《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 15: The Truth
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Percy and Rebekah were seated at Gloria's bar playing game of cards.
Stefan entered the room.
The blonde original spoke up, "You left us."
"Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode."
Percy laughed at the comment, causing Rebekah to narrow her eyes at the demigod.
Klaus responded to Stefan, "Tell me about it."
The Salvatore glanced at Gloria. "What's she doing?"
"She's failing."
"That's rude of you." Percy said, calling him out.
The witch spoke up, "It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on."
"So, use me. I only wore it for a thousand years." She smoothly jumped off her seat.
"Smartie pants." The sea green eyed girl called out.
Rebekah playfully winked at her.
"See? Now this one offers a solution. Alright, give me your hand, Sweetheart." The witch said as she held out her hand.
The original placed her hand in Gloria's. Percy jumped off her seat to sit on the table where Rebekah was. "Yeah, Sweetheart," the demigod teased.
The blonde nudged her arm with a smile.
"She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?"
The witch began talking, "I can sense something."
Stefan inched closer.
Gloria chanted in latin. She sighed and opened her eyes as she turned to look at Klaus. "I found it."
Rebekah leaned in, "So, where is it?"
"It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends."
The original cut her off, "Yes. A dead girl, with dead friends if I don't get my necklace back."
"So dramatic, Bex." The demigod remarked.
The witch brought the conversation back to the matter at hand. "Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details."
"So, dive." Klaus replied.
"I need more time."
The hybrid leaned over the table, causing Gloria to add, "And space. You're harshing my ju-ju."
"We can wait." He said with a devilish smile.
Gloria nodded. "I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked."
Stefan walked forward and placed his hand on Klaus' shoulder. "Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway." He leaned in closer to the hybrid's face, "I'll let you pick who we eat."
That's still kinda gross.
She noticed both originals get up to follow Stefan. Rebekah held her hand out to help Percy up.
The demigod groaned. She took the blonde's hand and got off the table.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes." Rebekah and Klaus spoke at the same time.
Percy was seated on a chair playing games on her phone.
The three vampires around her were eating their 'snack.'
Rebekah spoke out, "My girl's dead. I'm bored."
Klaus stopped drinking blood from the girl in his arms to look at Stefan. "You weren't kidding about being hungry."
"Yeah. It's been a long day." The Salvatore replied.
"You know, when I have a long day, I normally just take a nap. You should try it sometime." Percy said without looking up from her device.
Klaus shook his head at her and replied to Stefan, "Try being related to her."
Percy threw a pillow at his face in defense of Rebekah.
He easily caught it, which made the demigod pout.
Rebekah smiled at her in appreciation before looking back at her brother. "You're being mean."
Stefan laughed. The blonde glanced at him accusingly, "And why are you being mean? You used to love me."
"It's been 90 years, Rebekah. Give him a minute."
Percy stopped playing Subway Surfers on her phone. "You deserve better, Queen."
Rebekah smiled and went to sit down next to her friend. She looked back at her brother. "Why are you taking his side?"
"Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want."
Rebekah got angry, "Will you stop making me out to be a brat? I am not a brat!"
"A thousand years of life experience says otherwise."
"Jerk," Percy mumbled.
Stefan chuckled, "Well, you're no picnic, either. I mean, I've only spent one summer with you and I feel like I want to blow my head off."
"Yeah, I often have the urge to chop off all your limbs and give them to Mrs. O' Leary as a chew toy."
Rebekah laughed, "Fantastic."
Klaus looked over at the demigod, "Who is Mrs. O' Leary?"
"My pet hellhound. Duh."
His eyes widened, "Your what?"
Percy laughed and went back to playing games on her phone.
Stefan dropped his 'human snack' on the ground and got up. "I need to go."
He walked away. "Where's he going?" Rebekah questioned.
"To write a name on a wall. It's a long story."
Percy's eyebrows furrowed. "No, it's not. You just told half of it."
Klaus rolled his eyes.
"Anyways, can we do something fun, now? I'm bored. And hungry."
The hybrid raised an eyebrow, "Really, love?"
She nodded.
"Fine." He held out his hand to her.
Why does everyone want to hold hands?
She took it anyways and got up.
"Let's go get you something to eat."
Percy glanced back at Rebekah, "You coming?"
The blonde shook her head. "Go without me."
"Ok. Bye, Bex."
⇿ ⇿ ⇿ ⇿
Percy and Klaus sat across from each other at a restaurant.
The waiter arrived at the table with her order. He placed a plate with chicken tenders and fries in front of the sea green eyed girl.
The demigod took a bite of one of the fries.
"I miss our son." Percy admitted.
Klaus looked at her like she was crazy.
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?"
The raven haired beauty laughed. "Say bloody again."
He sighed. "Bloody."
