《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 16: Collide
Percy woke up hearing a loud crash. Her eyes opened to see Rebekah and Stefan fighting.
"Consider me jealous." The original said before stabbing him with something.
The demigod pushed herself off the ground and leaned on the wall for support for a moment. She tried to walk the tiredness off as she jumped off the truck.
Percy removed her hair from a messy bun and let her wavy hair fall to her shoulders. The sea green eyed girl glanced back at the two vampires. Stefan was now on the ground and Rebekah walked up to her.
"What's going on?" The demigod asked.
The original replied, "We're going to go see the doppelgänger."
Before Percy could respond, the blonde grabbed her hand and sped them to the high school.
Rebekah stopped using vampire speed when they entered the school.
How many school events does this place have?
They walked through the hallways, until the demigod spotted something that made her stop. She turned away from the blonde and walked towards the vending machine.
"What are you doing?" Rebekah questioned.
Percy shrugged without looking back at the original. "Getting snacks."
Because I have priorities.
The blonde got tired of waiting and left.
After the demigod got a bag of pretzels and chocolate chip cookies, she walked back down the hallway.
The raven haired beauty heard voices from the gym. Percy approached the doors to the gymnasium and kicked them open.
She walked in, confidence oozing out of her.
"Sup, dudes."
She saw Elena standing next to Klaus. There were two other students standing a few feet away. Matt and Bonnie were there too.
The doppelgänger yelled out, "Percy! Get out of here!"
The demigod looked up. "Well, now I'm definitely staying." She opened the package of cookies and stuffed one in her mouth.
She noticed everyone was looking at her. "What?" The group turned their attention back to the hybrid. His gaze, however, remained on Percy. "Hello, love. I was wondering when you'd show up."
The gym doors slammed open again and Rebekah walked in with Tyler.
"Get off of me!" The Lockwood said in an aggravated tone.
"Hush now," Rebekah said as she dragged the werewolf toward her brother.
Klaus spoke up, "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah."
"Hi Rebekah." The demigod said with a mouth full of cookie.
The original smiled at the girl. "Hello, Percy."
"Word of warning —she can be quite mean." The hybrid spoke.
Percy sassily retorted, "Right, 'cause she's the mean one."
Klaus sent her a devilish smirk.
The 'less mean' original replied to her brother, "Don't be an ass."
It's impossible for him not to be.
Rebekah shoved Tyler toward the hybrid. "Leave him alone," Elena demanded.
"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during transition. It's quite horrible, actually."
Klaus forced the werewolf to drink his blood. Percy moved forward, knowing what he was going to do next.
He raised an eyebrow at her as if challenging her, before looking at Bonnie. "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake," the hybrid swiftly snapped his neck, "You better hurry."
The Scooby gang all looked in shock.
Percy's eyes narrowed. "Was that really necessary?" She walked towards him, aggravation clear on her face.
"Of course, love."
Matt couldn't believe what he just witnessed. "He killed him."
"He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." The doppelgänger responded in an effort to calm both of their nerves.
Klaus spoke up, "And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold onto Elena for safe keeping." He grabbed the doppelgänger's arm.
Bonnie looked at the Gilbert for approval before she left. Elena nodded at the Bennet witch. So, Matt and Bonnie both walked out of the gym.
Percy ripped Klaus's arm off of Elena. She protectively placed herself between them.
Rebekah felt bitter at the demigod's allegiance with Elena.
She stepped near the doe eyed girl. "So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier."
Percy rolled her eyes. The demigod was not in a good mood.
"Enough, Rebekah." Klaus spoke. "Take the wolf boy, elsewhere, would you?"
The blonde walked toward the werewolf and dragged him out of the gym.
The hybrid continued speaking to the doppelgänger. "Just ignore her. Petty little thing."
Then, Stefan walked in the room.
Elena rose from her spot. "Stefan."
The Salvatore kept his focus on the hybrid. "Klaus."
"Come to save your damsel, mate?"
The vampire replied, "I came to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty."
"Well, you broke that pledge once already." Klaus stated.
Stefan insisted, "Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me...I will do."
"Fair enough." The original responded. "Let's drink on it. Kill them." He pointed to the two human students.
Percy's anger grew. "No." She seethed.
"What are you waiting for? Kill them." The hybrid told the vampire.
