《The Granger-Swan Reunion》The Arrival


Cheryl's POV

We were all outside of the Rose Serpent hotel still waiting on beaver and slut (Hermione and Bella) family. Then i white jeep pulled into vallet and my aunt Jean and uncle Dan got out gave the keys to the vallet guy and walked towards us and said hello. Then a black Chevy truck pulled up and aunt Renée and uncle Charlie got out and gave their keys to the vallet guy and came towards up. (A/N I know Renée and Charlie split up but in this they are back together) we were only missing slut and beaver so I asked "uncle Charlie, uncle Dan where I'd Bella and Hermione?" not that i cared but uncle Charlie Said "Bella and her family will be here tomorrow work stuff" and then uncle Dan said "she will be here in...oh there" just then a silver ferrari with green acsents drove through vallet and into a reserved parking spot for the CEO.

Then stepped out of the driver side of the car was pale yet elegant legs and a body i would kill for. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, black stilettos, a emerald green button up blouse and a black leather jacket on her Samsung s10E. With black sunglasses on her face her hair was dark brown and cascaded down to the middle of her back in perfect curls (Hermione).Then the passenger door opened and a blond man with the same pale skin stepped out in in blue ripped jeans and a white t-shirt and black high tops and his eyes were grey-blue but mostly grey (Scopius).

Then both back doors opened and stepped another boy with the same pale skin but with dark brown hair and milk chocolate brown eyes in dark blue ripped jeans a grey t-shirt and white high tops (Alex). Now a girl stepped out blond hair that naturally faded to brown the same grey-blue eyes but mostly grey same pale skin she was wearing white ripped skinny jeans and a black crop top with lace on it and black heeled combat boots (Cassiopea). Finally one more girl stepps out with brown hair that naturally fades into blond same pale skin as the rest she was in black ripped Jean shorts a white crop top with lace and thigh high dark red heels (Rose). The first woman got off her phone and people instantly go and get their bags.


Then all of them start walking to the family and i noticed they are all wearing the HM fashion line. I was so confused why they were walking towards us until she goes and hugs aunt Jean and uncle Dan and says "mum dad how are you" it took me a minute then we all shouted "Hermione!?!"

Hermione's POV

"Well yeah who do you think it was" then my grandma asked "who are these beautiful people" i said "oh right grandma these are my kids my eldest's are Scopius and Cassiopea and these are the second eldest's Alex and Rose oh and scorp and cassi are twins and and are seventeen and alex and rose are twins and they are sixteen." then my horrid aunt jaylee come up to me and yells "Hermione Granger how dare you have kid out of wedlock that is a discrase to our family name!!" I then said to her crazy ass "I am married thank you very much for nearly 20 years". Then my sicopathic not really but she is dumb and crazy cousin Cheryl says to me thinking she has something says "you should go move your car dont want your rental car getting towed the car rental place won't be happy if it does because that spot is reserved" i smirked the malfoy smirk and said "actually that is my car and also that spot is reserved for me because I am the CEO of the hotel" and then I added "we should go check in" then we all walk in and to the front desk.

My snobby aunt asked very "checking in to rooms for the grangerswan reunion" the man turned around and i smiled and he smiled back at me and the kids and said "Mia, kids good to see you" we go around the front desk and hug him and I say "Blaise, how's Luna and jade" "good they're good and here actually we are all staying here" then Scorp and Alex realize that their girls are her and say "hey uncle blaise, mom can we go see them" "sure go have fun while I get the keys" "thanks mum bye blaise"


I then look at my two daughters as they look at me and i smile. I then said to my two girls "go, go and see them its fine really" they both chimed in and said "thanks mum" and left Cassi's boy friend Jack Nott son of pansy and theo he has dark brown hair pale but still tan skin and blue eyes and rose's boyfriend is Sage Weasley son of daphne and george Weasley he has light brown hair with it goingnaturallyred at the tips pale but not as pale as my family's skin and honey brown eyes. I was smiling then my aunt jaylee said "room keys we don't have all day" so rude then i asked "Blaise you don't work in this specific spot where is Theo" then right on time before blaise could answer theo popped up and said "I'm right here Mia" "good can you please get the room keys for the granger swan reunion" "on it okay so you all have rooms 230 to 245" he said then added "and Renée and Charlie and Jean and Dan you have the the dream suite and Mia you have the pent house as always where is the Cullen family" i then told theo "they will be arriving tomorrow at noon so please have their room ready and clean" theo said "yes mia"

then we started walking away when I hear my cousin cherry say to my aunt "mom hermione stole my key" I snorted at this and my aunt said "hermione give your cousin her key back now" all i said was "no i will not the pent house is not available to guests infact any of the pent houses in the hotel are not allowed to be booked only the people who own the hotel can have them unless they tell the staff wich room is going to be used by a very personal family member even then it happens rarely". I called my kids to come here so we can pack and get ready for dinner and walked to our private elevator. When we got to our penthouse we got ready for dinner while getting ready i thought about how funny my cousins furious faces were.

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