《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Anti-Rogue


Spare Me Alpha but I Want Your Beta

Chapter 4- Anti-Rogue

Putting on a poker face I watched as my sister introduced "Umm, hi, I'm Dahlia," she said and offered her hand for a handshake. Nathaniel genuinely smiled at her and reached out for her hand.

"Dahlia, it is very nice to meet you. You can call me Nate."

"Okay, Nate, this is my sister Alexa," she ushered me forward with a smile.

"So we---" he began, but I cut him off before he could finish. I didn't want Dahlia knowing that I had already met him, because then she would ask questions on what happened, and now was not the time. I reached out my hand and introduced myself as though we had never met.

"It's nice to meet you, and thank you for inviting us for dinner," I said politely while trying to give him a signal not to say anything.

Nathaniel looked at me curiously but played along. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"It was no trouble my brother her told me he found his mate, and that in itself is something to celebrate. So why don't we head to the dining area, and I will bring out dinner?" Mason walked alone with his brother ahead of us. I turned to Dahlia to see her giving me the stinky eye.


"What the hell was that? I mean, I can see why the cat got your tongue, but did you have to eye-rape my mate's brother during our introduction?" she hissed.

I gasped. "First off, I was NOT eye-raping your mate's brother. I was just surprised at...how big and tall he was. I was a little intimidated, that's all. I am sure no one noticed."

"Yeah, you're probably right, that wasn't awkward at all," she whispered back.

We got to the dining area, and for a moment I just... stopped. It was breathtaking-- it looked as though it had not been used very much, and was beautifully set up, which only showed how special Mason wanted this dinner to be for Dahlia.

"I will be right back with dinner," Nathaniel stated, looking eager to escape the two love birds-and probably me, too- the rogue girl, he turned on his heel and was gone. It was time for me to try and talk to him, tell him not to let Dahlia know we'd met.

"I'll come and help," I said, following his figure towards the kitchen. Did I just see him frown? I was not sure. As I followed him, I saw that there were doors and doors everywhere. This place is ridiculously big for two guys, I thought to myself. We reached the kitchen then, and I froze when he slammed the door behind him.

"What are you playing at?" he growled immediately pinning my body to the door. Okay, so he was not happy at all about this. Frankly, I wasn't either. I had no mind to argue with a stupid, angry wolf who hated me just because I was... a rogue. His jawline hardened as he waited for my answer, and his eyes burned with fury.

"What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything," I hissed at him.

"You come to my house and act as though we have never met. My brother finds his mate, who just so happens to be a rogue. Lucky for your sister, my brother is naive enough to not see how wrong this is, on top of that you and her will be leaving in a week," he spat.


My temper flared. "Will you stop calling us that?"

"That's what you are, and that's what I will call you," he snapped back. "Don't forget where you are! In my house!”

I let out a slow breath, trying to reign myself in. I had to remind myself that this was for Dahlia. It was her special dinner. I was not going to spoil it because of a stupid, growling wolf. "You're right, and I am sorry. I didn't tell her about our meeting, or about... who we are, when I picked her up from school. She was so happy when she found out about Mason, telling me about him being her mate and how he wanted her to meet his brother. I was not going to rain on her parade," I said. Sighing, I looked into his eyes to assure him that I was not here to play any type of game.

"Listen; let's just get this over with. I will tell her tonight I just want to be the one to do it," I whispered.

"What about my brother? Do you think he's going to let her leave just like that? She's his mate, and if you know anything about that, they can't be separated they are bound together," he said. He almost sounded angry about it.

He was right, but I would never make her leave, knowing that she just found her mate. It would be her decision, which most likely would be to stay. I just hoped she wouldn’t get mistreatment from these anti-rogues.

"Well, of course I would never make that choice for her to stay or come with me. She is Mason's responsibility, if he has accepted her as his mate," I said, and drew my brows together. This was serious, at least for me-I didn't know how he felt about it. But whatever happened, I was not going to ruin my sister's happiness, period. He laughed sarcastically while leaning his body against the kitchen island.

