《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》In Between Two
Mild mature content! Just a pinch ;)
Spare Me Alpha But I Want Your Beta
Chapter 20
In Between Two.
Alexa's POV
He wouldn't I thought to myself as Nick stood head to head with Nate. My poor Nate not knowing what the hell is going on. What do I do?
"What the fuck is your problem Nick?" Nate growled looking at Nick who was shaking on the verge to shift. "You're my fucking problem Nate because you can't seem to keep your dick in your pants!" Nick hissed. Nate's chest began bulk as he was now pissed, their noses practically touching.
"What the fuck are you talking about Nick!? As your friend I’m asking you to back away from me before I do something I'll regret." Nate said pushing Nick back. Nick let out a merciful laugh, then out of nowhere through a punch straight to Nate's jaw knocking Nate back a few steps. I gasp covering my mouth with my hands. All hell was about to break loose. Oh god I had to do something before Nick slips at the mouth and calls me his mate. Just as fast as I reached out to land my hand on Nick’s arm, he was gone. Nate had went for him taking him down. They went blow for blow. I yelled and panicked called out for Adam or Marcus.
'Adam! Marcus! Come out back Nate and Nick are fighting!’
'Don't do this Nick you made your decision let me be. You can't attack Nate every time he is with me! Please let it go. You're going to hurt him! Please.' I pleaded with him.
Just then Adam came running towards them with Marcus behind. They were able to pull each of them apart. Thank goodness they weren't in wolf form, they wouldn’t have been able to be pulled apart. Tears ran down my face, this wasn’t going to work! Me being here was just going to cause problems. When Nick looked up at me his demeanor changed. His body stop trembling he snatched his arm away from Adam.
He looked back to Nate. "Fix this shit! I don't want she wolves going at it over you in front of the other pack members! You’re their fuck'en beta act like one." He growled and and walked off. Nate stood there for a second staring at his friend in disbelief. Nick turned towards Addison, before I could bling he had her by the throat. She yelped trying to pry Nick's hands off her.
"YOU... Will never lay a hand on her again! Whatever unresolved issues you have with Nathaniel you address them him. Do you understand me?!” she whimpered. “If I hear or even catch you thinking about harming her I will rip your throat." Nick said. I watched stunned as everyone else, as he let her go she fell to the ground gasping for air. Right, before he past me he stopped and closed his eyes inhaling quickly. The look of regret and hurt crossed his face. I winced a little, how did I get myself into this? Why? We agreed on the rejection why does he keep forcing the bond between us.
'He loves us it’s part of who we are, his wolf will never love another like he loves his mate no matter how weak the bond my get.' My wolf whispered.
'I love Nate! Nick and I can never be.'
I looked up at Nate who was dumbfounded at what just happened, his jaw swollen and bloody from the impact of Nick fist. I wanted to tell him everything I did, but I couldn't find it in me. Nate will never accept me if he finds out that I am the Alpha's mate. They are brothers. He probably would feel like he's betraying him, and I'm afraid of losing him.
"Nate, let's go home." I said wrapping my arm his waist, letting his warmth envelope me trying to shake him from his lost expression.
"What the hell just happen?" He asked more to himself then to me. I tried lightening the mode. "I don't know but I’m very cold and naked under this jacket and I need someone to warm me up." A smile formed on his swollen lips he looked even more sexy, anything that was on his mind at that moment vanished. He looked at me placing a kiss on my head. "I have just the thing to warm you up." He said I laughed while he guiding me towards the parking area.
"Nate! Where are you going? You can't leave me like this!" Addison screeched from behind. Nate pinched the bridge of his nose, calming him before he explodes.
"Addison enough already... What we had is over! Now I suggest you leave NOW!" He growled at her she stumbled back from his words. Damn this girl just won't give up. Shaking my head I had to give her an A for effort. She narrowed her I eyes at me. 'This isn't over you will get yours and I will get what's mine.' She snarled in my head as she shifted and ran off through the trees.
