《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 27: Hand Kisses
After the atypical Mikaelson reunion, Klaus gently grabbed the demigod's hand and led her out the back door of the house.
He used his vampire speed to bring them to the woods.
The hybrid didn't want his family listening in to the conversation.
"What do you think about it?" Klaus questioned her. His voice was a bit quiet, from the stress of seeing his mother again.
The sea green eyed girl spoke, "About your mom?"
The original nodded.
Percy paused as she tried to choose her words carefully. She didn't want to offend him with her distrust of the witch. Instead of responding, she hesitantly asked, "How do you feel about what she said?"
"I don't feel like I can trust her. After all I did kill her." He looked out into the distance, his mind swirling with doubt.
The demigod nodded. "Yeah, I didn't get the impression that she was telling the truth." She spoke softly and bit her lip.
Klaus returned his gaze to her. He seemed to pick up on her demeanor. "I value your thoughts and opinions, love. You don't have to hold back."
Percy held his gaze. "It's still your mother."
The hybrid grabbed her hand again. Suddenly, the raven haired beauty was aware of how close they were standing. He looked deep into her eyes and whispered, "Tell me."
"I just have this really strong feeling that she wants to hurt you. It was like all of my instincts were screaming danger and-" She paused as she remembered the words the original witch said to her. Percy shook her head. "I can't stop thinking about what she said to me."
The original nodded. He moved their intertwined hands up and gently kissed the back of her hand.
It was silent for a few moments, although it wasn't awkward. The only sounds that could be heard was the occasional movement of squirrels or the sounds of tree branches blowing in the soft breeze.
Klaus kept his gaze on the ground. "My siblings hate me."
The demigod copied his previous action and raised their intertwined hands to her lips. She softly kissed the back of his hand.
"Maybe, they just need some time." Percy whispered.
He looked back up into her eyes. She felt like a lifeline, a breath of fresh air. It was like the rest of the world faded away when he looked into her eyes. The sea green abyss drew him in, the shades of the calm waters that seemed to swim in her irises brought him a sense of peace.
Gazing into her eyes made him forget about his problems, even if only briefly. She was like a drug. And he couldn't help but get addicted.
"It'll be okay." The comforting words left her lips like a warm hug.
And the hybrid found himself believing her.
Because as long as he had her, those words would be true.
When the pair returned to the house, Percy and Klaus sat on his bed talking.
Eventually the hybrid closed his eyes, as he was about to fall asleep.
The demigod, however, felt a bit hungry again.
"Nik?" She whispered.
The original kept his eyes closed. "Yes, love?"
"I'm gonna get a snack. Go to sleep."
He mumbled. "Do you want me to go with?"
Percy shook her head, but realized he wouldn't see her. "No. Get some rest, okay?"
He nodded slightly.
She stepped out of the room and headed downstairs.
The demigod entered the kitchen. Kol was leaning against the counter, drinking a glass of bourbon.
When he spotted her, he set the glass down and moved off of the counter. "Hello, darling."
Percy laughed. "Hi."
Kol stepped closer and gently took her hand. Kissing the back of it, the original sent her a devilish smirk. "It's a pleasure to officially meet you. I'm Kol."
Do all British people kiss hands?
"Percy." She replied with an amused smile.
The sea green eyed girl walked over to one of the cabinets and grabbed a bag of pretzels. She had several snacks stashed in the house.
"So, how did you come to befriend my siblings? It's impossible to deal with just one, let alone the group of them."
The demigod chuckled and sat on one of the counters.
Percy shook her head. "Nah. Your siblings are fantastic."
Kol leaned against the counter a few feet away from her. "Wait till you get to know me, darling." He spoke with a smirk.
The raven haired beauty laughed. "We'll see."
She pulled out a pretzel from the family size bag and threw it in her mouth.
He picked his glass back up and sipped it.
"You know, there are wayyy better drinks than bourbon." The demigod commented.
Kol raised an eyebrow, his smirk not once leaving his face. "Hm. Like what?"
Percy grinned as she jumped off the counter smoothly. Walking over to the fridge she pulled out a bottle of Coke. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured the drink in it.
The demigod added blue food dye, making the color of the drink turn into a dark blue.
With a proud grin on her face, she turned back to the vampire.