The demigod would stop him if he tried.
Elena spoke up. "No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me, he already said—
Klaus sped at Elena only to have Percy shove him backwards, stopping him from touching her. She sent him a deadly glare. Stefan ran at the hybrid too. The original immediately held him in a chokehold.
Elena clutched Percy's arm in fear.
"She means nothing to you?" Klaus asked in frustration. "Your lies just keep piling up."
The Salvatore spoke in a raspy voice, "Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!"
"Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer. During which time I never had to resort to this— Stop fighting."
"Don't do this. Don't do this." The vampire pleaded.
Percy spoke out in warning. "Klaus."
"I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it."
"Don't. Don't." Stefan pleaded.
Elena held the demigod's arm in a death grip as Klaus continued. "You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run. You will not hide. You will simply just obey."
The ground began shaking slightly.
Elena mumbled in defeat. "No."
"Now kill them, Ripper."
When Stefan stepped toward the humans, Percy snapped his neck in one swift motion. She looked back at the hybrid, challenging him to attack her.
For a moment, he was too shocked to react.
Walking over to the two students, Percy crouched down next to them.
"You can leave." The raven haired beauty spoke to them.
"No, they can't, love."
Percy rose from her spot and spun around. "Hm and why is that?" He could see the fury in her sea green eyes.
"Well, they've been compelled not to leave." He smirked at her menacingly.
Percy walked until she was right in front of him. "Then, compel them to forget and leave, right now." Her voice held power as she spoke to him.
The hybrid shook his head, "I don't think I will."
"Fine." Percy said, a malicious smile spreading on her face.
The ground started rumbling as sinks, fountains, and toilets exploded. Water began flooding into the gym.
Klaus's eyes widened a bit.
It moved toward her quickly and her eyes began to glow a bright green.
"Compel. Them. To. Leave."
Anger began flowing through the hybrid.
"I am the original hybrid. I take orders from no one!" He yelled.
Percy moved forward and twisted his arm in a painful position and then kicked his knee. The hybrid spun her around and pulled her tight against him. Her back was pressed against his chest and her arms were held down.
The water swirled around the pair separating them from the rest of the group.
Each time she'd fidget, he'd tighten the grip. "Calm down, love."
"No." She moved her arm to elbow him in the stomach. The demigod broke free of his grip.
"I said, let them go."
Klaus stormed towards her, their faces only inches apart. The scowl on his face was almost as deadly as her glare.
The water around them moved in a constant circle, blocking out some of the light from the room.
She tried to kick him 'where the sun don't shine,' but he grabbed her leg before she could. He did a sharp movement with it, causing her to fall to the ground. But, she managed to hook her other leg around him, pulling him down with her. Klaus was on top of her and roughly pinned her arms down to stop her from moving.
She banged her head against his, causing him to loosen his grip.
Percy pushed him off of her and got up. "I can do this all day."
He sped up and tackled her to the ground. His hand wrapped around her neck but he didn't apply any pressure. "I could-
Percy easily ripped his hand off and twisted it.
He moved back and cursed. She rolled to the side.
Only the ceiling could be seen as the water encircled them.
The demigod caused a large amount of water to head in his direction. It was still only a fraction of the total amount of water surrounding them.
"Percy!" His eyes glowed gold, which contrasted with her glowing sea green eyes.
He ignored the water and stalked towards her. He didn't stop until their foreheads were touching. They stared into each other's eyes, neither wanting to back down.
Slowly the water began to fade away, unbeknownst to either of them.
It was as though the pair was in their own world.
A world where all that existed was each other.
Their eyes continued examining each other's. As the glow of their irises faded away, the anger died down too.
All of the water returned back to where it originated from. It flowed back to the pipes, not quite fixing the plumbing issues that would occur within the school water system.
His eyes clashed with hers. All the two could focus on was each other.
The others in the room watched as a faint glow of warm gold and bright green surrounded both of their bodies. It faded as quickly as it came.
Abruptly something in the atmosphere changed. Both beings looked away from each other.
What the Hades just happened?
Stefan woke up on the ground. Klaus sped over to him and compelled him to stay put.
The door slammed open as Rebekah walked in.
"Where is it?" She yelled.
Klaus glanced at his sister. "What are you talking about?"
"She has my necklace. Look." Rebekah showed him a phone.
