《SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)》Chapter 5: The Rippah
Percy had no idea where the sacrifice was happening. She walked through the woods, for what seemed like forever.
She trudged through the area and strained her ears to hear.
The sea green eyed girl sighed when she couldn't hear anything. How big could the forest be?
Suddenly, something wooshed by her. Percy ran after the blur that passed her.
She saw the figure stop fifty feet away from her. The demigod slowed her pace slightly but still jogged towards it.
When she got closer, she recognized it was Elijah.
He had a distant look in his eyes. The original seemed a bit disconnected from reality.
"Hello, Persephone." He seemed to be looking at something next to her.
The demigod turned her head to see a wolf sitting beside her. Unlike Tyler, this wolf was calm. It wasn't trying to attack her.
The wolf had bright gold eyes and beautiful fur. He lowered his snout to the ground, as if showing her that he wouldn't hurt her.
Percy was in slight awe. "Hi."
The wolf took a small step closer to her and rubbed his face against her hand.
The demigod was a bit confused, but she gently ran her fingers through its fur.
"I see you've met Niklaus."
Percy's face scrunched up. "What?" She looked back at the wolf. Her mouth formed a small 'o.'
"So, he completed the transition." The demigod stated.
Elijah nodded. "Yes."
Percy sent the wolf a smile. "Congratulations, wolfie."
The hybrid leaned into her slightly.
Klaus didn't know why, but he felt drawn to the demigod. He found comfort in her presence.
"Go explore, Nikkie."
He made a slight grunt at the name.
Percy laughed. "He's so dramatic," she said to Elijah.
Klaus whined, which only made Percy laugh again.
The hybrid watched her for a few moments before walking away.
She turned to look at the original. "Are you okay?"
The man responded, "He said my family's alive."
Percy didn't have enough information about the matter, so Elijah continued speaking. "Niklaus told me he buried our family at sea. A moment before I could rip his heart out of his chest at the ritual, he told me otherwise. He promised to reunite me with them."
"Well, that's a good thing! Right?" She asked, unsure of how he was feeling.
Elijah replied, "Yes, that is, if my brother wasn't lying to me."
Percy nodded. "Oh. I hope you get to see your family again Elijah. You deserve it."
The original brought his eyes back to her. "Thank you."
The demigod sent him a small smile and sat down on a log. She gestured to the spot next to her, and the original obliged.
"So, is 'Niklaus' his real name?" She asked with a grin.
A hint of a smile appeared on the man's face. "Yes."
"Interesting. I figured he lied to me when he said his name was Nik."
"He introduced himself as Nik?" Elijah looked deep in thought. "My brother only lets his family call him that. I think he may have formed an attachment to you."
"What? We barely know each other. The only conversation we had was about his accent." The demigod informed the original.
Elijah had a small smile on his face, "I see."
"What is that supposed to mean? And why are you smiling like that?"
The original simply shook his head. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Persephone."
The demigod scoffed. "Rude," she muttered.
"Wait, but who was sacrificed at the ritual? We rescued Caroline and Tyler."
Elijah turned to look at her, "My brother had some back up werewolf. Then, Niklaus grabbed someone off the street and turned them into a vampire."
Percy nodded.
"You don't seem particularly hateful towards him. The rest of the group want him dead." Elijah pointed out.
Percy shrugged. "I despise sacrifices. But, I can't imagine what it would be like to have a part of who you are ripped away. He's lived a thousand years without that side of him, just because some witches thought it was an abomination." She looked at her lap, "No one deserves that."
Elijah was impressed by her words. "You are wiser than many far older than you."
Percy tilted her head at him. With a playful smile, she said, "Whatever you say, Mr. Original."
Percy fell asleep sitting on the ground, her back leaning against the log she previously sat on.
Elijah was busy taking care of all the bodies Klaus left behind.
The sea green eyed girl awoke from her slumber. She opened her eyes, only to shut them tight again. The bright light from the sun was overwhelming.
Percy heard a laugh. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."
