《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 18: Mason
Percy woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. Groaning, she answered it and brought it to her ear. "What do you want?" She asked in a cranky and tired tone. Klaus thought it was adorable.
"Hello, love." She immediately recognized the familiar voice.
"Nikkie?" Percy rubbed her eyes in an attempt to get rid of the sleepiness.
The hybrid chuckled. "Yes."
"Why'd you call me so early?" She asked.
Klaus shook his head. "It's 12:00 in the afternoon, love."
"Exactly." The demigod replied.
"Did I actually wake you up?" He sounded incredibly amused.
The hybrid spoke, "My apologies, love."
"Yeah, you should be sorry. Meanie."
Klaus laughed at her words.
Percy added, "And I still think you're an asshole."
He grinned. "I thought my title changed to being a jerk."
"That too."
The original chuckled. "I'm honored to be called such lovely names. How are you doing?"
Percy opened her eyes as her fingers drew shapes on the blankets. "I'm good. I'm out of high school and I have a housemate now."
"Who's living with you?" He asked in a concerned type of way.
Percy retorted, "Rebekah. Apparently her brother left her behind."
Klaus sighed. "Is she okay?"
"Yeah. She joined the cheer squad and she's enjoying high school. But, she was upset about you leaving." The sea green eyed girl informed him.
Klaus was silent for a moment. So, Percy changed the topic. "So, how have you been?"
The blue eyed original replied, "I've created a few more hybrids." Percy could practically hear his smile.
"Congrats, dude."
Klaus furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you just call me 'dude?'"
"I prefer 'jerk'." The hybrid stated.
Percy shrugged. "Too bad."
Klaus sighed. "I have a feeling you might still be upset with me."
"What gave you that idea?" The demigod questioned mockingly.
The corners of the hybrid's lips quirked up. "Well, I'm incredibly smart."
"Hm. Still an asshole." Percy commented.
Klaus spoke, "Wow, I could have a whole book dedicated to how many times you've called me that within the last few days."
"It would be a good book," she replied.
The jerk sighed. "You know, I did apologize, love. Does that mean anything?"
The sea green eyed being shrugged. "Apologizing doesn't always make things better."
Softly, he replied, "I want to make things better."
Percy felt like her heartstrings pulled.
Klaus added, "Or at least I want to make things better with you. If I'm being honest, I couldn't care less about what your friends in Mystic Falls think of me."
"But you care about what I think of you," Percy clarified his words.
He answered, "Yes."
The raven haired beauty was silent for a few moments, which caused him to speak again. "So, how's Mystic Falls? Did I miss anything exciting?"
"Nah. I baked cookies and watched movies with Bex. That's pretty much it."
"Really? I thought you would've gotten into trouble." Klaus commented.
Percy grinned. "Me? Trouble? Never."
The demigod sat up in her bed and glanced at her phone. She had multiple missed messages from the scooby gang.
"Oops. Gotta go. Bye Nikkie. Good luck with your hybrid babies." The raven haired beauty spoke.
The hybrid scoffed. "Don't call them 'hybrid babies.'"
Percy grinned. "Bye, jerk."
Sighing, he replied, "Goodbye, Persephone."
The sea green eyed girl arrived at the grill after reading through her messages. Damon texted her about the ghost of Mason Lockwood haunting him. Percy was intrigued by the message. She hoped to learn about the art of haunting her enemies, in case she ever died. Although, sadly, she realized she would probably just go to the underworld.
The demigod walked up to the bar, where Alaric and Damon were seated. "Hi." She greeted.
The history teacher looked over, "Hey, Percy."
A bartender placed drinks in front of Damon and Alaric. Before the Salvatore could reach for the glass, someone else took it off the counter. When the trio turned their heads, they saw Mason Lockwood.
"Mason!" Alaric spoke in surprise.
The werewolf brought the glass to his lips. "God, I miss whiskey." He drank the liquor.
Quickly, he smashed the glass against Damon's forehead. The vampire made sounds of pain. "Ahh! Ow."
Turning to his friends, Damon spoke, "Told ya."
Percy grinned at the werewolf. "Hey, Mason. What's up?"
The Lockwood glanced at the demigod. "Hi Percy. How are you?" He asked with a smile.
The raven haired beauty replied, "I'm good."
Damon interrupted their conversation as he glanced at his phone. "I am never going to hear the end of that damn necklace." He shut off his phone.
Mason picked up another glass of whiskey. "One of you will pay for this, right?" Damon and Alaric stared at him blankly.
