《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 17: Roommates
After Caroline gave the group's phone numbers to Percy again, the demigod received a text from Damon. The text informed her of the location of Klaus and Elena after they left the gym.
Before the hybrid left the gym, he did compel Stefan not to hurt Elena or either of the two students in the gym. He also compelled the two students to forget what occurred and leave.
Once Klaus figured out whose blood was given to Tyler, he grabbed the doppelgänger and used his vampire speed to bring her to the hospital.
The demigod left the school and ran to the location Damon sent her.
When she arrived at the hospital, she saw two people near a car. She jogged closer to see Rebekah sitting on the hood of the car and Klaus standing next to her.
The demigod arrived next to them to hear Rebekah ask her brother, "How did you know?"
"Persephone figured it out."
The sea green eyed girl commented from behind him, "Yeah, I did."
The two siblings glanced at her. Rebekah pat the spot next to her, inviting the demigod to join.
Percy rolled her eyes but sat down anyways.
The hybrid looked at her sadly, his eyes regarding her longingly.
The demigod, however, refused to look at him.
He kept his eyes on her. When she felt his strong gaze, Percy turned to look at him with an agitated expression. He eventually tore his eyes from her face.
Klaus cleared his throat, and continued talking, "Besides, you know how much the original witch hated me, do you honestly think I would have done anything but the opposite of what she says?"
"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." Rebekah commented.
She sounds really petty.
"Well, it makes sense when you think about it from her perspective. It was her failsafe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..."
Rebekah finished her brother's statement. "Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species."
Klaus spoke again, "Leaving me alone for all time."
He's just someone who doesn't want to be alone. Her brain seemed to tell her.
Percy shook her head, dismissing her thoughts. He's still an asshole.
"Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?" Rebekah questioned.
The hybrid locked eyes with Percy, causing the demigod to see the pain swirling in them. His eyes looked watery and broken.
He tore his eyes away from her and returned his attention back to his sister, his demeanor becoming more guarded. "What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid, the hell out of this one pony town."
He turned around for a moment, before glancing back at his sister. "You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena."
Rebekah smoothly slid off the car and walked away.
Percy watched her walk away with an emotionless expression.
The original seemed to notice her guard was up. "Thank you for solving my hybrid problem."
Percy didn't even acknowledge him.
Klaus added, "And thank you for telling me about Elena. You didn't have to tell me anything, but you did. I realized afterwards, that I reacted badly."
She didn't even spare him a glance.
"Silent treatment?" He questioned quietly. Sighing, Klaus spoke softly, "Listen, love, I," he paused for a moment, "I'm sorry. Okay? I shouldn't have acted the way I did."
The hybrid wasn't someone who apologized. He didn't like admitting he was wrong. The fact that he was apologizing to Percy to was a big deal to him. Yet, it seemed she did not care.
Klaus added, "I was wrong. I should have acted differently."
Without looking at him, the daughter of the sea asked coldly, "And what part exactly are you apologizing for?"
Klaus responded in a way that he personally thought was a smart response. "Um, well, any part that is currently upsetting you."
Percy finally brought her cold, icy gaze back to his face. "Hm. Really? Well, there was the part where you thought you could threaten me, back when we were in Chicago. And there was the time where you decided to hold two random innocent kids hostage, and then proceed to compel Stefan to kill them. Oh! And the fact that you took away any and all free will that Stefan had to turn him into your little minion. And there was the part where you threatened everyone else into solving your little hybrid problem." Percy shook her head. "I'm not sure if I'm remembering everything, because there are just so many things to talk about. Like the fact, that you shoved a dagger in Elijah's heart, when all he wanted was to be reunited with his family."
The original scoffed, "Well, that's a mighty list you've created."
"Well, you're the one who did them," Percy pointed out as she slid off the vehicle.
She took a step towards him. "And unlike Stefan, I can't be compelled. And unlike anyone else you're used to dealing with, I can protect myself from you, which I know must drive you mad."
"I don't wish to hurt you, love," Klaus spoke softly, "Or compel you for that matter."
"You did before." She stated.
Klaus' blue eyes stared into her sea green ones. "During our fight, you started the violence. And I only wanted to compel you when I thought you knew about Mikael."
Percy was silent for a moment. "You still haven't explained who Mikael is."
"Nor do I plan to," Klaus replied. "You are still friends with the people here, and they would want to use him against me."
He took a step closer to her. "And about our fight, I was not trying to truly hurt you. I was holding back and so were you."
"Yeah, but you're still an asshole." Percy commented.
A deep chuckle fell from his lips. "Well, love, if it's any consolation, I did compel the two random humans to forget what occured and go back home."