The demigod groaned in response. Rubbing her eyes with her hands, Percy tried to ignore her surroundings.
The hybrid thought she looked adorable.
Percy finally opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. Her gaze fell on the man with blonde hair. "Hi?"
"Hello, love."
The memories from everything that happened yesterday flooded her brain. Klaus broke the curse, and Damon got bit.
Oh gods! Damon.
Percy needed to find a cure for Damon's werewolf bite. She figured if anyone knew of a cure, it would be the hybrid.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Elijah appearing from the sea of trees. He handed Percy a small plastic bag with some food in it.
"You got me food? Thank you!"
The demigod happily pulled a bag of pretzels out and started chewing on them.
"Why'd you stay, love?" Klaus asked her with a smug smile.
With a mouth full of pretzels, she responded with something that sounded like gibberish.
"What was that?"
Percy swallowed her food. "Is there a cure for a werewolf bite?"
"Did someone bite you?" He looked concerned as his eyes looked over her.
Percy gave him a weird look. "Nope. I'd heal if I was the one bitten. Tyler bit Damon last night."
"Ah, and you think I have the cure."
Percy shrugged and got up. "Yeah, probably."
"What's in it for me?"
The demigod rolled her eyes. "I don't know. What do you want?" She plopped another pretzel in her mouth.
Nik shrugged. "We'll see. Right now I have things to attend to with Elijah." He looked at his sibling. "Isn't that right, brother?"
"Yes. You gave me your word." Elijah said, his eyes showing the seriousness of the situation.
"And what kind of brother would break his bond? Even if you did try to kill me."
Percy could tell Elijah was beyond aggravated, but he was incredibly talented at acting calm and collected.
Elijah responded, "I could have, but I didn't."
"And now, no one can." The hybrid stated.
Percy rolled her eyes at the comment. She fake coughed, "arrogant," and coughed again.
Klaus gave her a look that would scare away the worst creatures the world has to offer.
Percy, however, was completely unaffected. She gave him a big smile and met his glare head on. The demigod sent him a wink, as if to prove her point further. Niklaus Mikaelson did not intimidate her.
The hybrid gave up and returned his attention back to Elijah. "I'll bring you to our family soon enough."
He turned and started walking. Percy and Elijah shared a look. The demigod gestured to the hybrid and started making faces, mocking him.
The corners of Elijah's lips went up at the action.
The pair followed the hybrid.
As they walked, Percy collected some water droplets in the air and projected a drop towards his back.
The demigod grinned as it landed perfectly. Elijah raised an eyebrow at her demeanor. He gave her a look that said, 'What did I miss?'
Percy showed him, as she gathered water above his head. It wasn't much, just enough to get a reaction. She sent a mischievous smile at Elijah who was walking beside her.
The demigod caused the water to fall on Klaus's hair.
When the hybrid felt a large drop of water land upon his head, he spun around.
The raven haired beauty erupted into laughter. A few chuckles fell from Elijah's lips too, which he covered up with a cough.
Klaus immediately knew the culprit. Stepping closer, he narrowed his eyes, "Really, love?"
Although he wouldn't admit it, she had a really nice laugh. It made it hard for him to be angry with her.
He found another way of dealing with her. Instead of yelling or threatening, the hybrid found her eyes. "Will you kindly stop aiming water at me?"
The demigod smiled widely, "Kk."
Percy didn't bother him for the rest of the trip.
The trio arrived at Alaric's apartment.
Klaus opened the door. When Percy stepped inside she saw Katherine and Stefan.
The Petrova greeted, "Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit."
"You just keep popping up, don't you?" The hybrid said, referring to Stefan.
The younger vampire responded, "I need your help, for my brother."
"I heard about that. But, he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention."
Elijah stepped forward, "You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here."
The original continued, "My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own."
Klaus replied, "And so I shall." Before Percy could react, the hybrid plunged the silver dagger into his brother's chest. Elijah screamed out and Percy rushed forward. Klaus quickly placed the desiccated body on the ground. When Percy made a move to approach the daggered original, the hybrid wrapped his arms around her waist. "Don't, Persephone."
