《iconic c . danvers》fourteen
Everyone had gathered at the back of the Rambeau home. Maria and Morrigan had packed up multiple containers of prepared food while Monica and Fury filled up bottles of water. Carol and a few Skrulls were patching up the quad jet. It was a very harmonious yet constructive time for everyone.
When all preparations were complete for their adventure for a place to call home, the departing race bid their goodbyes. The saviors stood just outside the porch that led up to the back door, watching warmly as the Skrulls moved to the quad jet.
Monica had begun to shed little tears as the imminent moment of departure became too close. She hugged her new friend tightly. This small blooming of friendship proved to both Skrulls, God and Midgardians, that the different races of the Universe are able to get along. Talos's partner tugged at her child's hand after she thanked Maria for hosting them and Fury and Morrigan for saving them.
The rest of the Skrulls boarded the quad jet, waving gratefully at the ones who saved them as they stepped away from the ramp. The last Skrull to walk up the ramp was Talos. He hadn't hugged the heroes goodbye but merely a tough handshake before he stalked away.
He hesitated by the ramp of the quad jet, shuddering as the evening wind smacked his face. Morrigan and Fury shared a worried look. Talos turned on the spot, eyes shimmering under the moonlight. Fury was the first to take a step forward, followed by Morrigan.
They met halfway. Talos threw his arms around the Queen and Agent, sobbing joyful tears. The heroes wrapped their arms around him, holding tight. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." They understood all the emotions being translated through those words. Fury had ignored agency's orders while Morrigan broke an alliance for Talos and his people. The risks these two people had the least involvement in were great and they took them anyway. Fury's hand gently caressed his green skull as Morrigan snuggled her head under Talos's chin. "Thank you."
"Anytime," Fury mumbled, not wanting his voice to crack.
"Anywhere." Morrigan lifted her head up to gaze in the alien's eyes. She could see all the trauma and sadness swirling in his pupils. It filled her stomach with another dose of regret and guilt. She took part in allowing Talos suffer what he has. Looking back at where the Rambeau's stood oddly, she stuck out her hand. "C'mon, you two risked a lot to help them."
The mother and daughter hurried over, slamming into the three with force. "I hope you find a home, and visit when you can." Monica stifled, wiping the tears from her eyes. The adults took a step back, letting Talos kneel before the girl.
"Thank you." The Skrull brought her into his arms. Morrigan placed her hand on his shoulder, gripping softly.
That was the last thing Talos said to them. He stood up, a happy smile on his face before stepping out of their lives and waking up the ramp. The heroes stood there and watched as the jet was powered up and began to move. The adults are their arms looped around each as the jet lifted up the ground. It made Morrigan feel at peace knowing she'd helped at least resolve one bad thing in the Universe.
The sound of the quad jet's engine slowly became a soft buzz as it ascended upwards to Mar—Vell's laboratory. Maria and Monica huddled back inside the house as Carol was changing into her suit. The superhero was only trying to prolong the inevitable goodbye.
"When's your transport coming?" Fury asked out of blew.
Morrigan checked her device. "Soon actually."
Fury and Morrigan stood side by side, watching at the jet shrunk each second. The silence was peaceful and well earned. This moment of no one talking, no one running for lives and no one dying made them feel better about themselves. From the day they had met outside S.H.I.E.L.D, these two have been stuck together and never left the other behind.
Beside her, Fury whistled softly. "When I first met you, I remember thinking to myself, 'shit, another one'." The Queen let out a scoff, faking as if it offended her. Fury had been around long enough to know when she was not happy. "Now when I look at you, I think to myself, 'I would bend the knee before you, anytime, anywhere'." He proclaimed, restating the catchphrase. Morrigan finally looked at the man's face. He had a tear slipping down his cheek with a cheesy smile. "You've been in my life, for what? A couple of days? And we saved an alien race. Kicked some alien ass. Helped Sparky with you know, becoming actually sparky." The two snickered as Fury briefly accounted their achievements. "And I would do it all again knowing you'd be there to kick Kree ass with me — and it really sucks you gotta leave."
"It won't be my first time." Smiling through the happy tears, Morrigan took her hands into his. "When I first met you, I remember thinking to myself, 'shit, do I have the right agent?'" It was great to bounce off each other's sad happiness. "Now, when I look at you, I think to myself, 'this man really lost an eye to a cat'" Fury narrows his eye much to her amusement. "I'm joking! I really think 'this man has earned my loyalty because he gave up everything to be here.' I thank you with my deepest regards for sticking around, agent. Who knows what would've happened without you? Because I really don't want to know." The two friends cried silently, thanking each other for being here.