Percy handed it out towards him. His eyes went back and forth between the glass and her, his eyebrows furrowed. "Is it poisoned?"
The demigod snorted. "No. Besides, you're an original. I'm sure you could handle a little poison anyways."
Kol was amused by her comment.
He took the glass and took a sip.
A few hours later, the original and demigod were seated next to each other on the couch watching Mean Girls. They both had gone through many glasses of blue coke as they watched the movie.
The rest of the Mikaelsons were sleeping, since it was way past midnight.
"Regina George is iconic." He spoke as his eyes stayed on the television.
The demigod laughed. A bowl of pretzels sat between them. Both of them chewed on the snack as they watched a scene in the movie.
Percy smiled proudly.
The two began repeating the lines from the movie back to each other. They were competing to see who could resemble the characters more.
Eventually, the two were laughing loudly at the terrible impressions.
Rebekah walked into the room. "What the bloody hell are you two doing?" She asked tiredly.
The raven haired beauty grinned. "We're watching Mean Girls."
The blonde glanced at the TV and nodded. It was too early in the morning to question anything. She walked over to one of the chairs in the room and wrapped a blanket around herself.
Another person entered the room. "You're watching a movie at four in the morning, love?"
Percy glanced at the hybrid. "What else is there to do at 4 am?"
Klaus shook his head in amusement.
Rebekah was about to fall back asleep in the chair she was sitting on.
The scene in the film where Gretchen accidentally kicked a radio in someone's face, appeared on the screen.
Percy and Kol started cracking up at the movie. The demigod grabbed the remote to replay the scene. They watched it again and laughed harder.
Klaus sat on the other side of Percy after deciding he had nothing better to do.
The raven haired beauty glanced at the hybrid. "Nikkie, your siblings are amazing."
"Does that include me?" Kol asked with a smirk.
Percy nodded. "Duh."
The original wrapped his arm around the demigod's shoulders. "Did you hear that, brother? Percy thinks I'm amazing." A smug smile spread across his features.
The demigod plopped another pretzel in her mouth.
Kol found it was his goal to annoy his siblings as often as he could. And he knew how easy it was to annoy the hybrid.
Klaus scoffed and turned his head to the side. "Of course, she does." He mumbled under his breath bitterly.
Kol's smirk only widened. "Are you jealous, Nikkie?"
The hybrid glared daggers at his brother.
Why would he be jealous?
"I can still have you daggered in a box, Kol." Klaus threatened.
Before the original could respond, the demigod came to his defense.
Percy wrapped her arms around Kol. "Kol's too awesome to be daggered."
The original chuckled and sent another smug look to his brother. He raised an eyebrow, as though challenging Klaus to go against the words of Percy.
"Yes, brother. I am too awesome to be daggered." The vampire repeated her words boastfully.
The hybrid glared at his sibling.
Percy pulled away from the original and gave him a high five.
The sea green eyed girl got up from her seat. "I'm going to the bathroom." She pointed at the hybrid. "No daggering Kol."
Klaus raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Or what, love?"
Laughing evilly, she replied, "You don't want to know."
She walked out of the room, causing Kol to look over at his sibling. "You are so whipped, brother."
"Just because I can't dagger you, doesn't mean I won't tear you limb from limb." Klaus replied.
Kol chuckled and threw a pretzel at the hybrid. "We both know you wouldn't."
Percy returned to her spot on the couch. "What'd I miss?" The demigod asked as she ate a handful of pretzels.
"Nothing, love."
Hours later, the demigod was seated back in the same couch, as the Mikaelsons got ready for some fancy ball they were hosting.
It's like I'm in a Disney princess movie.
Rebekah was having her nails painted by a manicurist. Finn was having the ankles of his dress pants adjusted. Kol was standing in front of a large mirror as someone tailored his suit.
The demigod was simply chilling on the couch. The siblings offered for her to take part in 'getting glammed up,' too but she denied.
Kol admired himself in the mirror. "Rebekah, Percy, tell me how handsome I am."
The blonde replied, "Ah, Kol, you know I can't be compelled."
"You look very handsome, Kol." The raven haired haired beauty complimented with a smile.
The original smirked. "Thank you, Percy." He got off the small stage he was standing on and held his fist out.
The pair made a custom handshake after they finished watching the Mean Girls movie.
