《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 35


Elaine's POV:

Living at home for a week before going back to Hogwarts was absolutely wonderful. I really got to bond with my parents and get to know them. And Jason didn't leave me side...he even tried to come to work with me at the joke shop.

When September 1st rolled around, Hermione and I were excited to get back to school and finish our year the right way. It was, after all, our last year before graduating and getting jobs. "Good luck with your classes! Write to us!" my mother said as they dropped us off at the train station. Hermione and I grabbed our trunks and found our way to Platform 9 and 3/4.

As soon as we both walked through the brick wall and onto the platform, people mobbed us. Parents, students, paparazzi and reporters all tried to get Hermione and I to speak to them. We quickly boarded the train and searched for Harry and Ron. "There they are!" Hermione said, pointing down the train's corridor. Ron's red hair could be seen from far away. "You two found an empty corridor?" I asked after hugging Harry and Ron 'hello'. "Yea right here," Ron said, taking Hermione and I's trunks and stowing them away. "Great to be back," Harry said sarcastically, having been completely trampled by people moments before we did. His shirt was all dirty from being pushed onto the ground by a giant flashing camera. "Hopefully this stops when we get to school," I said, truly praying it would.

The Hogwarts Express slowly pulled away from the station and it quickly gathered speed. I watched as we passed through the main town, then sped through farms and fields. "Ron, we've got to go," Hermione said, making Ron wake up from his nap. "Prefect duties," Hermione said before Harry could ask. "See you later," she said to us, leaving Harry and I alone.

"You're still doing Quidditch this year, right?" Harry asked me. I knew he'd been meaning to ask me about it...he's obsessed with winning the cup. "No...I don't think so," I said, afraid to see Harry's reaction. "Well why not?" Harry asked, sitting up in his seat. "Not really interested this year," I replied, knowing how different it would be not playing with Fred. "I think I'll give someone else my spot...be fun to watch the games," I added, hoping Harry wouldn't get too upset. "Yea...I suppose I can't argue with that...I wouldn't mind a nice quiet year," Harry replied looking out the window.

And so Harry and I continued our conversation about who would be a good replacement for our team. Harry, Ginny, and Ron would obviously remain, but who would replace the rest of us. Katie decided not to return to Hogwarts, George was already graduated, and, of course, Fred wasn't here.

As the train pulled into the station, I felt the familiar butterflies in my stomach...only, these butterflies were much less nervous than two years ago when it was my first time arriving at Hogwarts. These butterflies were much more excited.

When we finally were walking up the steps of the castle, my smile was so huge my cheeks started hurting. The Great Hall was as packed as ever. Teachers and students all had huge welcoming smiles on their faces as Hagrid brought the first year students to be sorted.

"That's the largest amount of first year students I've seen," Ron said, trying to count them all. "Well of course, parents feel Hogwarts is safe again now that Voldemort's gone," Hermione said in a matter-of-fact tone, making Ron roll his eyes.


Once the sorting of the new students was over, Professor McGonagall stood up to give her beginning-of-the-term speech. She introduced all the new staff members that would be teaching this year as well as warned the first year students of the Forbidden Forest. "And finally, I would like to welcome back our heroes of the war," she said, looking longest at Harry, Ron, Hermione and I. "I thank you greatly for your bravery and courage in helping defeat Voldemort...and if anyone needs anything...Hogwarts will always help those who ask for it," she finished, allowing the entire hall to clap and cheer.

With the end of her speech, piles and piles of food appeared in front of us. Ron immediately started grabbing everything he could reach and began filling his plate. Everyone was so busy stuffing their faces that no one really talked, until we spotted Luna talking to a familiar face. "That's Brandy Grindelwald isn't it?" Harry asked the group and we all turned to look at her. "Yes, she's been staying at the Burrow this past week...dropped out of Ilvermorny, and McGonagall agreed to let her finish her education here," Hermione explained as if this was old news. "Looks like she's in Slytherin," Ron pointed as she waved goodbye to Luna and sat next to Draco.

"I hope you all enjoyed the feast! Off to bed, now," McGonagall said, and the plates cleared themselves of food.

Once dinner officially ended, students filed out of the Great Hall and made their way towards the four separate dormitories. Since Hermione and Ron were prefects, they had to leave first to show the first years where the Gryffindor dormitory was. Harry and I stayed behind and waited for the hall to clear, but he was quickly pulled away by Ginny, leaving me alone at the table.