"My Queen, may I have a hug if you would do me the honor?" Fury asked formally. Morrigan sniffled as she wrapped her arms around the Agent, holding his tightly, knowing this would be the last time they hold each other. "You gave up your peoples' safety, didn't you?" He whispered it quietly. She nodded in the crook of his neck. "For another people? That takes a lot more than guts." He pulls apart from the hug, staring into her blue eyes. "That takes a shit ton sacrifice Morrigan and I'll forever aspire to harness that strength. Never forget your sacrifice is a strength, not a weakness. The only weakness you have is not buckling yourself in fast enough." He cracks a final joke as the two hug it out once more.
"I'm gonna miss you Fury." She mumbled warmly.
Fury sighed. "I'm gonna miss you too." Walking back to the house, they had their arms looped around each other's waist. "Now, before we head back in side, Carol told me about you file."
Morrigan's breath hitched. "We just had a good moment, and now you bring up my death."
He stuck up his freehand defensively. "Well, yeah okay. You helped start the company I work for. It you know, annoys me that you don't get the recognition you deserve and I just feel like, you deserve that."
"So what are you gonna do about it then?" Fury did not expect her to reply like that. "It annoys me too. Put my name next to Agent Carter's." Morrigan reached the door first and swung it open. "Are you able to do that as a parting gift, Agent Fury?"
"Of course, my Queen."Fury bowed but then Morrigan slapped him. "Ouch, what?"
"It's just weird. Don't ever do that to me ever again." The closed behind them just as Maria went past the kitchen. "Maria! Goodbye Joey." Morrigan waved goodbye for the last time before darting out from the kitchen. It was lighthearted moment to say goodbye.
Just as the Queen burst into the living room, Maria stood shocked by the bottom of the stairs. "What happened? You good?"
Morrigan didn't realise she looked rather frazzled. "Oh — nothing happened. I just wanted to say goodbye." The Queen stuck out her arms. Maria was curious as to why the Queen of an alien planet had her arms open for a hug. Maria lets the Queen wrap her long arms around her. "This ending has only been achieved because of your friendship with Carol. You are what kept her identity alive. Thank you for having me under your roof and not, kicking me out. Thank you for Monica; she's like my daughter in a peculiar way so watch out. Thank you for risking your life to save others, and blessing me with your flying skill. Trust me, you fly better than most of my pilots." The two women separate.
"Umm — it's no problem. Just doing what I can, you know, I wanted to help and — wow you really told me I'm better than most of your pilots." Now she seemed a little frazzled. Maria had to close her eyes and recompose herself. "I've only known you a day or two and my god you are something else. Thank you for letting me hug royalty because I doubt I'll ever get the chance again." She stops, putting a finger to her lips and looking away. When Maris gazes upset the Queen, her eyes were watering. "A—nd thank you for bringing my best friend back to me, I really missed having her around — and now I'm gonna miss having you both." Rambeau lunged forward for another hug. Morrigan gladly received it.
"Why would I lie about the truth in that flying technique?" She said rhetorically. "And don't worry about Carol coming back because of us. She would've come back anyway because you meant too much to her." Morrigan stated, firmly believing her words.
Maria laughed. "You really mean a lot to her, if you hadn't noticed."
"Yeah, if you haven't, I definitely don't want immortal eyesight." From the top of the stairs, Monica started to come down. Maria chuckled and wiped away her tears. "Mom, where's Auntie Carol?"
"Waiting outside." Monica tried to subtlely motion her mother to leave the room so she could talk to the Queen. "Oh yes I shall leave now. Thank you Morrigan." Maria Rambeau left the dining room briskly, grateful for having the Queen on the good side.
Monica stood awkwardly in the middle of the stairs. Morrigan sat down on the bottom step and patted the empty space beside her. Monica reacted quickly and jumped down next to the Queen. "When are you leaving?" Her voice was soft and frail.
"Soon — when are you gonna build that spaceship?" Morrigan cracked a grin.
Monica smiled. "When I get the parts, duh." Morrigan acted as if she pressed the kid's wrong button. "What are you gonna do when you're home?"
That was a good question with a dull answer. She had to simplify it a little. "Ah — I have to clean up a big mess with a bunch of scary, strong people but I think I can handle it. All I have to do is sacrifice you and —" Monica gasped, fearful of what she would say next.
"What? No!" She stuck her hands up into her hair nervously. "Are you serious?"
A little taken back at how serious she could come across, Morrigan wrapped a loving arm around Monica's body. "No. I'll never sacrifice you to the scary, strong people ... maybe Fury but who knows." The two laugh quietly on the stairs. Morrigan stroked her hair as the two sat in silence until thought crossed her mind. "Thank you for accepting me, Carol, us and everything else we've put you through. It takes a pretty brave person to accept what you've witnessed."
"Thanks, Auntie Morrigan. That means a lot." She replied.
"You can call me Morgan. We don't need Midgardians finding out I'm real." There were many believers of the Valyriaten race.