The hybrid looked at Stefan. "Well, well, more lies."
"Where is it?" Rebekah asked the doppelgänger.
"I don't have it anymore." Elena replied.
The original got angry. "You're lying!" She sped at Elena and sunk her fangs into her neck.
Percy yanked Rebekah away from the Gilbert and pushed her away.
Elena fell to the floor, clutching her neck.
Klaus crouched down in front of her. "Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest."
"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it."
"Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate." He stood up. "If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch. But since, we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?"
Klaus set up a twenty minute timer on the gym clock. "If Bonnie and Percy haven't found a solution by then, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to."
"No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!" The doppelgänger pleaded.
Klaus ignored her and looked back at the demigod. "I'll tell you what, love, I will let the two humans leave if you find the solution to my hybrid problem. But right now, no one leaves." The hybrid brought his attention back to Stefan. "If she tries to leave, fracture her spine." He said as he pointed to the brunette on the ground.
Klaus and Rebekah left the gym.
"I'll take him down if he tries." The demigod said void of emotion to Elena.
The doe eyed girl nodded.
Percy thought about the possibilities that could help Tyler complete the transition.
The witches said that Elena had to die in the ritual.
But, in the demigod's experience, she learned you can't trust what everyone says.
So, what if it's the opposite?
What if Elena needs to be alive for Klaus to make hybrids?
But if that was the case, wouldn't it have worked already?
Percy remembered the words of the ritual. 'The doppelgänger must be drained of her blood until the point of death.'
"It's her blood."
Elena and Stefan stopped talking.
The doppelgänger questioned, "What?"
"Your blood is the answer. Tyler needs your blood to complete the transition."
Elena panicked at the news but she hesitantly nodded her head.
She held out her wrist to the demigod, "Okay. Take my blood."
Percy looked at her in concern. "Are you sure?"
Elena nodded her head repeatedly.
The sea green eyed girl picked up one of the plastic cups lying around the gym from senior prank night.
She walked back to Elena and took out a small knife. It wasn't one made of celestial bronze.
The raven haired beauty looked up at Elena for assurance.
The doppelgänger encouraged her. "It's okay. It'll save Tyler."
Percy lightly cut Elena's wrist with the knife and her blood dripped into the cup. "Sorry." The demigod apologized.
Stefan squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to ignore the blood.
"Don't be."
The raven haired beauty pulled some water towards Elena. When the water touched the cut, it healed.
The brunette sent her an appreciative smile.
Percy walked out the door with the cup in her hand, her eyes full of determination.
She walked down the hallway, looking for Tyler.
"What are you doing, love?" She heard the familiar voice behind her.
"Fixing your problem. Where's Tyler?" Her words came out cold.
Klaus sped in front of her. "What do you mean?"
Percy gestured to the cup she was holding. She shoved past his shoulder and continued walking.
The hybrid sped them to where Tyler was. The demigod roughly removed herself from Klaus's grip.
Kneeling down in front of the werewolf, she held out the cup.
"Drink this."
Caroline looked confused. "No, Tyler."
"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyways, love." The original hybrid douche spoke.
The transitioning hybrid was shaking. "Tyler, drink it." Percy told him softly.
The Lockwood took the cup and drank the liquid.
He started grunting and fell back into the ground.
Caroline tried to rush towards him, but Rebekah held her back. "Tyler! No!"
The blonde holding her scolded, "Bloody hell, shut up!"
Tyler began groaning in pain.
Percy immediately worried that she was wrong. She was the one responsible for his pain right now.
The transitioning hybrid continued thrashing and making sounds of agony.
"Oh gods." The demigod mumbled as she watched in panic. She didn't know what to do.
Suddenly, Tyler looked up with gold irises and veins under his eyes. Sharp vangs protruded from his mouth.
"Well, that's a good sign." Klaus commented.
Percy wanted to tear him limb from limb.
Sorry, I didn't know how to include Percy in this without changing the plot too much.
Because realistically, Percy could easily take down everyone in that gym.
@Krutika2311 gave me the idea of having Klaus and Percy fight. I thought this scene would be a good time to implement that idea. What did you guys think about it?
Even during the fight, they were both obviously holding back though.
I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. ✨yay✨
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Ship ideas?
2650 words
oh, also, it's my birthday
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