Percy replied, "Not me."
The werewolf glanced at her. "Of course not." He spoke with a charming smile. Mason raised his glass toward her, causing the demigod to raise an imaginary cup back at him.
"Cheers." He said as he downed the drink.
Damon looked at the werewolf. "Let's get to it. I killed you. You want revenge. Get in line."
"Actually, I want an apology." Mason declared.
Alaric laughed and Percy chuckled a bit, knowing the Salvatore wasn't someone who apologized.
The hunter spoke, "Good luck with that."
Damon added, "Don't you have a family to haunt? You know, your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid minion."
"That's why I'm here. To help Tyler."
Damon scoffed. "Well, sorry to break it to you, buddy, but Tyler can't be helped. At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is, like, always."
Percy nodded.
Mason, however, disagreed. "Not necessarily. Not if you found a weapon that could kill him."
Damon shut him down. "There is no weapon that-" He noticed the knowing expression on Mason's face. "What do you know?"
The werewolf replied, "I know you need to apologize."
"Ha!" Percy thought Mason was hilarious.
"You got to be kidding me." Damon said to the Lockwood.
Alaric snapped. "Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize!"
Mason looked at the Salvatore expectantly.
Damon started, "You're right. I didn't have to kill you. I do a lot of things I don't have to do."
Mason laughed.
"That's not exactly an apology, Dae." Percy commented with an adorable smile.
The werewolf winked at her, before looking back at Damon. "That's good enough." He said with a smile.
Standing up from his seat, Mason spoke again. "Meet me at the old Lockwood cellar. Bring a shovel." He glanced at the history teacher. "And come alone."
Percy piped up. "Does that include me?"
Mason shrugged. "You're always invited." His words caused the demigod to grin.
Damon, however, wasn't as excited by the invitation. "What, you're going to bury me alive?"
"Don't tempt me." The Lockwood said before leaving the bar.
Percy laughed. "He's awesome."
Damon narrowed his eyes at her. "Really?"
The raven haired beauty simply smiled at him in response.
Percy and Damon arrived at the old Lockwood cellar. Mason was lighting a lantern. The demigod crouched down next to him, as he removed the match from the lantern. He held it up to the sea green eyed girl, "Happy late birthday."
The demigod smiled. "Thank you." She said as she blew out the match.
Her birthday had passed during the werewolf hunting trip.
The werewolf glanced back at Damon. "I'm surprised you showed."
"I dragged him here." Percy said proudly.
The Salvatore responded, "Besides, you put a snag in my only other Klaus lead. So I'd say I'm highly motivated."
"Mikael?" The werewolf asked. When Damon stayed silent, he continued. "Yeah, that didn't turn out so great, did it?"
"Okay, is this guy famous or something? How does everyone know him but me?" The sea green eyed girl questioned.
Damon replied, "Because you live under a rock."
Percy rolled her eyes.
The Salvatore looked back at Mason. "How do you know so much?"
Mason handed a lantern to Damon and took the shovel from him before he responded. "There's not much to do on the other side but sit around and watch other people screw things up."
Percy gave the werewolf a small side hug to comfort him.
"What are we looking for?" The vampire questioned.
Mason replied, "There's an old Lockwood family legend about a weapon that can kill an original vampire." He used the shovel to hit a brick wall. "Like the rest of their secrets, they kept it buried." He hit the wall again.
The sea green eyed girl planned on just keeping both sides from killing each other. But, hitting a wall with a shovel sounded fun.
Percy raised her hand like a little kid who knew the answer to a teacher's question. "Can I try?" She asked excitedly.
Mason held out the shovel to her.
"Oh, come on, give it to me." The Salvatore spoke.
The werewolf gave him a cool glare as he handed the shovel to Percy.
The demigod moved closer to the brick wall and wacked the wall with the shovel. When a big hole emerged in the wall, she continued stabbing the bricks. "This is fun." She commented.
Mason smiled in amusement.
"It's like Whac-A-Mole." She hit the bricks more and more until the hole was big enough to easily fit all three beings at once.
Damon stepped forward and gently touched her arm. "Okay. I think that's enough."
Percy pouted and wacked the bricks one final time. "Okay. Now we're done." She stuck her tongue out at the Salvatore before walking towards the hole. Peering inside, she saw a dark cave.
"Oooo creepy. I love it."
Mason and Damon stood beside her and looked into the dark abyss. The werewolf turned to Damon. "Go for it."
