《Dark Psychology and Manipulation》But what exactly is NLP?
NLP it is a psychological method that studies people's behavior, analyses model sand thus extracts the practical techniques to teach to potentially overcome any situation(work, success, relationships).
What NLP teaches is that each of us can, with willpower, change and revolutionize one's life in an instant, abandoning limits through the help of concrete techniques. Each person is the architect of his own destiny, determined exclusively by our decisions and not by the living conditions as many believe and which are already "prescribed" and not changeable.
The message that NLP wants to convey to us is the secret of living well, that is"living life trying to make the most of it". It is we, and only us, who can make everything we want possible, starting from the determination, constancy and determination, which from the beginning must not be missing, together with the desire to fight for a purpose, therefore the energy that goes put into practice, up to the exercise, application, construction and achievement of our goal.
In a nutshell, this method would help us become the people we always wanted to be; an opportunity to learn how to use our mind and body in the most functional way possible.
Talking about NLP is equivalent to dealing with themes based on creativity, on freedom, on self-esteem, on choices and therefore on courage. The founders of NLP in fact coined this term (Neuro Linguistic Programming) precisely to highlight a link between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistics) and the various behavioral screens that have been learned only through experience (programming).
It is indeed impossible, according to Bandler and Grinden, to find a field where this model cannot be applied: from self-esteem problems to sports or school skills, from courtship to success, and there are those who even claim that this discipline somehow manages to fight depression and other psychological disorders.
Summing up, NLP has among its main purposes, the goal of developing successful habits / reactions, amplifying effective behaviors to make what we want for us to happen and decreasing unwanted ones, which limit the occurrence of our design drawings.
With Neuro Linguistic Programming you learn to model the quality of the internal images lived and the sensations perceived so that they act for our benefit in the future. NLP makes us aware of our unconscious behaviors and programs that we can modify as we wish.
There are NLP academies where you can learn and put into practice all the possible techniques to achieve what you want a purpose: motivation, the basis for all our desire, is the ingredient fundamental that pushes us to fight to get it. Without it none of us would be able to reach the end to which it aspires.
Optimism, joy of life and cooperation are the three secrets of living in harmony.Everyone needs a paladin.
Have you ever wished for some things for yourself and done nothing to get what you claim you want? Have you ever wanted to lose weight, to free yourself from the slavery of some addiction such as alcohol or smoking, to want to learn a language or play an instrument?
Certainly yes, but how many of you have put your goals into practice and how many others have been stuck? This is how it happens, for all those belonging to the second sphere, who finds us doing only one action: complaining. The coach then takes over and helps us take stock, find our orientation, define ourselves as people. It spurs us to find a motivation in the event that our "journey" becomes tortuous.
There are four types of coaches:
: the one who helps us achieve personal goals;
: the one who helps companies and professionals in the sector to act more effectively and with determination in professional life;
: one who helps people in the phases of professional change, therefore a career jump or even a professional regression;
: helps students raise the level of performance and thus triggers mental and physical training.
The main objective of NLP is therefore to explain to us how everything we are is the simple result of what we have thought. Our life is in our hands.
Don't believe it? Try it for yourself!
An attitude characterized by a sense of curiosity, adventure and desire to learn the necessary skills to understand what types of communication affect others. It is the desire to know things that are worth knowing. It is looking at life as a rare opportunity to learn.
A methodology based on the principle that every behavior has a structure ... and that this structure can be extrapolated, learned, taught and even changed. The guiding criterion of this method is to know what will be useful and effective.
A technology which allows a person to organize information and perceptions in order to achieve results deemed impossible in the past.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming therefore deals with the study of the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated from it.
His basic belief and promise are that effective thinking strategies can be identified,assumed and used by anyone who wishes to.
NLP was born from the fruit of years of research, carried out by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, aimed at finding out what the behavioral and linguistic elements were that allowed successful people to have such a significant constancy of positive results.
The results were the identification of a series of specific and reproducible behavioral strategies and linguistic models.
From psychotherapy to coaching, NLP is still without solid experimental evidence,and has many characteristics of pseudo sciences.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been rejected by science in every possibleand imaginable way, yet it continues to be talked about.
The more attentive will have noticed that in the film Kingsman - Secret service(2014) neuro linguistic programming is passed off as a weapon of seduction.