Something clicks in the kid's head. "Oh! If you and Carol ever like start a superhero business, you can be called Carogan or Moral."
"How cute." It really was. Monica's genius made Morrigan feel butterflies. "Although, what myself and Carol did was sort of avenge the Skrulls, you know, so like we'd be —"
"Avengers!" Monica exclaimed. "Now that sounds cool."
Morrigan watched in awe as Monica rambled on about future missions she and Carol could do together as The Avengers. It made her heart swell to see such a young mind interpret the future so optimistically and wonderfully. "Please never stop finding new things, places, people cool. It makes me so happy you think I'm cool. You make me feel wanted here. Never stop making people feel wanted, okay?"
Monica scoffed. "I wasn't planning too, Auntie Morgan." Maria has a seriously good kid. "Oh! I have to go give Carol her jacket!" Monica shot to her feet with her hands clamped around the leather jacket. She was about to dash away when she realized she forgot to do one last thing. "You're so awesome. Thank you for being here."
She had to hold back tears. "Anytime. Anywhere." She waved her hand. "Now, shoo. You don't want Carol leaving without that jacket."
"Ah yeah, true." Monica rounded the side of the stairs before popping her head around. "Aren't you gonna say bye to Carol?" Morrigan arched an eyebrow. The kid understood instantly what that look meant. "Oh — you saved the worst goodbye till last." And then she left.
Monica's words rang in her ears, chest and heart. The child was right. The Queen had left the most dreaded goodbye till last. She didn't want to do it. If she did, she'd actually have to walk the other way and let her soar up without her.
Saying goodbye to Fury was bittersweet. It was reminiscent of their partnership. She'd forcefully inserted herself into his case. The agent was so open-minded and accepting of her identity and why she was there. He enjoyed the Queen's company. When he first met her and he'd he'd look at her face, she'd always have this resting angry face, even when she was having a good time. Moments ago, he looked at her, and she was smiling.
Maria became so significant to Morrigan's time on Midgard. The badass pilot recalled everything they needed to know because she remembered the past. She remembered the past because they were the good times. Her memories of her past gave them the answers to piece together a solution. Saying goodbye to Maria was acknowledging the end of their time together, for now.
Monica Rambeau symbolised the innocent and strong personality of her own child. Watching the young child look at aliens and think they're good made her glow from the inside out. Monica made Morrigan view another foreign race so differently from the time before where differences were never accepted.
All those people she had met over the course of the last few days have impacted her life, her goals, her mind and her soul. She understands now the risks someone will take to help others. She realized the severe importance of holding onto the memories others forget. She rejoiced in knowing people are changing to accept the differences others have.
But the one person who impacted her the most stood outside, waiting to say goodbye and fly away.
"I know you don't want to say goodbye but she won't leave until you do, you know that." Fury interrupted her train of thought entirely. "Saying goodbye will compel you to admit your feelings and I believe you haven't had much luck in the romance category."
"Stop!" The Queen gets to her feet and makes for the door. "Stop exposing the truth. You are not my psychologist. Goodbye, for the last time." She swings open the door as Fury cackled by the kitchen entry. Although she didn't anticipate the loud bang the front door would cause when she slammed it shut.
Maria, Monica and Carol stood surprised on the grass by the curb. "Monica, come and help me see if I need a new door." It was obviously a tactic to get Morrigan over to Carol. Both Rambeau's smiled cheekily at Morrigan as they left Carol for the last time. "Girl, go get her before someone else does." Monica shoves the Queen forward as Maria opens the door. "If you're gonna push a Queen, make sure she falls down the stairs."
What was with all the clever comebacks?
She shook her head as Morrigan walked down the porch steps and onto the pathway. When she looked up, Carol was standing there facing her. She had her hands in her pockets with a smug smile on her lips. Morrigan stopped with just merely a meter between them.
They didn't say anything for a moment. Both women were trying to burn the mental picture of each other in their heads. Carol's eyes drifted over Morrigan's blonde hair, down her nose, around her lips, down her neck and around her body. She couldn't help her self but smile wider and brighter. "What?" Morrigan asked, wondering why she looked so happy.
"I'm not going to lie to you but, I think you're beautiful." Morrigan's eyes nearly popped out from her skull. "And I have, for a while now." Carol's mind raced through the past memories of her Queen. Swaying from side to side, she picked the first time she met the Queen (who was still speechless by the way). "When I first met you, I knew pretty much everything about you. The Kree adored the legendary Queen of Valyriate, and so did I, back then." What did she feel about her now? "I know all the stories you let the Kree whisper at night to their children. How you vanquished enemies. How you saved the lives of innocents. How you made the Asgard King bow to you before you'd stand beside him. How you ruled a Kingdom so great, you made the Nine Realms inadequate. How you fought for the truth, you believed in. How your reign became a nonpareil grandiose." The soldier's eyes were full of devotion, something Morrigan never saw in her. "But those aren't the tales I wanted to remember. You showed me what it meant to be a leader. You showed me one should always support those who need it. You showed me what it took to be a soldier. You showed me the compassion, the love, the faith, the strength, the might and the sacrifice it took to be the Queen you are. You showed me how powerful a woman can be, even when no one stands beside her." Carol's voice drifts away for a moment, itching to say more. Morrigan wanted more. "You showed me all of these wonderful things, yet I never showed you what I learned from you."
