《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Regrets...
Addison's POV
I sat there silently waiting for this soulless man in front of me to speak. As the words left my mouth I regretted every single one of them. I will forever have murder on my hands without doing the crime. Maybe I can worn them... Would they even listen? Would they kill me for being a traitor? I needed my mate. I wanted someone to tell me everything would be okay, I held down a sob. Looking up at Julius as he stared at me.
"I don't understand you... You come to me baring information that I've paid thousands of wolves in search for yet you come giving it for free. Tell me Addison what is it you want in return?" He asked the man in front of me knew there was always a price, he was right but at that price I could have possibly lost my mate.
"Coming here I had vengeance against the girl you seek. I wanted her gone because she took something of mine." I shook my head. "Listen, it was a mistake coming here, you got your information. I’ll just head out now. I whispered.
"Oh sweetie, I can’t let you leave, you know too much. I can’t have you jeopardizing my plans" he said in a icy tone. I nodded at him there was no point I wasn’t getting out of her alive even if I tried. "Whatever you plan is don't kill Nathaniel"
"What does he have to do with this?" he questioned. "That is his girlfriend so therefore he will fight to protect her" he laughed. "Oh my this gets better and better my little brother has been hiding information, and lying to me! Everything was right underneath my nose!” He said turning to face me again. “If he gets in my way I will kill him!" He growled. I flinched at his words I needed my mate's helps. “Can I see the man that brought me to you... What is his name?" I’d ask him for forgiveness in hopes he'll understand and help me fix what I messed up.
"That is the son of my beta, you have no right to see him" I narrowed my eyes at him. "I have every fucking right he is my mate!" I growled. He leaned back in his chair folding his arms behind his head. "Well if that's the case he won't let you leave and I can assure you he will keep a very good eye on you. He's one of my best"
"He's room is up the stairs the main door straight ahead, but I will warn you if you try anything I have trained killers that will rip you apart the minute you step one foot out this house" I swallowed my fear and nodded getting up from the chair. I made my way up the stairs. The house was huge once at the top I was in a large hallway that seemed like it stretched for miles. As my footsteps echo's off the walls. Once outside his door I took a deep breath as my wolf danced with excitement. I brought my fist to the door and knock three times. I waited no answer. I heard someone's murmur curiosity from behind the door, so I open the door. My mate was on his bed about to get bj. He had his jeans on thankfully so I got here just in time. "What are you doing here?" He growled. "Apparently interrupting something that isn't going to happen!" I yelled. He furiously stood up from the bed with no shirt on. His perfect body in full view his jeans hanging low to his v-shape of his hips. I vaguely heard the girl talking behind him. I turned to her and growled.
"Get. Out. Now!" I hissed at her. She looked at my mate, who said nothing to her.
"Bryson! What the hell?!" She yelled. She didn't move fast enough so I walked over and grabbed the bitch by the hair and dragged her out the room as she screamed and kicked. I open the door and through her out into the hall. "Don't ever come back because he is MINE!" I slammed the door shut placing the lock in place.
I turned to face my mate who stood there with a scowl on his face. "Was that necessary?" He asked in a harsh tone. I walked over to him leaving no space between us. "As a matter of fact yes! you’re my mate and the first thing you do is find a fuck buddy after just seeing me!" I yelled at him.
"Oh so now you care that you even had one!" I flinched at his words.
"I'm sorry what was I supposed to do? I needed affection just as much as you did. He was there to give it to me and I grew to love him, but it’s different now that you’re here. I now can see what true love feels like from the moment our eyes locked... So tell me what do I have to do to show you that?" He looked at me for a second before his lips were on mine. The way he kissed me was rough but gentle at the same time my body fit his perfectly. He feathered kisses down my neck. I knew he wouldn’t help me to save my pack so the only other option was to get ahold of that cell phone on his dresser it was pink, so it must no be his.
