《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Time Heals All Wounds


Alexa's POV

After hearing everyone's pleadings for me to fight and to wake up was killing. I could hear everything but I wasn't able to move. I remember Nick telling he loved me he would leave everything and work things out with the baby. It hurt me that he was hurting and in the position he was in, but he put himself there. I know I will always love him, because he showed his true love by saving me. My wolf was happy and content she was able to relax and savor some energy. At the end of all it all Nick will regret his decision if he chose to leave Hannah and the baby breaking her heart. It wouldn't work with us and it kills me enough to know someone else is carrying my mates baby. I could never raise a baby that wasn’t mines and my mate. It would feel so wrong.

My wolf whimpered weakly 'We have to let him go...' I whispered in my head. Then I thought of my sister who is now carrying a pup of her own... I'm going to be an aunt. Even though she’s a little young to be a mother I know with Mason by her side she'll be fine. Then there was my Nate hearing him beg for me to wake up broke my heart. Why would he think I would never want him is beyond me. Then Jonah and Valerie showing up here. Jonah must have told her I was on my deathbed to get Valerie to come on pack land she hates packs with a passion. I needed to get up. Plus these tubes are driving me crazy. I tried opening my eyes with the bright light I quickly closed them. Who ever was holding my hand I gave a light squeeze.

"Oh my... Did you see that?... I think she just squeezed my hand" Jonah yelled Valerie signed

"Jonah now is not the time for your games" she said in a firm tone. I wanted to laugh but I was afraid with this tube down my throat.

"Do it again Lex... Squeeze my hand" Jonah said excitedly. It took a lot out of me but I squeezed his hand once more. I heard yells of excitement. "Get the doctor Lia" Valerie said.

"Alright guys use have to step out until I'm done checking on my patient" I assume that was the doctor. I heard footsteps fading away. "We love you Lex we'll be right out here" Jonah said.

"Okay sweetie I'm Dr. Mary I'm going to check your vitals and blood pressure once everything looks good I'll have one of the nurses remove the tubes" I tried to nodded but I wasn't sure if I did. After the all clear from Dr. Mary she called for a nurse Ivy to come in. "Okay Ivy here is going to remove the tubes once she's done I will dim the lights so your eyes can adjust" she said patting my legs.

"Hello Alexa I'm Ivy I'll be taking out the intubation tube from your mouth. You will feel a little discomfort but once it's out your muscles with contract back to normal" she said.

Once that horrible thing was out of my mouth. My throat was extremely sore. I was given ice chips until I was able to swallow normally. The lights were dim I was able to open my eyes. I saw a women looking at the charts. "Welcome back Alexa your a very popular patient, you have my whole waiting area full" she smiled I smiled back. "So who do you want to see first?" She questioned. I needed to see one person right now so that we can clear the air. "I want to see Hannah" I said in a whisper. Mary's eye grow as large a saucers something told me she knew about my lovely mate. "Are you sure that's who you want... I don't remember seeing her here" she said and maybe she was right but she's the one I need to talk to.


'Hannah if you can hear me I would like to talk with you... I won't see anyone else until we talk' I said through mind-link.

'I'll be right there I'm not too far'

"I will see what I can do I'll be right back" Dr. Mary said. She turned and walked out the room.

Hannah's POV

After walking out the hospital I wanted to break down. It hurt so bad to have the man you love want someone else more than you. No matter how much I try I will never level up to the love he has for his mate. I can't even be mad at her because if I was in her position I would be fighting tooth and nail for my mate. If I could walk away I would but I can't... I'm carrying his child. It's not fair to the baby. Nick even missed the appointment to find out what we were having when the doctor told me we were having a boy I was so happy to share the news with him but he never seems to be around anymore.

I sat in the car looking at the pack hospital in just a few short months it will be me in there but will I have Nick by my side... Or will I be alone.

'Hannah if you can hear me I would like to talk with you... I won't see anyone else until we talk' I froze as Alexa voice echoed in my head. Why would she want to see me? “We'll Han there's only one way to find out” I said to myself. I took a deep breath and got out the car. 'I'll be right there I'm not too far' I linked backed to her. As I made my way pass the doors I saw as Mary telling everyone that Alexa's asking for someone. I watched as Nick stood up. It hurt to see that, it really did. Nate had stood as well. They both towered over Mary.

"She's asking for Hannah" Mary said looking at Nick. He looked confused. "Hannah? Are you sure that's what she said Mary?" He questioned as Mary nodded. "Yes Alpha she specifically asked for Hannah" she said putting her arms behind her back. "Hannah isn't here" Nick said. It was time to show myself. "I'm right here" I said as everyone turned to look at me. I could feel Nick's eyes on me but I didn't pay him any attention. I made my way towards Mary. "Lead the way" I said she nodded and I followed behind her.

When I walked and Alexa looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back for some reason she makes me feel small like I'm beneath her. "I'm happy you came... I think us girls have a lot to talk about. There are things I need to get off my chest and I'm sure there are things you have to say to me" she said in a whisper she smiled. "Don't mind my whispering my throats a little sore still, but I'm okay to talk" she said putting ice chips in her mouth.

