《Spare Me Alpha, but I want your Beta (WattyAwards13)》Dinner


Spare Me Alpha but I Want Your Beta

Chapter 3- Dinner

My day could not get any more hectic…

"Well, what did he say to you? Did you talk to him?" I asked curiously, glancing at her as I did so. She wasn't giving me any details yet, but waiting for me to ask so she could blurt everything. I still hadn't gotten over the surprise of knowing that my little sister found out her mate. At least the news wasn't as horrible as my meeting with the Alpha this afternoon, and that was a relief. I didn't even want to think about my day. I turned my attention back to Lia, and raised my eyebrows.

"Of course I spoke with him. He passed me a note in class and told me to meet him in an empty classroom afterwards. So we met up, and he told me that his wolf already knew that I was his mate. I told him I hadn't shifted yet because I just turned sixteen, and I wanted to be sure I knew all the signs that were supposed to be there! Oh Alexa, I believed him I do. He kissed me, and oh, it was the best feeling ever, Lex! I wish I could put that feeling in a bottle and take it with me everywhere or maybe sell it to everyone so everyone can experience. He told me that he wanted to be there when I went through my first phase, and we exchanged numbers. Well, I gave him your cell number, since I don't have one. I told him I had to talk to you first, but he wants me to meet his brother because that’s who takes care of him. His parents were killed in a rouge attack."

I was truly happy to see her like this. Things for her were changing she was happy, and that's all that I wanted. Now she would have someone to care for her-- a love more unconditional than I could ever give her. There was an ache in my chest, because I was never able to find my mate, what with me being on the run and never really associating with any wolves except for the few I have met passing through states. But right now, that didn't matter. I leaned over and pulled her into a hug. "I am so happy for you, Lia. This is big-it's just your first day of high school, and you come out with a mate," I smiled at her, placing a kiss on her temple.

"So, do you thing we could meet his brother tonight? He asked me over for dinner, and I told him I wanted him to meet you as well, but I would need to ask you first. So what do you think, Alexa? Please?" she begged

I was not in a mood to go out, what with everything that happened today. I just wanted to close my eyes and pretend like this day never happened. I would feel horrible for saying no to her, but I couldn't help it. "Lia, how about we wait until you go through your first phase before we start the in-laws? Then we could have dinner together," I said.


"Why! I want to see him again. I want to know more about him! I only got to talk to him during lunch, and that wasn't enough time! You don't understand; you never even had a mate!" She yelled. I looked wide eyed at her by her words. I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it instead making sure nothing I said something I’d regret. I turned the key in the ignition and we headed home. The ride back was uncomfortably silent; I had never had a disagreement with my sister until now. And as much as it hurt to hear her say that to me, it was true. I had never really had a mate. I didn't know how she was feeling.

Finally, I let out a defeated sigh. "You're right; I don't know what it's like to find a mate, and if you want to go and have dinner at his house, then that's fine," I said. She kept her face towards the window, not looking at me. We were both upset.

"So you won't come then?" she asked, almost grumbled.

"If you want me there, I will be there. Dahlia, you're the only family I've got." I pulled up into the motel, parked the car, and turned to my sister. She smiled at me with glassy eyes, and hugged me tight.

"Thank you Lex, I love you so much," she whispered. I hugged her back, tightly, and held on to my everything.

Just then, my phone started to ring. I pulled back and rolled my eyes at her. "There goes lover boy now," I teased, handing her the phone. She grabbed it eagerly, and I shook my head with a smile. Walking into our room, I headed for a much needed shower. Hopefully my night would be better than my morning. I let the hot water hit my tense muscles, slowly feeling them relax. What was I going to do? I couldn't leave now, knowing that her mate was here. Maybe I should talk to Alpha Nicholas like Nathaniel said. Getting out of the shower, I walked over to the closet, not really knowing what to wear.

It's just dinner so, I will just go casual, I thought. I put on a fitted black skirt that came under my bust area with a brown thick belt, a cream blouse and my cream cardigan sweater with my brown heeled ankle booties. I let my hair out of the bun and let my waves fall down my back. A little mascara and lip gloss added the last touch. I didn't want to embarrass Lia tonight by not making myself presentable, or wearing my normal t-shirt and jeans. Walking out of the room, I saw my sister and held my breath. Lia had freshened up with a cute maxi dress and gladiator sandals with her long hair cascading down her shoulder, her hazel eyes sparkling with happiness.