As my body hit the bed everything started to come off of me slowly. Once completely bare to him he looked me over his eyes black as night "MINE" he growled. Arousal was brought to another level of happiness he bit down the curve of my neck and marked me. I laid in his arms as he ran his fingers through my hair. "You know your never going back right?" He questioned as a tear ran down my face. I nodded and whispered "I know" he kissed my head. "I'm going to wash up" he said and went to the shower. Once I heard the water run I quickly grabbed the cell phone and dialed Nate, it rang numerous time no answer. I then called Alpha Nick he is always in his study around this time.
"Hello?" He answered my heart pounding in my chest at what I was about to say.
Alpha Nicholas POV
"Hello?" I answered the phone in my study. I heard panting on the line.
"Alpha... I've done something terribly bad" It was Addison on the other end of the receiver.
"Listen! I don't have much time but they are coming for her... They're going to kill her... I only wanted Nate that's all but I ruined everything else instead" she sob I was confused. "Addison who's coming for who? Where are you?" I asked frantically. "Alexa they're going to kill her because I told them where she can be found. I'm so sorry Alpha please forgive me I just wanted my life back. You have to know who's behind this it's yo--" The line when dead I stood there staring down at the phone. She betrayed her pack… My mate was in danger someone was coming for her and I had no idea who it was. I quickly tried calling back the number.
"Who is this?" A man growled through the phone. "Where's Addison?" I growled back at him. "SHE IS NO LONGER YOUR CONCERN!" He snarled violently and the line went dead. I quickly called Nate through mind link.
'Nate we have a problem get here now and bring Alexa'
'What is it Nick?!'
'Now!' I shut him off. I got up from my desk and made my way to the window watching to see Nate was coming up the road. Once I seen her, I took a sigh of relief. As they walked in Nate got straight to the point.
"What the hell is going on Nick?" He asked holding Alexa's hand.
"I got a disturbing call informing me that someone was coming, and they're coming for Alexa" I said looking towards her as she paled and Nate growled.
"WHO?" Nate snarled as he began tremble. Alexa quickly wrapped her arms around him for dear life. A pain of jealousy shot through me. "Addison called, I couldn’t understand her, but she said they are coming for Alexa, and she told them where to find her! But she never got a chance of saying who it was that's coming the line cut before I could ask her" I said through gritted teeth.
Nate began to calm down, kissing Alexa on the lips for longer then I would have wanted to see. He turned and faced me. "It's probably one of her games Nick. Ugh I can't believe she would go this far to try and scare her away this is unbelievable" he breathed. I shook my head. "Nate I think she's telling the truth you didn't hear her. When she called she was scared and frantic until the line was cut. I called back and a man answered. I asked for Addison, and he said she was no longer my concern then cut the line. Something doesn't feel right Nate." I said looking towards Alexa with pleading eyes for her to see that what I'm saying is true. Nate got up from the chair grabbing Alexa with him.
"We're leaving am not falling for it!" Nate hissed. Now I was pissed he wasn't taking my mate away from me, not if she was in possible danger. I stood up from my chair walking around my desk and yanking her hand away from him.
"She’s not leaving with you!" I growled my wolf at surface.
"What the hell? Nick... I don't want to do this again, let her go!" He hissed his wolf at surface. I had more power here and I was going to use it. Whether he liked it or not.
"Stop... Stop already I can't take this anymore. I keep causing you two to fight and its hurting me" she yanked her arm from my hand and took off running. Nate and I stood there for a second looking at the door, until Nate sobered up and took off after her.
Nathaniel's POV
I watched as Alexa ran out hurt and upset. It hurt my heart to see her like that I don't know what the hell is going on, but I sure as hell was going to find out. I followed her scent to the falls. She was sitting there knees to her chest while she sobbed. I slowly walked up behind her.
"Alexa... what’s going on? talk to me please..." I pleaded hoping she'd tell me what was causing her to hurt.