It is in fact almost impossible to find a field where the NLP, according to its supporters, cannot be applied: from courtship to leadership, from self-esteem problems to sports skills, success is at hand, and there are even those who come to propose discipline to combat depression and other psychological disorders.
The NLP was born in the first half of the 70s, the golden age of the New-Age, and perhaps it is no coincidence that the crib was the California lysergic. The dads in the new discipline were Richard Bandler, a psychology student at the time, and linguist John Grinder, both from the University of California, Santa Cruz, who had begun to work out a sort of "theory of everything" of psychotherapy from their respective fields of study.
One of the cornerstones of the new, revolutionary branch of psychology would be imitation or, as the adepts define it, modelling: imitating the language and behavior of successful people it would be possible to make our skills our own and achieve their own results.
It is thus in fact, according to the Gospel of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, that Grinder and Bandler arrived at another fundamental intuition called Meta-model: studying the work of three famous psychotherapists and integrating it with theories by famous linguists such as Gregory Bateson and Noam Chomsky, they convinced themselves that the key to therapy was not so much what the patient said, but how he said it.
According to the NLP, in fact, three processes exist in language (generalization,cancellation and distortion) through which we unconsciously eliminate part of the information. According to the NLP, the psychotherapist's task would be to ask the patient for the words he chooses to use, so that he himself can understand the underlying structure. Simplifying, if the patient says, "Everyone is treating me badly" (generalization)the therapist could reply "Is there really nobody who treats her well?" and so on.
Grinder and Bandler also distilled the concept of the representational system. In our mind we create subjective representations of the reality that surrounds us based on what our senses perceive, from which derives one of the evocative mottos made by the followers of the NLP: "The map is not the territory". But from this reasonable (and certainly not original) premise, the fathers of the NLP arbitrarily deduced that it is possible to understand how each of us thinks, based on a series of clues from language and eye movements.
If we frequently use expressions like "I see you like cinema" we will reveal that our preferred representational system is the visual one. The auditory representational system will instead be indicated by expressions such as "I have heard too many speeches on this issue" while the kinesthetics, that is, the people who relate to reality above all in terms of touch, taste and smell, will tell us " his handshake I didn't like it." You could then use this information to experiment, or to experiment, other ways of processing information, or to get in tune quickly.
Summing up, Bandler and Grinder said that the Neuro-Linguistic Programming was derived from the most modern psychological and linguistic theories of the time and consisted of a set of methods (among which we have mentioned only some of the most important) that would allow you to effectively reprogram your own way of thinking and communicating. Yet, as it soon became clear, none of this was true.
Starting from the name, Neuro Linguistic Programming deliberately refers to concepts proper to science and the academic world. Despite the emphasis on its practical aspects, whether they are healing from phobias or becoming leaders, it is therefore essential to remember that any appeal to the scientific nature of the NPL is completely inappropriate.
The linguists, neuroscientists and psychologists who dealt with the self-grill tomes published by the duo (and their successors) are in agreement: the numerous luminaries that Grinder and Bandler call to support their theories, have nothing to do with them. For example, legend has it that Noam Chomsky's transformational grammar has contributed considerably to the development of the NLP, but Chomsky's ideas are theoretical constructs which explain how people speak, it doesn't tell people how they should speak.Furthermore, Chomsky has abandoned or modified his own theories since the 1960s. Butthose who support the NLP do not keep up with modern theory. In addition to borrowing the terms, the NLP does not resemble any of Chomsky's theories or philosophies.Furthermore, Chomsky does not patent his theories.
Stollznow refers to the rights of use of the name and principles of the NLP, which led to a long legal dispute that saw Bandler and Grinder opposed. In this regard, the linguist comments:
"None of the innumerable models, pillars and principles of the NLP has helped these founders to resolve their personal and professional conflicts".
What makes the NLP a pseudoscience is also what has presumably allowed it to survive in health to date. The descriptions of the methods that make it up have enough technical jargon to give an illusion of scientific, and the methods themselves are so vague and numerous that it is easy to find someone capable of seducing us with its deceptive plausibility.
All this also makes it easily updatable (by anyone who wants, since there is no shared education and certification system): for example, there are those who now bring up mirror neurons, ace taken by pop psychology, and of course it cannot miss quantum mechanics: it is no coincidence that the Grinder agency is called Quantum leap .
The theories behind the NLP will also be ridiculous and based on invented or outdated assumptions, but this is not in itself enough to say that it does not work in someway.