The demigod grinned as she moved her hand out. They did a complex variety of hand gestures. The last part of the handshake ended with a fist bump that imitated an explosion. Kol and Percy made sound effects of an explosion as they extended their palms away from each other.
Rebekah watched in amusement. Kol returned to his spot in front of the mirror.
The front door opened abruptly as Klaus entered the room. He glared at his sister. "You went after Elena."
As she should.
The sea green eyed girl held out her fist for Rebekah to fist bump too. The blonde smiled slightly and completed the action.
Klaus wasn't fazed by the interaction and continued speaking to his sister. "What is wrong with you?"
Rebekah looked back up at him. "Here we go." She was used to him making a big deal about the things she did.
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened.
Kol became angry. "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?"
Klaus glanced back at his brother and mockingly responded. "Oh, go back to staring at yourself."
"And who are you, my father?" Kol retorted.
The hybrid scoffed. "No, Kol, but you're in my house."
Kol stepped towards his sibling. "Then perhaps we should take this outside."
Percy was reminded of the video of that one girl on the internet saying, 'Catch me outside, how bout that.'
The two brothers glared at each other. Unfortunately, the drama ended when Esther appeared in the doorway. "Enough!" She commanded.
"Niklaus, come." The witch spoke to her son.
Percy's body was back in 'fight mode.' Her eyes immediately found the hybrid's. He shook his head, assuring her that he would be fine.
The demigod watched as the original left the room to follow Esther.
She realized the witch probably wouldn't try anything right now. The thought calmed her, and she leaned back against the couch.
Percy returned back to her own house. She took a shower and got changed into casual clothing.
The demigod sat down on her bed. Her phone lit up when a text arrived.
The sea green eyed girl glanced at the phone to see Klaus had texted her.
She read the message. 'Can I come over, love?'
A small smile appeared on her face. She typed back a yes, and sent him her address.
A few minutes later, she heard a knock. Percy opened the door.
The original was standing there, carrying a plastic bag.
He sent her a smile and gestured to the bag. "I brought food."
The demigod grinned. "You can definitely come in." She stepped to the side and he entered the house.
They walked into the kitchen. Percy took the food containers out of the bag. "Is there a reason you stopped by?" She asked him with a playful smile.
He shrugged. The hybrid liked being around her and he wanted to have a break from his family. "I wanted to see you."
The raven haired beauty sipped a vanilla milkshake. "You know, I was literally at your house like two hours ago, right?" She spoke in a teasing voice.
Klaus replied, "I could never get sick of you, love."
Percy laughed. A mischievous smile formed on her face. "You sure about that?"
He chuckled. "Yes, love. Always."
The demigod grinned and opened the container. She took a bite of the burger.
The sea green eyed being swallowed the food and picked up a french fry. Klaus smiled fondly when she did a little happy dance. Food never failed to bring her joy.
"I have something to ask you, love."
Percy glanced up at him, as she continued chewing.
The hybrid smiled at her cuteness.
The demigod swallowed her food and waited for him to ask the question.
"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" He questioned as he stared into her eyes.
Percy smiled. "Like as your date?"
The hybrid couldn't help but appreciate the smile painted across her face. "Yes, love."
The demigod's smile grew. "Yes."
"Yes?" A part of him expected her to say no.
The demigod chuckled. "I'd love to."
Dimples appeared on Klaus's cheeks as he grinned.
The pair sat down on the couch. Percy's phone buzzed, causing her to look at the device. She read the message on the screen. "Schist." The demigod mumbled.
Klaus raised an eyebrow. "What is it, love?"
"I forgot I made plans for a few friends to visit."
The hybrid replied. "Just invite them to the ball."
The sea green eyed being looked back up at him. "You sure?"
Klaus nodded. "It's a large gathering, love. There's supposed to be a lot of people."
Percy sent him a smile. "Okay."
Dang. Looks like there's gonna be a few of Percy's friends at the ball. Maybe children of the big three...
@RandomDayDreams5000 suggested that Kol and Percy have their own handshake. Naturally, I had to incorporate that.
Anyways, I could totally see Kol loving Mean Girls.
Thoughts or suggestions?
Thoughts on ships?
Annabeth x Rebekah ship
Annabeth x someone else
Reyna x someone
I would like to have at least one gay pairing in the story. 🏳️🌈
I am ✨bi✨
And the gays deserve more representation.
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