《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 19


Chapter 19

Harry's POV (Before the fire)

I watched as Louis ran out the door, confused as to why he had just been pacing the hospital room before he ran.

I hated not being able to remember him. It hurt seeing the pained look on his face and being the cause of that. I hated not knowing that i loved him. Did I even love him anymore? Could amnesia do something like this? Make you forget the one you love and then flip it upside down so you don't actually love them?

What if Louis was lying? What if he wasn't actually my boyfriend? What if he wasn't the one I loved?

"Haz. You ok?" Liam asked. I put on a slight smile and nodded acting happy but they couldnt see the worry and anxiety that was lying behind that smile.

"Harry!!!" I heard coming from the hallway, accompanied by a rushed set of footsteps.

I strained my neck to see if I could see the owner of the voice but I couldn't.

"That must be your mum." Zayn commented, looking down at his phone before blushing. Must be texting his girlfriend or something.

"Mum?" I called out.

"Harry! Oh my gosh! are you altight?" the familiar figure cried, running into my room.

"Yes, I'm fine mum." I said insistently as she came, over literally pushing Liam out of the chair and plonking herself down next to me.

"Ow!" Liam cried as he landed hard on his side.

I laughed at his pained expression as he rubbed his sore butt before he glared at me for laughing at him.

"Are you sure you're ok, Harry?" she asked.

"Yes! I feel fine! The only thing wrong is that I've lost my memory." I said to her.


"What? You lost your memory? How can you remember me? What?" she asked panicked.

"No, mum." I cried. I could hear Zayn, Liam and Niall chuckling slightly behind me.

"Oh phew! You didn't lose your memory!" she sighed in relief.

"Mum. I did lose my memory..." I began explaining.

"Stop this Harry Styles!" she exclaimed.

"BUT! Only everything since 2007." I said, finally finishing what I was trying to say.

"Oh." she said, finally understanding.

"Yeah. You understand now, mum?" I asked her to which she nodded.

"Good." I replied. At that, the laugh that the three lads behind me had been trying to keep in was released. A loud chuckle from Niall bounced around the room accompanied by softer deeper laughs from the other two.

I turned and glared at them but they kept laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked them.

"You and your mum act the exact same way." Liam explained between laughs.

"No we don't!" Both me and my mum said at the same time in the same tone, causing the lads to continue laughing even louder.

While this was happening, i noticed that Nick had gotten up and was quietly whispering into his phone. He then hung up and came and sat back down, his hand instinctively reaching for mine. His fingers entwined with mine but it just felt odd.

His hand was too large and too rough and didn't feel right against my skin. Louis' hand however, was soft and small and my hands enveloped his but they fit perfectly together.

Bur you couldn't judge a relationship based on what holding hands felt like.

So what if Nick was actually the one I loved?

"Guys, can i talk to Nick in private please?" I asked them. Liam looked at the others hesitantly before sighing and nodding. He left the room followed by Niall and Zayn.


"Can you leave too, mum?" I asked her. She nodded slowly and left too.

"You know your proposition? That I tell Louis that it's you I actually love? I can't do it. I won't do it. I'm sorry Nick. I'm sure you're amazing but I don't think you're the right one for me." I said to him, in the nicest way I could. That was the way to work it out. If I felt like a part of me was missing when Nick left, he's the one. But if not...

He nodded stiffly before replying.

"Ok. You think that now. But I will get you, Harry. Just know that. You will be mine." he said before standing up roughly and knocking down his chair in the process. Then he glared at me and turned to walk out.

"You will be mine." he said as he reached the door. He mockingly blew me a kiss before muttering a few curse words and leaving.

I yawned indicating my tiredness and nestled deeper into the covers of the bed. I slowly closed my eyes wanting to rest but something interrupted me... or should I say someone....

"Harry!!! Louis' in hospital."

A/N well what do you guys think of this chapter? Hope you like it! My only legit excuse for not updating is school but then again... I kinda felt lazy too so sorry!! Hope you guys liked this chapter and so sorry for the wait!

Votes and comments are very much appreciated! Thank you!

Rebecca :)

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