《The Granger-Swan Reunion》The Invite


Hermione's POV

I woke up in my bed with strong muscular are wrapped around my waist. I turned around and stared at my handsome husband who was staring back at me. "Goodmorning beautiful" "morning ferret" he just chuckled at me. If you haven't already guessed it my husband is the one and only Draco Lucius Malfoy.

He kissed me then we heard tapping on the window i got up to see my moms owl jadey. I took the two letter tied to its leg gave her a treat and she flew off. I opened the first letter it was from my mom it said My dearest hermione i am so sorry but we have run out of excuses for you not to go to this year's granger swan reunion. So you have to attend again we are so sorry love you so much. Mom and Dad i frowned at this then I moved to the next letter which was hot pink and stunk of my horrid aunts perfume.

I opend it and tbe letter said Dear Hermione Granger we are pleased (not) to invite you to this year's granger swan reunion. It is being held at the Rose Serpent hotel owned by THE DRACO MALFOY. So dress nicely (if you have any nice looking clothes in your tiny closet) we want to make a good impression. Please bring a boyfriend or husband with your family (its not like you have one anyway you are so ugly no one would ever date or marry you). It takes place from July 5th to July 10th. With lots of love (which is none) you aunt Jaylee.

I groaned at this then i felt cold strong arms wrap around me. Then draco asked " whats wrong babes" I said "I have to go to my family reunion" "if it makes you feel better I will go with you to the reunion" "thats funny you think I am going into the snake pit all by myself thats funny" then we went down for breakfast. I got out six black cups with lids and straws and filled them up with animal blood to the top put the straws and lids on. Then i called my four teenagers down for breakfast "SCORPIUS, CASSI, ALEX AND ROSE BREAKFAST IS READY" "COMMING" they all screamed back.


If you are a bit confused let me explain when we were all visiting my cousin Bella and her husband Edward aka Cedrick Diggory. We got attacked by on the run death eaters to almost the brink of death. Carlisle smelled all of the blood and was at our side quickly none of us wanted to die so Carslile turned us all into 'vegetarian' vampires so we only drink animal blood to keep everyone safe and no we don't sparkle in the sun or burn that is a myth. When they all came down and started drinking breakfast I spoke up "so everyone I got a letter from my aunt the s'morning and we are all going to the granger swan reunion so everyone go pack because we leave in two hours" then scorp my eldest son said "okay mum but where are we going" we are going to the Rose Serpent hotel in Paris now go and pack and pack enough for a week" "ok mum" is what they said. I was in draco's and i's room packing when draco walked in with a bit of an annoyed face on he the told me "love I'm sorry to say I have a business trip that I have to attend the first couple days of the reunion but I will be there as fast as I can" "it's OK I have the kids Bella and the Cullen and my mum and dad and my grandparents so I think I will be fine" we hugged and kissed.

We finished packing and went down stairs the kids said good bye to their dad and I hugged and kissed him said goodbye and he left the kids finished their packing and we left locking the house. We went to the air port got on our private jet and we were off. Scorpius was texting his girlfriend Rose Potter, Alex was texting his girlfriend Jade Zabini (Luna and blaise's daughter). Cassiopia was drawing and Rose was reading i watched my kids then went to reading myself.


Cheryl's POV

"Mom is Hermione going to the reunion?" I hated the smart, buck toothed, bushy haired know it all and I was hoping she wouldn't come the my mom said "yes darling she is coming this year but I don't know why we dislike her so much" I groaned internaly. Me and my sisters Cherry and Toni bullied her when we were younger now it is going to be the exact same as always then we got on the plane to Paris.

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