The demigod giggled. "I love your accent."
He smiled but shook his head. "What did you mean by 'our son?'"
Percy mocked offense. "Did you already forget about Rudy and his adorable face?"
Klaus rolled his eyes. "You're calling that little monster, my son?"
"Uh, yes. He has parts of both of us. He has my dark hair and you're half puppy."
The demigod took a sip of her soda.
Klaus made a face. "I'm not half puppy."
"Yes, you are. Werewolves are basically puppies. That's common knowledge." Percy said with a grin.
He stole one of her fries.
The demigod glared at him. "That's just evil."
Klaus laughed. "I'm the one paying for it."
Percy nodded, "True."
"So, how come Stefan doesn't count as a parent, love?" The were-puppy asked her.
The green eyed girl shrugged. "Why would he? He didn't seem to care much about the adorable baby."
"Neither did I."
Percy laughed evilly. "The photo in my phone says otherwise."
He narrowed his eyes at her. "You still haven't deleted it?"
"Nope." She sent him an adorable smile.
He simply shook his head.
Percy chewed on a chicken tender.
As she swallowed the piece in her mouth, she heard a song by Niall Horan start playing from the speakers of the restaurant.
"Oh my gods. I love this song."
Klaus disagreed. "I don't know how you enjoy this modern music."
"Well, some of us aren't from the Stone Ages."
He scoffed. "I'm not that old."
Percy grinned, "Ok, grandpa."
Klaus shook his head, before standing up. He held out his hand.
"What are you doing?"
"We're going to dance to the song you love so much." He sent her a teasing smirk.
Percy looked around. No one else was dancing, which only made the demigod say yes.
She stood up.
His hand rested on her waist and hers found his shoulder. Their other hands intertwined as they listened to the music.
"This is so stupid, I love it."
The hybrid smiled a bit. A few people in the restaurant were staring at them but neither of the two cared.
The pair continued dancing until the song ended.
"Although you stepped on my toes more times than I can count, I enjoyed dancing with you." Klaus told the demigod.
Percy smiled back at him. "I liked dancing with you too."
Then her face fell as she remembered something.
"Nik, I have to tell you something."
The hybrid examined her face. "What is it, love?"
Percy pressed her lips together in a straight line before she spoke. "Elena's alive."
Klaus's face was void of emotion. "What?"
"She's not dead." The demigod looked up into his eyes.
He saw she was telling the truth and his face hardened. "The doppelgänger's not dead. How?"
"Well, Damon fed her his blood, but I don't know for sure if she's a vampire or still human, because she didn't seem like a vampire when I saw her."
"You saw her?" He asked.
Percy could see the pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry."
He held back the rage inside of him. Pulling away, he ordered coldly, "Let's go."
The demigod felt guilt eat at her. She felt like she just betrayed so many people.
The hybrid sped them back to Gloria's.
They approached the door and Percy's hand shot out to hold his arm. "Something's wrong," she warned him.
The hybrid's eyebrows furrowed as he walked in. They realized it was empty.
"She's gone." The anger in his tone was clear as day.
He walked around a bit as if hoping Gloria would just magically appear. He picked up a bottle of liquor off the bar. It looked like he was about to smash it out of frustration. Or maybe he just likes holding liquor bottles like they were a stress toy.
"Nik," she called his name.
Klaus glanced at her, and his face instantly softened. He set the bottle back onto the bar, suddenly less in the mood to break something.
Percy, however, started walking up to behind the bar and pulled out a bottle. He watched her silently. "If you're gonna start throwing things at the walls, I wanna throw stuff too," the sea green eyed girl commented with a cute smile.
The demigod walked back around to the other side of the bar and stood beside him. She looked at him with an excited look in her eye. "What's your least favorite wall?"
He looked apprehensive about what was going to happen to the wall. The hybrid glanced at one behind her, and Percy took that to mean: yes.
She spun around and threw the bottle. It shattered upon impact against the surface.
Percy threw her arms in the air and cheered. "WOO!"
She started breaking out into dance moves.
Klaus watched in slight amusement and seemed incredibly unsure of what to do in this situation.
The demigod gestured to the bottle he was previously holding. In a chanting mantra, she began, "Throw it. Throw it. Throw it."
He raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sure if-"
Without a second thought, Percy, grabbed the bottle. Taking a few steps away from him, she sent him a mischievous grin. "Watch and learn." She raised the bottle into the air above the counter. The demigod began yodeling as she moved her arm downwards.
It was like time slowed down for the hybrid. She slammed the bottle into the bar, and it broke into shards, leaving glass and liquor to fall near her. In an effort to stop the glass from landing on her, the moment the bottle hit the counter, Klaus used his vampire speed and he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back a few feet from the bar.
