《iconic c . danvers》two
the mission
When the three of them left Pancho's Bar, there was a little rush between Vers and Morrigan to get the passenger seat. The Queen narrowly rounded Vers before placing her hand grittily on the door handle and smirked as Vera staunched to the back door. Fury was certainly amused.
Fury rolled the car out of the desert parking lot and zoomed off in the direction of a secret airforce base. He took all sorts of lefts and rights around certain bends that ended up going into narrow roads and then the widest lanes ever. However, he rather enjoyed the long ride with his Midgard music blasting away.
Morrigan sat in silence, comparing the Midgard scenery, which was pretty bland to the last time. Vers was divulging all historical information she had in her head about the Kree and Skrulls. "Okay, the Skrulls send alien races to infiltrate and take over planets, and you're a Kree." He looks over his shoulder to make sure he got the gist of everything. "A race of noble warriors."
"Heroes," Vers said quickly. "Noble warrior heroes."
Fury spared Morrigan a glance. " — and you are a queen from outer space?"
The Kree hero shook her head no as she smiled softly. Fury noticed that instantly and became worried over what he'd said. "Yes, although technically I'm the Goddess of War and Death."
"Huh — ain't that something." Fury gives her a questionable look with a wowed expression. "So, what do Skrulls want with Doctor Lawson?" He asked, changing the subject slyly.
Vers takes a breath to recall her thoughts. "they believed that she developed a light speed engine at Pegasus."
"Light speed engine?" Fury looks to Morrigan and then to Vers. He was really intrigued at this whole alien war thing about engine creating doctors. "Gotta admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today." Morrigan stifled a chuckle because he'd said that earlier. He must not have come in much contact with crazy things then.
"Well, it's still early." Vers joked.
"And you two, what do you want?" Fury enquires, turning a bend slightly on the hot road.
"To stop the Skrulls before they become unstoppable," Vers said simply.
Morrigan sighed. "To go home."
"And?" Vers and Morrigan shared a confused gaze as to why Fury asked them the same question again. "Look, war is a universal language. I know a rogue soldier when I see one." Fury looked in the rearview mirror and caught Vers's eyes. "You've got a personal stake in this." Fury looks back at the road before full locking eyes with Morrigan. "And I know a sacrificial leader when I see one. So you're giving something for this." Why did he have to see right through me, Morrigan thought to herself. His words left the car in silence as Fury carried on driving.
Morrigan sensed they were nearing the destination when he turned left at an intersection and pulled up to a fenced gate. He rolled down the window and parked the car. As muffled radio force busted through a standby speaker, warning them it was Midgard government property. Fury proceeded to announce his name and show his credentials.
Vers was smiling at the fact Fury had three names — Nicholas Joseph Fury. He proceeded to word vomit all the names he did not want to be called besides Fury. Vers egged him on by asking what his personal relatives called him, and he answered in Fury each time. Once the gate had opened and Fury had accelerated the car forward, Morrigan cocked an eyebrow and created a smug smile. "Whatever you say, Joey."
The car jolted and stalled. Fury tipped his glasses down, and she loosened her belt. The glasses went back up, and the car began to move. Morrigan watched as Vers smiled in the side mirror of the car and enjoyed seeing her happy.
Fury drove the car around a few more bends secluded by levels of desert rock and sand. It was only when he swerved left to come upon a tunnel that led into the side of a rocky hill, the Queen sat up in her seat. The car rolled through the dark tunnel that was lit up by orange lights all the way.
The two women had their eyes trained on every passing turn, light, shadow and person. Finally, finally, Fury reached the end of the tunnel that opened up into some parking area with cement walls and multiple pipes scaling them and the ceiling.
Once the car was parked and turned off, the three of them slipped out. Fury caught sight of Vers's outfit and quickly threw her a government hat and asked her to lose the flannel.