"Oh, this is good; I see what you're trying to do. Very clever, Alexa-- using my little brother so that you and your sister can be part of the pack." He said with joy as if he just cracked morse code.

My jaw nearly hit the floor. Was he serious? The bastard. Didn't he realize how tough this was for me? Oh, wait. Why would he? as if he cared … I bit my tongue controlling my anger, and satisfied myself with a low snarl. It was impossible to get anything past his hot head. I focused my attention on dinner instead, and immediately caught sight of the dishes waiting to be served. I went over and decided to take them out and while I carried them out, I turned over my shoulder and looked at him. He was staring at me with slightly drawn eyebrows, as if he was still not sure about my motives.

"Believe me; I don't want to be here any more than you want me here. I know that you hate me, but for my sister's sake, I will happily take the omega rank if that is what I need to do for us to stay here and for her to be with her mate. Trust me when I say we share hatred towards each other, but I know how to put shit aside for her sake."

With that, I walked off into the dining area, not even looking back at him although I could feel his burning gaze on me. I shivered slightly maybe I'd said too much. Maybe I'd made him mad again. But what did I care? He insulted me, and he deserved it. That didn't explain the crazy attraction that I was beginning to feel towards him. Stop it Alexa! I am not attracted to him. I told myself. Flustered, I reached the dining room and stopped dead in my track,


"DAHLIA!" I yelled. She was on the table legs wrapped around Mason's waist, her hands lost in his hair while Mason sucked on her neck. I felt myself push forward as Nathaniel bumped into me.

"Dude! We eat on this table," Nathaniel yelled at his brother. I was still in standing shock from seeing my sister's behavior. The two of them bumped their heads, startled at our presence, and quickly disentangled from each other, Dahlia hitting her head again she looked mortified, and a little embarrassed. "Oh god, Lex, I'm sorry-- I didn't hear you guys come in," she said while fixed her dress.

"Mace, that is what the bedroom is for, not my table. Don't do that shit again," Nathaniel warned his brother.

I smacked Nathaniel's arm when the kids weren't watching-- how dared he give his brother permission to deflower my sister on their first dinner together? He looked back at me with raised eyebrows, clearly pissed. I lost myself in his grey eyes again, and wondered what was happening to me. I didn't know if he was upset-even if he was, I wasn't going to console him or apologize. I turned to the two in front of me, and gave my sister a quick, disapproving look. She flushed, and hung her head. They both looked a little embarrassed, but watched us curiously, noticing the tension in the room until Nathaniel finally spoke.

"Let's just eat before everything gets cold," he said in a hard tone.

All of us scuttled into our meats-me included. I dared not disobey him. Dinner was awkward to say the least. Apart from the two love birds across from each other, I sat across from Nathaniel, who was focused on the plate in front of him. I decided to say something to lighten the mood.

"Nathaniel, the food is wonderful. I honestly can't say when the last time I had a home cooked meal" I said. Then I realized that I'd just tried to lighten things up with someone who supposedly hated my very existence, and was determined to hold me in contempt. I looked down at my plate, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, afraid to look up to see his facial expression.

"I...ah, am glad you enjoyed it," he said awkwardly.

By the time dinner was over, things really were getting different. The tension in the air could be easily sensed. No wonder the kids were feeling awkward. "Nathan, can I be excused with Dahlia?" Mason said while looking from me to his brother.

"Sure, I'll clean up here you kids go have some fun" he said nicely. I scowled slightly at him. It was my turn to say something, since I was not sure of the kind of fun he was talking about. "Lia, please behave," I gave her a knowing look.

"I know, I know," she said, giving me one last glance as she walked away hand in hand with Mason.

For a few, tense moments, it was just us in silence. Then Nathaniel said, "You do know that eventually they're going to mate, don't you?"

