《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 13


Chapter 13

Louis' POV

My hand clenched my phone tightly as I continued to read the text message over and over again. The blood ran out of my face causing my cheeks to pale and my breaths shortened, coming out with effort.

"Louis? Are you ok?" Harry asked frantically, seeing my hand clenched around the phone and my pale white knuckles. I turned my phone to face him so he could have a look at the screen.

"Damn it. I knew I shouldn't have made you tell me." He muttered quietly. I shook my head still unable to talk.

Seeing the state I was in, Harry pulled me towards him. I buried my face into his chest searching for comfort which I immediately found. That was the thing with Harry, I always have a sense of comfort when I'm with Harry.

"Don't worry, Lou. We'll get through this together, ok? I love you." He whispered to me, stroking my back as he did so, sending shivers down my spine as he usually did.

"I love you too, Haz." I mumbled into his chest as he kissed the top of my head.

"Do you want to go back to your place? To check on your family?" he asked me. I nodded into his chest before lifting my head out of his shirt to ask him something.

"Can you come with me please?" I asked him, looking into his eyes.

"Sure, boo." He replied.

"Thank you, Haz." I replied, hugging him, breathing in his woody scent.

"Boo, are you sniffing me?" he asked me causing me to freeze.

"Umm.... Yeah?" I said to him. "If I'm going to lose you, I want to savour as much as I can of you." I continued, still smelling him.

"Boo, you're not going to lose me, ok? I won't let that happen." He said, sternly to me.

"But-" I started.

"No buts. I won't let it happen, ok?" he said, leaning down to kiss me gently on the lips so I couldn't say anything more. My heart sped up as our lips hugged each others and my body filled with a sense of comfort and warmth causing me to forget everything else and only focussing on our little world. Mine and Harry's.

Unfortunately though, we had to break apart and drop back into reality.

"Come on, Haz. Time to meet the family....as my boyfriend." I said to him, as we opened our eyes to meet each others. Green meeting blue.

"Are you sure?" he asked me.

"100%" I replied, getting off his bed and extending my hand for him to take. He lifted his hand off the bed and placed his hand in mine causing a tingle to dart up my arm.

We made our way downstairs to be met with Anne.


"That was quick. And very quiet." She commented. I looked at her confused before my face turned bright red. I turned to see Harry's face even redder than mine.

"MUM!!! We didn't do anything!" he groaned. "We're going out! Bye, mum!" he said, pulling me towards the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To Louis' house." He said quickly, before pulling me out the front door. We got into his car before quickly driving away.

"I'm sorry about my mum." He said as we drove towards my house.

"it's ok. She's funny. I'm just happy she accepted our relationship." I said, honestly.

"That's true." He nodded, focussing his eyes on the road. When we made it to my house, I got out of the car and Harry followed me. I walked up to my front door and rang the doorbell.

I could hear some noises inside but no footsteps rushing to open the door. I kicked the door as a way of waiting for the door to open but instead of just kicking it, I managed to kick it open.

I looked down at the door to see that the lock had been broken in by a crow bar or something.

"Somebody's broken into the house." I said.

"How did you know that?" he asked.

"Look. The lock on the side seems to be bashed in by what I'm assuming is a crowbar." I said, pointing out the bashed in lock on the side of the door.

"Nerd." Harry muttered, teasingly. I pushed the door further open so that we could step in.

We stepped in and the first thing I noticed was the muffled shouts. Worry filled me as I ran into the kitchen looking for where the muffled shouts were coming from until I saw it.

"Mum! Lottie! Fizzy! Daisy! Phoebe!" I cried as I ran towards them. They were tied up tightly together in the corner of the kitchen with blind folds over their eyes and cloths in their mouth, muffling the noises that came out.

I heard Harry run into the kitchen and gasp as he saw my family tied up in the corner.

"Oh my gosh. What happened?" he said, running over to crouch down next to me and help untie them.

"Stan. That's what happened." I replied. I quickly untied all their blindfolds and gags allowing them to see and speak properly before getting to work on the knots. I managed to get them to turn around allowing Harry and I easier access to the knots.

I got to work, untying the knots around mums hands while Harry did the same on Lottie's hands however he was having more trouble.