"Nate... You... You'll hate me and I don't want to lose you I love you Nate no matter what that has never changed... Love you more and more everyday, every minute, and every second." She sobbed through words. I knew that she loved me.
"Baby..." I picked her up so that she was facing. "I could never hate you, just tell me so we can work it out whatever it is." I said hoping the sincerity of my words. She grabbed my face in her hands and brought her lips to mine. She kissed me with all she had, I felt every ounce of emotion. When she pulled back I was breathless and she was in tears. I wiped them away with the pad of my thumb. She stepped back from me and turned away.
" Nate... I found... my mate..." The words came out as a light whisper. Everything in me shattered this was it she's leaving me. I stood there as the ground sunk around me.
"He's already chosen someone as his mate before I met him. I asked for his rejection and he accepted it. You have to know my feelings for you never changed" she cried.
"I love you!” She said as she came closer pulling on me to look at her.
“Nathaniel say something anything! Please..." She cried even louder. My mind was far gone but I needed to know who this asshole was.
"Who is he?" I asked my voice not my own. She shook her head as though she couldn't say his name. “I don’t … I can’t…” she sobbed over her words.
"Who is it goddamn it!" I growled. I was angry! This whole time she has been in contact with her mate keeping it a secret. She cried and cried falling to her knees. With a hoarse voice she said something inaudible.
“What?” I asked again.
"It's Nick... " she whispered. Rocking herself back and forth repeating the words 'but I love you Nate' over and over. I felt like someone had sliced my heart. She's been lying to me. This whole time they both lied to me as I stood there thinking how stupid that I was, and never put any of this together.
The presentation, the fight, the dinner. She stood and wobbled her way towards me. "Nate? Please don't hate me! Please..." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. I didn't move I kept my hands at my side. I wanted so bad to comfort her but right now her betrayal and lies had the best of me.
"Why Alexa? Why didn’t you tell me? Why?" I murmured. As she cried into my chest.
"I was scared you'd leave me because he's your friend and you would never choose to be with his mate. Believe me I'm sorry for keeping this from you! I love you Nate and my love for you may have caused me to be selfish with the decision I made to keep this from you." She said looking up at me but my eyes were focused ahead. I pulled her arms off of me and stepped back from her confusion crossed her face.
“Wait… what are you doing?” she asked like a lost puppy.
"Maybe this is for the best... Maybe this is what the moon goddess wants. I have a mate out there somewhere and I am being selfish making a life with you without considering hers." I said although every word hurt me to say because I love her so much it's killing me hurting her right now.
"What are you saying Nate?" She asked as the words trembled from her quivering lips. My heart broke my wolf howling as I was causing her this pain, I could hear the beat of her heart as it increased. I took in all the air I could looked at her beautiful green teary eyes.
"This is it... I can't be with you, my life was never destined to have by my side. I love you Alexa but we can never be. It's how our lives works and I can see that Nick has grown feeling for you and I won't fight him on what's rightfully his." I said turning away from her. I knew if I stayed any longer I wouldn't have been able to do what I just did.
"Nate!... Nate! Don't do this to me please... I love you! Please don't leave me..." She cried and I physically had to drag my legs to walk away. It felt as though I was walking in quicksand it was so hard to walk away. I let out a silent sob as I walked back home. I would call Christine maybe she could stay with them because I couldn’t have her here anymore.
'Christine, Alexa needs a friend right now she's by the falls.'
'What's wrong Nate?' She asked but I cut off my link I didn't have the strength in me. I walked home leaving my truck at Nick's because if I see him I’m going to break his neck. His little secret won’t be a secret anymore.
Alexa's POV
I was broken... Shattered... Breathless. I laid on the damp grass and cried every last tear I had inside me. I was a shell nothing. I hurt the man I loved by building a mountain of lies, now i’m alone. I hurt all over I'll never be able to have his touch his warmth, protection. I heard footsteps coming towards me but I didn't bother to look up. Because the one person I needed wasn’t here.