"Lex, you look beautiful!" she said to me. I smiled at her.

"Thank you chula, but you look more than just beautiful! You look gorgeous. This young man is very lucky to have you as a mate." I walked up to her, grabbed her hands, oh how much she looked like our mother... "Mama would be proud to see you all grown up and with a mate. It's every mother's dream to see their daughter find her soulmate," I said, and realized that I was getting emotional again. "Let's go before we're late. We don't want to keep him waiting."

"Lex, here is have the address to Mason's house. You think you'll be able to find it? He says it's about an hour away from town," Lia said.

"As a matter a fact, I do. I was up there this morning talking to the Alpha."

“Shit” I whispered. I didn't need her asking questions about my meeting, especially when she was finally going to see her mate, and she was so excited, too. I wondered if her mate came from a wealthy family, because on my way towards the Alpha's mansion, I'd seen a few similar mansions-- nothing as big as the Alpha's, but big enough. I watched as Lia gave one last look into the mirror before heading out the door. Thankfully, she didn't catch the last part of my statement. I thought with a sigh of relief.

"When do you think I will go into my first shift, Alexa?" she asked, with that look on her face-the look of wonder and curiosity.

"I am not sure, but soon. I went into my first shift a month after my sixteenth birthday."

"That's like, in a week for me!" She yelled happily.

It didn't take long for us to pull up into a beautiful house about five miles down from the Alpha. I parked behind a Black Cadillac Escalade. Yeah, these wolves really were from money. Sighing, I heard Lia yelp. I quickly turned to see her fully embraced by her mate. He had his arms around her waist, and hers were around his neck with their noses touching while they gazed at each other. I cleared my throat letting them know I was right there. Lia turned to me, looking sheepish and apologetic.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I want you to meet my sister Alexa."

Dahlia's mate kept one arm still wrapped around Dahlia while turning and putting his attention on me. He was very handsome. Tall, about six feet, with short blonde hair, and very well built with chestnut brown eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am happy you were able to make with such short notice," he smiled. Shaking his hand, he gestured for us to follow him into his home. The house was just as gorgeous on the inside as the outside. Although, you could definitely see that it was a bachelor pad. Big screen TV, every video game system possible... I watched as Mason watched my sister with every step she took. She got herself a very possessive mate there, I laughed to myself. Dahlia was one to have her space. I wondered how that was going to work out.

"My brother is finishing up dinner; let me get him so he can meet my beautiful mate," he smiled while leaving a quick kiss on the top of Dahlia's head.

As Mason walked down the hall, I heard Dahlia squeal while grabbing hold of my arm.

"Isn't he the cutest? Oh my goodness, how lucky I am! He makes me hot all over, just by his looks."

"DAHLIA!" I said, slightly stunned.

She shrugged her shoulders.

"What, it's true, and he is all mine. Although I might have some issues at school, because he was sort of a ladies' man, but we'll have to fix that, because nobody will be touching what's mine," she said. I rolled my eyes again. For meeting him for the first time, she sure was smitten.

Hearing footsteps coming towards the living room, Dahlia and I stood from the sofa to greet Mason's brother. I froze in place when Beta Nathaniel walked in. He looked just as surprised as I was. We both stood there, not one of us saying a word. He looked extra good with his white plain tee and dark blue faded jeans, with damp hair comb down instead of spiked up as I had seen him earlier. Only this time, he had an apron around his waist, and a kitchen towel hanging from his shoulder.

'He is not our mate.'

A voice in my head said, and I hadn't heard it in a while-- my wolf.

'Oh, you're alive. I was beginning to think you left me.'

'I have always been here, Alexa. It's just that you don't let me out and we haven't found our mate, I am losing hope.'

'I am trying to fix things, give me time as for finding our mate.' That's the least of my problems, I thought to myself. And then someone cleared their throat, and I realized it was my sister. All I could think was can this day get any worse?

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