"Haz. You have to do it this way." I said, showing him how to untie that particular knot.


"how did you know that?" he asked as he managed to successfully follow my untying of the knot.

"I read." I said simply, pushing the rope off mum and getting to work on Daisy's knot while Harry worked on Fizzy's.

"Mum, what happened?" I asked her, as she turned around to help untie Phoebe's knots.

"As you said, Stan. That's what happened. He came over to the house, broke the lock on the door and then came into the house. He kept muttering stuff like I can't believe he told and I hate him. Was he talking about you, Louis? About what happened before that you couldn't tell us about?" she asked me to which I just nodded.

"He then grabbed all of us roughly but the twins kept screaming so he knocked them out." She said. I looked over at Daisy and Phoebe's heads to see a quite large bump on each of their foreheads. I quickly leaned down and kissed each of the bumps before mum continued.

"He tied us all up and that's how you found us. Before he left, he said that he would've killed us but wouldn't have enough time." She explained.

"I'm sorry, mum." I said to her. "It's my fault. I told Harry what happened to me that day." I said quietly to her.

"Why did you tell Harry? And not us? We're your family?" she asked. I could tell she was hurt by what I had just told her but I loved Harry. Sure I loved my family but I trust Harry with my life and I love him so much.

"I love Harry." I said simply. I could see Harry smile slightly as I said that.

"But why did you choose your friend over your family?" she asked.

"No mum. I LOVE Harry. As more than a friend. He's my boyfriend." I said, smiling as I said he's my boyfriend. I never thought I'd date someone like Harry.

"You're gay?" she asked.

"Well more like Harry-sexual." I said, remembering the way Harry had said he was only gay for me.

"And this is Harry?" she asked, pointing at the curly haired boy next to me.

"Yes. Harry, this is my mum, Jay." I said, introducing her to him.

"nice to meet you Jay." He said, extending his hand for her to shake, but she shrunk back, avoiding the hand he had out.

I could feel a sense of sadness as my mum rejected Harry's shake. Did that mean she didn't want me to be gay? Did that mean she didn't like Harry?

"Mum. I know it's not what you expected but I didn't either. I didn't know I was gay and I never expected to fall in love with Harry but I did. I love him, mum." I said to her. "We'll just leave." I said, getting up to leave.

"Wait. I don't hate you for being gay or for falling in love with him. I know you can't help who you fall in love with. I loved your father and then look what he did. I just can't believe you told someone besides your family. What if this doesn't last? What if Harry breaks your heart like your dad with me?" she said to me.

"I won't ever do that, Mrs Tomlinson. I love your son and I'm going to do anything to keep him and never lose him. I love him so much it's insane. I will never hurt him intentionally and if I did, I would do anything to get him back." Harry said to mum. My heart swelled with love for the curly haired boy as he said that, showing the full extent of his love for me in that speech.

I watched as mum slowly nodded her head, giving Harry the once over before replying.

"I love my son. So if you ever break my sons heart, I will never forgive you. I know what it's like to hae a broken heart so if my son ends up with a broken heart because of you, I will not forgive you." She said to Harry.

"I understand, Mrs Tomlinson. I have no intentions of ever, ever breaking your sons heart because I love him." He said to her.

"I love you too." I whispered into his ear.

"AWWWW!!!!" I heard a couple of girlish squeals. I leaned away from Harry to see Lottie and Fizzy staring at us, smiling crazily.

"You two are cute together." Lottie commented, Fizzy nodding crazily in agreement.

"Thank you, girls." I said to them.

"Haz, I think I should stay here with them if anything happens again. Ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure, boo." He said, kissing me quickly. "I'll see you at school on Monday. Please call me if something happens." He said.

"I will. Please stay safe, Haz." I said to him, not wanting him to get hurt.

"I will. It was nice to meet you all. Bye." He said, before waving goodbye and going out the door. As he closed the door, I felt my phone vibrate. I opened the message and looked at it.

"Harry doesn't love you. It was all just a dare." It read.

A/N OOOOO!!!! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NOW THAT LOUIS MAY OR MAY NOT WORK OUT THE TRUTH THAT THE MAKEOVER WAS ALL A DARE!? What do you guys think of this chapter? Votes and comments very much appreciated! Thank you :D

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