Nate stayed silent on the way towards the truck. Once I settled into the passenger seat he started the engine his mind was somewhere else I was worried maybe he figured out something.
"Nate?" His eyes focused on the road ahead.
"Hmm." He mumbled with one hand on his chin the other on the steering wheel. His jaw clenched tight, something was eating him up.
"What's wrong babe?" I asked timidly. He looked at me for a split second then grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"I just don't want you having problems because of me. I have no idea what got into Nick. That was some crazy shit he's my fucking best friend! What the hell got into him? I know he said he was a little off but damn." He said.
"Nate nothing will happen to me. I can handle myself, also now that I'm a part of the pack. I can call you if I need you as for Nick thing, well I don't know him so I can't tell you." I said giving him a smile it hurt me to lie to him guilt washing over me. We pulled up to the house I unbuckled myself leaning over the center console I brought my lips to his. His lips were so soft and smooth even with the swell and the taste of his tangy blood as I licked over it. I yelped when he pulled me onto his lap. His kiss became dominate he licked my bottom lip and I gladly granted him access. I moaned as his tongue circled twirls around mine, the taste of liquor from his mouth to mine.
I was tugging at his hair, my fingers made their way to his chest as I began to skillfully undo his button down dress shirt, once undone I ran my hands down his chest. He groaned as his lips left mine and made their way to my neck. I was so turned on the moistness between my legs calling out for him. As if he read my mind his hand made its way up my thigh squeezing and rubbing just passing my sensitive spot teasing me. The anticipation was killing me I needed him and I needed him now.
"Nate... "I whispered as he nibbled on my ear.
"I never had sex in a car" He said in a deep husky tone. I smiled at him. "Well... never say never." I said as I went for his zipper. He grabbed my hands before I could finish. "You don't have to do this." He said hoarsely I smiled placing a kiss on his neck. "I want to." I whispered into his ear he groaned. He closed his eyes leaning his head back against the seat. I finished unzipping he sprang free lucky for me I had nothing to strip off so I straddled his lap I propped up on my knees so that the tip of erection grazed at my entrance. I moaned as I slid down on his harden erection taking him whole. I let out a high pitched moan, digging my fingers into his shoulders.
"Shit!" Nate hissed while biting down on his lips. "You're going to kill me." He said while were stared into each other's eyes. I was in control and I loved it. Seeing this massive man radiating of beta power go weak to his knees for me was exhilarating I began to make leisurely motions his hands digging in the globes of my ass picking me up and slamming back down on his shaft over and over till we both finished. Hand prints covered the window as it fogged I laid my head against Nate's chest panting his heart rate vibrating through me. "I love you Nate." I said against his chest. "I love you too baby."
We were brought out of our moment when a howl broke through the outside air. "What was that?" I asked Nate. He kissed my nose as I slid off him. "That is a male wolf howling out for his mate. It happens once in a while most times they do it because they miss them because they are no longer by their side." He said pulling himself together. "Oh." Was all I said because something deep down told me that was meant for me? The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Looking at the bedside clock I noticed a note.
Morning baby,
I'm sorry I had to leave you this morning, beta duties you know. I didn't want to wake you looked too peaceful. I made you breakfast the kids left to school, so if you’ve got the house to yourself to relax call one of the girls if you want company. I should be home by the evening.
Love Nate
I smiled getting out of bed I washed up threw on some yoga pants and a tee. Heading to the kitchen as my stomach grumbled. Nate had prepared some veggie egg whites with turkey bacon and raspberry waffles. My mouth watered at the sight. I made a plate and sat down on the stool, before I could get a bit in the doorbell rang I groaned.
Opening up the door to find Christine, I totally forgot she was coming, and I knew why she was here. Everything from last night came rushing back, and she was the only one I could talk to. I finally broke down she wrapped me in her arms, rubbing my back saying soothing words. She walked me over to the living room and sat us on the sofa. We were silent for a minute, before Christine spoke.
