《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 7


Chapter 7

Harry's POV

Louis was back at school. Everyone knew it. But he wasn't hot nerd, Louis. He was nerdy, geeky Louis again. His hair was back down to his old windswept brown hair instead of the quiff. He was wearing his shirt tucked into his baggy jeans, his giant glasses were covering his face and his face was buried in a thick book.

He was no longer popular, ladies' man Louis but instead he was the insignificant boring nerd that nobody knew. He was right. Everyone liked him because of his appearance. Not because it was him but because he was hot and sexy.

What happened to Louis? Me. That's what happened. If it wasn't for that stupid dare I wouldn't have talked to Louis. If it wasn't for that stupid dare I wouldn't have tried to turn him into something else. If it wasn't for that stupid dare, he wouldn't have gone back to this.

"Harry?" Zayn asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I snapped at him. I could see him flinch a bit from my rudeness.

"Come on. You have to do something. The only thing you've been doing for the whole week is sulk." Zayn said. Yep it's been a week since Louis walked away from me and the makeover.

"I know you miss him but you're not going to get him back by sitting here sulking." Zayn said.

"You make it sound like we were dating." I said to him. I wish... Wait what? Where did that come from? Why would I want to date him?

"You sure acted like you were." I heard him mutter.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Oh nothing." He insisted.

"I know what you said, Zayn." I told him.

"Then why did you ask what I said?" he asked.

"No that "What" was an exclamation not a question." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Oh... OH!" Zayn said, finally getting what I meant.

"But anyways, what did you mean by we act like we're dating? Cause we are definitely not dating." I told him.

"Oh I know you're not dating. But the couple of times you and him were around me, you acted so coupley if that's what you want to call it." He explained.

"What? Coupley?! We're not even gay!" I exclaimed too loudly. A few people looked at me confused, some even shooting me dirty looks but I shot them as dirty look back. Guess Louis' sassiness was rubbing off onto me.

"Have you ever thought you might be.... Louis-sexual?" Zayn asked me.

"What? I don't like Louis!" I insisted.

"Thanks, Harry. Thanks a lot." I turned around to see Louis looking at me. I could see hurt in his eyes but the rest of his face was stone cold showing no expression at all.

"It's not what it sounds like." I told him, quietly, staring down at the ground in embarrassment.

"Well then what is it?" he asked me, his voice hostile and unfriendly. I opened my mouth to say something but what was I supposed to say? Zayn was saying that I'm in love with you but I told him I don't when I actually do? Wait what? No I'm not in love with Louis Tomlinson.

"Exactly." He said when I'd not said anything before he walked off.

"Wait Louis! I'm sorry." I cried but he didn't turn back.

"Zayn! What did you do that for?!" I asked him, slapping him harshly on the arm.


"All I did was suggest that you might be Louis-sexual!!!!" he insisted.

"Yeah but now Louis thinks I hate him when it's actually the exact opposite." C*** what did I just say?

"Wait. Did you just say that quote now Louis thinks I hate him when it's actually the exact opposite unquote?" Zayn asked me, his brown eyes wide in shock.

"No! Of course not!" I said to him.

"I'm not deaf, Haz. I heard what I heard. You just admitted you love Louis Tomlinson!" Zayn said.

"SHH!!!!!" I hissed at him.

"Sorry." He said.

"I can't love him. I've only known him for like a week!" I told him.

"Ever heard of something called Love at First Sight?" he asked me, lifting an eyebrow at me.

"I don't believe in that. How can you fall in love with someone you don't even know?" I asked him.

"Love can do amazing things." He said.

"Damn you and your stupid deep quotes." I told him. "Anyways, I got to head." I sighed before grabbing my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder, waving bye to Zayn and heading off to my music class.

What did Zayn mean? Did I really love Louis? No I couldn't! Love at first sight doesn't exist and I hardly know Louis! How the hell can I be in love with him!? The answer is I'm not in love with him. Right?

"Come on skinny love just last the year. Pour a little salt we were never here. My my my - my my my - my my my my - my my ... Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer." Who was that? I could hear them playing the piano while singing and I swear they had the voice of an angel.

I leaned against the door of the music room, my ear pressed against the door, searching for more of the amazing voice.

"I tell my love to wreck it all, Cut out all the ropes and let me fall, My my my, my my my, my-my my-my... Right in the moment this order's tall." They continued singing. The amount of emotion they put in the song amazed me. I could tell they were crying with the gentle voice cracking throughout. The words of the song were obviously genuine for them and meant heaps.

All of a sudden the door was wrenched open and I ended up with my face in someone's chest. I looked up and of course... just my luck. It's Louis Tomlinson.

"What were you doing, Styles." I flinched at the harsh use of my surname.

"I was erm... listening to you." I told him, honestly.

"Well thanks for stating the obvious, Captain Obvious. Hasn't your mum ever told you that it's rude to eavesdrop?" Louis said sarcastically to me.

"I'm sorry." I mumble quietly, not meeting his eyes but rather staring at the soft red fabric that clung to his chest.

"You have an amazing voice." I said, just as quietly, still not meeting his eyes, afraid that if I looked, I'd just drown in them. Wait what?

"Stop staring at my chest." He stated. Finally I looked up at him. I looked at his face. Tear trails ran down his cheeks and his eyes were red. A clear indication that he had definitely been crying.

I think he could tell I was looking at him because he cleared his throat, awkwardly. Just then, I realized he was still holding me. His hands were around my biceps holding them firmly so I didn't fall onto him completely and it felt nice. I swear I'm going crazy.