"Yes, obviously. So?" I questioned.

"My point is, they're going to have sex sooner or later-- so you need to let the mother hen act go."

I gasped. "Excuse me? I'm sorry, I don't know how you raise your brother but my sister is not that type of girl. Yes, I know she will mate with him, but she not even sixteen! She hasn't even gone through her first phase, for god's sake everything is not about sex."

I got up out of the chair, not wanting to discuss this with him, grabbing my plate and whatever else I could grab to help clean up, and headed to the kitchen and put it in the sink. I pulled my sleeves up, turning on the water to wash the dishes. I froze when I felt big hands on my waist.

"You don't have to wash those. I have a dishwasher." his scent was so good, I bit my lip so I didn’t slip a moan. His words warmed my body, and I closed my eyes. Only moments ago, I'd been mad at him. Then why was this affecting me so much? It felt so good, I wanted to press my body against his chest. He turned me around, and he still had a firm grasp on my hips. Now I was eye level with his chest I had no choice but to look up, and I couldn't help but wonder if his lips were as smooth as they looked. My eyes continued until I met his, and my heart thudded in my chest. What was happening? My wolf whimpered. I knew this wasn't right-- he wasn't my mate! This man in front of me was doing things to my body just by a light touch, and smouldering look.

"I can smell your arousal," he whispered, leaning closer so that our noses almost touched. I swallowed-- I was going in for a seal, and I could do nothing to stop myself from falling into his trap. His eyes turned darken grey If his hands weren’t holding me I’d be to my knees. Closing my eyes I parted my lips, and the doorbell rings. I jumped, coming out of my daze, moving out of his hold, and letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean...I... ah..." I stuttered, mortified at what just happened. Surely he couldn't make my body react like that?

"No! I should be the one to apologize," he said, and all the desire disappeared from his eyes. I blinked, unsure and confused. He went serious once again, frowning to himself, and said, "Look, It didn't mean anything I'll get the door." He walked out of the kitchen, leaving me. I turned to the sink with the faucet still running, and wondered about his reaction. At least he was as surprised as I was. I turned the water to cold and splashed my face-I seriously needed to cool myself. In fact, I needed to get the hell away from this beta. I grabbed a towel and dried myself. Then I put everything in the dishwasher, cleaning things up. For a moment, I just stood there-- admiring the kitchen and its beauty. It reminded me of the days when I was younger, and when I used to bake cookies with Mom and Lia. I walked out into the main room to see if Dahlia was ready, because it was time to leave-- only to walk in on Nathaniel and a red haired girl, her long legs wrapped around his waist and him having her pinned against the wall. I wanted to turn the other way, but my legs wouldn't move. It wasn't until the redhead noticed my presence that when everything went awkward.

"Nate," she mumbled, "Who the hell is that?"

"Who is what?" he said. Turning around, his gaze landed on me, and he went still. As if someone had thrown ice water on him. He didn't know what to say or do, so I introduced myself.

"Uh, I am Alexa-- Mason's mate's sister. I was just here picking up my sister and head out, so I will hurry out of your way," I said, not once looking at him. It was a horrible situation to be in, and I could actually feel it. I called up the stairs for Dahlia, and when I heard footsteps, I knew she was coming. Thank god. I looked at the top of the stairs to see them both looking more like they just woke up than just having had dinner, and I let out an inaudible sigh. I was going to have to talk to my sister about this after all.

"I will be out in the car waiting while you say bye to Mason," I told her. "It was nice meeting you, Nathaniel," I said, walking past him. His body tensed, probably from the unconformable situation I walked in on. I looked at the redhead and smiled at her apologetically, then hurried out of the door. As soon as I reached the car, I closed my eyes god I’ve never been so exhausted from one single day in my life. Shit, shit, shit! What the hell was I thinking?! I was about to kiss someone who was not even my mate, who hated me for being a rogue, and who obviously had another girlfriend? You’re losing your cool Lex!

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