The demigod didn't seem to hear him as she moved her neck to look at the original on the ground.
She knew he wasn't truly dead-dead. The dagger just made an original temporarily...dead until it was removed. But still.
"It's okay. He'll be okay." He said softly as their eyes met.
Percy stepped out of his grasp, and crossed her arms.
Both Stefan and Katherine looked at the pair in bewilderment. They didn't understand why the hybrid was so gentle with her.
The demigod stepped away and walked to the bathroom. She realized she never fully healed her ankle.
Percy entered the bathroom and turned on the water at the sink. The water floated down toward her foot. She pulled the leg of her pant up a few inches. It was swollen and covered in bruises. When the water touched it, the pain went away and the bruises faded.
The sea green eyed girl sighed in relief and left the bathroom.
She returned to find Stefan on the ground and Klaus crouched down near him. "Gods, I was gone for two minutes!"
The hybrid sent her a small smile. He turned back to Stefan, "I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke. Always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent." Klaus rose from his position. "1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village. A true ripper."
"Sound familiar?" Klaus asked with a devilish smirk. He took a drink from his glass. Stefan responded, "I haven't been that way in a very long time."
"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town." He called out to doppelgänger, "Katerina, come here."
Percy watched, unsure of what to do in this situation.
The Elena-look-alike stepped forward and placed her hand in his. The hybrid yanked her arm and bit into her wrist.
The vampire yelled out in pain. Katherine examined the bite when he pulled away. "No. no." Panic was evident in her voice.
Then, Klaus bit into his own wrist and brought it to Katherine's mouth. He forced her to drink the blood.
The wound on Katherine's wrist disappeared. Stefan looked shocked.
"You want your cure? There it is." The hybrid spoke.
Stefan pointed out the obvious, "Your blood is the cure."
"That sucks," the demigod stated.
Klaus sent her a grin, "Gotta love Mother Nature."
Percy disagreed with the statement as she thought about Gaea.
The blonde placed his hand on Stefan's shoulder. Their faces were really close.
Are they about to kiss right now?
Apparently not. "Let's talk, you and I." The hybrid turned to the demigod, "You too, love."
Why me?
Percy followed the blonde into the other room. Klaus brought a knife to his palm and let his blood fall into a glass.
"You want to save Damon? How 'bout a decade-long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town." Klaus said as he looked at the Salvatore.
Stefan replied, "I'm not like that anymore."
"Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman." He began pouring the blood down the sink.
Percy stopped it from leaving the container.
Nik turned around to face the demigod. She was sitting on the counter and gave him an innocent look.
Stefan didn't want Percy getting dragged into this. "Stop."
Klaus turned to Stefan, "Now that's more like it."
"I want you to join me for a drink." The original continued as he slid a blood bag across the table.
"Do we have any drinks that aren't blood or alcohol?" The demigod questioned.
Klaus raised an eyebrow and sent her a smirk. "There's water from the sink."
Percy gave him a blank stare. She hopped off the counter in search of food. She went through the cabinets in the kitchen.
There didn't seem to be anything she could eat. There were a few spice containers, some moldy bread and some weird looking foods she didn't recognize.
Finally in the last cabinet she found a thin package with plastic wrapped around it.
"Yes!" It was popcorn.
The vampires glanced at the raven haired beauty. Excitement radiating off of her as she removed the plastic wrapper.
She wandered over to the microwave and placed it in. Percy pouted as she looked back at Stefan. "Which one says popcorn?" She couldn't decipher which button was the one she needed. It was times like these where her dyslexia was the most inconvenient.
Klaus looked confused. "Do you have bad vision, love?"
"Nope." She didn't deem in necessary to explain herself to him.
Stefan moved from his spot to point to the popcorn button.
"Thank you!" The girl with sea green eyes grinned.
Stefan continued to drink the blood bag, with Klaus's encouragement.
Percy began to whistle the tune to Harry Potter.
