《Dark Psychology and Manipulation》The Persuasion. How to handle others


Knowing how to manipulate people can be useful in many areas of the job of manager and seller that's why I will give you some techniques to manipulate people but know that there is no spell.

Normally when we talk about manipulating, we know that people's negative thoughts are generated, because there is already a negative idea of who uses psychological manipulation, to get what they want, and think that manipulation of the mind is for people who plot, alter and deceive. By bringing the manipulation into the world of work, the perception changes completely: those who manage to obtain the results they set themselves are considered a great manager or a skilled seller.

The manager or salesperson who can convince people to do what he wants uses techniques that allow him to have effective communication. The list of points below highlights aspects from which you can understand how to manipulate the mind:

The most fearsome of the manipulators is the one who speaks perfectly.

Thanks to its excellent property of language, knowledge of the topics, use of pauses,cadence of sentences and use of the right tone, it intimidates and displaces the interlocutor creating imbalance and always trying to have the last word.

Mastering the manipulation of thought is a process that requires time and exercise.

Have you ever met someone who can always and easily obtain consent?

To be able to manipulate the human mind, you must be able to respond immediately to objections, especially the less important ones. The answer must not only be immediate but also aggressive and intimidating.

Another way to convince others is to rephrase the other's claims in their favor: good faith and education do the rest.

The idea is to create in the other such a confusion that makes him lose sight of the common thread. Enduring insistence on one's position and direct attack in an almost offensive way are the techniques that give the best results.


The masters of manipulation are able to quickly identify the weak point of the person with whom they are speaking and manage to leverage this weak point to achieve their purpose.Knowing how to manipulate people also passes through the appropriate use of phrases that have the specific purpose of creating an emotional reaction in the interlocutor:


1. You are the only one who understands me.

2. What would I do without you?

False modesty

1. He certainly knows more than I do

2. You teach me...


· Without me where are you going?

· Just try to piss me off and you'll see

ATTENTION: These phrases should be used with caution because the wrong approach could blow up all the negotiation: nobody likes to be manipulated.

If you think you are an easy person to handle, the best thing to do is to be aware of your weak points in order to better defend yourself and not believe in advances, be superior to aggression and be indifferent to talking, so as not to fall into the trap.

Some manipulate entire masses of people to support their ideas, others succeed on the job and others succeed only with family members, but in principle we all know what it means to manipulate people and how to do it.

· Do you know what your weaknesses are, those that if caught make you feel defenseless?

(e.g. a particular topic, complimenting language, money ...)

· Who do you use manipulative communication techniques to talk to?

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