He was just about to chuck Morrigan the same thing when she put her hand up and walked around the car to where he was. She asked for the symbol of S.H.I.E.L.D before her belt generated a fake badge on the side of her hip. "I'm not wearing a hat." Fury threw the hat back in his car with his eyes trained on the false ID.
Once the disguises were in order, Vers and Morrigan were drawn to the commotion below. Walking away from the car and some railing, the two looked down to see, and mass of Midgard ships placed all about a massive dim space. So many people were hobbling about tending to the aircraft, and machines were creating so much noise.
"How can I help you?" Turning around at the sound of the voice, Morrigan instantly examined each man for weapons. They all carried volatile items.
"We're agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury flashed his identification, Morrigan motioned to her badge, and Vers dipped her head slightly. Foolproof!
"We're looking for a woman named Lawson," Vers questioned.
"A doctor, Wendy Lawson." The man asking the questions certainly looked disgruntled by the mention of Lawson, not that he didn't before. When his eyes met Morrigan's for a moment, she toyed with him a bit and inserted a slight increase in heart rate and fear into his subconscious.
Vers spoke again. "Do you know her?"
All three government soldiers were dull and gave away nothing. Finally, the grumpy man gave back Fury his identification. "Follow me."
The three of them shared a dumbfounded exchange before piling on after the guards. The men led them to a waiting room of some sorts with a desk and few other odd things. The men told them to sit and wait for someone. Vers and Fury sat down on two chairs by the door whilst Morrigan examined the stuff in the room.
As the two of them talked, the documents on the desk nearby drew Morrigan to the desk. As she shuffled through papers and found nothing literally, Fury went on about his pager and mother. She caught a sense of an unsettled feeling as she watched his brow crease. Her eyes then darted to where Vers was looking up at a floor level poster — number five.
Fury let out a childish cheer as he held up a clear piece of plastic and waddled over to the door they'd come through. Then, pressing the plastic against a black box, something clicked, and the door was opened. Morrigan gave Vers a look of why she couldn't have blasted the door, but then she realised it was too amusing to see Fury fiddle with plastic.
As they made their way out of the room, Morrison made a mental note to herself to ask what he was capable of with a paper clip. But, instead, the three of them nimbly dodged any compromise to get to an elevator. Once they hopped in, Vers pressed a button, and the shaft closed and began to descend.
When the doors opened, Vers took the lead. However, Fury and Morrison ended up becoming preoccupied with something furry. Fury and Morrison became hypnotised with this orange feline and began coddling it. "aren't you the cutest little thing! Aren't you cute? What's your name?"
Fury and Morrigan had crouched down in the middle of a vacant S.H.I.E.L.D hallway to pet the orange feline. As Fury caressed its head, Morrigan read its name tag as she stroked its back. Its name is Goose. "you would make a fine feline companion in Valyriate." Morrigan started as she caressed its head.
As they cooed over the cat, Vers watched them in slight annoyance. They had to achieve their goal and with them, getting distracted by an orange cat was not acceptable. Although she did find it amusing to see Fury crumble at the sight of Chewi. Morrigan's quirky smile was enough to make her cute enough to let Vers hold her tongue and let them let be with the cat longer.
Then she had enough. "Fury. Morrigan."
Both knocked out of their cuddle fest with the cat, Fury and Morrigan sighed as Carol nodded that they move on. As they got up, Fury bent down one last time to pet the cat. "we'll be back." Then, the two walked over to Vers, who stood idly by a locked door, like the one before.
Morrigan snatched a cheeky look from Vers as Fury whipped out his lucky piece of plastic before Vers stick out her fist and blasted away the lock. Morrison could not help herself and started laughing as Fury bickered about her being able to do that the entire time.
The three of them didn't waste any time. Vers pushed a switch, and soon enough, massive lights began to switch on with a loud clank each light. Fury and Vers hurried ahead whilst Morrison checked each record lane for the letter 'E'. When she found it, the two turned into a distant lane.