The vampire replied, "You first."
"What, you think I'm leading you into a trap?"
The Salvatore responded, "The thought crossed my mind."
"You're both wimps." Percy stepped though the giant hole in the wall.
Once she was inside, she looked around. "Wow! This would be an awesome lair for a super villain. Or hero. I could make it my bat cave!" Turning back to the two guys she made her voice deep. "I'm Batman."
Mason laughed. "That was pretty good." He followed her into the cave.
"Thank you."
They continued walking though the dark cave.
Damon spoke, "I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Your motives are deceptively pure."
"You talk the talk, but I know you'll do anything for your brother. You won't screw me over."
The campfire replied, "As long as we have the same agenda, I'm supposed to believe you're not going to screw me over?"
(vampire autocorrected to campfire and i thought i'd keep it :)
Mason chuckled.
They arrived at an area that branched off into different sections.
"Oh! This is like the scene in horror movies where the characters split up and bad stuff happens. So, should we split up? Whoever doesn't die, wins."
Damon looked at the demigod. "Are you drunk?"
"No, my awesomeness is just beyond your mental capacity." She retorted sassily.
Damon sighed and returned his attention back to the werewolf. "All right. Which way?"
"I don't know. Flip a coin."
Percy checked her pockets, but couldn't find any.
Damon responded, "Aren't you supposed to be all-knowing?"
"I'm a ghost. I'm not god." Mason replied.
"Some gods can be idiots too." Percy pointed out.
Mason spared a look at the demigod before glancing around their surroundings.
"I say, go left." Percy said.
Damon went the other direction. "Or not." Mason replied as he watched the Salvatore. "You have trust issues. Anyone ever tell you that?"
Suddenly stakes shot out of the cave and impaled the vampire. Damon groaned and grunted in pain. He tried to tug them out but failed.
"Oh my gods." Percy rushed forward to help. "Is it a bad time to say I told you so?"
"Yo. Help a brother out." He pleaded. "Mason?"
"No, this is Patrick." Percy replied sarcastically as she examined the large stakes.
Mason stepped towards the two with a sharp object and cut one of the stakes. The demigod pulled out Riptide and helped do the same.
Damon groaned.
"Sorry, Dae." The raven haired beauty apologized.
Mason pulled one of the stakes out, so Damon could heal.
The Salvatore spoke. "What's your game, man? I killed you."
Percy pulled one of the stakes out too.
Damon continued, "I jammed my fist into your chest. I ripped your heart out."
Another stake was ripped out.
"There's no way this whole buddy-trust act is real."
Mason pulled the final stake out. "You know what the other side is like? We're all alone. We watch the people we left behind and we regret our decisions. That's it. Look, I can't change what happened to me." He stepped away from the vampire. "But maybe I can change what happens to Tyler. I don't need revenge, Damon. I need redemption."
Percy wanted to give him another hug. "And that's why you're my favorite werewolf."
Mason sent her a sad smile.
He turned on his heel and walked back in the direction they came from.
Percy turned back to Damon and helped him walk. The vampire leaned on her for a few steps until he pulled away.
"You okay?" She questioned softly.
The Salvatore nodded. "Fantastic."
The two followed Mason down another path in the cave.
Percy tapped his shoulder. Mason turned around and raised an eyebrow. "What's up?"
The demigod wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. The werewolf returned it and held her.
"It's okay." He whispered.
Slowly, the pair pulled away from each other. Percy was going to miss him.
Suddenly Damon stopped walking. He had his hands out, like a mime trapped in a box.
"God! This is not happening."
Mason turned around. "What now?"
"I can't get through."
Damon narrowed his eyes at her.
"It's like I'm not invited in. Wait."
Mason argued. "I'm not stopping just 'cause you're stuck. I'll let you know what I find."
"Yeah, but-"
The werewolf interrupted, "Looks like you're going to have to trust me."
Percy and Mason looked at the walls.
"So? What'd you find?" Damon questioned.
Mason started, "Its in-"
Abruptly, he disappeared and the lantern fell on the ground.
The sea green eyed girl looked at the spot where he was previously standing. She felt a wave of emotion hit her.
He's gone.
ok i liked mason. he was a cool guy.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
-Here is a small list of words that the name Klaus/hybrid have autocorrected to in the past few chapters:
and my personal favorite: byproduct
Anyways, have a lovely day!
2915 words
btw i went back after a few months and edited part of this chapter and the last chapter, so it might be different than when you originally read it *
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