"That son of a bitch, she said."How could he do that?" She questioned. Grabbing a tissue I wiped my tears away taking in a shaky breath.
"It doesn't matter! It happened and now I have to live with knowing my mate was so selfish." I said to her she shook her head in disbelief.
"So that's it he expects you to stand on the sideline and watch as Hannah and him live happily ever after!" She was upset too.
"Christine, we talked and I asked for his rejection. He is having a baby, Christine. I'm not going to be the one to change the path he created. That baby deserves both his parents. I it may seem weird that I’m saying this, but what am I supposed to do? What's done is done. I have Nate and I love him what we have is strong and I won't mess that up." I said walking towards the kitchen with her behind.
"Alexa I know that Nate loves you but... What about when he finds his mate? What then? You think he will stay with you and push her aside. He is not like Nick, Lex he always dreamt of finding her he just gave up. He will love you but the minute his mate comes things will change are you prepared for that?" She questioned.
Was I prepared for that? I didn't know. "I know that's a possibility, but right now him and I are real." She nodded not pressing any feather.
"What's you plan then because I heard about last night brawl. He obviously can't control his wolf when he sees you with Nate." She said.
"I don't know. I want the bond to weaken he knows this, but he keeps pushing it. I don’t him, and I don’t care to get to know him. I hope things don't get worst them, that wouldn’t be good for any of us" I said her face softens.
"You have to tell him Alexa. He will understand the longer you wait the more hurt he'll feel that you kept it from him for so long." I looked at her and shook my head. "I don't think I can he'll leave me Christine I can feel it." I whispered. She hugged me once more. "We'll figure out what to do and I will be here for whatever happens. Whichever path you choose I will stand by you." I nodded unable to speak as the lump in my throat began to form.
Nathaniel's POV
Driving to the pack house I was on edge. I don't know what crawled up Nick's ass, but I sure as hell was going to get some answers. I looked through my rear view mirror my swollen lip went down but now I had a black and blue. As I pulled up I felt stares it pissed me off when people gossiped.
"Where is Nick?" I asked Matt who was outside stacking wood. He looked a little skeptical, scratching the back of his neck.
"He's in his study." He said I nodded and made my way to his study. As I made my way into the house I seen Hannah,and she was pissed.
"What the hell is wrong with you punching Nicky in the face? He’s got a black and blue eye." She said hitting my chest. “Ah, Hannah do you see my face your mate did that; right now is not the time to ask me why your mate has a black and blue, so if you will excuse me." I moved her to the side and walked down the hall as she yelled for me.
"Nate you and Nick better fix your problem like civilized man! No fighting!"
I didn't bother to knock when I opened the door Nick was with his uncle Julius. "Nathaniel, how have you been? It's been a long time I'm sorry about you parents I truly I am it must be hard to lose them at such a young age." Julius said. My wolf didn't like him nor when I was a young boy.
"Julius, what brings you here?" I questioned
"Oh, I came to give a congratulations gift to my nephew, since I didn't get an invite to the announcement."
"Uncle it was a spare of the moment kind of thing. There was already a pledge going on so why no kill two birds with one stone." Nick smile at his uncle.
"Well then I must be off my mate is with Karla I don't want her giving her any of her crazy ideas. Tell your father to call me when he gets back its important." he said walking toward the door.
"Oh there she is now." When I turned and I was met with familiar face something about her eyes, only hers were full of pain and heartbreak.
"I will see you boy’s soon." Julius said while grabbing his mates arm with a little forceful than necessary and walked off.
"Close the door." Nick said snapping me my thoughts. I did as he asked and turned to face him. I stood tall with my arms over my chest. His eye was very much black and blue just as my jaw.
"No! I will stand because what I got to say won't take long." I said in a firm tone.