"You do everything I say, and I save your brother. That's the deal." The beautiful British man spoke.
That's a crappy deal.
Stefan drank more from the blood bag. Nik glanced back at the demigod in a bit of fascination. He thought she was exquisite.
The younger Salvatore finished the bag. Klaus simply gave him a new one. "Again."
Percy removed the popcorn from the microwave.
She happily picked up a piece of popcorn and ate it.
The raven haired beauty went back to a spot on the counter and swung her legs back and forth.
Percy began playing angry birds on her phone.
Stefan was seated on the floor, his mouth covered in blood.
"No more. Not until you give me the cure."
Klaus responded, "Not until we make a deal."
Percy groaned. "Just give us the cure, dude. Don't be such a meanie."
The hybrid sent her a devilish smirk, before returning his attention to Stefan. "It's your choice, Stefan. You can either remain here, living your life in Mystic Falls or you can embrace what you truly are, leave town with me, and save your brother's life."
Stefan snatched another blood bag. "That's the spirit."
Percy rolled her eyes. She glanced at the glass filled with the hybrid's blood. She wondered if she could take it and leave without them noticing. But, that didn't seem likely.
Klaus walked over to Katherine. "Sweetheart, take this over to Damon and come right back." He handed her the glass with his blood.
"You want me to leave?" The doppelgänger asked.
"No." Stefan argued. At the same time, the hybrid said "Yes."
Percy suggested, "I can go with her." She walked toward Katherine.
"And how would I know that you'd return?" The hybrid questioned the demigod.
Percy responded, "Why wouldn't I? Besides if we're leaving town, I'll need to grab stuff from my house."
"No. Percy stays in Mystic Falls. Don't involve her in this." Stefan looked at Klaus.
Klaus disagreed, "Where's the fun in that?"
The blond kept his grip on Katherine. He turned to the demigod. "If you don't return within twenty minutes, I'll come for you. And if I were you I'd hurry."
The raven haired beauty fought the urge to roll her eyes. Klaus let go of the doppelgänger. She grabbed Percy's hand and sped them to the Salvatore house.
They entered the older Salvatore's room. Elena and Damon were laying really close to each other on the bed.
Damon mumbled, "Thank you."
"Well it's me you should be thanking," Katherine said.
Percy added, "Yeah, we're the ones who brought the cure."
The vampire doppelgänger stepped forward. "I thought you were dead," she spoke to Elena.
"I was," Elena responded.
Percy looked at Elena, "Hey, pack a bag for Stefan and leave it outside."
Katherine gave Damon the blood.
"Why? Where's Stefan?" Elena asked. She looked at Percy, but the demigod started walking away. Over her shoulder, Percy called out, "Bye, Dae."
The doe eyed girl looked expectingly at Katherine to answer her questions.
Percy walked down the steps and left the Salvatore boarding house. She jogged over to her house and went inside.
The demigod went to her room to grab a duffel bag. She stuffed the bag with the necessities and anything else she wanted to bring with her.
She took a really quick shower, got changed and braided her hair. The demigod rushed downstairs, grabbed a few snacks and ran out the door.
Spotting a backpack on the porch of the Salvatore's for Stefan, Percy picked it up. The raven haired beauty jumped in her blue jeep and left.
Percy arrived at Alaric's apartment and opened the door.
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up," Klaus said.
The demigod walked over to Stefan. "Here," she handed him the bag with his stuff in it.
He looked back up at her. "Thanks, Percy. Is Damon...?"
Percy nodded, "He's okay." She placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it in an attempt to comfort him.
The Salvatore sent her a small smile.
Percy brought her gaze back to Klaus. "Now, what?"
The hybrid gestured to the desiccated original. "We have to take care of that, first."
The sea green eyed girl raised an eyebrow.
Hello, my amazing readers
I did make changes to the plot. (I will probably continue to make changes too!)
Klaus was not in his wolf form for two days straight.
Jenna was not the vampire used in the sacrifice; Klaus simply turned a random human
Any suggestions?
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