"Yeah, whatever." Despite saying 'whatever', they both knew it was important to her that the two humans were safe.
Klaus' lips quirked up happily. He gently picked up her hand and lifted it to his lips. He lightly kissed the back of her hand. Looking back up at her, he spoke, "Try not to miss me too much when I leave town."
Percy laughed. "That's cute. But we both know you're the one who's going to be missing me."
"Yes, I will," He spoke clearly as his eyes stared into hers.
The raven haired beauty was not expecting him to say that. She pressed her lips into a line to stop the small smile from spreading on her face. "You're still a jerk."
The hybrid raised an amused eyebrow, "Now I'm a jerk? Is that title better or worse than being an asshole?"
Percy stepped backwards. "I guess you'll never know."
Stepping backwards created distance between them.
"So, once I leave this town, are we going to go back to not getting along, or are we going to have hour-long converstations on the phone?" He asked with a teasing smirk.
She didn't get to respond, because there was movement behind Percy. She turned her head to see what made the noise. Damon Salvatore had appeared in the parking lot.
"Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party." Klaus spoke to the vampire.
Damon replied, "Where is she?"
"Elena? Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause."
Damon tried to walk past Klaus. But, the original stopped the Salvatore. "I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate."
The dark haired vampire responded, "You'll have to kill me."
Percy walked up to the two boys.
They're both idiots.
"Oh, I would love to kill you. But I made a pledge to your brother, and unlike him, I keep my word."
Percy interrupted. "Okay, Elijah."
Klaus narrowed his eyes at her before he continued speaking to the Salvatore. Being compared to his brother seemed to anger him again. He was not the good brother. He was not the noble one. And on occasions, he felt the need to prove it. He was not the good guy. "Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't care that much anymore."
The hybrid sped Damon against a car, choking him tightly.
Percy ran toward the pair, but Damon began talking again. "You don't want to know about your friend, Mikael?"
Am I the only one who doesn't know Mikael?
The hybrid was furious. "What do you know about Mikael?"
Percy gripped his arm and tore it from Damon's neck.
Damon replied, "Just that he knows you're here."
"You're bluffing."
The Salvatore continued, "Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage."
Klaus grabbed Damon and threw him against another car roughly, before speeding away.
The blue eyed vampire groaned on the ground. Percy held her hand out to help him up. "You okay?"
"Just peachy." He pushed himself off the pavement, ignoring her outstretched hand.
He looked around, "He's gone."
Damon spun around toward the hospital. "I'm gonna go save Elena. Go home."
Percy nodded and walked back to her house. Once again the demigod was consumed by her thoughts.
Who the heck is Mikael?
Waking up, Percy made her way to the bathroom to get ready.
After she took a shower and got changed, she walked downstairs to the kitchen.
She opened the door to the fridge and cursed. "Schist."
Since she was gone for months, all of her food had gone bad.
Sighing, she left her house and went to the Salvatore residence.
She knocked on the door and Damon answered with a fake smile.
When he saw it was Percy, he stepped aside, letting her in.
The demigod plopped down on the couch. "So, what did I miss?"
The Salvatore poured himself a drink. "Barbie Klaus moved in. And Stefan is 'protecting' Elena for Klaus."
The sea green eyed girl nodded. "Do you have any food?"
Damon raised an eyebrow at her. "Why would we?"
Percy shrugged. "I dunno. Alaric and Elena are here all the time, aren't they?"
The blue eyed vampire sat down and shook his head. "Ric spends all of his time drinking."
"So do you." The demigod propped her feet up on the coffee table.
Damon's eyebrows furrowed. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
"Nah. Last year was my second attempt at senior year. I am not doing that again."
"Hm." Damon replied in a bored tone as he sipped his bourbon.
"Hey!" Percy exclaimed she thought of an idea. "Can't you just compel school to say that I graduated? I didn't get to finish the school year because of the whole hybrid trip thing."
The Salvatore drank more of his bourbon. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I'm awesome." Percy said in response.
Damon was unimpressed with her answer.
"Because I'll invite Rebekah to live with me instead, if you do it." She tried again in an effort to convince him.
The Salvatore finished his drink. "Deal."
Percy grinned in success.
Percy was back at her house, sitting on the couch. The raven haired beauty heard her phone ringing. Without looking at the device, she answered it.
"Hi Percy." The green eyed girl recognized the voice as Rebekah. "You should stop by cheer practice. You'll get to see me upstage all of these girls." The female original spoke. Percy could practically hear her smirk.
The demigod smiled in amusement. "You're becoming a cheerleader?"
Rebekah replied. "I thought it would be fun."
"Okay. I'm on my way, Bex."