The problem is that the vague and adaptable nature of this pseudoscientific discipline, makes it impossible to test in a way that is satisfactory for those who practice it.For example, when the psychologist Richard Wiseman and colleagues showed that it was not possible to understand if a person was lying by eye movements, some experts began to deny that the claim really belonged to the NLP.
Having said that, many studies have been carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the NLP, both in psychotherapy and in communication and based on them there is broad consensus on its ineffectiveness.
In fact, few scientific studies support it and systematic reviews have regularly rejected it. And to say that there were high expectations: the American army, was also interested in certain new-age techniques that were spreading in the 80s, including the NLP,and asked a National Research Council committee to evaluate them. Della NLP was particularly interested in the part that would allow influencing others, but at the end of the two years of investigation the committee's response was negative.
Even modelling, which would seem so captivating on the surface, has no place in modern psychology. Many studies have shown that achieving a certain success (economic,political, etc.) is the consequence of a series of circumstances influenced by a synergy of factors, some of which are even random (ability to seize an opportunity, the presence this occasion, a fertile ground that allows its development; a social and cultural need that can accommodate it, and, obviously, a good background preparation). In the absence of these factors, simple talent would remain frozen like a closed car, a garage, without petrol and a suitable road to travel on. Regardless of the form and content of language, its particular use is certainly not the key to a certain success nor the imitation or learning of the form of that used by people who have achieved extraordinary results in a given field. The relationship between language, its reprogramming and consequent success, therefore, is unfounded.
Although it was born as psychotherapy and with the aspirations of a scientific revolution, the only niche where the NLP could logically survive was that of self-help and coaching and it is these sectors, in fact, the only ones that enthusiastically produce the evidence of his operation. It is a pity, however, that these efficacy tests are exclusively anecdotal: how come nobody systematically checks how a representative sample of customers reacts to the techniques of the NLP, and if a certain effect is really attributable to the NLP and not to other factors?
In the meantime, anyone can enter the business, because the lawsuits have established that even the founders are not entitled to the exclusive name, so whoever wants can register his favorite combination, if he arrives on time.
Will only the kinesthetics feel a little teased?
The name Neuro-Linguistic Programming is composed of three terms which mean:
· Programming: according to scholars, we have assets of programs enclosed in our mind and these programs can be modified.
· Neuro: these programs are arranged in such a way as to become neural configurations.
· Linguistics: language is part of our system of communication with others and through precision languages it is possible to extract the limits that hinder the achievement of our objectives.
An attitude characterized by a sense of curiosity, adventure and desire to learn skillsnecessary to understand which types of communication influence others.
It is looking at life as a rare opportunity to learn.
A technology based on the principle that every behavior has a structure that can be extrapolated, learned, taught and even changed.
The criterion of this method is to know what will be useful and effective.
NLP innovation consists in presenting a model rather than a theory, recognizing the subjectivity of verbal and non-verbal communication.
It is important to clarify the difference between theory and model: the role of a model is to describe the functioning of a system, while a theory tries to explain why this system works in this way.
One could summarize this with the formula: theory is concerned with why and the model of how.
We are talking about a model that does not deal with the reality of the facts, but with the mental representation that individuals have, regardless of the reasons that generated it.
A technology which allows a person to organize information and perceptions that come from both external and internal reality, in order to achieve results previously thought impossible. This method therefore deals with the study of the structure of subjective experience. His basic belief and promise are that effective thinking strategies can be identified, assumed and used by anyone who wishes to.
But what does it mean to study individual experience?
It means that each individual is in contact with the external world by means of sensorially, that is, he perceives the world through the five senses and internal sensations.This perception is filtered by three types of filters, which formed his personality.
These filters are:
· that comes from its genetic heritage inherited at birth is a complex summation of genes from the past;
· that is built in growing, through the education received,culture, education, values, the social belt to which it belongs, the ideologies learned and professed, the lifestyle that has influenced the choices.
· that is made up of personal history, of what happened in life and which conditioned values, emotions, feelings.
It is therefore very evident that each person perceives things differently from another, and this diversity forms the internal mental process which is composed of the mental representations of what is perceived, influencing the values and beliefs, which initiate an internal state composed of emotions, feelings and sensations that form the meta programs, the strategies of people still in the form of mental representations.
After all this internal work, the person responds to stimuli with his own language,which as we have said is of two types, verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal language is much more important than verbal and often represents true communication as it is unconscious,automatic, symbolic.
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