《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Pour Salt On My Open Wounds
Nathaniel's POV
After my rounds I headed back home. I was exhausted, now I have a dinner to attend and asked Alexa it she is willing to go. If she doesn't I not going mind staying home with my girl, and watch a movie or something. I'm glad Nick and I settled our issues.
I pulled into the garage and caught the most delicious aroma lingering through the house. I walked up towards the hallway to the kitchen. There she was with a apron around her waist, her hair put in a messy bun with a pink bandana wrapped around her head. She hand on short shorts and a plain white tee. At that moment she decided to bend over and check on whatever she had in the oven. I groaned and felt a twitch in my pants. I licked my lips as one of her ass cheeks pecked through her shorts. I was a little surprised she didn't hear me come in.
She started to sing alone to a song and bob her head. I notice her headphones in her ears; waking up beside her I wrapped my arms around her from behind. She yelped and turned to face me. "Nate! You scared the shit out of me!" She said and pinched my nipple.
"Ouch! That hurt." I said rubbing my nip. "Never walk up on somebody like! Haven’t you seen what happens in those scary movies." She huff placing a kiss on my lips.
"I missed you." I said moving a lose hair from her face. She smiled up at me with her cute dimples. "I missed you too baby, I made one of my mom's favorite Spanish dishes for dinner. I hope you like it. It's called Pastelon."(sweet plantain lasagna)
Guilt washed over me, she made dinner and I was going to ask her if she wants to go to the pack house for dinner, but if she said no I wouldn't push it. "What's that face for?" She questioned. "Nothing it's just Hannah invited us over for dinner tonight." I said her smile immediately vanished and her body tensed she looked away from me. Maybe after last night she wasn't ready to face anyone just yet.
"We don't have to go baby, I will let them know it’s no big deal." I said bringing my finger to her chin I turned her to face me. "Nick and I talked it out, so we don't need to go. It was Hannah's idea to get just the closest friends together." She placed her hand on my face, I leaned into to her touch.
"Nate, I can’t have you choosing between me and your friends. I will clean up here and bring dinner as a dish to the pack house, it's no big deal." She said looking into my eyes. I kissed her forehead. "You are greatest thing to happen to me do you know that?" She chuckled. "Touché." She said turning away from me. I slapped her ass, she yelped; I laughed.
"Nathaniel! I'm a kick your ass, don't make me give you another one of my famous wedgies." I froze I did not need one of those ever again. "I'll past, I'm going up to wash up." I said to her as I ran upstairs.
"What's up Nate?" I turned to see my brother. "Hey Mase, what's going on? How's Dahlia?." I questioned remembering she and him mated. Therefore she should be at her early stages of heat.
"She's good, I think she's starting her heat phase so I thought that I would take her out of town until it’s over. I don't want to chance any other male wolfs around."
"Where do you plan on taking her?" I asked curiously.
"I was thinking about asking Nick if I could use his beach house for a few weeks. So all we need is you to give us the okay?" He asked.
"I guess that's fine, but I want you to call me everyday I will talk to principal Newton and let him know use will be out of school." He nodded.
"Thanks Nate. We're going out tonight so I will talk to you later." He said and took off. That boy spends more of his time out of this house then he does in it.
I walked into my bedroom grabbed some khaki cargo shorts, boxers and a black tee and went for a shower. I only hope dinner goes smoothly.
Alexa's POV
Why do I keep getting stuck into these situations. Moon goddess please give me the strength to get through this night. I can't help but feel uncomfortable around Nick and his mate. She's living out a life that was meant for me! Right in front of me how crazy is that?
I made my way upstairs into the bedroom Nate still in the shower. I was tempted to go in but I decided it be best if I didn't we'll never make out in time. Hopefully Christine and Gemma would be there. I mind-linked her.
'Hey Lex, what's on your mind girly'
'Will you be at this dinner tonight?' I questioned her, she gasped. "She had the nerve to invite you to dinner' she asked in disbelief.