After hanging up, Percy laced up her converse and walked out the door. Jumping in her car, she drove to the high school.
When she arrived at the field, she approached Rebekah. "So, what made you decide to join the cheer squad?"
The blonde shrugged. "Why not?" She continued stretching on the field.
Looking back up at the demigod, she questioned, "Why weren't you at school today?"
Percy responded, "I'm done with high school."
"You graduated?" Rebekah questioned.
The raven haired girl smiled. "Kind of."
When the original looked at her curiously, Percy shook her head. "Damon's compelling school to say I graduated. I didn't get to finish my senior year when your brother dragged me on that werewolf hunting trip."
Rebekah looked down at the ground at the mention of her sibling.
The sea green eyed girl sat down on the grass beside her and began stretching too.
"He left me." The blonde said sadly.
"I heard about that." Percy said gently. "Which is why I wanted to ask if you would like to stay with me?"
Rebekah looked up at her. "You'd let me stay with you?"
The demigod nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I made a deal with Damon about it, but honestly I wouldn't mind having you around. My house is big enough for the both of us."
The blonde threw her arms around Percy, causing them both to fall back into the grass. The sea green eyed girl returned the hug as she laughed.
"Thank you." Rebekah said softly.
"No problem, Bex." Percy responded. The two girls stood back up.
The blonde looked back at the demigod. "Are you going to the bonfire tonight?"
Percy shrugged. "I wasn't going to," she noticed the look on Rebekah's face, "but I can."
The original grinned. "Perfect."
Rebekah smiled at the demigod and sent her a wink. "Watch this."
Percy watched as Rebekah took a running start, before doing a series of effortless flips and cartwheels. She ended her precise movements with a split.
The demigod clapped and cheered for Rebekah, along with the rest of the cheer team.
When the original walked back over to the group of girls, Percy gave her a side hug. "Good job, Bex," the demigod said with a grin. The original immediately returned it.
After Rebekah brought her belongings to Percy's house, the two got ready for the bonfire.
Well, Rebekah got ready, while the demigod ate Chinese food she had delivered to the house.
The blonde stood in front of a mirror, skillfully applying eyeshadow. Percy sat on a chair nearby, stuffing white rice into her mouth.
"You know, I could do your makeup." Rebekah offered.
Percy shook her head. "Then, I'd have to stop eating."
The original smiled in amusement as she applied lipgloss.
Turning to the demigod, Rebekah gestured to her appearance. "How do I look?"
"Absolutely gorgeous." Percy responded with a smile.
The blonde haired original grinned. She could tell the sea green eyed girl's words were genuine.
"Alright, let's go."
Percy quickly shoved more food in her mouth, before getting up.
She scrambled to find her shoes.
Once she did, the demigod returned her gaze to her friend. "If it isn't fun, can we come back and watch a movie?"
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Sure. But, we are not leaving within the first thirty minutes. You have to give it a chance."
The two left the house and got in Percy's car.
"I'll try."
When they arrived at the bonfire, Rebekah wrapped her arm around the demigod's shoulders. "See? This isn't so bad."
Percy laughed. "We're surrounded by a bunch of drunk teenagers."
"Exactly. Fun."
The demigod rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure, Bex. Whatever you say."
Rebekah smiled as they approached a keg. She removed her arm from Percy's shoulders. She looked at it with furrowed brows. "How the bloody hell does it work?"
The raven haired beauty snorted. "I don't know. I don't drink."
Rebekah looked back up at her. "Hm, I thought all teenagers drank."
The sea green eyed girl shook her head. "Nope. I'm special. Like a snowflake."
The original smiled softly and tried to get beer from the keg again. Stefan appeared beside the two. "You alright there?" He questioned Rebekah.
"I thought Tyler would be here." The blonde commented.
Percy's face scrunched up. "Ew. You're into Tyler? There are way better fish in the sea."
Rebekah shrugged as she thought about the demigod's words.
Stefan added on, "You're into Tyler now, huh? It's kind of fickle."
"When you're willing to give me the time of day again, we'll talk." Rebekah replied.
"Queen." Percy said again with a proud smile.
The blonde laughed at the demigod's repeated habit of comparing her to royalty. Continuing, she said, "Until then, a girl has needs."
Elena interrupted, "Excuse me." The doppelgänger filled up a cup with booze.
"Elena, hi. What are you doing?" Stefan questioned.
The doe eyed girl replied, "I'm having fun Stefan. You have a problem with that?"
She tilted the cup back and drank it.
"Alright, take it easy. We both know you're kind of a lightweight." The Salvatore commented.
Elena coughed. "Really?" She refilled the cup. "You think I'm going to let a blood addict tell me how to drink?"