Klaus let go of his hold on her and his eyes quickly scanned across her body. "Are okay? Did any of the glass hit you?"
Her eyebrows furrowed. "Dude, I'm fine. It didn't hit me. Besides, it's just glass." She shrugged, not understanding why he was making a big deal about it.
"I don't sense blood," he spoke in relief. His eyes still scanned across her one more time before looking back up into her eyes.
He continued looking into her eyes. Percy spoke up again, "What?"
Why is he being so weird?
"You could have gotten hurt. It's one thing to throw it at the wall but shattering it on the countertop could have caused the pieces to hurt you."
Percy looked at him in amusement. "I'm okay."
He took a deep breath and nodded. Looking away, he began speaking, "We should go. Rebekah and Stefan are probably wondering where we are."
Percy crossed her arms across her chest and shook her head. "Nope. Nope, we're not leaving until you break something. Breaking things is fun. And I could tell how much you wanted to throw something." She sent him a smile.
Klaus sighed. "Love-"
"Come on, pleaseee." She pouted. "It's no fun if I'm the only one causing destruction."
Slowly, a small smile pulled at his lips. He glanced at the bar. "Fine, love."
He wandered back over to the bar. Reaching out his arm, he picked up a bottle. Turning back to her, he questioned, "Which wall?"
She grinned and pointed to the one to her left.
With the corners of his lips raised slightly, he aimed the bottle at a spot farthest from the demigod. When it broke, Percy began clapping and cheering. "Yayyyy!"
Klaus shook his head in amusement, the small smile not leaving his face.
The demigod walked back up to him. She held up her hand, and he high fived it. "Do you feel better?" Percy asked with a cute smile.
He nodded. "Yes, actually."
The demigod grinned. "Okay, now we can go."
Klaus, who did seem to be feeling better, sped them back to the warehouse. They found Stefan and Rebekah standing together both looking upset.
Klaus let go of Percy and noticed the tension in the room.
"What's going on?"
Rebekah started talking, "Something's wrong. He was asking about Mikael."
That was all it took for the hybrid's good mood to diminish once more. Hearing that one name caused anger to stir within him.
Who's Mikael?
The blonde continued speaking, "He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."
Stefan looked at Klaus. "She's wrong. Klaus..."
The anger boiling inside of him broke free. The hybrid sped at the vampire and snapped his neck.
Then, he rushed at Percy.
"What do you know about Mikael?" Poison dripped from his voice and his eyes glowed gold.
The demigod's eyebrows furrowed. "Nothing. I don't even know a Mikael. Well, actually, there was this one Michael in kindergarten who stole my scissors and one day-"
Klaus cut her off. "Persephone!"
She looked into his eyes and spoke clearly, "I don't know Mikael. Or anything about him. Am I supposed to?"
The hybrid closed his eyes and tilted his head down, taking a deep breath.
He looked back up at her. "Is there anything else I should know that you haven't told me?"
"Are you sure?" He looked into her eyes.
"Yes. Positive." She still wasn't intimidated by him.
"Besides, I'm a bad liar, which is partially because I don't like lying and also because it makes me feel bad."
He examined her face. "Compulsion would work either way."
Percy leaned in close to his face. "Except, I can't be compelled."
The hybrid raised an eyebrow. "You're on vervain?"
"No, that stuff is weird. I'm just too awesome to be compelled."
He shook his head and stepped away. "If I find out that there's anything else you're hiding from me-"
Percy cut him off and stepped closer.
"You'll what? I'm not afraid of you. Now I've already said I've told you what I know. I suggest you drop it." She stared into his dark blue eyes, her resolve not faltering.
Klaus was infuriated. "Is that a threat?"
"Sure. We both know I could probably annoy you to death with my comments. I wonder if it'll work."
The hybrid scoffed. Rebekah stood in between them.
"She said she's not hiding anything. And we'd be able to tell if she was lying."
He nodded. Klaus rushed back over to Stefan and kicked him in the stomach.
Stepping back, he spoke again, "Let's go."
➳➳➳ ➳➳ ➳
The four beings were in the back of a truck. Stefan was temporarily dead as Klaus snapped his neck again.
The hybrid compelled someone to drive them back to Mystic Falls.
Rebekah and Klaus were sitting on the floor with their backs against the wall of the truck. Percy was fast asleep, her head on the hybrid's shoulder.
"She's pretty great, isn't she?" Rebekah spoke to her brother.
Klaus looked down at the sleeping demigod. His face softened, "Yeah." The hybrid's voice was barely a whisper.
"She is."
Hello, my lovelies,
I hope you are all having a fantastic day!
This chapter was fun to write.
I'm still debating between different ships. Comment any pairings you would like to see.
Would anyone like to see a character from pjo with someone from tvd?
Thoughts or suggestions?
2110 words
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