'Christine... She doesn't know please don't act any different tonight. I just want to make sure you will be there.' She sighed. 'Okay fine I'll behave, I'll see you later' she closed her link.
I heard the shower cut off. I started to get dressed, not knowing what to wear. I decided something casual, a pair of floral skinny jeans and baby pink blouse. Nick walked out the bathroom fully dress. I bit down on my lip, damn I can't get over how hot he is I just want to undress him twenty four seven. "Hey baby you ready?" He asked. "Yeah let me finish throwing my hair in a bun" he nodded. "I'm a little nervous about going there after you and the Alpha's fight. I don't want that to happen again it really scared me Nate" I said he came up behind me as I finished my hair and placed feathered kiss on my neck. I looked our reflection in the mirror, his massive body enveloping my petite frame. He was my everything I don't know what I would do if I lost him, the thought alone cause a sharp pain in my chest. I turned around and hugged him tight he hugged me back. "I love you so much Nate it hurts to think you’d leave me" I whispered. "Promise me no matter what you'll never leave me" I begged him. He looked at me confused for a minute. "I love you too very much I would never leave you baby, I promise you'll always have me by your side.” He took my hand and placed it over his heart. "Yours forever" I smiled giving him a quick kiss as we made our way out the door.
Hannah's POV
I was in my glory everything I wished from life was falling into place. I have my little angel on the way four more months and I'll be able to hold he or she in my arms. As I sat at my vanity curling my hair into soft curls. Nick walked out the bathroom fresh from a shower.
"Did you talk to Addison, I don't want her anywhere in the house. She is to stay in the pack house" He said in a firm tone.
"She knows, but it was hard to leave her out she's my best friend Nick, and she's hurting I felt horrible that I had to tell her she's not invited to dinner tonight. Every time we all get together she's there she's part of circle of friends and I feel like we just kicked her out, for a stupid reason" I said in a distressed tone. He sighed. "Hannah best friend or not what she did to Alexa was unacceptable she's lucky I didn't kill her on the spot" he growled as he quivered at the thought. Why he got so defensive was beyond me, but I wouldn't press it any longer. Everyone should be here any minute, I went down to the kitchen to check on everything. I brought out the platter of food and placed them in the middle of the table. When I heard the door, I hurried over to see who it was. Nick had gotten there before me. He stood there strained and uncomfortable. I followed his gaze to see Nate and Alexa I walked over to greet them.
"I'm so happy you decided to come Alexa!" I said she smiled she was a really beautiful women, even I gave her a once over.
"I hope we aren't late, I brought over a dish of food" she said holding it out. I grabbed it from her.
"It smells wonderful, what is it?" I asked while taking it out of her hands.
"It's like a Spanish lasagna 'Pastelon' I hope you guys like it" she said. "I'm sure we'll love it! I can't wait to try it, this baby will eat anything just like Nick" I said to her, she tensed and paled for a second but pulled herself together. What was that? Maybe baby talk is a sensitive subject. The guys stood behind while we walked into the dinning area. "Everything looks great Hannah." She said as I heard others walking in.
"Parties herrrrre!" Christine yelled while walking in with Gemma behind. This girl was crazy there is never a dull moment with her and her Jersey Shore references. "Hey Christine, Gemma where are the guys?" I questioned hoping everyone was here to start dinner.
"Over at the bar area in the living room, and yes Han everyone is here" Gemma said I smiled was I that obvious; as if on cue they all come walking in.
"Hey Hannah that's for inviting us for dinner" Michael said while pulling me into his arms. He held on a little longer then expected. "You look beautiful" I blushed "Thank you Michael" he nodded and took a seat. He was very sweet and definitely handsome with his golden blonde hair, tanned skin, and bright grey eyes. Everyone took seats around the table. My eyes landed where Alexa sat guilt washed over me because that was Addison's seat next to Nate. Nick sat at the head of the table me on his left side Nate on his right.
They seemed to be okay with each other. I did notice how Nick's gaze would occasionally land on Alexa, then to his plate.
"Holy shit! What is this heaven in my mouth?" Marcus said while stuffing his face with Alexa's dish.
