《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 10


Chapter 10

Harry's POV

"You remember Stan? Well this story is to do with him. It started when I was at his school." Louis began.

"Yeah." I replied. I knew it was about Stan but what did he do? Louis took a deep breath before answering me question.

"He was assigned to be my buddy and show me around the school since I was new. We hit it off instantly and we soon became best friends. We'd gotten closer and closer until we were so close people thought we were dating. We were that close. I guess you could call it a bromance. Stan kept telling everyone that we weren't dating. That we were just friends but no one believed him. We told each other everything. We did everything together. We were pretty much inseparable." He told me.

What happened to turn Stan like that? I thought to myself.

Louis took another breath before continuing quieter than before.

"We were both on the football team in junior years and one day we were both getting changed in the change rooms afterwards. It was just me and him. We were just chatting about whatever like we normally did and then." Louis said. I looked up at his face to see tears streaming down his face slowly. I raised my hand up to his cheek and carefully stroked away the tears.

"You don't have to tell me." I said to him, still gently stroking his cheek. He shook his head before quickly swiping away the tears with the back of his hand before taking a deep breath and continuing.

"And then. He. He grabbed my hand, pulled me to him, lifted up my face to look at him before he leaned down and kissed me. I don't know why he did but he just did. He never told me he was gay or even that he was confused. He just kissed me. When his lips met mine, I stood there shocked before pushing him away. I asked him what was that for and then he snapped. He. He looked at me and his eyes were full of anger. He said to me that I had to quit the football team and if anyone asked, I had to say that I had kissed him and that I was gay when I wasn't! He told me that if I told anyone, he would hurt everyone I loved. The last words he said to me before turning away was I hate faggots. " Louis said, before fully breaking down into tears. I moved to sit next to him and wound my arms around him, pulling him closer to me.


I let him cry into my shirt as I kissed his hair.

"I quit the football team as he told me to do and we were no longer friends. Everyone thought we had just broken up since they thought we were dating but then Stan spread the rumour that I had kissed him and broke up with him. The news spread like wild fire around the whole school until everyone knew. I ended up being ignored and rejected so I begged my parents to let me move schools and so I moved here." He mumbled into my chest.

"The weird thing is... I was so convinced I wasn't gay until I met you." He said to me.

"I'm glad that all that happened." I said into his hair.

"Why?" he asked, his face scrunched up in confusion as he looked up at me.

"Because I would never have met you if it didn't." I said to him. His face twisted into a smile before he removed his face from my shirt and leaned in and kissed me gently.

"That's so cheesy." He said, smiling at me.

"But you love it." I said, winking at him. He laughed and nodded.

"Ok. So what's the next step in becoming popular, Mr Popular?" He asked me. Now it was my turn to scrunch up my face in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well you're trying to make me popular aren't you? So what's the next lesson you have to teach me?" he explained.

"You want to do the makeover thing again?" I asked him.

"Well it'll give me an excuse to spend more time with you." He said.

"And you say I'm the cheesy one." I said to him. He laughed.

"Hmm...Ok How about we skip the rest of school, go to the shops, pick up your glasses and then you can come back to my house." I said to him.

"Already asking me over to your place? While you're working fast, Mr Styles." He said cheekily but stuck his hand out for me to take. I stood up, dusted off the bottom of my jeans and then grabbed his hand, pulling him up with me. He dusted off his pants and then reached down and entwined our fingers.


I felt a chill run down my arm as his hand fit perfectly in mine.

"Let's go back to mine so I can change." Louis said as we walked back to my car.

"Ok. Just tell me where to go." I said, opening the passenger side door of my car for him to get in. We drove to his house, Louis directing me and then when we got there, both got out.

"Um... my parents are home and no offence but I don't think I'm really ready to introduce you to them yet. Sorry." He said to me.

"It's fine, Lou. I'll wait in the car for you." I smiled to him.

"Thanks." He said, quickly kissing me before turning and walking into his house. I turned around to go back to the car not before I heard something.

"BOOBEAR!!! You skipped school?!" I heard someone scream.

"Mum!!! Don't call me that! And yes I did but it was only half of school and it's fine. I'm ahead of everyone anyways!" he whined. I chuckled. Boobear. He was never going to live that one down.

"I'm going out with a friend so I need to get changed." I heard him say.

Finally, I heard the door creak open so I looked up to see Louis come down the stairs. His hair was done in the quiff again with short strands of his golden brown hair slightly loose on the side. He was wearing red jeans that were rolled up slightly at the bottom and showed off his fit legs amazingly. His chest was, unfortunately, covered with a white, blue and red striped T-shirt that was tight against his body which showed off his chest.

"Wow." I said, my jaw dropping.

"Take a photograph. It'll last longer." He said, cheekily.

"Damn it, Louis. What you do to me." I mumbled quietly.

"What did you say?" he asked. I blushed at the thought of him knowing what I just said.

"Erm. Nothing." I replied abruptly. He shrugged before getting into the car again. I quickly got into the car again, turned on the engine and drove off.

"So Boobear." I began saying before being cut off by Louis' groan.

"You heard that?" he asked.

"Yep." I said to him.

"Great. I'm never going to live that one down, am i?" he groaned.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'. By now we were at the shops. We got out, Louis thankfully leaving his book in the car. He's learning well.

We walked into the shops with our hands entwined and walked towards the optometrist.

"Um... here to pick up glasses for Louis Tomlinson?" I asked the girl at the front. She looked up and I watched as she got flustered, her cheeks turning red as she checked out Louis.

I cleared my throat to try and get her attention but she continued staring. She was actually quite pretty. She had long wavy brown hair, was quite skinny and had a petite face. I looked down at her name tag so I could say her name.

"Excuse me. Eleanor?" I said to her. At that, both Louis' and Eleanor's head snapped up.

"Eleanor?" Louis asked, his voice giving off his surprise.

"Louis?" Eleanor asked Louis.

"You two know each other?" I asked them, confused.

A/N Ok... yeah sorry another cliffhanger!!!! You probably all hate me now! I don't think this chapter was very good : But what did you think of this chapter anyways? What do you think of what Stan did to Louis? How do you think Louis and Eleanor know each other? Hope you guys liked this chapter and sorry if you think it sucks because I think it sucks! Votes and comments very much appreciated!!!

Thank you, Rebecca

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