《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 17


Chapter 17

Louis' POV

"I'm Nick Grimshaw. Harry's erm.. friend." he said. I nodded in understanding before pointing to the chair next to me.

"Nick. Do you want to tell Haz how you met? Just so he knows." I said. For some reason, I felt the need to show Nick that Harry was mine so I reached over and grabbed Harry's hand in mine, slotting my fingers into the spaces between his fingers.

I looked over at him to see him subtly glaring at our joined hands before he shook his head and cleared his throat before beginning.

"So we met in a club. You were there for your friend's birthday. I think his name was Niall. This happened last year so you were about 16 years old. You had fake IDs, by the way. Anyways, I was the DJ at the club at that time so when it was my time off, I went over and talked to you. We got chatting for a while before we exchanged numbers and that's how we met." he explained. Niall... oh s*** I hadn't told anyone about Harry yet.

"Hey Haz?" I asked him.

"Yeah boo?" he asked, looking at me. Boo? Did he remember the nickname my mum called me?

"What's wrong, Lou?" he asked me.

"Why did you call me boo?" I asked him

"It just felt right. Was I not supposed to?" he asked worriedly. My balloon of hope deflated at those words. He hadn't remembered.

"No of course you can call me that. It's just that you used to call me that before the accident." I explained.

"Oh ok. Anyways, what were you saying before?" he asked.

"I realised I haven't told your mum -" I began saying before Haz cut me off.


"You know my mum?" he asked.

"Yeah of course! I'm your boyfriend, Haz!" At those words I looked out the corner of my eye to see Nick tense up.

"Oh yeah right. Keep going." he muttered.

"And I haven't told your friends about what happened. So I'm going to duck out and quickly call them, ok?" I finished explaining. He nodded, giving his consent so I got up from my seat, grabbed my phone and walked out of the room, not before quickly kissing Harry's forehead.

I quickly found Anne's number on my phone took a deep breath and called.

"Hello?" she said through the phone.

"Hey Anne. It's me, Louis." I said to her.

"Oh hey Louis! What's up?" she asked. I took a deep breath before replying.

"Harry's in hospital." I said. There was silence before she spoke.

"Which hospital?" she said quietly through the phone. I recited the name of the hospital before she hung up, telling me she was coming.

Next was Zayn. If I told him, he could tell the others so that would be two less calls.

"Hey Zayn." I said to him.

"Vas Happening Louis?" he said happily through the phone. That wasn't going to last long.

"Harry's in hospital." I said to him. Similar to Anne, there was silence on the other end before he asked which hospital, said he'd tell the others and then hung up.

I turned to go back into Harry's room not before I heard a familiar voice coming from his room.

"Just tell him that you don't love him. You belong with me." I heard Nick say, so quietly I could only just make out what he was saying.

"I can't, Nick. I'm not sure who to trust at the moment but I think I can trust Louis and if he was really my boyfriend then I obviously love him." I heard Harry reply.


"But what if that changed when you lost your memory?" I heard Nick ask. I couldn't listen to it anymore so I walked into the room to see Nick holding Harrys hand in his. I felt my fists curl up tightly.

"Hey, Harry. I just told your mum and Zayn and Zayn's going to tell Niall and Liam. Ok? They're going to be here soon." I said, coming over and kissing him lightly on the forehead.

After another 10 minutes I heard a loud thumping of feet from the hallway before Zayn, Liam and Niall barged into the room.

"Harry? Oh my gosh are you ok?" Liam asked, concerned.

"Hi.... Liam?" he said, sounding more like a question.

"Of course it's Liam, Harry!" he replied.

"Guys? Harry has lost his memory. He doesn't remember anything from 2007 onwards." I told them. Their mouths dropped open before they began laughing.

"Nice joke, Louis. Almost had me there." Niall said.

"I'm not joking. He has lost his memory." I insisted. At that they stopped laughing.

"Really?" Zayn croaked out.

"Really." I nodded.

"Hey. Aren't you the guy that tried to hit on Harry at my party?" Niall asked, pointing at Nick.

"No. Must be someone else." he replied, shaking his head.

"Hmmm... ok." Niall replied, obviously unconvinced. I would have to keep an eye on Nick.

"Anyways, hi Harry. I'm Zayn," Zayn said to Harry, introducing himself to him.

"Hi Zayn. How did we meet? If you don't mind me asking." Harry asked, looking curiously at him.

"We both started school together at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive and we just clicked." Zayn explained.

"Ok. Nice to meet you, Zayn." Harry said. I looked over at Zayn to see him look a bit sad as he said that, like this was the first time they had met.

"Om Niyol." Niall said, with his mouth full from a packet of chips he had just dug out of his bag.

"Swallow." Liam instructed. Niall quickly swallowed before speaking again.

"Sorry. I'm Niall." he said again. "Liam and I met you at school. One day we met you in class and then we all became one group. Liam and I had been best friends since we were kids." Niall explained.

"Ok. Nice to meet you again, Niall and Liam " Harry said.

"Where's my mum?" he asked. Just as he asked, my pocket began vibrating indicating someone was calling me.

"This might be her." I said, pulling out my phone and walking out of the room.

"Hello?" I said, answering the phone.

"Your friend Eleanor. She's very hot. Very very hot." I heard a deep voice say through the phone before they hung up. What dis they mean? Eleanor is very hot.... very very hot... what?

A/N Oooo another cliffhanger! Sorry! But what do you think it means by "Eleanor is very hot"? What do you think about Nick? You totally did not expect it to be him right?! Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Got it done quicker than I expected to :D Votes and Comments are much appreciated! Thank you very much :D

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