“Marcus! We haven’t even settled in our chairs and you start eating without us!” I groaned. God Nick’s friends annoyed me sometimes.
"That is 'pastelon' it's a Spanish lasagna" Alexa told him his eyes rolled back in his head. "You have to give Gemma this recipe" she smacked his arm and everyone started laughing.
"Excuse me, can you tell me where the restroom is Hannah?" Alexa asked.
"Down the hall fourth door on your left" she nodded and walked off.
"So Hannah that's what you secret trip was while you guys were away?" Christine asked. I was a little thrown off by her question. "Yes, we had to have a specialist do testing to make sure the baby was safely in my womb. We have sonogram pictures I can show you guys. Nick go and get them from your study?" I asked him he nodded and walked off.
Alpha Nicholas's POV
If I could describe the feeling I was experiencing its toucher. No toucher was a understatement. I couldn't help but watch her as she ate, the way the fork would land on her tongue while her plump lips close around fork out slowly pulled out. The way her gorgeous dimples appeared as she chewed… my god! I watched as walked off to the bathroom. What am I doing I told myself I would let it go, but it's so hard sitting there while Nate's hands are all over her. Thank goodness Hannah asked me to get the pictures because I needed air.
As I looked in my study for the pictures. It wasn't fair that I had these feeling while I was with Hannah and she was having our pup. 'We love Hannah she is our mate now, a true mate will always have a love' my wolf said.
'How can I weaken it? I can’t live this way, it isn’t fair to Hannah and the baby. We can't seem to stay away from each other it's inevitable?' I asked hoping he'll help with this heart ache. 'The only way it will weaken is if Alexa is marked by another male as his' my wolf growled as did I the thought alone had me livid.
Finally finding the sonogram pictures. I looked at my baby who was innocent in all of this. I would do anything for this bundle of joy. If that means moving on and letting go of my true mate.
Walking out my study I bumped into someone catching them in my arms looking down my eyes met hers it was like a trance. I couldn't look away she was in my arms our faces inches apart. She stayed frozen her breathing tickling my face. I was about to lean in when she pushed away from me and the sonogram pictures landed at her feet. She bent down to pick them up. "It must be a wonderful feeling" she said looking down at the photo in hand. I swallowed down a lump that formed in my throat.
"We, don’t have to talk about this" I murmured. She shook her head blinking back tears, it hurt me to see the sadness on her face. "I'm glad one of us will get to experience it because you selfishly took that from me" she hissed shoving the pictures on my chest and walked away. I stood there unable to move. It dawned on me what she just said, you can only hold a child to your true mate. Thus why Hannah had a hard time conceiving. Apart of me felt horrible the other part of me was glad no one can give her a pup but me. I grabbed my hair in frustration, man I'm so fucked up.
Making my way back to the table everyone seem to be in conversation. Hannah looked up at me and smiled.
"What took so long?" She questioned. "Sorry baby, I could seem to find them where I thought they were, here" I said handing them to her, she smiled excitedly.
"Okay guys I will pass the sonograms around the table so you can see your new niece or nephew. Use are more than friends use are like brothers and sisters to me and I am glad you guys our in our lives to share this with us" she said while the table broke out in aww's, except two people at the table didn't seem too happy.
"So Nick when do you find out what your having?" Nate asked.
"In a week she has a follow up with Mary" I said to him but looking towards Alexa who looked like she didn't want to be here anymore. She turned to look at him, "Nate am not feeling to well can we go?" She asked he quickly looked her over. "Are you okay what's wrong baby?"she smiled at him placing her hands on both sides of his face placing a kiss on his nose. "I'm fine silly just coming down with a headache is all" he nodded looking towards Hannah and I. "Sorry guys but we're going to head out early" he said grabbing Alexa's hand. "Thank you for dinner it was great" Alexa said facing Hannah.
"Aww! Guys you’re going to miss dessert" Hannah whined. Nate chucked "Don't worry Hannah I’ll get dessert when I get home" he said with a smirk I groaned, as they said goodbye to everyone.
