《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Unforgivable


Dahlia's POV

After Mason walked out, I had calmed myself down. God what I would do without him? He is my rock... My everything, but not knowing what's going with my sister was killing me... I needed answers and I was going to get them. I needed some family support and the only ones close to that was Jonah he's like my big brother and Valerie a don't take no shit kinda sister. I grabbed my cell and dialed his number.

"Hello?" His strong husky voice said through the receiver. He was six two with a bulked up frame he was our protector when we lived rogue. Hearing him made me miss him even more I felt the lump in my throat.

"Jonah..." I choked out.

"Lia? Baby girl is that you?" He asked with concern in his tone. I could hear commotion in the background he was at work.

"Yes it's me!... Jonah I need you... Something terrible has happened and I need you. I... I can't do this alone" I cried unable to control my emotions.

"Lia... What the fuck is going on you're scaring me" he said I could tell the noise way dying down.

"It's Lex... Jonah she's in a coma... She was attacked and now she's in a coma... What am I going to do? I can't lose her Jo... You and Val are my only other family and I need you" I sob hysterically while Jonah let out a growl.

"Who the fuck did this?" He growled.

"I have no idea, I just found out, my mate is talking to his brother to find out what's going on. I wish I knew, but I don't know nothing" I whispered.

"I'm sorry sweetie... I didn't mean to upset you more... Give me the address and I will there as soon as I can. You be strong until I get there okay?" His tone soften a little. I smiled a bit because Jonah can't control his temper when he's upset. I quickly gave him the directions and asked if he wanted to stay with us but he refused. He said he'll stay at a hotel. After I disconnected the call Mason walked in the room.

"Hey babe, you feeling a little better?" He questioned sitting beside me as I cuddled up to him laying my head on his lap. He ran his finger through my hair soothingly. I moaned at the feeling because I'm always thinking naughty things when he has his hands on me.

"I called my sisters best friend he's like my brother. He's on his way here from NY" I said looking up at him. He pulled me up do that I was straddling his lap. He laid his head on the headboard of the bed. He was just to handsome for words and he all mine. I brought my lips to his he kissed me back then pulled away. He looked like he was having a had time with he wanted to say.

"Baby, I love you you know that right?" I nodded. "And I'd do anything to protect you?" again I nodded not knowing where he was going with this. "I would always choose my mate over anything because that's what we're destined to do. We protect our other half" he said. I was a little confused at why he was telling me this.

"Mase... I don't understand" I said looking into his grey eyes. "We make mistakes and sometimes they can be wrong ones, but in the heat of the moment the first time when you see your mate" I shook my head getting off his lap so that I was standing... why he was telling me this.


"What does that have to do with anything Mason... Just say what your trying to say without trying to sugar coat it" I said in a harsh tone.

"Alexa was taken by the man that was looking for you and her years ago... He beat and tortured for her to give up your location but she didn't... Nate found where she was... being held captive with your mother" I gasped shaking my head this was a mistake it had to be my mother was dead I know she is because I know that no mother would leave her young children to live in this world alone.

"You must be mistaken... My... My mother is dead" I whispered. He sat at the edge of the bed looking at me I could tell he was telling me the truth. "What does that have to do with all this talk about mates?" I question he got up and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes.

"Nate was trying to save Alexa and your mother when they were outnumbered with wolves. He was being attached he said Alexa had shifted along with your mother and took some wolves out... But there was one that Alexa couldn't take and she was saved by Alpha Nick when he killed the wolf" I listen to every word as I imagined it happening in my head. My poor sister fighting for her life to save me from that monster.

"What happened to Nate? Where was he?" I questioned him as his body tensed around me holding me a little tighter.

"He couldn't move to save her because the wolf that was attacking Alexa was his mate... His wolf wouldn't attack her because it was his mate" he mumbled. I tried pushing him away but his hold on me was a lot stronger.

"Let go of me Mason! Your brother would have let my sister die?! He was supposed to love her! What kind of fucking love is that?" I was so upset I was crying I tried clawing out of his arms, but he wouldn't let me.

"He does love her! He loves her so fucking much it's killing him every minute knowing if she's going to survive this. Put yourself in his position.. It wasn't him Lia it was his wolf... It was his wolf" he yelled. I flinched from his words stilled in his arms. "I don't want to stay here with him" I growled at him. He pulled away from me so that he can look at my face.

"What are you saying?" He growled at me.

