《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 36


Elaine's POV:

"Elaine! Where have you been!" Hermione asked me as I walked into the Gryffindor common room. "Sorry, 'Mione, I fell asleep under Fred's painting...we were up late talking," I replied, not really in the mood to tell her anything else. "Well, hurry up and get changed we have Care of Magical Creatures in a half hour!" she said, pushing me upstairs.

I quickly changed into my school robes, tying my hair into a bun in the process. "I've gotten your class schedule for you," Hermione said when I walked back down to the common room ready for class. "Thanks," I muttered, grabbing it from her and looking at it. Care of Magical Creatures with the Slytherins first...wonderful. This afternoon was Divination with Harry and Ron, and then Transfiguration after that. "Busy day," Harry said as he looked over my shoulder at my schedule. "Yea...I'd much rather do this than hunt horcruxes," I said, making my friends laugh as we climbed out of the portrait hole and down the stairs.

As we walked down towards Hagrid's hut, we knew the Slytherins were behind us. Constant hissing and insults were being thrown in our direction, especially from Pansy Parkinson. "Nice picture in the Daily Prophet, Granger...did you really think taking Draco to lunch would make him fall in love with you?" she commented, as her and her friends howled with laughter. Ignoring Pansy, I turned around just enough to see that Draco wasn't with his fellow Slytherins. In fact, he was already down at Hagrid's hut next to Brandy, waiting for the lesson to start. "Hey Pansy! Fuck off!" Hermione yelled behind us as we walked. "It's okay, Hermione," I said, knowing that cursing at Pansy would only make it worse. "No...I've had enough of them," Hermione said, walking faster towards Hagrid's hut, with her head held high.

When we reached Hagrid's hut, Pansy immediately ran towards Draco, kissing him on the cheek as he tried prying her off. "Leave me alone," he yelled at her, causing her face to grow red. I tried catching Draco's eye, but he wouldn't look at me.


"Alright, class. Got a real treat for ya today...baby unicorns! Gather 'round," Hagrid said as he led two tiny unicorns out into the middle of the lawn. "Now these babies are about a year old...they don't have their horns yet...they grow those when they're 4," Hagrid explained as everyone fell in love with the two babies. "Now come forward...two at a time and pet 'em," Hagrid said, and we formed a line. Ron and I stepped forward first as one unicorn nuzzled his head into my stomach, making my heart melt. The unicorn closer to Ron had jumped up onto him, causing Ron to fall right on his back. "You ok?" I asked, giggling as I help Ron to his feet. "Brilliant," he replied, growing red as the whole class giggled when he fell. Ron and I moved over and watched the rest of our classmates greet the baby unicorns.

Hagrid dismissed class slightly early as a treat for the first day, allowing us to get to lunch early. Ron and Hermione walked hand-in-hand (now that they were publicly dating, they were always together), as Harry and I followed them up to the castle.

"Granger!" I heard a voice shout as Harry and I were about to walk into the castle. Draco was running up to us as Harry and I stopped and watched him. "I heard what Pansy said to you," he said, clearly out of breath from running. "And?" I asked as Harry watched us from the side. Ron and Hermione had also stopped to watch us. "Well, Pansy's right...taking me to lunch wasn't going to make me fall in love with you," he said. "Right," I replied, rolling my eyes and turning around, about to walk into the castle. Draco grabbed my wrist turning me around to face him. "She's right because...I was already in love with you way before that...pretty much since the day we met," he said, crashing his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, kissing him back...not caring that our entire class was witnessing our kiss, nor the fact that Pansy was screaming and cursing Draco and I loudly. When our kiss broke, the only person that I could see was Draco. He held me in his arms and smiled at me and I kissed him again and again. "We'll see you at lunch," Harry said, taking my bag for me and bringing it into the castle.


"You'll pay for this Granger!" Pansy shrieked as she stalked back into the castle with her friends.

Soon, Draco and I were the only ones left outside. "I'm taking you to Hogsmeade this weekend, okay?" he asked as we stared at each other with huge grins on both our faces. "Okay," I said, flinging my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Let's go eat," he said when our hug broke. To everyone's surprise, Draco sat with me and my friends at the Gryffindor table to eat lunch.

"So you two are a thing now I suppose?" Ron asked for the tenth time, clearly struggling to believe it. "Yes Ronald, just like how you and I are dating...they are dating," Hermione explained, clearly agitated that Ron wasn't understanding. "I know who I was before...and I'm sorry...can we please put the past behind us?" Draco asked, holding out his hand for Ron to shake. Hermione, looking very impressed with Draco, shook his hand, noting how she always thought deep down he was a nice person. Harry did as well, leaving Ron the only one who didn't. "Alright fine...but if you hurt so much as a hair on this girl's head...I'll kill you myself," Ron said, shaking Draco's hand firmly. "Deal," Draco said smiling as my friends talked to him as a friend as well.

"Oh crap...we've got to go to Divination," I said, checking Draco's watch as he ate. "I'll see you later," I said, kissing him quickly on the cheek. "Bye love," he said, smiling at me as I left the Great Hall.

Since Divination was all the way in the north tower, Harry, Ron and I had quite a walk ahead of us. With only ten minutes to go up a million stairs, we made it just in time.

Once Divination was over, we took the long walk back down towards Transfiguration where Hermione was waiting for us outside. "Everything alright?" Ron asked my sister as he grabbed her hand. "Yup," she replied, though I knew something was up.

The four of us went into class anyways, and listened to Professor McGonagall's lecture on transfiguring humans. After we were dismissed, Hermione grabbed me. "Now...I don't want you to panic," Hermione said, instantly causing me to panic. "But Draco got in another fight...right after you left for Divination...Goyle and Crabbe hexed him when he wasn't looking. He's in the hospital wing," she explained. "Give me your bag...we'll meet you in the common room later," Harry said, already swinging my bag over his shoulder. "Thanks," I replied, rushing ahead of them towards the hospital wing.

When I went into the hospital wing, I heard Professor Slughorn's voice shouting from the other side of the door. "Detention for the rest of this week!" he shouted at Crabbe and Goyle as I opened the hospital wing door. "Aha! Miss Granger! So good to see you," he said when he saw me. He quickly dismissed Crabbe and Goyle and followed them out of the hospital wing.

"Is he alright?" I asked Madame Pompfrey, walking over towards Draco's bed. I was surprised to see Brandy already at his bedside. When Brandy stood up, she revealed Draco, and I immediately saw that his skin was bright blue as was his hair. "I believe you remember this hex, Miss Granger. It's not something to take lightly," Pompfrey answered as she poured a potion down Draco's throat. "You're at Hogwarts now?" I asked Brandy and she nodded. She was a quiet girl, but I couldn't help but become jealous at how close her and Draco were. "I was there when Crabbe and Goyle hexed him...Flitwick asked me to bring him here," she explained as if she read my mind. She quickly said goodbye and left the hospital wing...leaving me both jealous and confused.

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