Morrigan involuntarily takes Carol's forearms, slowly pulling them out from the pockets and wrapping them amongst hers. "You flatter me because you want my validation. You don't need it. You want it. You haven't learned yet that I don't seek validation; approval, I get it. I'm not who other people see me as besides who I see myself as. And I see myself as half the person you are." Carol's face contorts, ever so dazed with the words that left her mouth. Morrigan smiled. "You say you know all my tales, my stories , my myths, my legends. But you don't know your own stories." Sleuthing her angelic hands up and around Carol's face, the space between them shrunk. "You possess a love for doing what's right for those around you, regardless of yourself. You're a selfless person Carol Danvers. You are so damn strong to go against every rule to do what's right. I know you've been told all your life you can't be all of that but you're so fucking iconic you did any way, whether you knew you were or not." Carol's been living her life acknowledging what everyone else is capable of but only now is thinking about what she can do — and she can do anything. "So while you're saving lives, I'll be telling your tales to my people because they need another powerful person to inspire them." And then Morrigan closed the gap between them under the stars on the Rambeau's front lawn.
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Royal Scales
A part-time enforcer, all Jay cared about was those closest to him and a job that let him hit people. That was before a betrayal sent him packing. Four years later he’s back, but his former boss thinks he lost his edge. Reduced to proving himself, he's thrown a straightforward task: collect on an overdue debt from some elf. As if life was ever that simple. With a vampire ex-girlfriend out for blood and a friend caught up in something dangerous, he has his work cut out for him. Jay always thought he was human, but his search for the elf raises questions that threaten his identity. Book 1, Once Lost Lords (Complete, Cover) Book 2, Lady's First Knight (Complete) Book 3, Trials of the Chief (Complete) Book 4, Prince in the Tower (Complete) Book 5, Rex of Never Was (Not started) Book 6, Gentleman Dirt (Not started) Book 7, The Emperor’s Flame (Not started)
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[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Nuri, an [Assistant Glassworker], only has a single Skill. It’s really not fair. He’s worked in the hot shop his entire life, following in his father’s footsteps after his parents passed away, but he’s stuck. Despite possessing above-average talent as an artisan, he still hasn’t shed his [Assistant] status, gained a second Skill, or even leveled enough to reach the first Threshold. Besides, he’s bored; most days he daydreams of adventure and becoming a hero, or pines for the renown that’s sure to be his if he evolves his Class into a [Master Glass Smith], but nothing ever changes—until suddenly, fate strikes, and nothing is ever the same again. These days, Nuri sees more magic, prestige, and adventure than he can handle as he gets swept up in realm-shaking conspiracies and desperate fights for his life. Maybe a boring life wasn’t so bad after all. Disclaimers: 1) Names were mostly chosen through random generators and aren’t necessarily final. If they seem derivative or boring, blame RNG. 2) Skills, Classes, levels, and the entire system is currently a work in progress; please be kind if it’s not very well fleshed out yet. 3) This is the first full-length novel I've set out to write without a single plot point ready. I had nothing in mind other than a recent visit to a hot shop. Molten glass is pretty awesome. 4) Related, I know much less about glass than I’d like. I did some research, but mistakes are bound to happen. If you have a correction, thanks! Please be polite about it. 5) The prose is my experimental attempt at first-person, present tense. I realize it may not be everyone’s preference, but I hope you’ll give it a try anyway!
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TEENAGE NECROMANCER + DINOSAUR BONES. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?Cecelia Slumber's blues music can raise the dead. Literally.A thirteen-year-old mage joins a team of paleontologists to tie up her late grandpa's unfinished business . . . resurrecting Texan dinosaurs in the name of science. Each new fossil is another chance to lose a finger. Or maybe a whole arm. But it isn't until Cecelia breaks her family's most serious magic rule that she realizes just how dangerous her power can be.Ongoing. Updates every Sunday....Each dinosaur in this story comes straight out of Cretaceous Texas. Every prehistoric animal is as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Occasionally, this story will be changed to make sure every dinosaur stays true the latest research.To get alerts when a new version of CatLF drops and bonus content like art and dinosaur facts, check out the web version and subscribe!https://katiepotterauthor.com/cecelia-and-the-living-fossils/
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