"Oh my god!" Someone gasp.
"Lex sweetie what happened?" It was Christine... How did she know I was here?.
"Christine?" I said hoarsely my throat was as dry as sand.
"C’mon let's get you out of here." She said as she pulled me up in her arms thank god for werewolf strength. I stayed quite as she walked I didn't know where she was taking me. At this point I didn't care I didn't if she through me over the edge of the cliff anything to get rid of the hurt and pain I was enduring. My wolf stayed silent the whole time never once giving her input.
I must have passed out because when I woke I was in a very different house. I looked around it wasn't as big as Nate's but it was bigger than any normal size house.
"Oh your up. I brought you some tea." Christine said as she walked in. I sat up from the sofa. My head felt a thousand pounds and throbbing like a bitch. I grabbed the tea because I could barely swallow with my mouth so dry, once I welcomed in the warm liquid I sighed as it swirled down my throat easing as dryness.
"How long have I been out?" I question. Her face softened as she came and sat by me.
"Like three hours, you needed rest though I didn't want to wake you." She said padding my thigh. "If you want you can wash up and we can talk. What do you say?" I shook my head because I had to fix things with Nate. I can't leave it like this plus I need my things.
"It's fine Christine, I'll just go home and wash up; I have nothing here. I need to see Nate." I said as she gave me a remorseful look.
"He brought your things here about an hour ago. He asked if you could stay with us." I looked at her as she nodded this was it he was done. He can't bare to even look at me. I dropped my head in my hands and cried. I felt Christine envelop me into her arms.
"He needs time honey... Give him time and he'll see that you never stopped loving him through all of this." Christine said rubbing my back I don't know if what she said is true but I only hope.
I doorbell rang my heart leaped in my throat thinking maybe Nate came back. When Christine opened the door it was the least person I thought would come here.
"What are you doing here?" Christine hissed at him.
"Christine... I need to talk with her!" Nick growled. I got up I didn't need to cause problems with Adam and Christine. "It's fine Christine I'll step outside and talk I won't be long." I said to her when she nodded then gave the two finger eye watch signal to Nick. I walked out on the porch with him. I stood there waiting for him to say what he came to say.
"I'm sorry... I didn't want this to happen." He whispered as her looked at the floor with his hands in his pocket. Wait how did he know...
"How do you know what happened?" I asked him.
"When you ran off Nate went after you and so did I but I stayed back. I didn't want to interrupt anything."
"So you eased dropped! You watched how I declared my love to your beta and in return he turned and walk away from me because of you! Did you enjoy it Nick? Did you?" I yelled hitting in the chest with my balled fist. I was beyond pissed he ruined everything for me.
"No! I wanted to walk away but I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you, and you were safe!" He said stepping forward. "Regardless of what you think I love you." He said looking into my eyes. This can't be happening I shook my head pacing the porch laughing.
"You can't love me! you have a mate and a baby coming, or did you forget?! Don't you see Nicholas we will never be together you choose your path. Be happy with Hannah and your baby who is innocent in all of this. I’m not going to lie and tell you that I don't care about you, because I do I was destined too, but the love I have for Nate is much more. You ruined me Nick I can never look at you as a mate." I said to him as he flinch at my words.
"Your right and I will always have you there as a reminder of what I lost. The moon goddess has given me my punishment, but I won't stay away from protecting you, if Nate walked away I won't I will be here to keep you safe." He said as a single tear fell down his face. I was so weak I couldn't take anymore so when he stepped closer to me and pull me into his arms my body betrayed me and let him comfort me. My wolf howled with joy and my body relaxed into his. He stepped away giving me lingering kiss on the cheek. "I’ll always be watching over you Alexa no matter where or who you are with." He said as breath tickled my face. He was nothing like Nate this felt so wrong. I need my beta.
Thank you guys for reading! Xo
Song for chapter>>> Adele-Turning Tables
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