《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 6


Chapter 6

Harry's POV

"W-w-what are you doing here.... Stan?" I heard him repeat. Stan glanced at me and then back at Louis. He walked over to Louis and leaned into him. I could see Louis move slightly away from him.

"Oi. What are you doing?" I asked him, touching his shoulder to push him away from Louis. He shrugged his shoulder roughly tossing my hand off him.

"I'm talking to him. Mind your own business." He said sharply, spitting in my face causing me to recoil back.

He leaned closer to Louis and whispered something in his ear. I managed to catch the words "told" and "yet". Told... was he not supposed to tell someone something?

I watched as Louis gulped and shook his head in fear.

"Good. Keep it that way, faggot." Stan said, pointing accusingly at Louis before turning away and walking off.

"What was that about, Louis?" I asked him after Stan was well out of range.

"Don't, Harry. Please don't." he muttered before sighing and turning around and heading off.

"Wait! Lou! Where are you going? I'll drive you home." I said, chasing after him. I caught his arm but he shrugged it off and continued walking off.

"Louis, please. Just let me at least drive you home." I pleaded, running after him.

"He must really love him if he's chasing after him so desperately." I heard someone say. What? I'm not in love with Louis. Heck, I don't even love him.

"Louis! Come on. You can't walk all the way home." I insisted.

"Yes I can and I'm going to." He said, stalking off again. "Bye, Harry."

Louis' POV - the next day

I felt awful walking away from Harry like that but I had to. It was just something about him. He made me want to open up and spill everything about my stupid life. But I couldn't or else I'll hurt everyone I know including Harry. That's why I had to do what I was doing.


I took a deep breath and walked over to where Harry and his friends were sitting. We had had different classes beforehand so he had said he'd meet me where his friends and him sat.

"Harry? Can I talk to you please? In private." He turned around and nodded, getting up and following me away from his friends. I took another deep breath, played with the hem of my shirt before opening my mouth to say something.

"I can't do this anymore, Harry." I said to him.

"Do what?" Harry asked me.

"This whole makeover thing. I'm sorry. I just can't handle it." I said to him. I watched as his expression changed from one of sadness to one of laughter.

"Nice joke, Louis. Actually thought you were being serious for a bit." He said to me.

"I'm not joking, Harry. I'm being serious. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore." I told him.

"What? Why?" he asked me. His voice was full of hurt and distress. .

"I just can't handle it." I said to him .

"Louis. Please don't do this." He said. I looked up at him and all I could see was hurt in his eyes.

Harry's POV (Sorry for the POV changing)

"I can't do this anymore, Harry." He said.

"Do what?" I asked him confused.

"This whole makeover thing. I'm sorry. I just can't handle it." He explained. What? No he can't be serious. Oh this must be a joke. I laughed gently.

"Nice joke, Louis. Actually thought you were being serious for a bit." I told him hoping that it was actually a joke but his face remained hard and serious.

"I'm not joking, Harry. I'm being serious. I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore." He said. No this can't be happening.


"What? Why?" I asked him. Why was he just giving up like this?

"I just can't handle it." He replied. Handle what? Was being popular that hard?

"Louis. Please don't do this." I said. Why am I getting so sad over this? Maybe it's just that the last couple of days I've spent with him have probably been the best couple of days I've had in my entire life. The ease of conversation with him and the comfortable silences. Even the kiss.

"I'm sorry, Harry." He said before turning around.

"Wait! What did I do wrong?" I asked him.

"It's not you, it's me." He said.

"Are you serious? You're using that stupid break up line on me!?? We're not even breaking up!" I said, furious.

"Just leave it, Harry. You made a promise that as soon as I wanted out that you'll let me go back to my own life and not interfere. Remember that?" he asked me. I nodded, taking a step away from him.

"I'm sorry, Harry." He said again before turning around again and leaving. And this time I let him leave. There was nothing I could do.

A/N So here's Chapter 6! Hope it's ok and that everything's not too rushed! Hope you liked it! Sorry if I made any of you cry : Votes and comments much appreciated! Thank you! Oh Another thing! If you haven't realised yet, Louis and Harry are the same age. Louis' just a bit older! Anyways, thank you :D

Rebecca :D

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