《Beauty and The Geek (Larry Stylinson AU)》Chapter 5


Chapter 5

Harry's POV

Throughout all of biology, the only thing I could think about was Louis. I couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying about evolution and natural selection and Charles Darwin. All I could think about was Louis. Louis' butt in those jeans, Louis' smile, Louis' hair, just everything about Louis. I don't even know why my imagination was plagued with thoughts about Louis... it just was.

Liam kept having to wave his hand in my face and slap me to snap me out of my daydreaming and thinking about Louis.

Finally though, I could get out of biology and head to pick up Louis. I found my car in the car park and drove over to where he was beforehand.

"Hey Lou." I said to him as I chucked the useless stuff into the back seat of the car so he could sit in the front passenger's seat. He looked up from his book and waved to me before shoving his book into his backpack and getting into the car.

It was silent for a while until Louis started talking.

"Harry... how are you paying for all this? You really don't have to. I can pay for it!" he asked.

"No. I'm the one that wanted to give you the makeover so I'm paying. Don't worry about where I'm getting the money from... just know that it is legit money." I told him, keeping my eyes focussed on the road. He sighed and turned to look out the side window. Once we got to the shops, we got out, Louis thankfully leaving his book in the car, and walked into the shops.

I quickly pulled Louis over to the optometrist and then walked around to look at the range of glasses. I picked a few pairs and then moved Louis over to the mirror so he could try them on.


He sighed but put the first pair of glasses on. None of them seemed right until he put the last pair on. It had rectangular lenses and thick black frames. It was perfect. It showed off his blue eyes amazingly, causing them to pop out and seem bigger which gave him this cute look. It also suited his facial features well too.

"These ones. They're perfect." I told him causing him to blush and look down. He pulled off the glasses and we gave them to the optometrist so that she could send them to the manufacturer to put lenses for Louis' prescription into them.

"These are perfect for you. They'll look great. You can come pick them up in a week. If they're in earlier I'll call you." She said to us.

"Here's your receipt." She said, handing me the receipt. I looked down the bottom of it to see it had a number scrawled on it.

"Go along with this." I whispered into Louis' ear before putting my arm around his waist and bringing him closer to me.

"Nuh. I'm good. I have a boyfriend." I said, turning Louis' face towards me and leaning down and kissing him gently on the lips. Our lips moved together gently while his arms moved to pull me closer by the neck. For some reason, the kiss seemed perfect. Even though I've kissed other people before, this kiss seemed to shine over all of the others. The way his hands played with the curls at the back of my neck, the way his lips fit perfectly with mine and the way his soft lips felt against mine. It was like magic.

Finally, we broke apart as the optometrist coughed awkwardly at us. I looked at Louis who was looking down at his feet, his face scarlet red and his lips swollen.


I then looked down at her hand to see her still clutching the receipt. I gently pushed her hand back, linked my hand with Louis' again and walked out.

Once we were out, I looked at Louis to see him shocked, looking back at the girl. I followed his line of sight to see the girl glaring daggers at me.

"Why did you do that?" he said to me, still shocked.

"Don't really know.... I just didn't like her. It just seemed right at the time. I'm sorry." I told him, honestly. "Let's just go." I told him, pulling him by his arm.

All of a sudden I could feel Louis' entire body freeze up.

"Are you ok, Lou?" I asked him, concerned. He just continued staring at something.

"Well if it isn't the faggot Louis." Someone snarled.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"To teach the faggot here a lesson." He spat. I looked at Louis to see him scared.

"Who are you?" I asked him while at the same time Louis spoke up.

"W-w-what are you doing here.... Stan?" he said. Stan... who's Stan? What did he do to Louis? And why was he calling Louis a faggot?

A/N well there's Chapter 5! Not the best chapter but hope you guys liked it!! What do you guys think Stan did to Louis?! Sorry again about the short chapters! What did you think about the Larry kiss? Anyways, votes and comments much appreciated!

Thank you :D

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