《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 16


Chapter 16

Louis' POV

I felt someone poking me as I rested my head on my arms trying to sleep.

"Haz!!! I'm trying to sleep!" I moan.

"Haz? Who's that?" I heard a deep voice ask.

"Stop joking around, Haz." I groaned, burying my face in my arm.

"What? I'm not joking around. Who are you?" I heard him ask. At that my head snapped up.

"Haz. Don't do this again! I nearly died when you pretended to forget who I was last time." I said to him.

"What!? How do you know my name? Who are you?" He cried, anxiously. I was waiting for some sign that he knew who I was. Some sign that he was joking but there was none. Had he really forgotten who I was?

"Harry? What do you remember?" I asked him, remembering reading a book about amnesia.

"I was coming home from school with my friends when I got cornered. By some kids and now I'm here." he replied.

"Who are your friends?" I asked him.

"Mark, Tony and John." he replied. Who?

"What year is it, Harry?" I asked him.

"2007." he replied instantly. He was serious. He wasn't joking around.

"Harry. Its 2013. Your friends now are Liam, Zayn and Niall." I told him, praying that the tears that were threatening to come would choose not to.

"What?! No! Its 2007!!!!" he cried anxiously. I shook my head gently before getting out of my seat and walking out of his room.

"Do you have a newspaper? A recent one?" I asked the receptionist. She nodded before handing over yesterday's paper. I took it and walked back to Harry's room.

"This is yesterday's paper. Look at the date." I said, handing him the paper. He took the paper gingerly from my hands before looking down at the paper. As he saw the date, his eyes widened and he shook his head furiously.


"No. Its 2007!!! It's not 2013!!!" He cried. Then he asked the question I didn't want to hear.

"Who are you?" he said and that was it. I broke down into tears, burying my face into my hands and sobbing.

"Why are you crying? Are you someone important in my life?" he asked.

"Harry. My name's Louis. I'm your boyfriend." I said to him, lifting up my tear stained face to look at him. He laughed.

"Haha. Nice joke. I'm not gay!" he insisted, still laughing.

"I'm serious. You're my boyfriend and I'm yours. I'm not lying, Harry. I love you." I said to him.

"Is everything ok here?" I heard someone ask. I turned to the door to see a doctor resting against the door frame.

"He's - He's- He's forgotten everything since 2007. He thinks it's 2007."I I cried. "He wasn't supposed to forget me. He said he couldn't. He said he loved me." I continued before sobbing in my hands again.

"Ok. How about you go outside and I'll have a look at him." the doctor said.

"No!!!! I have to stay with him!" I cried, clinging onto his bed sheets as Harry sat in his bed confused.

"Ok. Just please try to remain calm." the doctor said.

The doctor did a quick check of Harry before he turned to me and began explaining to me Harry's condition.

"Harry has retrograde amnesia. That means - " he said before I cut him off.

"I know what it means. It means he can't retrieve information from a certain date!" I said annoyed.

"Good." He said, trying to not snap at me before he continued. "I'm not sure why it didn't kick in yesterday when he was admitted into here but I will look into it." I nodded before he continued.

"So as you've realized, he's got no memory of anything after 2007." He said, to which I rolled my eyes to. Of course I realised. "But maybe certain special items or memories may help trigger something. He'll have to stay here for a couple more days just so I can check on him but after that he should be free to go." The doctor explained.


"Ok. Thank you." I said to the doctor before he turned and walked out of the room.

"So, my name is Harry Styles and I'm..." he said, dragging off at the end and calculating his age in his head.

"Seventeen?" he asked, unsure. I nodded before he continued.

"And my friends names are Zayn, Liam and Niall?" he asked to which I responded with another nod.

"And you're my boyfriend?" he asked again.


"And your name is Louis?" he asked.

"Yes. My name's Louis Tomlinson." I said to him.

"So how did we meet?" he asked me.

"You were the most popular guy at school, Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School by the way and then you told me that Zayn dared you to give me a makeover. I was the geek at the school with an awful fashion sense." I explained, awkwardly laughing.

"Well I did a pretty good job." He replied, checking me out. "You look great." He said.

"Thanks." I said, blushing before continuing the story.

"Anyways, yeah you gave me the makeover and stuff and then we eventually got together." I explained, hurriedly.

"Ok. So how did I end up here?" he asked. I took a deep breath before explaining.

"I had a secret that I wasn't supposed to tell anyone and I told you. Then someone came and tried to hurt you by hitting you in the head." I explained.

"Can I try something?" he asked.

"Sure." I said, before he began to lean towards me. I followed his lead, leaning into him until his lips met mine in a gentle, slow kiss.

"Sorry. I just wanted to see if that would trigger anything since you claim to be my boyfriend and all." He said as he broke away.

"It's ok. Anything?" I asked him.

"I want to give us a try. If you're truly my boyfriend, I made a great choice and you seem to like me so I want to give us a try. I may not think I'm gay at the moment but maybe this will... I don't know, trigger something?" He said. The feeling when he said that was just amazing. I could feel myself want to jump up and do some kind of celebration dance around the room.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yep." He said, nodding.

"What's there to lose?" he asked me.

"True. So Harry Styles, will you be my boyfriend again?" I asked him.

"I'd be honoured." He replied.

"Excuse me?" I heard someone ask from the door.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to face the door.

"Who are you?" the person at the door asked, just a bit rudely.

"I'm Louis, Harry's boyfriend." I said to them. "Who are you?" I asked them, just as equally sassy.


A/N ok yeah I know I'm awful!!! Sooo.... Who do you think it is? @Beauty_and_the_beat DON'T GIVE IT AWAY!!! I know you all thought Harry wasn't going to lose his memory! Sorry! I think this wasn't very well-written but hope you guys liked this chapter anyways! This chapter is dedicated to @Beauty_and_the_Beat for helping me with this chapter and giving me ideas :D THANK YOU FOR NEARLY 1000 VOTES!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING :D

Thank you :)

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