《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 14


Chapter 14

Louis' POV

"Harry doesn't love you. It was all just a dare." I read over and over again.

Was it true? No it couldn't be. Harry loved me!

Well he did start talking to me randomly. Maybe he was dared to do it.

But no! He loves me! He introduced me to his mother.

But why would the most popular guy in the school talk to me? Unless it was a dare.

Conflicting thoughts ran through my head. Was this text true? Did Harry actually not love me? Was it all just a dare?

I closed the text before flicking open the dialpad. I quickly typed in Harry's number before taking a deep breath and pressing the call button. I quickly walked to my bedroom so I could speak to him in private.

I waited for the ringing, holding the phone to my ear and after the second ring he picked up.

"Boo? Is there something wrong?" he asked anxiously through the phone.

"What's this, Haz? 'Harry doesn't love you. It was all just a dare.'" I recited from memory. The other end was silent except for his slow breathing.

"Is it true? Was it just a dare?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking.

"Let me explain, ok Lou?" he said after a moments hesitation.

"You have 5 minutes." I said.

"There was a dare included in all this but it wasn't a dare to fall in love with you. Zayn dared me to give you a makeover and make you one of the most popular guys in the school." Harry began explaining.

"So I did do the dare. I gave you a makeover and made you one of the most popular guys in the school. But part of that dare wasn't to fall in love with you but I did. I fell in love-" he said, before I heard a loud thump and then a crash. I heard what I assumed was the phone hit the floor loudly and a noise which sounded like a grunt.

"Harry?" I asked, worried.

"Haz? Are you ok?" I yelled down the phone, met with an eerie silence.

"Haz? Please tell me you're okay!" I hollered down the phone and when I was met again with silence I hung up the phone, chucking it onto the bed and worriedly wringing my hands together.

"Mum. I think something happened to Harry!" I said anxiously, running back into the kitchen.

"Louis. I heard what the text message said. I don't want you to go find him! He broke your heart and I said I'd never forgive him." Mum said.


"No. Mum. Please. You have to let me go. I love Harry. I don't care if he doesn't really love me back but I love him. I have to go find him." I pleaded.

"Louis William Tomlinson. You will stay in this house. You will not go to find him. I will keep you in this house if that's the last thing I do." She said. Thankfully the girls were in another room and so weren't witnessing this.

"Mum. I'm old enough to make these decisions on my own. Please just let me go." I pleaded, my vision blurring with tears as I thought of Harry.

"No. I don't want you to get hurt and have to go through what I had to." She said to me.

"Mum. I love him. I need to go find him." I said, pushing past mum and running towards the door.

I quickly opened the door and ran out before slamming the door in her face. I got into mum's car, turning on the engine and driving towards where I remembered Harry's house to be. I pressed the buzzer hoping to be let in but no one let me in. The gate didn't seem bashed in or anything and by the way the door was firmly in its place, it didn't look like they had been broken into.

I looked around for a way to get into the house and finally saw a long length of rope. I quickly picked it up and tied it into a sort of lasso. I looked up at one of the pillars and noticed a big ball-like thing at the top of it. Weighing up the amount of power and height I'd need to get the lasso to fit around it, I quickly spun the lasso around and flung it at the pillar. It missed by a little bit so I tried again until the noose of the lasso fit around the ball thing on top of the pillar.

I pulled the rope causing the noose to tighten around the ball then placed one of my feet firmly onto the pillar. I slowly began climbing the pillar slowly placing one foot in front of the other higher and higher while slowly bringing my hands up the rope until I managed to climb onto the small top of the pillar. I quickly pulled the rope up so that I could toss it onto the other side so I could climb slowly down into Harry's front yard. Dusting off the red jeans I was wearing, I headed towards the front door.


I tried turning the knob but it remained locked so I turned around to look at the yard. By now it was darker, around sunset so it was harder to see anything but I saw a small shed to the side of the yard. I walked slowly over there and opened its rusty door. I squinted into the darkness looking for something that I could use to open the door. Finally I found a length of wire which I could use to pick the lock.

I had never picked a lock before but I had read a book on it before so hopefully it went well. I fashioned the wire into something I could use and then headed over to the door.

I took a good look at the lock before inserting the wire into the lock and fiddling around. Finally I heard a click and so I took the wire out and turned the door handle and it swung open. I did a small internal celebratory dance before remembering that Harry might be hurt. I pushed open the door further and walked in, taking small, quiet steps just in case.

I had a look in the kitchen. No sight of him there. Had a look in the lounge room, once again no Harry. Where was he? I quickly flew up the stairs to his bedroom. The door was closed so I turned the handle and what I saw made me want to throw up.

Harry was lying in the middle of the room, unconscious and his curls covered with blood. There was a large pool of blood surrounding his head.

"Oh my gosh, Harry. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead." I said, muttering over and over again as I ran to him. I pulled my phone out of my jeans and unlocked it, dialling the hospital with trembling fingers.

"Hello? How may we help you?" the lady on the end answered sounding way to happy at the moment.

"My boyfriend is bleeding badly. He got hit on the head by something and now he's bleeding badly and I don't know what to do." I said anxiously into the phone.

"Calm down, sir." She said.

"I can't calm down!!! My boyfriend could be dying and I don't what to do!!!" I shouted into the phone.

"What's your address, sir?" she asked. I quickly recited Harry's address.

"Ok. We're sending an ambulance over there. Is he unconscious?" she asked.

"Yes!" I said to her.

"Try to wake him and If he wakes, don't move him and try to keep him awake." She said before I quickly said bye and hung up. I put the phone down and then went to attempting to wake harry up. Finally I heard the ambulance arrive and the paramedics come in. They lifted Harry up carefully and put him on the stretcher.

"Can I come with you?" I pleaded, a paramedic answering with a nod. I scurried after them and got into the back of the ambulance with them before they drove off.

Once they got to the hospital, they jumped out of the ambulance and wheeled Harry over to the emergency room. I ran after them attempting to follow them in but a nurse stopped me and closed the door to the emergency room in my face.

I bashed my fists against the door, knocking it roughly to try get in but no luck.

"Please be alright, Harry! I love you. I'm so sorry." I cried as I collapsed into a heap on the ground, the tears pouring out of my eyes as I leaned against the emergency door room praying that Harry was alright.

Even with what he did to me, I couldn't hate him. Even though the whole makeover thing was just a dare, I couldn't hate him. Even though he might not be in love with him, I couldn't hate him. I still love him.

Why was love so bloody complicated?

A/N Well what do you think? Like it? Love it? Don't like it? Hate it? What do you think is going to happen to Harry? What's going to happen with Larry? What's going to happen in general? I hope you guys liked this chapter! I personally think the ending of the chapter was horrible but I hoped you liked it anyways! Let me know what you think!

Votes and comments please! I love reading comments that provide more insight into what you guys think of the chapter so I'd really like to see more of those!!! Thank you! AND THANK YOU FOR OVER 700 VOTES ON THIS STORY SO FAR! THAT'S AMAZING!!! It would be awesome if we could reach 1000 by the end of this story!

Anyways, Thank you! Vote and comment please!


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