《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 15


Chapter 15

Louis' POV

"I'm afraid he's in a coma, at the moment. You can go in and see him but don't touch anything." a doctor said as he came out of the room he was just in. They had moved Harry to another room and so of course I followed them and sat anxiously outside.

I looked up at him before nodding slightly.

I got up off the ground, dusted off the red jeans I was wearing and turned around to face the door. I took a deep breath, placing my hand on the door handle.

I pushed the handle down and then slowly opened the door to reveal Harry. He looked as fragile as he lay there quietly with wires strewn over him. HIs eyes were closed but his lips were turned up in a smile as If he was peaceful and happy.

I took a seat in the chair that was sitting near his bed then reached over the wires to carefully entwine our fingers.

"HI Haz," I croaked out, my voice hoarse from crying.

"I heard somewhere that people in a coma can still hear you. Is that true? Haz? Can you hear me?" I asked him anxiously.

When he didn't respond I sighed loudly even though it was expected.

All of a sudden the heart monitor which had initially been letting off a constant beep let off one long piercing beep.

"Harry!?!??!" I yelled at him, panicking. I got up off the chair and pressed the panic button above his bed.

"No, Harry you can't die on me!" I cried to him as multiple doctors hurried into the room.

"Sir, you have to move out of the way." one of the doctors said to me, tearing me away from Harry.


"No!!!!" I cried, trying to get closer to him but being pulled back by another doctor at the same time.

"Please, Harry!! I need you!" I cry, tears flowing down my cheeks again.

"I love you!" I said quietly, my voice hoarse.

At that moment, the piercing beep began to come to life again. The heart monitor let out a slow set of constant beeps before gradually picking up speed again.

"Haz?" I asked.

"What was that!?" One of the doctors said, mind way in setting up the equipment, a confused expression on his face.

"He's alive!" another doctor said, staring in awe at the waves displayed on the heart monitor. A sigh of relief left me as he said those words. My Haz was alive!

At that, the doctors did a quick check of Harry and then slowly made their way out of the room.

"He must really love you. You made him come back to life!" the doctor who was holding me said before letting me go and left the room leaving me alone with Harry. I took a seat in the chair again and entwined our fingers.

"Haz? Do you really love me?" I asked his still body. I rested my head on our hands, kissing his knuckles gently.

"Who are you?" I heard a deep, quiet voice ask. I lifted my head off our hands. Did Harry not remember who I was? At that thought, the tears that had cleared before began again.

"Don't you know who I am?" I asked him, gulping. I stared at his face to look for some sign that he knew who I was but then his lips twitched up Into a smile before he began to chuckle.

"Of course I do, boo! I was joking with you." he said, brushing away the tears that had made their way onto my cheeks.


"What?" I asked him confused.

"I was pretending to have forgotten you! How could I forget you, boo? I love you!" he said. A sigh of relief escaped my lips but his last three words caused me to stop.

"Do you really?!" I asked him.

"Before Stan came, I was going to say that I fell in love with you. So yes, I really do love you." he said to me. He leaned over to kiss me but got pulled back by the wires attached to him.

"I want to kiss you. Stupid wires." he complained.

"How about I come to you then?" I said to him before leaning over and kissing his dry lips. He tried to bring his arms up to bring me closer but those were also pulled down by wires.

"Don't worry, Haz. I'm not going anywhere." I said to him, sitting back into the chair.

"Good." He said, yawning a little.

"Go to sleep, Haz. I'm staying right here." I said to him as his eyelids drooped.

"I love you, Lou." he said, tiredly.

"I love you too." I replied, before he shut his eyes and went to sleep.

A/N Well there's chapter 15! Hope you all liked it! You probably thought Harry had lost his memory didn't you: p haha XD well what did you think of this chapter?

Thank you so much for 10000 reads and over 800 votes! It means so much to me!!

Votes and comments much appreciated!

Thank you, Rebecca

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