《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 11


Chapter 11

Harry's POV

"How do you know each other?" I asked them.

"It's a long story. How about I get Lou's glasses and we can adjust them while we tell you the story?" she suggested. I nodded so she turned around to the drawers behind her and filed through them until she found the bag with Louis' glasses in them.

She indicated over to one of the tables in the corner so we walked over and took a seat.

"This is Harry, my boyfriend, Eleanor." Louis said introducing me to her. There was not an ounce of surprise on her face which was a good sign.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." She said, shaking my hand before turning to Louis.

"Do you want me to tell it, Louis?" Eleanor asked, as she took out Louis' glasses from the bag.

"Yeah ok." He said.

"Ok. When Louis was just born, his parents left him outside my house. At that time, I wasn't born yet but my mum was pregnant with me." She began. While explaining, she gave the glasses to Louis to put on so she could adjust them.

"How does that feel there?" she said, pointing to the side arms of the glasses.

"It's a bit tight." Louis replied, handing back the glasses. She adjusted them a bit before continuing to explain.

"My parents took him in and raised him. About 6 months after they'd taken Louis in, I was born. They raised both of us as their own children. We were both raised to believe that we were brother and sister. We believed it and everyone else did because we looked alike and we were so similar in our personalities too. It wasn't until we were about 12 that we realised it wasn't actually possible for us to be brother and sister since there was only 6 months difference between us." Eleanor continued explaining. She pointed to the nose piece of the glasses.

"Those ok?" she asked him. He nodded and so she continued explaining. "So that day we asked our parents about it. They told us that Louis was actually not my biological brother and that he had actually been dumped at our front door and that he was adopted." I looked over to Louis to see his hands in fists so I reached over taking one of his hands and stroking it lightly hoping to calm him as Eleanor continued explaining.


"That day Louis locked himself in his room. He refused to come out because he felt like his whole life had been a lie. My parents and I tried all day to get him out but he ignored us. He didn't want us there. Finally though, he realised that I was just as clueless about the situation as he had been so he opened up to me but refused to even make contact with my parents." She continued.

"One day he told me that he wanted to run away. That he felt like he no longer belonged in the family and that he was intruding. I tried to convince him not to go because we were so close we were pretty much brother and sister but he said he had to. So that night, when everyone had fallen asleep he left. He packed up all of the stuff he could and ran." She said. By now, Louis was stiff in the chair and was crushing my hand in his.

"I don't know where exactly he went but..." she said before getting cut off by Louis.

"I went to find my biological parents. I wanted to know the reason why they dumped me outside El's house." Louis said quietly.

"Before I left, I searched El's house for any clues and I found my birth certificate. My parents must have left it when they left me. Their names were Johannah and Troy and they had me in Doncaster. I caught a train to Doncaster and searched everywhere until I found them. Well I found my mum. My dad and mum had apparently divorced and my mum had remarried." he continued.

"I knocked on their door and they answered. I told my mum that it was me, her son and I forced her to tell me why she dumped me there. She said that my dad had raped her and then when he found out she was pregnant with his child, he forced her to dump the child. So she did. Then when she could, she escaped him. She reported the rape to the police and they arrested him. She then remarried to my stepdad, Mark." Louis continued. I continued to stroke his hand as he continued explaining his story. By now, Eleanor had finished adjusting Louis' glasses so she sat across from us with her arms crossed, listening attentively to Louis' continuation of the story.


"She offered to let me live with her again and I accepted, as I wanted to get to know my biological mother more. At this time, she had two other daughters, Lottie and Fizzy who were Mark's daughters. They were a lot younger than me but I still grew to love them like my own sisters, not half sisters. My relationship with my mum took longer to bloom but eventually I realised that she wasn't the one at fault. That it wasn't her fault that she had to leave me. I guess I should be thankful she did because I met El then." He said, smiling at Eleanor.

"After I found her, she enrolled me into school. Stan's school and Harry, you know what happened after that." He said, exhaling in relief after sharing.

"Oh Lou." Eleanor said. "And you changed your surname, right? Because Harry said your name was Louis Tomlinson?" she asked.

"yeah. I thought I'd change it to my stepdad's name." he said.

"What did your surname used to be?" Harry asked.

"Calder. It's El's surname and since I used to be part of their family... kind of, I used their surname." He replied. I nodded in understanding before Louis began talking again.

"Anyways, Eleanor why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Manchester?" Louis asked.

"Well. My parents split too. After you left, they searched everywhere for you but they couldn't find you. About a year after you ran, they began fighting. Apparently when we were younger, like 2, they had been fighting over whether or not they should tell you about the whole situation. Mum thought they should but dad didn't want to. After you ran, Mum and Dad began fighting again over how they should've told you. It happened for 2 whole years until finally they requested a divorce. At first, I stayed with Dad in Manchester and Mum moved here, to Holmes Chapel but then as I went through puberty, things between Dad and I got tense so I moved here about 1 year ago." She explained.

"If you've been here a year... how come we've never seen you before?" I asked her, still a bit confused and overwhelmed with all the information they were revealing to me.

"The first month I was here, I spent most of it regaining the relationship I had with my mum. After that, she decided to send me to a boarding school and so I went there but then she brought me back here for my final year of school since that boarding school didn't offer it. So I'm enrolled into Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School and I can start on Monday." Eleanor said.

"Hey. That's our school!" Louis said.

"Oh really? Looks like I'll be seeing you on Monday then." Eleanor said, smiling happily at us.

"Eleanor! You done socialising with customers yet?" I heard someone call out.

"Whoops. I should go! It was great meeting you, Harry. Take good care of big brother." She said, hugging me quickly before she turned to Louis.

"It was so good to see you again, Louis. I missed you so much." She said, hugging Louis tightly.

"it was good to see you too, El. You were the person I missed the most after I ran away." He said to her, still hugging her.

"Well I guess I'll see you on Monday. Lou, you should come see mum one day. She really missed you." She said, after breaking away from the hug.

"I might. See you." He said, smiling before joining our hands, taking his glasses and waving bye to Eleanor.

A/N Well there's no cliffhanger!!!! See I'm not that cruel!!! Am I?? :P Anyways, you totally did not expect Eleanor to be Louis' like "sister" did you? In Fading, I made her mean so I decided that this time I'd make Eleanor nice since I don't hate Eleanor as a person. She's probably really nice I just prefer Larry as a ship rather than Elounor. So we have nice Eleanor :D And she's going to be going to school with Larry! WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?!?!

Keep in mind that this is an AU!!!!!! Harry is only about 3 months younger than Louis rather than 3 years. I actually have no idea how much younger than Louis, Eleanor is but in this she is about 6 months and yes that means she's younger than Harry! I know but this is an AU!!! And Troy didn't actually rape Jay! (not that i know of anyways)

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Not much happened but you learnt some very important information about Louis' past :D

Votes and comments much appreciated!!! Thank you :) AND THANK FOR FOR 500 VOTES :D

Rebecca x

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