"Nate just sit down. What happened yesterday shouldn't have happened, and I’m sorry for that I had no right interfering with your love life or business." He said sincerely. "But when it comes to pack its different. They shouldn't be attacking each other that's whole other level." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him because I knew him better than my own brother. There was something he wasn't telling me.
"Nick seriously what the hell is going on? Ever since you got back you've been acting like a straight asshole. You start a fight with me then defend my girl against Addison I’m a little lost here dude, help me out!" I watched as his jaws tighten and his eyes close for a second to calm himself. What is wrong with this guy?
"I just want you to be happy. I don't want Addison getting in the way of that by harming Alexa she obviously means a lot to you." He stated looking uncomfortable, he got up from the desk making his way towards me putting out his hand.
"Let's put this behind us what do you say?" He asked. I looked at him before I shook his hand. "We're cool Nick but you know how I am there is a thin line you almost crossed it yesterday. If you do some shit like that again I’m done with our friendship, you embarrassed me in front of the pack. It will be Alpha to Beta relationship." I said firmly I don't like getting shitted on. That was my ultimatum. He nodded and we shook hands. He brought me into a man hug when Hannah walked in.
"Oh good you guys made up!" She chirped. "I am having a dinner tonight I invited all our closest friends. So Nate you can bring Alexa. Nick and I would like to get to know her, right babe?" She asked.
"Err... yeah." Nick said she turned to me with hopeful eyes. "I'll have to see if she is up to it, but if Addison is there it's a NO!" I said to her she did a light nod.
Alpha Nicholas's POV
Last night when I went to apologize to Nate's I wasn't expecting to walk in on them while they were having sex in his truck. It was the agonizing view I ever had to witness. My mate and beta making love; as I stood there I could hear every moan that came off her lips. A noise that was supposed to be mine. I literally had to weld all the power in me not to rip the door of his truck and take my girl. Instead I stood froze. Images of her hands pressed against the window the silhouette of her body from the night moon.
My wolf clawed at me trying to get out, but I held him at bay. Once I heard the words that will forever be burned in my head. 'I love you Nate' I shifted an ran I let out a painful howl my wolf losing his mate to another, That night I dreamt of her saying 'I love you Nick' but it wasn't the same. She'll never love me; I ruined every dream she may have had of finding her mate. That's why I must gave my blessing to Nate. If anyone was going to take care of her then Nate is the perfect man for the job. Is it going to be easy? Hell no, but I will try my hardest to control myself, especially at tonight's dinner. If Nate shows up with Alexa, I will keep my distance. What happened between me a Nate made me feel like a real dick, he's best friend my beta. If Alexa is what makes him happy then I have to find it in me to except that. It was going to be extremely hard. If don't my life is going to fall apart around me I need to get my shit in order, or I’m going to lose it. Walking out of my study towards the kitchen I heard groans coming from upstairs.
"Nicky! Did you see my Toms my feet are so swollen I can wear any of my cute sandals?" Hannah yelled from the stairs.
"Yeah there in your suitcase you haven't unpacked by the way!" I yelled back at her. I saw Adam and Christine coming in looks like he took her shopping again. I shook my head that girl can make him do anything.
"What's up Adam? Hey Christina how are you?" I questioned.
"Nothing much man! Took my lovely mate out for lunch then she wanted to go shopping." He said rolling his eyes at the shopping bags in his hand. Christine huffed. "Well that is what a TRUE mate is supposed to do." She said narrowing her eyes at me.
"But you already know that right Alpha?"
“Uh yeah …” I answered.
"Of course Christine that's why Hannah gets whatever she wants." I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes and turned away and mumbled. "Literally" I gulped because she knew something.
"Come on Adam I told Lex I would take a run with her." She said while dragging Adam away. "Alright man I will see you at dinner." Adam yelled back as he went out the door. Something tells me this wasn't going to be just any ordinary dinner. God when did my life get so complicated? I asked myself.
'When you choose another mate...!' My wolf hissed. Those were the first words he said to me since last night. 'Hannah is our mate and will always be now.' I said.
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