I sat on a chair beside her bed. "So you go first" I suggested. "First I want to tell you that I'm not angry with you... Upset maybe because of the situation you put yourself in without thinking of the consequence. The way I had to find out about Nick was the worst. I think any wolf would agree. I know what it's like to wait for your mate and think... Damn maybe I'll never find him. Trust me I thought of it all the time. When I met Nate my thoughts changed and I fell in love with him, so I know that’s how it was for you and Nick. Nate and I both discussed our mates and if they showed up we would be with them, but we’d stay together in the meantime, he knew not to mark me because I wasn’t his to mark. Nick on the other hand choose to mark you without thinking twice about his mate. I want you to know that I will always love Nick he is my true mate and if I wanted too I could take him, but I’m not a bitch. I see no point in fighting over someone who made his choice on who he wanted his mate to be. Also the baby who is innocent in all of this deserves both parents" I listened to every word she said and I couldn't deny anything she was right.


"Alexa" I shook my head and chuckled. "You have got to be the strongest woman I've ever met. I couldn't imagine being in your place it would kill me. I thank you for not getting in the way. I know it took some great will. I just don't think Nick's going to give up on you that easy he is a stubborn Alpha" I said with tears rolling down my face. "I'm sorry that I ruined everything for you and your right I didn't care about his mate because I was selfish I wanted him all to myself. You need to know before you make the decision to give him up. He didn't want to mark me... He did want to wait but I persuaded him everyday. Until he finally gave in. So don't fault him completely" I sobbed.


I looked up at her as she reached for my hand. She squeezed it tightly. "What happened in the past is in the past for a reason. We are moving forward and the baby is a big part in this. Nick has to man up and take responsibility for his actions and I will be talking to him I want him to have closure." she said as a single tear rolled down her face. I got up and wrapped my arms around her and she did the same we both cried but for two different reason. It was bitter sweet. I pulled away we both wiped our tears away. "Thank you" I said to her she nodded with a smile. "Can you send Nick in and tell everyone to go home and get some rest except Nate" she asked. "I will" I said walking out the into the waiting area all eyes were on me.

"She's doing well, and she asked for everyone to go home and get some rest except Nate" I said everyone nodded Nate stayed sitting with his chin resting on his hands. I looked at Nick who was confused at what went on between me and Alexa. He went to reach out for me but I stepped back. I needed him to do this, he had to be sure the baby and I were it for him. “Nick she's asking to see you" He stilled for a moment not knowing if he should go. I nodded giving him the okay.

Alexa's POV

I was extremely nervous this was happening. I was letting my mate go completely, and deep it was going to hurt, but this was for the best. I knew he was right outside the door because my wolf howled to have him close by. I know this was going to shatter her, but I will help her get through this. He finally walked through the door. He looked at me and smiled. God damn he was gorgeous there wasn't a single flaw on him except maybe his judgement.

"Hi" I said.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked in a low tone making his way towards me. He sat beside me on the bed. I could feel the sparks between us. He grabbed my hand and I gasp. I looked up into his eyes which were looking at me hungrily. I swallowed this was going to be harder than I thought.

"Nick... I heard everything you said to me while I was in a coma" I said he looked down at our hands and nodded. "Tell me something... Do you love Hannah?" I questioned. He turned his head back and looked at me. "Yes I do... But I also love you and that love is way stronger Alexa. When I thought you were going to die it killed me. Made me think of all the wrong I've done and how I need to make it right" he said.

"Nick, words cannot begin to express how thankful I am that you were there for me when I needed you... But that doesn't change the future for us Nick. The family you've always wanted is right outside that door. It's not with me" I whispered looking away from him. "Alexa I know I made a mistake believe me I know, but I can still take care of the baby and be with you" he said I looked back at him as his eyes began to water. It hurt me to do this but I had to be strong. "What example are you setting Nick! Your an Alpha your pack leader they look up to you. The baby needs both his parents and with me out of the way things will go as they would of if you never met me" I said in a firm tone. He got up from the bed running his fingers through his hair.

"No! Things won't go back the way they were because I met you! Nothing is going to change what's in my heart... I don't care about what the pack thinks because at the end of the day I'm the Alpha" I flinched as he yelled. He notice my reaction and took a breath to calm himself.

"We're never going to be Nick. I'm not going to break the family you work so hard to have and I most definitely am not raising someone else's baby!" I yelled as my throat burned. I took a deep breath as I watched him look away from me as he stared out the window.

"Let me go Nick... Please?" I begged.

"What about Nate? Huh? He choose his mate over you and he's the reason you’re in this situation." he growled I froze my heart sunk to the pit of my stomach. Nate found his mate? I shook my head why was he telling me this. "Why are you doing this? We're not talking about Nate right now and if Nate did find his mate I would let him go just as I'm doing with you" I said in a harsh tone he flinch as if I'd slapped him.

"So this is what you want then?" I wanted to yell no everything inside me was screaming to say no. "Yes" I whispered. He nodded he walked away from the window towards me once more. He brought his face inches away from mine. I could feel his breath tickling my lips. "Nick..." I whispered breathlessly. He leaned his forehead against mine. "I need to at least have just one kiss... And I will walk away as much as it will hurt I will do it because you asked me to not because I want to" he said in a husky tone. I closed my eyes this wasn't a good idea but if this is the closure he needs I would give it to him. I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. His hands cupped my face as are lips moved together it was the most wonderful feeling. He nibbled on my bottom lip I moaned as his tongue dipped in my mouth wrapping my arms around his neck. He tasted like pure bliss my body began to over heat. I needed to break this before it went any further. I pulled away panting. My eyes still closed as I caught my breath. He kissed my nose then my cheek and just under my ear lobe which caused me to shiver. "Thank you" he whispered in my ear. I let my arms drop as he pulled away, I gasped when I saw Nate standing at the door and then in a blink on an eye he was gone...

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