I think he realized the same time I did because he pulled me up and then dropped his hands to his sides and began scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Thanks and sorry." I said to him. My arms now felt cold where his hands were before and I couldn't help but shiver a little bit.

"Um... right." He mumbled quietly.

"I've got class in here now." I said to him.

"Oh right." He said, moving aside so I could get in and take my usual seat at the back of the classroom. He then took his seat at the front of the classroom. When everyone had come in I watched Louis intently. The way he chewed the top of his pen gently while listening to the teacher, the way he'd casually flick his hair out of his face and the way his eyes scurried across what was written on the board.

For some reason, it was just all the little things about him that drew me to him, that made me want to know more about him.

"Hey, Haz." Niall hissed at me. Niall was in this class with me.

"What?" I whispered back at him, my eyes still glued on Louis.

"You're drooling." He said. My hand flicked quickly up to my face to feel for any drool and when I felt none, I glared at him before turning back to Louis.

"Mr. Styles, would you like to come up first?" Mr. Telis asked.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

"Your own choice assignment?" he asked me. Oh c*** forgot about that.

"Um yeah ok." I said nervously.

"I'm going to sing The Scientist by Coldplay." I said before singing.

"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry. You don't know how lovely you are. I had to find you, tell you I need you, tell you I set you apart." I sang, for some reason looking straight at Louis. His blue eyes met my green ones, piercing through them as I continued singing... straight to him.

When I was finished, I quickly looked down, my cheeks turning a dark red as I headed back to my seat.

"Nice work, mate. Any reason you were looking at Louis the whole time you were singing?" Niall asked cheekily.

"Erm... no of course not." I told him.

"Yeah sure. Keep telling yourself that mate." He replied.

"Mr. Tomlinson, would you like to go next?" Mr. Telis asked.

"Ok." He said before getting up and heading over to the piano.

"I'm going to sing Apologise by One Republic." He said before beginning to play.

"You tell me that you're sorry. Didn't think I'd turn around and say, that it's too late to apologize, it's too late. I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late." He sang. His eyes were glued on the keys he was playing. Was this meant for me? Was he saying that it was too late for me to apologise? But why was he so upset over this? He was the one that left me in the first place!

I snapped out of my thoughts as the class erupted into a round of applause and Louis went back to his seat.

"Thank you, Louis. That was wonderful." Mr Telis commented. Yes. Wonderful but confusing.

Zayn's POV (oo la la :D haha)

I could tell Harry liked Louis at least a tiny bit but a spark starts a fire! It was obvious, the way he'd always get carried away talking about Louis or the way I'd catch him staring at Louis whenever he saw him. Just simple things like that but those were all the things that told me he liked Louis. I mean, I would know because those were the exact same things I did for Perrie. I'd always get carried away talking about how fit and amazing she was or one of the lads would catch me staring at her whenever she walked near us. I knew that I was in love with her but I couldn't do anything about it because there was no way she'd like me.

Anyways, I did it again. Got carried away talking about Perrie. Back to Harry and Louis. Yes so Harry obviously liked Louis at least a tiny bit. No matter how much he denied it, I knew the truth. Muahahaha.

Once Harry had left to go to class, I quickly ran to find Liam. Both of us had free periods while Louis, Harry and Niall had music.

"Li Li!" I called, racing up to him as I saw him sitting in the middle of the field, kicking a ball while listening to some music.

"Zayn! Don't call me that." He groaned, still kicking the ball into the air. "What do you want?" he asked.

"We need to come up with a plan." I told him.

"A plan for what?" he asked, his eyes fixated on the ball.

"To get Louis and Harry together, duh!" I said and that was when he finally stopped kicking the ball.

"What?" he asked.

"We need to come up with a plan to get Louis and Harry together! Or at least as friends! Come on! Don't tell me you haven't noticed the way they act around each other!" I said to him, dumping my back pack next to his on the grass and sitting down.

"Hm... they do act quite coupley... just without the kissing and stuff." He said.

"Exactly what I said! Now come on. We need to come up with a plan." I said to him.

"What kind of plan?" I asked.

"I don't know. We could do seven minutes in heaven and make them kiss and confess their feelings for each other." I suggested.

"And I thought Niall was the child." He mumbled.

"Oi!" I said, flicking Liam's arm.

"Ow." He complained, rubbing his arm. "How about we.... Hmm... OH! I got it. How about we set them up on a date? Like we post messages in both of their lockers that leads them to a special place where we have a date set up for them?" he suggested.

"Oh my gosh that is genius!" I exclaimed to him.

"Why thank you, Mr. Malik." He said, taking a quick bow. I rolled my eyes at him before he continued.

"But we can't tell Niall. He sucks so badly at lying ok?" he said. That was true. Niall was horrible at lying and keeping secrets. You could only tell Niall a secret if you didn't want it to be a secret cause he'd share it so quickly or he'd make it really obvious he was lying.

"Yep. No telling Niall." I agreed. "Ok Let's do this poo!"

"That's Harry's saying!" Liam exclaimed.

"Whatever. Let's get to work." I said.

A/N Well this is Chapter 7! I'm actually quite proud of this chapter because it's actually quite long :D yay!!!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter! What do you think of Liam and Zayn's plan? Do you think it will work? Votes and comments much appreciated! Thank you :D And thank you so much for reading!!!!

Rebecca :)

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