Shortly after Nate had left with Alexa little by little everyone else left as well. I helped Hannah gather everything to clean up she was in the kitchen. Filling the dishwasher. She was quite for a while, which was odd for her. I walked behind her wrapping my arms over her rounding belly.
"What the hell is up with you and Alexa?" She questioned I froze as she turned to look at me. Letting my arms fall to the side. I paled because what was I going to say? "Hannah what are you talking about?" I asked wondering where she got that from.
"I saw you the whole time during dinner you couldn't keep your eyes off of her, and whenever Nate would touch her your eyes would go black. Then to top it off when she came from the bathroom she had your scent on her and hers on you Nick so is there something your not telling me?" She asked as her eyes began to water. I couldn't stress her out. This news would devastate her.
"Hannah your putting things in your head that aren't happening. When I walked out my study I bumped into her as she was walking down the hall nothing is happening I promise baby" she nodded and stepped closer to me I stayed where I was afraid to make a move. "Okay.... Why were you staring at her all night?"
"I wasn't! I was just looking at both of them I'm just happy Nate has found someone I just want to make sure her intentions are pure" I said to her hoping she would believe me and not press the subject any further. She nodded walking into my arms, I wrapped my around her and held her tight. "I love you Nicky" she mumbled into my chest. I kissed the top of her head. "I love you too" I said honestly because I did. I'm in love with two women and they’re both my mates.
Addison's POV
When I heard Alpha Nick's uncle was in town it was a perfect opportunity to put my plan in motion. I know he would only visit never stay so I could only follow him in hopes of talking to him. Since I wasn't invited to Hannah's dinner. What a friend she was? I thought to myself, I sighed. All I wanted was one thing and it was so close I could touch it. Nate was my everything and in a blink of an eye that bitch comes alongs and snatched him away from me.
Well things are about to change. Alexa you took my happiness now I’m taking your life. Finally after a few hours of driving of pack land, I ended up on the dark gloomy side on town. I new Julius had created his own pack but it wasn't your average family pack this one consist of dangerous wolves trained to kill without mercy. I could feel my wolf on high alert she was afraid as was I.
Pulling up to these massive iron gates where four enormous wolfs stepped out snarling. I rolled my window just enough to speak. "Ah hi... I need to speak with Julius Salvatore" one of the wolves growled I jumped away from the window. Maybe this wasn't the best idea… rolling up my window and hitting reverse but quickly stomped on my breaks as five more wolfs circled my car. I was shitting bricks now. I saw someone in human form walking towards me.
"Out!" He snarled, afraid of what would happen if I disobeyed him I turned the car off and got out timidly.
"I just want to talk to Julius I have information he's looking for" I said he didn't respond he yanked my arm I yelped he was hurting me, as he dragged me through the gates. We made our way to a massive mansion it was too dark out to see its actual beauty but in the light of the moon it beautiful. As the man walked me into the brightly lit house. His face came into view he was gorgeous. Everything in me heightened 'mate' my wolf purred, but he would give me a glance! Why?!
"Look at me!" I yelled why is he ignoring me I’m his mate damn it. He stopped grabbing both arms in a tight grip and faced me.
"I have the ability to read minds, you come here to have revenge on another because your in love and want vengeance! Do you not see how wrong that is you are willing to kill for another male that's not your mate! Which only tells me you don't care so neither do I" he hissed I was shocked. I was brought out of my thought when I was face to face with Julius, as my mate walked out the door.
"So what do I have the honor for your visit Miss?"
"Addison Sanders" I said in a whisper looking down, I felt guilt all of a sudden. My mate was right this was wrong, but I couldn't back down now I might no even leave here alive.
"Well Miss Sanders I hear you have some valuable information for me" Taking a deep breath. "I know where the two sisters are living... They are members of Crescent Falls Pack" looking up at him as a malicious smile formed on his face. In that moment I never felt so ashamed in my life for betraying my pack and my mate.
Please vote, comment, and fan I love reading comments and talking to you guys! Xo Yolanda
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