The Queen walked quickly down the aisle, looking out for her past name. She could hear the muffled tone of the others as they found what they needed. All she wanted was Vers to satisfy her goal to stop the Skrulls and see if Midgard still had records of her. It would be unlikely, but her departure from earth was from an aircraft.
She found her box. It was small, light and had Agent Morgan Ernmas printed on the side. She stared at it for a while before pulling it out and taking off the top, and peeking inside. It was one thin file. She picked it up and pushed the box back. Then, holding her breath, she flipped the page.
Her entire page was blacked out beside her name with Soldier Zero scribbled below in messy writing. There was no birthday, missions, titles, address or associates listed. Instead, there was a simple headshot of her with a blonde bob. All over it was a massive red stamp of the abbreviation MIA, missing in action. She had to leave Midgard. She faked an aeroplane crash. She left Midgard after his plane crashed into the ice. And all they had of her was the fact she was missing in action.
"I've started my beacon. Starforce are on their way — what's that in your hand?" Vers already saw the photo of Morrison stapled in the file, so lying was exactly an option. "Agent Morgan Ernmas — MIA — why?" The soldier crept closer to the Queen, analysing the small file. "You were a part of S.H.I.E.L.D?"
Closing her file, Morrison closed her eyes. "I founded S.H.I.E.L.D, well initiated it anyway. I was sent here to infiltrate Midgard for a mission. I failed. I — " she was going to say she'd lost someone, but that was the icing on top, and her eyes would begin to water. "— had to leave. So I left, and all these people can say about me is that I'm missing." She chucked the file back into the box.
Vers was seriously confused and cautious of how she could respond to this. The mighty Queen she had admired for years infiltrated the same planet as the Skrulls for a mission. She founded the very agency Fury worked for. She knew so much about this planet than she did. "Why did it say you're missing?" She asked softly.
" I uh — faked a plane crash to make it seem as if I died, so the people I l— knew would know there was no chance I could come back." She closed her box. "I left this planet in such a disastrous state. The people I knew must've believed I'd come back. I never did. And now everything has gone to shit because of that Tess —." A loud bang silences the conversation. Vers looked carefully at the Queen one more time, wanting to understand how she felt so she could help her. "We need to leave."
Taking her hand, Morrison yanks Vers after her towards a door at the end of aisle E. "We can't leave Fury." Morrigan opens the door as multiple footsteps fill the floor.
"That's not Fury Vers. We'll find him; let's go." The two women burst down the staircase as other footsteps tremble from above. Vers stops abruptly to watch as agents run through the door they'd come through, mumbling some orders. Morrigan stops at the door of level six when Vers shakes her head. "What?"
"They want us all, dead or alive."
Morrigan thinks hard for a minute. "Fury would come back for us. I'll head up to level four. You check five."
"You're making me go back to where we just came from?" Vers scoffed.
"You shoot fire from your fists; I just have a belt for a sword." From then on, they split. Vers runs up to the level five-door as Morrison runs up to the fourth.
As the land closed behind her, Morrison could hear no other sound besides her breathing. She listened harder for anything below or above. Only when she heard a slight boom towards the middle of the level four records did she move.
As she was about to take another step forward, a column of fire shoots up from below, creating a massive hole in the floor. Looking down, Fury was sprawled out, and Vers had her fists glowing. "Hi, guys." No sooner had she said that Morrigan outstretches her hands. Charcoal black root-like structure spawned from the tips of each of her fingers and sleuthed down, circling each body before pulling them through the singed hole in the floor.
Placing the rescued nicely on their feet, the roots shrivelled back up into her hands, and they began to run. "You called them in? And you said you just had a sword." Vers called out as they neared the exit. Fury didn't say too much for the fear she'd blast him.
Morrigan smiles brightly. "I'm the God of Death; what'd else did you expect?" They burst through the level four exit, stopping to check if anyone was waiting with weapons and run-up to the third level door, only to be stopped by an agent with a gun poised at us.
