《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 12


Chapter 12

Harry's POV

After we left the optometrist, we walked around the shops, just talking until I realised I'd forgotten something.

"You know, Lou. We never got you any new shoes!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah. Do you have any ideas for shoes?" he asked me. I looked him up and down before shaking my head.

"Nope but let's have a look in there and see if you like anything." I said, pointing over to a shoe shop near a small café. We walked hand-in-hand towards the shoe shop, silently.

Once we got there I sat Louis down and had a look around, not exactly sure what I was looking for until I turned around to see Louis eyeing a pair of TOMs.

They were just a simple pair of white TOMs.

"You like those, Louis?" I asked him, pointing at the shoes he was eyeing. He nodded, his eyes still on the pair of shoes. I went over to the shoes, picked up his pair and gently pushed Louis onto a seat. I gave him the shoes and he kicked off the shoes he was wearing and tried on the TOMs, standing up to show me.

They suited him perfectly and suited the outfit he was wearing perfectly.

"That's perfect. Nice choice of shoes, Lou!" I told him. He blushed and looked down at his feet before sitting back down.

"Ok. So we've got one pair of shoes. How about these?" I asked him. They were a pair of white canvas shoes that were tied in a small bow at the top. He nodded, taking the shoes and sliding them onto his feet, tightening the knot.

"Do you like them?" I asked him as I looked him over once. They looked good, especially with the red pants.

"They feel good. And they look good, right?" he replied.

"Definitely." I said.

"Well then, yes." He said.

"Ok. Do you want to get anything else? I think two pairs of shoes are enough for now." I asked him.

"Hmm... nope. I think we're good." He replied.

"Ok. Let's go back to my house now." I said, picking up the shoes and going to the checkout to buy them.

Louis' POV

Once Harry had bought shoes, we walked back to the car ready to go back to his house.

I was still shocked over what had happened at the optometrist. I thought I'd never see Eleanor again and then I find her working at the optometrist. After I had ran away, i always missed her. My half-sisters were amazing and I loved them to bits but they weren't like Eleanor. I couldn't talk to them and share my life with them as easily as I had done so with Eleanor.


"Are you ok, Boo?" Harry asked me, taking one hand off the steering wheel to stroke my hand gently. A shiver ran down my spine as he did so and a sense of relief and a wave of calmness fell over me. The effect that boy has on me is insane.

"Yeah. Just thinking about Eleanor. I never thought I'd see her again after I ran so it was just a shock to see her again." I replied looking over to him. His eyes turned to meet mine for a second before flicking back to the road, that second however caused my heart to race and butterflies to fly rapidly around my stomach.

I turned my head to glance outside the window as Harry continued to stroke my hand, calming me down yet sending the butterflies into a frantic speed.

"We're here, Boo." I heard Harry's deep, rough voice say. I turned to look out his window to see a huge house towering over me. It had a massive garden at the front, grand pillars supporting a fence that ran around the house and elegant structures adding to the grand appearance of the house.

"Wow." I said, awe-struck. Harry laughed nervously before unlocking the doors and getting out his side.

"By the way, Boo, my mum's home at the moment. Are you ok with being introduced to her as my boyfriend? I know we've only been together for less than a day but I love you and I really want her to know. She won't hate you. I know she won't. Nobody can hate you." He blabbed on until I cut him off with a gentle kiss.

"Haz. Don't worry. I'd love to meet your mum." I told him, reaching up to pull him down so it was easier to kiss him.

"Come on. Let's go meet your mum." I said, resting our foreheads together and entwining our fingers before I pulled him towards the gate.

Haz pressed the doorbell on the gate and slowly the gate opened in front of us. We stepped into the front yard of the house and walked up the path to the door which creaked open.

"Harry!" his mum called from the door before her eyes flicked over to me.

"Who's this?" she asked, before glancing down at our joined hands. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say something before Harry cut her off.

"I think we should go inside and I'll tell you who this is." Harry said calmly to his mum. I could feel my palms get sweaty as nerves overtook me.


"It'll be fine, Boo. Don't worry." I heard Harry whisper quietly into my ear, pulling me closer to him.

We made our way over to the living room and took a seat on a cream colour sofa opposite Harry's mum.

"Mum, this is my boyfriend Louis." Harry said, introducing me to his mum.

"No s*** Sherlock." She said, glancing down at our joined hands. "So how did you two meet?" She asked all of sudden, a slight girlish squeal in her voice.

"So you're ok with it, mum? Cause I really love Louis. We haven't been together long but I really love him and no matter -" Harry said before being cut off by his mum. I could feel myself glow as he said he loved me and no matter how many times he said it, I would never get sick of knowing he loved me.

"Of course I'm ok with it, Harry! You're still my son!" she said. "It's nice to meet you, Louis." She said, extending her hand for me to shake.

"You too, Mrs Styles." I said to her, shaking her hand.

"It's actually Ms Cox but you can call me Anne." She replied.

"Oh. Thank you, Anne." I said to her. I could feel a sense of relief pass over me as she accepted our relationship.

"So how did you two meet?" she repeated.

"it's actually kind of funny how we met. You see, I used to be...well still am I guess, the nerd of the school. And one day Harry decided to give me a makeover so he took me shopping and gave me a makeover which was well received by the school community. However, I decided to drop out of it though because of ... " I said, trailing off, not knowing how to word the incident.

"Personal things and being unable to cope with being popular." Harry said, finishing the sentence. I turned to him and mouthed the words Thank You before continuing.

"But then Zayn and Liam decided to set us up because apparently we were moping and were really upset so they planted love letters in our lockers and we both found out we got love letters that were really similar. Then we realised it was Zayn and I asked him why he thought it was Zayn. He said he couldn't tell me until finally he said that he couldn't tell me because of something and then kissed me. And then one thing led to another and now we're together." I told her. I watched as her face lit up and she squealed, her mature expression turning into one of a teenage girl.

"Awww that is so romantic!!!!!!!" she squealed. "I didn't know you could be so romantic, Harry!" she said. I looked over at Harry to see his cheeks had turned dark red.

"Mum!" he complained.

"That was so cute!" she cooed again causing me to blush too. "Well I must say, Harry did a very good job at the makeover! You look amazing, Louis." Anne complimented, scanning over my outfit for a second causing me to turn red again.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Well I approve however, if I hear that you hurt my son in any way, I will hurt you, ok?" she asked me. She was kind of intimidating but I nodded because I had no intentions of hurting Harry at all.

"Well, mum, we've got to continue the makeover. I've got some lessons to teach, Louis. We're going to go to my room. Bye mum!" Harry said, pulling me up with him.

"Bye, Anne. It was nice to meet you." I said to her.

"You too, Louis." She said. "Use protection!" she called as we headed up to Harry's room. Harry groaned as he heard that before turning a dark shade of red.

Once we reached his room, he opened the door and let me in.

"Sorry about my mum." He said, sitting down on the bed and patting the spot next to him.

"it's ok. She's funny." I said just as I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled my phone out, seeing a text from an unknown number. I opened the message and read it.

"I know you told him. Now say goodbye to everyone you love." The text message. Stan.

A/N yeah... another cliffhanger. SORRY!!!!! Hope you guys liked this chapter! What do you guys think of Anne? What do you think is going to happen now?

Votes and Comments much appreciated! Thank you! Thank you so much for the nearly 600 votes!!! Really means a lot!

Thank you, Rebecca

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