《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 9


A/N Dedicated to @Beauty_And_The_Beat cause she's gonna hate me after this chapter.

Chapter 9

Harry's POV

"Who said it didn't mean anything?" Louis said, resting his forehead against mine. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again speechless.

"What?" I asked him.

"I, Louis William Tomlinson am in love with you, Harry ermmm..." he said.

"Edward Styles." I replied, still in shock.

"I, Louis William Tomlinson, am in love with you, Harry Edward Styles." He whispered to me, his warm breath fanning my face.

"Really?" I asked him my green eyes meeting his gentle blue eyes. He nodded gently, a smile making its way on his face.

"I love you too." I whispered before pulling back and joining our hands. I loved the way my hands enveloped his small hands and how they fit so perfectly in mine.

"Come on, let's go to lunch." I said to him, pulling him along to the cafeteria.

"Wait." Louis said, pulling me back to him and standing on his tip-toes so he could kiss me quickly on the lips then he pulled me gently along to the cafeteria.

"Come on, love." He said. As he said that, a light blush covered my cheeks.

We walked to the cafeteria still holding hands and once we walked in, spotted Zayn. At the same time we spotted him, he spotted us. He smiled and then his eyes trailed down to our joined hands. His eyes lit up and his smile widened before he turned to Liam who was next to him.

"See. Told you it was Zayn." I whispered into Louis' ear. He smiled before pulling me over to them.

"Hi guys!" I said to Liam and Zayn since Niall was probably getting some food.

"We did it! It totally worked!" Zayn said, jumping up and hugging Liam.

"Um... yep. Well one you just gave it away that it was us that left those notes and two you might want to let go because my GIRLFRIEND is shooting daggers at you." Liam said, awkwardly.


"Oh right." Zayn said, quickly removing his arms from around Liam as Danielle came over.

"Hi Dani!" Liam said, hugging her and kissing her before she takes a seat next to him, shooting Zayn another dirty glare.

"HI Li. Hi everyone!" Danielle said before picking up her sandwich and taking a delicate bite of it.

"Hey Dani." Everyone else said. Louis pulled me over to the other side of the table and sat down, tugging my hand to force me to sit next to him.

I took a seat next to him, our hands still joined. I could tell he was pretty nervous still so I ran my thumb over his hands, drawing circles causing a shiver to run through him. Did I really have that effect on him?

"Don't be nervous, love. They love you. Why do you think Zayn and Liam wanted to get us together?" I whispered quietly into his ear.

"Aww you guys are so cute together." Danielle commented causing both of us to turn a dark shade of red.

"Thanks." We both mumbled quietly.

"You haven't even been together long and you're already in sync!!" Dani squealed. I smiled a little before I looked at Zayn who was silent. He was staring at something or should I say someone. I followed his eyes to see where he was looking. Perrie. No surprise there.

"Just go ask her out." I said to him.

"But what if she doesn't like me?" he whined in response.

"She'd be stupid not to." I said to him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yep. Go get her." I told him. He nodded before getting up and walking over to the purple-haired girl. I could see his mouth moving and a few nervous gestures and then finally she smiled and nodded. What did I say?

"She said yes!!!" he said jumping up and down excitedly.

"See what did I tell you?" I said to him.

"Oh my gosh! LARRY IS FINALLY TOGETHER!!?!?!?" I heard a familiar Irish squeal from behind us. I turned around to see Niall jumping up and down excitedly, the food on his plate nearly slipping off.


"Larry?" Louis said, still holding my hand.

"You and Harry! Duh!" he replied.

"Um. Yeah we are together." I said, smiling at Louis.

"So?? How did it happen?" Niall asked, eagerly sitting down on my other side.

"So basically Liam and Zayn decided it would be fun to slip love letters into our lockers to try and get us together. " I explained.

"What?" Niall asked. The look on his face was one of shock. But why?

"Liam and Zay-" I began again.

"Why would you do that?" Niall asked, no longer looking at me and Louis but rather staring with an expression of hurt at Liam and Zayn. Why would they do what?

"Why would you go behind my back and try to get them together when you knew how much I wanted them to be together?" Niall asked them.

"We wanted it to stay secret and no offence, Ni but you're awful at lying." Liam said as nicely as he could.

"We're sorry." Zayn apologised on behalf of him and Liam.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me. We tell each other everything." Niall complained.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked as Niall got up from the table.

"Away. I need to be alone." Niall said before turning and walking away.

"Sorry, mates. We didn't know that you hadn't told him and that he'd react like that." Louis apologised.

"It's alright. You weren't to know. Let's just leave him to calm down a bit and then we'll talk to him." Liam said.

"Sorry once again." Louis apologised.

"Louis, mate it's fine!" Zayn said to him.

"Sorry." He said again. I chuckled at his adorableness and just at that moment, the bell rang.

"Come on! We've both got music." I said to Louis, getting up and attempting to pull him up too.

"I don't want to go." Louis whined, remaining seated on the bench.

"Come on, Louis!!!" I tried again.

"Nope. I'll only come if you give me a kiss." He said, pouting.

"Easy." I said, before leaning down and meeting his lips with mine. We were interrupted by a small squeal from Danielle which caused us to break apart.

"Ok, Lazy Bum. Get up!" I said to him.

"I'm not Lazy Bum! I have a gorgeous bum thank you very much." Louis said, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Ok. Get up, gorgeous bum!" I said to him, rolling my eyes.

"Ok." He said smiling before getting up off the seat. He grabbed his bag and then walked alongside me, his hand still in mine.

"Louis. Why couldn't you do the makeover?" I asked him, curious. At that, his hand tensed up.

"Um..." he replied, stiffly.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said to him.

"No. I want to tell you. It's just that by telling you, I'll hurt everyone I love, including you." He said, looking down at his feet.

"Well then tell me and I'll make sure no one gets hurt, ok? And I won't tell anyone." I said.

"You promise?" he asked me.

"I can't promise anything but I will try my hardest to." I said, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"Ok. Thanks, Haz." He said. "Can we go to somewhere private?" he asked. I nodded and pulled him over to the field where nobody was.

"We can skip music. Don't worry." I said to him. He nodded and then took a deep breath before beginning.

"You remember Stan? Well this story is to do with him. It started when I was at his school." Louis began.

A/N ok yeah I know I'm pretty awful but I love cliffhangers :D Well I love writing cliffhangers... not reading them... But anyways, what do you think happened to Louis? What do you think of this chapter? Votes and comment very much appreciated. Thank you :D


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