《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 18


Chapter 18

Louis' POV

What did he mean by that, I thought to myself.

"Very hot," I muttered as I walked back into Harry's hospital room.

"You ok, Boo?" Harry asked me.

"What? Oh yeah. I'm ok." I replied, not able to tell him what was really bothering I cause one, he wouldn't remember and two the others were here.

Liam was sitting in the chair I had been in but got up when I came in.

I shook my head, indicating he could sit down again and then I began pacing the room.

I could feel everyones eyes on me as I began muttering under my breath again.

Hot... it could mean hot as in gorgeous and sexy but why would Stan say that to me about Eleanor?

Or it could mean hot as in fire hot.

"If you tell anyone, ill hurt everyone you love." I muttered under my breath, remembering clearly what he had said that day.

"Oh s***," I swore loudly before turning and running out of Harry's hospital room. again, followed by the confused expressions of my friends and nick.

I quickly ran outside the hospital and called over a taxi since my car was still at Harry's house. I gave the driver Eleanor's address which she had texted me after we had seen her at the optometrist, and then quickly dialed her number on my phone.

"Please pick up, El," I muttered over and over again while the ringing could be heard through the phone.

"Hi. This is Eleanor. Please leave a message after the tone! Thanks for calling." I heard her cheerful voice holler, echoing out of the phone.

"damn answering machine." I cursed before redialing her number again each time, however, being met with the answering machine


"Damn it." I muttered.

"Sir? Are you ok?" the driver asked.

"My friend is possibly being burnt alive. Do you think I'm ok?!" I exclaimed rudely to which he responded with silence before pressing his foot down harder onto the accelerator.

In 5 minutes we had arrived at El's place.

"Don't worry about paying. Go help your friend and I'll cover the cost," the driver said.

"Thank you so much." I replied, pushing the door open and running out. I could see dark smoke rising above her house and I began to get worried. I quickly ran around to the back of her house and was met with a large cloud of black smoke causing me to cough up my lungs.

I tucked my shirt into the waist band of my jeans and then brought the top of it over my mouth to stop me from inhaling the smoke.

I ran around her backyard and fought through the smoke and what I saw there made me want to faint.

Eleanor was tied to a pole, stripped to her underwear, burning.

The skin on her legs were peeling and turning crimson red. Buckets of sweat poured down her body and she had her mouth wide open as if she was screaming but nothing was coming out.

"Stan you b****" I muttered into my shirt before I ran into the fire and ran behind Eleanor to where her hands were tied. I looked at the knot he used and instantly recognized it, the steps on how to untie it flying through my head as I got to work quickly trying to untie her.

Once she was untied, she collapsed on the ground, her legs unable to support her body weight. I gathered her up into my arms and ran out of the fire and back around to the front, where I coughed out the smoke that had gathered in my lungs.


I laid Eleanor on the floor and felt in my pocket for my phone. Pulling it out I realized it was of no use. It had melted in the fire.

I could feel the smoke still slightly choking me, causing me to be short of breath and my eyes stung. Slowly I felt myself collapse on the floor next to Eleanor, my eyes slowly sliding closed slowly.

I took another deep breath, coughing a bit on the smoke before I lost consciousness, giving my eyes a rest and hoping for the best.

A/N Sorry not the longest chapter but hope you like it!! And sorry i took so long to update! School's getting hectic : 165 days til freedom!!! Anyways, also sorry for another cliffhanger too (that's a lot of sorry's...)... What do you think is going to happen to Eleanor and Louis? This chapter is dedicated to @lumangsuperhero for the amazing new cover!

Votes and comments are very much appreciated!

Thank you :D

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