《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》The Talk


Spare Me Alpha but I Want Your Beta

Chapter 5- The Talk

As I waited for Lia, the kitchen senario played in my head.

'He is not our mate, why would you let your guard down? He almost kissed you.' Obviously my wolf was not happy with my actions.

'I know this, but can you blame me? I'm twenty years old and never been touched by a man. It's a natural feeling for a woman to crave for a man's touch, mate or not. What if we never find him, huh? Should I be alone all my life? Surely the moon goddess didn't hate me that much.'

I tried to erase from my mind the images of what happened in the kitchen.

'I'm sorry, but I am your wolf. All I know is to wait for our mate. That's what my purpose is-- to find my other half.'

I sighed, rubbing at my temple, because I felt a headache coming on. Just when I thought tonight would get better, It went worse.

The front door closed, bringing me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to see Lia coming towards me with a Cheshire cat grin.

"Had a good farewell?" I questioned. Man, homegirl fell in love, she fell hard. I smiled to myself.

"Well, yes. If you must know, I did," Lia said, looking out through the window like she'll never see him again.

"You know you will see him tomorrow at school right? I hope you two are not going to jump each other's bones at school like that. I can't believe you were on the dining table like that with him. What were you thinking? That was so cool, I'm beginning to wonder how you even knew how to wrap yourself around a boy."

"It was him who put me on the table first off, and it's almost like an instinct. I couldn't help myself-- it's like he is the only one around. I just lose myself in the moment," she sighed. "So, tell me what happened with the Alpha today. Did he say we could stay? Was he as cute as everyone says?" she questioned me, changing the topic.

Uh-oh, I thought to myself.

"Whoa, slow down there. It's been a very long day, so I don't want to go into details right now. I didn't really talk to the Alpha, but I spoke with his father and if you must know, he was a handsome older fella. Who told you the Alpha was cute, anyway?" I asked suspiciously. "I'm sure Mason didn't tell you that."


"Of course not, but that's what all the girls at school were saying. They took to me pretty well, seeing that I was from the city, and they asked a lot of questions on what was it like to live outside the trees," she chuckled. "I heard that his mate couldn't hold any of his pups; she kept having miscarriages. That has to be awful," she said, turning serious, and looked down at her belly.

"Oh... no... Get that idea out of your head. You are too young to be thinking about a pup," I said a little sternly shaking my head. That was all I needed to add to my plate a teen mom.

"Hey, I know that. I just think it would be horrible if I could have pups. On top of that, I'd be worried about how my mate would feel. Believe me; I don't plan on having pups anytime soon. I'm going to enjoy my teenage years with my gorgeous mate," she grinned.

Relief washed over me. This girl was going to give me grey hairs soon. Pulling up to the motel, the thought of talking to Alpha Nicholas wasn't such a good idea seeing that he was having family issues. I wish there was another way I could stay. Not just for Lia, but for me. I missed running in my wolf form. I decided that I would go for a run tomorrow morning; tonight I was beat.

"Night, Lex, I'm going to take a quick shower, then head to bed," Lia called out and disappeared into the bathroom.

"Night, Lia, love you," I called back.

She peeped out of from the bathroom and said, "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you-- you don't have to take me to school. Mason said he would pick me up from now on." With a smile playing on her lips, she disappeared back inside.

I sighed, shaking my head, and went to my bed. Lying there, I noticed I had left my cell charging. I picked it up and saw three missed calls, all from Jonah. I looked at the time-- it was ten to eleven. He was probably just walking in from work. I quickly dialed him back.

After the fourth ring, I was about to end the call when I heard his voice.



"Jonah, is that you?"

"Bitch, I'm going to seriously kick your ass when I see you!" He said on the other end of the receiver. I couldn't help smiling in spite of the language-- I missed my best friend.

"I know! I'm sorry I didn't call. Things over here haven't been so great."

I could hear him getting up from somewhere. "Were you sleeping?" I questioned. I thought he was just getting out of work.

"No...I got into another fight at Dragon Fly. This chick was hitting on me at the bar. The next thing I know, she slips her number in my hand, and her boyfriend comes from out of nowhere and punches me right in the jaw. Well, I'm not going to go into details, but you know how that went. Mike sent me home for the night. I think I might just go full on gay instead of bi, because these chicks are going to get my face fucked up!"

I laughed. Johan was a wolf too. We had met when I was on my break at a restaurant I worked at, and he had walked out of the back of the bar next door when we both caught each other's scent. We'd hit it off right away. Before long, we were telling each other about our life stories-he'd left his pack too, because people kept teasing him or insulting him or badgering him about his sexuality.

"So tell me, how is it over there?"

"Well, where do I start? We found a motel, which is pretty decent but not over the top-- two beds, so we both get space. As for the reason I came here, everything went left. Things aren't that easy I went to talk to the Alpha today, only to find out he's not in town. So I spoke with his father, who offered me a position in the pack as an omega! Which I passed on, and let me tell you, they take being a rogue very seriously here,as in they hate us."

Hearing Jonah gasp only told me that I'd made the right decision by not taking up his offer.

"Lex, baby, that is not cool at all. I know you want to do right by Lia, but I think you should just come back. I'm sorry it's not what you thought it was going to be."

"I know, Jonah! But Lia found her mate today, and now things have changed. I can't leave now, even though that was my plan" I sighed, feeling my headache resurface. "I will just have to find another way."

"Oh, honey, I'm not trying to stress you. I'm sure you have enough of that on your plate. You and Lia are like my sisters-- you guys are my family. Valerie too, even though that sneaky bitch cock blocked me the other day," he chuckled.

His concern for me touched me. We talked some more-- I asked him about things there, his recent relationships and all the screw-ups he'd been getting into. Then he asked me about Lia, about how she was doing and how her mate was. Which brought up a completely new discussion. I narrated my experience at Mason's house tonight, deliberately leaving out anything about Nathaniel, and Jonah chuckled when he heard about Lia making out with her mate.

By the time I ran out of things to say, I looked at the clock and realized that it was almost one in the morning.

Thankfully I didn't have to take Lia to school. "Jonah, it's been a long day. Hearing your voice gave me a sense of warmth that I needed. I love you! I will call you soon."

"Love you too, Lex. Night."

"Stop being so hard on Val and send my love to her...and behave, playboy. Night."

I hung up, and put my phone back to charge. Then I fell back on my bed and cuddled under my covers. It felt great after having talked to my best friend. It sure had been a long day. I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to drift into sleep, not sure what tomorrow would bring.

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