《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 8


Chapter 8

Harry's POV

It was two days after Louis had sung Apologise for his music performance. My mind had been puzzling over that for these past days. What did he mean by that?

I quickly walked over to my locker, turned the pad lock to unlock and then opened it. A clean cut, white piece of paper was settled on the top of my maths textbook. I picked it up and looked at it.

Roses are red, Violets are blue.

Your name is Harry.

And I love you.

I stared at the piece of paper confused before I turned it over looking for a name. Who sent me this message? I couldn't recognise the handwriting so it couldn't be one of my friends pranking me. So who was it?

"Harry! You're going to burn the paper if you keep staring at it like that." I heard Niall say. I blinked rapidly before looking up at him.

"Hey Niall." I mumbled.

"Hey. What's that?" He asked, pointing at the piece of paper in my hands.

"Nothing." I said, hurriedly putting it into my pocket and grabbing my maths textbook out of my locker.

"I've got to go." I said, scurrying away from Niall's confused glances.

Once I'd gotten safely to maths I took out the piece of paper again and looked at it. From the looks of the handwriting, it looked like more of a boy's handwriting. Who was it?

Louis' POV

I quickly ran to my locker at break, grabbing my chemistry books. As I did, a white piece of paper fluttered down and landed on my shoe. I leaned down and picked up the piece of paper but just at that moment, the bell for the next period rang. I stuffed the paper into my pocket and ran off to class. Once I'd sat down, I took the paper out of my pocket and looked at it.

Roses are red, Violets are blue.

Your name is Louis

And I love you.

What the hell? There was no name at the bottom of the paper or at the back of it and the handwriting didn't seem familiar so it couldn't be Harry... unfortunately. No Louis. You don't like Harry. Remember?


"Louis Tomlinson!" Miss Loart hollered.

"Oh here miss!" I said, sticking my hand up.

"About time. I've called you five times already!" she spat out.

"Sorry, miss." I apologised to her. For the whole lesson, I carefully examined the message. Who was it from? And why would someone love me? It had to be a prank. No one would love me.

Once the bell rang, I quickly grabbed my books and bag and walked out. I looked down at the paper in my hand while I continued walking towards my locker.

"Ooph!" I said, as I ran smack bam into someone's chest. I looked up to see the familiar emerald green eyes. A familiar white piece of paper flew out of his hands and fluttered to the ground. I leaned down and picked it up.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. Your name is Harry and I love you." I read from it.

"It's nothing." He said, snatching it from my hands and turning around to leave.

"Wait! Roses are red, violets are blue. Your name is Louis and I love you." I read from my slip of paper. He turned back around and looked down at the slip of paper in my hands.

"You got one too?" he asked, gesturing at the piece of paper. I nodded.

"Do you know who's it from?" I asked him. He shook his head, his curls flying around his face but then stopped.

"Zayn..." he muttered, just loud enough for me to hear him.

"What?" I asked him. "Zayn? Why would he do this?"

"Um... No reason. It's just something he'd do." He said, quite rushed.

"Harry. I can tell you're lying. You're not exactly very convincing." I told him. He blushed, looking down at his feet.

"What happened, Harry? Why is Zayn sending us love letters?" I asked him.

"Um...I can't tell you." He replied, his face red as a tomato.

"Why?" I asked him. What is so bad he can't tell me.


"Sorry. I just can't." he replied.

Harry's POV

"Do you know who's it from?" he asked me. I shook my head but then thought again. Louis and I both got messages. I had just told Zayn that I was 'louis-sexual'.

"Zayn..." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" he asked. "Zayn? Why would he do this?" he asked me. Oh great. Now I'll have to tell Louis all about the conversation we had. Wait. No I can't tell him! What was I even thinking? What am I supposed to say. Oh he was doing it because he thinks I'm 'Louis-sexual' and I'm in love with you and I actually am? Yeah that's going to turn out well.

"Um... No reason. It's just something he'd do." I said, rushing through the words.

"Harry. I can tell you're lying. You're not exactly very convincing." He told me. Damn it. I felt my face heat up as a blush spread over my face.

"What happened, Harry? Why is Zayn sending us love letters?" he asked.

"Um...I can't tell you." I replied, my face still so hot you could fry an egg on it.

"Why?" he asked. Because I'm in love with you but I can't tell you that.

"Sorry. I just can't." I replied, before turning and attempting to run away but Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. His arms were wound around my body holding me close to him and his blue eyes were staring into my own eyes.

"Why did he do this?" he asked again, still looking into my arms.

"Because of this." I said, leaning down and meeting my lips with his. At first his lips stayed still but after a second they moved against mine, fitting with my lips perfectly. It was just as amazing as the first kiss if not better.

Once we broke apart, i quickly looked down at my feet not wanting to see the hatred towards me in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, trying to step out of his arms and run away.

"What are you sorry for?" Louis asked me.

"For kissing you. For liking you. For falling in love with you." I said before I could stop myself. People were giving us weird stares as they walked past us but we both ignored them.

"You're in love with me?" he asked.

"No I just kissed you." I replied sarcastically. "Of course I'm in love with you! I have been since that day I began to give you a makeover. And it wasn't just because of the way you look because I think you look perfect now too but it was because of your personality, your laugh, your eyes, your sassiness, your cute nervousness and everything else about you." I said, pouring my heart out into the speech.

Louis just stood there speechless.

"I'm sorry, Louis." I said, turning away to walk away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" he asked.

"Away. I don't want to embarrass myself anymore than I already have." I said to him.

"What? Harry come back here!" he said, pulling me back to him. This time he was the one to initiate the kiss and once again I was blown away by the perfectness of the kiss.

"Don't kiss me when it doesn't mean anything." I said to him.

"Who said it didn't mean anything?"

A/N Here's Chapter 8. I actually think this is quite sucky and a bit rushed but I hope you guys liked it anyways! LARRY FINALLY GOT TOGETHER :D YAY!! CELEBRATION! Now what's going to happen? What did you guys think of this chapter? Votes and Comments much appreciated!



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