait!" I called out as he turned to leave. "Who are they from?"

"A Mr Nick Grimshaw." he replied before leaving. I couldn't help but curl my fists into tight balls. Nick was trying to take Harry away from me. I know he was.

The looks, the touching, everything pointed straight to this. Nick was tying to steal my Hazzabear. The overhearing of their conversation made it that more obvious. Nick was trying to use Harry's loss of memory to his benefit. The fact that Niall also recognised Nick made it that more probable. Probable? What am I talking about? It was impossible that Nick WASN'T trying to steal Haz from me.


I looked down to my phone and opened up another message.

Nialler. Can you make sure Nick doesn't put even one tiny hair of his body on my Haz? - Lou.

Jeez... Protective much, Louis. :p But sure. - Niall

I just love him. Thank you. - Lou.

"Angry isn't a good look for you, Lou." I heard someone else say ... an awfully familiar voice. I looked up and saw the person I never wanted to see. Ever.

"Stan. What are you doing here?" I asked him, my eyes narrowing in anger.

"Just visiting." He said.

"Get out." I hissed at him.

"How about no?" he replied, sassily.

"Stan. Get Out! Haven't you done enough? Without having to do more to ruin my life?" I growled at him.

"Ruin your life? Oh no, my dear Louis. This isn't about ruining your life. This is purely for my pleasure. Ruining your life just happens to be a bonus of it." he smirked at ne.

I groaned passing my hand furiously through my hair.

"You're such a .... a. " I said, lost for words.

"A what?" he asked me, his eyes sparkling cheekily.

"A b****." I replied.

"How creative, Lou." he replied, sarcastically.

"Shut it. You're not even supposed to be here, remember?" I told him.

"You're the only one that doesn't want me here. Everybody else doesn't care." He said. I opened my mouth to reply but unfortunately he was correct.

"Just please leave." I said.

"Fine. But you should know something. You know that Nick guy? He's not who you think he is." he said.

"Yeah I know. He's trying to steal Harry from me." I said. Stan laughed.

"That's nothing. It's much much worse than that." he said before leaving, leaving me with a whole lot of unanswered questions flying through my head.

A/N Here is chapter 21 :) So what do you guys think is up with Nick? Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Sorry it's not very long : Votes and comments much appreciated!!

Thank you, Rebecca

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