Rebekah chuckled as the doppelgänger walked away.
Percy intertwined her arm with Rebekah's, and led her away from Stefan.
They walked around the woods simply talking.
"You know, I could set you up with one of my friends." The demigod offered.
Rebekah considered it for a moment. "Are there any cute ones?" She asked with an adorable smile while sipping her drink.
Percy led the original to a spot where there was a fire pit. She sat down on one of the logs near it and pulled out her phone.
The raven haired beauty showed the original a picture that included most of her friend group from the two camps.
Rebekah took the phone and examined the different faces. "You have a nice friend group."
Percy smiled softly, "Yeah. They're awesome."
"Who's the girl that you have your arm wrapped around?" The blonde asked.
"That's Annabeth. She's the best."
Rebekah nodded. "She's really pretty."
The sea green eyed girl looked over at her friend. "You're into girls?"
When the blonde didn't see any judgement from Percy, she responded. "Yeah."
The demigod beamed. "Me too! I actually like both girls and guys."
Rebekah was glad that she knew someone who had that in common with her.
Percy fist pumped her excitedly. "We're twins."
The original chuckled.
"Anyways, Annabeth is single if you're interested." The demigod wiggled her brows at Rebekah.
The blonde replied, "I might take you up on that offer."
Percy smiled to herself. "I'm better than cupid."
Rebekah chuckled at the girl's comment. Then, a mischievous smile spread on Rebekah's face. "What about you? Are you into anyone?"
The raven haired beauty shook her head. "Nah."
Rebekah looked at her curiously, "Is there anything going on between you and my brother?"
Percy choked on nothing and coughed repeatedly. She looked back up at the original with wide eyes. "What! Why the Hades would you say that?"
Rebekah laughed at the demigod's dramatics. "No reason. I was just asking."
The sea green eyed girl shook her head. She looked around and spotted a bag of marshmallows.
"Ooo, we can have marshmallows!"
Rebekah regarded her friend in amusement.
Percy excitedly handed the blonde a stick and a marshmallow.
- In Serial20 Chapters
The Sorcerer
This is a fanfiction based on Harry Potter, written by JK Rowling. BEFORE YOU LEAVE, as fan fiction isn't what royal road is known for unless your book is called Borne of Caution, hear me out. This is based 200 years into the future. Hogwarts will be very different, and besides some references, we will follow no characters from the book. In my opinion, this is more of a new, mature, and more realistic version of that universe. If we want to put an analogy to it, I'm borrowing the house, but it's my furniture and things on the inside. Synopsis - 200 years since the battle of Hogwarts. The muggles know - magic is no longer a secret. Wizards and witches show their magical traits much later in life now, their powers weaker than previous generations... and to make matters worse, there is a steady decline in the wizarding population. Follow along as Lux, a muggle-born, shows the world what one determined young wizard can do. Cover credit - https://br.pinterest.com/pin/480688960218579620/ ***Release schedule once a week, Sunday or Monday.***
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Cold Heart(Cancelled)
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If reality is what we make of it. why is existence hell? Oh pray, lament for the tales of yore. Your prophecy was false and your promises fades. Hate drew me from death so I can walk into your hallowed halls. I will stand before your noble court, and with the blood of ten thousand worlds I shall bury your light.
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Hey all, Necrontyr525 here! Rather then drown you all in a flood of one- to three-chapter mini-fics, I've decided to put out all of my short stories in an 'omnibus' format, sorted by series and by release date. These stories span my entire progress as a writer-for-fun over the past three plus years, with the corisponding variance in length, subject matter, and quality. Each chapter will get an Author's Note as a sort of forwards. Not nessisarily as a summary, but more to give you all some context for where each short came from, as well as any chapter-spicific trigger warnings. I can't think of any off of the top of my head, but better safe then sour.Comments, reviews, and constuctive criticizm is welcome, but please do recall that these works collectivly represent a great deal of my growth as a writer.Cover by the wonderful gej302! Go and show them some love!
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I Hate You Master
A man, relentlessly pressed into training since a young age to be an elite mage, is forced to face the cruel reality that he just does not have what it takes to achieve that goal. After being thrown out by his father, the arch mage, he turns to the one option left. He becomes a demi-human tamer and sets out to gather resources to continue his studies.Also, he's a cold and calculating jerk who sees those Demi-Humans as simple trained animals, as is the custom in that part of the world. Enjoy!Mature Content Warning: This story features the purchase and sale of cute girls, and the use of said girls as gladiators for spectators. Concepts such as sexual enslavement and general disinterest in civil rights abound.
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Sonata Jackson had a rough life and thinks military life can help her move on. Only for her to do jobs that she never thought she would do.
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