"I'm saying that I will not live in this house with your brother!" I said in a shaky tone. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. As he paled this was his brother and I was about to make him choose between him and I.

"Baby, don't do this I know your upset, but please don't make me leave my brother. He's the only family I've got and he's hurting right now" he said in a whisper. I blinked back the tears and took a deep breath. "Don't leave him then... but I'm going to stay at the pack house until I hear from my sister. If she can forgive him, then so will I but right now I won't" I said swallowing the lump in my throat. He stumbled back from me and whimpered. I walked to my closet and grabbed a couple things.

"You wouldn't want to do that. Alpha Nick is Alexa's true mate and he has known since the first day use met him, your sister asked for his rejection" he said behind me. I turned to face him as he stood there with his head low and hands in his pockets.


"What are you talking about?"

"Your sister accepted his rejection to be with Nate" this was all to much my legs gave way and I almost fell to the ground but Mason caught me in time. I sobbed in Mason's arms I couldn't understand anything. There was so much I didn't know so many secrets.

"Mason... I'm so confused" I cried.

"I know baby... I know. Let's get you to bed it's been a long day" he said lifting me in his arms. I didn't want to fight with him this wasn't his fault. I just won't talk to Nate as long as I'm staying here. Mason placed me on the bed giving me a quick kiss.

"Tomorrow we'll go see Lex get some sleep" he said getting in bed beside me snuggling me close until I fell.

The next morning I woke up with Mason big arm wrapped around me. He was snoring in a deep sleep. I lifted his arm and slid out replacing a pillow in my spot. I chuckled as he squeezed the pillow close. I walked over to the bathroom and washed up. I made my way downstairs to make breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and started on whipping eggs. When I heard Nate walk in. I ignored him not bothering to turn around.

"Morning Dahlia" he said in a low tone. I continued whipping the eggs with a little more force. I didn't pay no mind to him. "Dahlia... I'm sorry please don't hate me... I would never wish harm on your sister... I love her" he said in a pleading tone. I poured the egg in the heated pan. I continued cooking I ignored him the whole time till I was finished. I made a plate for myself and for Mason when he walked in.

"Morning baby" he said kissing the side of my neck. I smiled at him puckering my lips up at him he grinned and sucked my lips. "Ewe! Mason that was a wet one" I groaned while he laughed.

"What's up Nate? How are you feeling today man?" Mason asked his brother. I really didn't want to hear him.

"Mason I'm going to get ready I want to go to the hospital" I said walking out.

"We can all go together" Nate suggested.

"NO!" I said narrowing my eyes at Mason. 'I'm not going with him Mason make sure he knows that I want nothing to do with him right now' I said through mind- link. 'Alright baby... Relax go get ready' he said and nodded.

After we were all set and ready we drove off to the pack hospital. I started to get really nervous. How was I going to react seeing her like that. Once we made it in the hospital I walked towards the nurse station where there was a pretty girl she smiled as we walked in.

"Excuse me? I'm here to see my sister Alexa Rose" she looked through the computer. "Yes she's in room two nineteen" I nodded "only one visitor at a time" she yelled over as me and Mason made over. "It's fine baby I'll wait you go" he said kissing my forehead.

I made my way over to her room. I opened the door. I gasped covering my mouth with my hands. She was there tubes coming from all different directions. I started crying silently as I made my way over to her I grabbed her hand. "Alexa why is this happening to you? You have to wake up Lex I need you... Your all I've got here; remember your Thing1 and I'm Thing2 remember you used to hate reading those Dr. Seuss books to me, but you did it to make me happy... And I love you for that.I know your going to kill me when you find out but this is the path the moon goddess put me on so this little one is a blessing to me and I want you there every step of the way, because you're going to be an auntie." I sobbed laying my head on her hands. I heard footsteps in the room I looked up to a ghost from the passed... my mother she smiled at me. Did she think she was going to appear and everything was going to be a hallmark moment. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Get. Out. Now." I growled her smile vanished and she paled. "Dahlia please.. If you just let me explain--"

"Get out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn't want her anywhere near me. She ruined everything. I gasped when a little boy came running from behind the curtain on the other side of the room. He held my mother he looked like us.

"We will leave, you alone" she said taking the little boy who looked back at me as he walked out.

"Oh my god" I whispered what the hell is going I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. I grabbed my sisters hand and put it on my belly. After being with my sister for a couple of hours I heard some yelling. I kissed her forehead and walked out.