Vers and Morrigan are ready to fight, but something is silently exchanged between Fury and the agent. The Agent lowered his weapon, and someone asked if he'd spotted them. He lied. All three demonstrated their gratitude in a curt nod before dashing away.
The three escapees avoid any contact and soon enough reached the floor exit and navigate through the compound to where all the ships were stored. When they come up to some double doors, Morrigan bends a pole as a precaution as Vers turns to Fury and confiscates his pager and tells him off. She turns around to her team to see Fury sulking. "You're lucky we saved your ass." Soon enough, some Midgardians start banging on the doors as the three of them run away before they break the pole.
When they hear the pole split and bang on the floor, followed by thudding footsteps, the trio swiftly hides behind some massive storage boxes. Fury looks out for anyone coming too close as Vers and Morrigan look for an escape. At the same time, both women lay their eyes on a silver jet. They share a proud moment. Vers taps Fury to follow them.
No sooner had they reached the ramp of their chosen escape ship, their past hiding spot was comprised instantly. The agents were moving fast. Fury jumps into the copilot seat as Vers naturally buckles herself into the pilot seat, letting a wave of nostalgia come over her skin as her hands graze upon the controls. Morrigan hangs back between them, hand on the belt just in case.
"You know how to fly this thing?" As Vers progressed to touch switches and lights, the two onlookers shared anxious glances as they waited for the sound of intruders to barge in.
"We'll see." At least she sounded hopeful
Fury tightens his seatbelt. "that was a yes or no question ❞
She touched something, and the ship came to life. "Yes."
The soldier quickly pushed down the handle of the accelerator and jerked the jet forward, making the Queen tumble backwards. Fury let out a roar of adrenaline and excitement as the Kree flew the jet out of harm's way and laughing at the Queen's expense. And, of course, leaving behind the failing agents.
The ship soared out of the tunnel and out across the barren hills before it began to steep upwards. Both Vers and Fury turned awkwardly to see what was going on when they heard soft noises. Plastered against some storage box, Goose the Cat and Morrigan the God were pressed up and could not move.
"We got a few stowaways." Fury jokes but regretted quickly as Morrigan's eyes narrowed. Vers carefully lets the ship plateau, which allows the stowaways to gain some footing. Morrigan hobbles as she gets up, but Goose quickly trots into the pilot's lap.
Surprised, Vers places the cat upon the ship's dashboard as Morrigan leans against the two headrests. Fury begins to coo over the cat as Goose lines up in front of the Agent. Although he smoothly slides a picture into his hands, Vers averts her and Morrigan's attention to a serious matter.
The two look down at the picture. Morrison notices Vers instantly — how could she not? "That was six years ago." Morrison knew Vers was taken to Hala but didn't bother to think of her origin exactly.
"So you're thinking, you're the pilot who went down with Doctor Lawson?" Morrison was going to wait before she asked what he meant.
"I'm saying the last person to see them alive will probably tell us," Vers said.
"Maria Rambeau." It was like a light was switched on inside his head. Vers lets out an agreeing sound.
"So how do we get to Louisiana?" She sounded optimistic, which was good.
"Due east, and we're right of Memphis." He looks back down at the picture.
Morrigan leans down to his ear. "What just happened?" Fury looks up at her carefully and quickly gives her the rundown of what they'd found out about Lawson. After that, the recent conversation made a lot more sense. "Okay, thank you, Joey." She takes a step back with a quirky smile. Fury turns in his seat just to give her a fake glare.
She retreats to the back of the ship. Hiding behind the storage box, she opens up her transmitter. Nothing new had come her way besides a message from the Sanctuary. It was a detailed message on how the Titan knew she was on Midgard and that he had sources of the Tessaract's location. It was another mission. The same mission as before. She couldn't fail this one, not while their lives were on the line.
There were swelling tears in her eyes as Morrigan turned off her transmitter. She looked back just in time to see Vers laugh and Fury smile. Their lives were at stake too, and it was all because of her.
𝘥𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘤
𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘥𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴
𝘪𝘯 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦
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