"I don't give a fuck who you are! I don't need fucking permission to see her" I knew that voice all to well. I ran down the hall and saw Jonah and Alpha Nick head to head. Oh my god I need to stop this before things got crazy.

"Jonah" I yelled out to him he quickly turned towards me. I ran straight into his arms his big arms wrapped around me as he nuzzled my hair. I heard a warning growl from Mason.

"I'm so happy your here" I said to him.

"Alright I didn't come her to bullshit around with none of you wolves so let us be and we won't have no problems" I smiled when Valerie making her way towards us. She was so bad ass with her leather skinny pants her ripped up off the shoulder kiss t-shirt and with open toe ankle booties. I smiled as she wrapped me in her arms.

"Hey girly take us to your sisters room" she said linking her arm through mine. We walked back over to Alexa room. When the nurse yelled only one at a time. Valerie didn't care and neither did Jonah as he walked behind us. Even though my sister wasn't with me now having them here with me I felt slightly better.

Nathaniel's POV

It killed me that Dahlia thought of me as someone who would willing let someone kill Alexa. That was never my intention I'm going to live with that moment indiscretion for the rest of my life. I made my way to the hospital I blocked everyone out of my head and focus on connecting to Alexa.

'Baby if you can hear me... I need you to know that I love you so much and I was stupid for leaving you. Maybe this never would have happened... Please baby just wake up'

I walked in the waiting room and it was full Adam with Christine, Marcus and Gemma, Mason, Michael and Matt, Melania and Aiden, and finally Nick. I stood tall and walked straight to Nick. "We need to talk" I said. He nodded and walked out towards the doors. Once outside he faced me he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Look Nick I'm not going to fight with you anymore, because it's not going to change what happened... I want to move forward I'm tired Nick and girl I love is fighting for her life. When she wakes up and she doesn't want to see me anymore then I will walk away as much as it will kill me I will walk away, but I'm going to see her." I said firmly Nick stayed looking at me he shook his head rubbing his chin.

"Nate I am willing to fight for her too. I know I've made the wrong decisions that affected her. I'm willing to change everything to make things right by her... So when she wakes up who ever she decides on I will support her either way" he said.

"What about Hannah? What about the baby?" I questioned him. "I'll figure it out Nate it's none of your fucking business" he growled. As he was saying this I got a scent of rogues. I looked around and spotted two wolves that were different not from around here the guy looked like he walked out of a magazine, and the woman looked like she'd claw your eyes out with her long nails. Nick and I exchanged looks and followed behind him.

"Hey!" Nick yelled. The male turned around he was about the same size us. "Who are you and who gave you permission to walk on my territory" Nick snarled at him. He chuckled.

"Oh you must be the Alpha... well that's easy ME" he growled. "Well that's not how it works!" Nick hiss getting in his face.

"I don't give a fuck who you are I don't need fucking permission to Alexa" he growled back. I saw Dahlia come out of the room Alexa was in.

"Jonah" Dahlia called out to him. So this was the famous Jonah, at that point I knew not to step in, because he was there family. She ran into his arms I quickly put my arm around Mason's to hold him back he let out a warning growl.

"I'm so happy your here" She said to him.

"Alright I didn't come her to bullshit around with none of you wolves so let us be and we won't have no problems" I looked to see the Kat Von D looking chick. Michael nearly fell out of his chair as he tried to stand. He kept looking at her as if he was looking... Oh my god this was his mate. She walked over to Dahlia and wrapped her in a hug.

"Hey girly take us to your sisters room" she said as Dahlia lead them to Alexa's room.

"Who the fuck let those rogues on my land" Nick growled.

"I did" I turned to see an angry Hannah. Nick paled walking towards Hannah who held her hand up to keep him at bay.

"Hannah" he called out to her.

"Don't Nick... You lied to me I'm tired of this. When you decided you want this family with me that WE tried so hard to get you let me know because I'm not sitting around while you're sneaking around I will be at my parents house"

She said with tears in her eyes and walked out the revolving doors holding her belly. Nick stood in the middle of the hall.

"She's up!" Dahlia yelled Mary and a couple others nurses ran into her room. We all gathered in the waiting area and waited. A half hour later Mary came out and stood before us.

"She's awake... She's asking to see one of you" she said as Nick and I stood.

She's up but who will she want to see? Will it be Nate or Nick or maybe someone else...

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