Once the Great Hall was pretty much empty, I finally decided to leave. As I walked closer to the exit, someone's hand found mine. "How was your dinner, Granger?" Draco asked, allowing his fingers to intertwine with mine. "It was great...how about you," I asked, smiling up at him. He was about to answer when someone called Draco's name from behind us. "MALFOY!" the voice yelled. We both quickly turned around to see Hufflepuff, Ernie Macmillan, raising his fist.

He punched Draco so hard that Draco fell backwards onto the ground, his nose gushing blood. "ERNIE ARE YOU CRAZY!" I yelled loudly, which, in turn, formed a crowd around us. "I LOST MY LITTLE SISTER BECAUSE OF HIM AND HIS FAMILY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM! HE THINKS YOU'RE A MUDBLOOD!" Ernie yelled back at me, spitting at the ground where Draco fell.

Having known Draco for almost three years now, I was positive he was going to get right back up to fight...and, sure enough, he did. Draco sprang to his feet, punching Ernie right in the eye. "IF YOU TALK TO HER LIKE THAT AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD...PUNCH ME ALL YOU WANT...BUT DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO HER LIKE THAT," Draco said, watching Ernie squirm on the ground in fear. Judging by the look on Ernie's face, he obviously didn't think Draco was going to retaliate. "Come on," Draco said to me, much more calmly than I expected. He put his hand on the small of my back and led me away from the crowd that had gathered around us.

"You okay?" he asked me as he wiped the blood away from his face. His shirt was also covered in blood. "Draco...let me fix it," I said, sitting him down on the corridor's floor and I pulled my wand out. "What was that about," I asked him after fixing Draco's broken nose. "It's nothing," he replied, quickly standing, trying to avoid the conversation. "Draco...I'm gonna keep bothering you unless you tell me," I said, following him down an empty corridor. Draco rolled his eyes, as I followed him outside on the grounds.


A light rain had started to fall on Draco and I as I continued to ask him why he yelled at Ernie like that. "No one should talk to you like that," Draco said plainly, but I felt like he was hiding something, so I continued to ask.

"Draco what's going on?" I asked him, and he knew I was being serious. Draco finally turned to face me and looked in my eyes. I knew I was about to get the truth. "I'm in love with you, Elaine...I meant it that night Voldemort died and I mean it now...and I can't keep pretending I don't. I spent the whole summer thinking about you and it's driving me crazy that I don't know if you feel the same way," Draco said, obviously as serious as I was. "Oh," was the only thing I could say. My whole brain was fuzzy and it felt like I forgot how to speak.

The rain was pouring on our heads now and I was completely soaked. "I'll see you later," Draco said, shaking the water from his hair, walking away. "Draco..." I called after him, but he only continued walking back to the castle, leaving me standing in the rain.

I slowly made my way back to the castle, and I went straight to the Gryfinndor tower. "Where have you been?" Hermione asked, motioning to my soaking wet hair. "Went for a walk by the lake...just started pouring," I said casually. I knew Hermione wanted to ask more, but the entire common room had their eyes on us. "I'm gonna change," I said quickly making my way up to the dormitory.

After what Draco told me, there was only one person I could think of that I wanted to talk to, so I changed into sweatpants, a t-shirt and slippers, and suck out of the common room once more. Now it was dark, it was much nicer to walk through the halls. It was completely silent as I strolled to where I was going. "Psst!" I whispered towards the corridor wall. I quietly lit my wand, and shined the light upon Fred's portrait. "Hey Elaine," Fred's painting said sleepily. "Is it actually you? Or just portrait you?" I asked him, hoping his spirit was with me right now. "It's me, love...what's wrong," he said, standing up from his chair. I loved hearing him call me love. It made me blush. "Draco Malfoy just told me he loves me," I blurted out. I didn't know what to do...I had to tell someone. "And what did you say?" Fred asked me. "I couldn't even speak...he sort of freaked me out," I said, looking at my hands. "Well why couldn't you speak?" he asked, though I knew he already knew the answer. "Because I feel guilty Freddie! I mean, you just died...if Draco and I started dating, people wouldn't understand...they would think I didn't love you," I said, now sitting down on the floor in front of Fred's painting. I knew that even though I wasn't making sense, Fred understood. "If you love him, Elaine, you shouldn't feel guilty. Look, as much as it sucks we can't be together...you staying single for the rest of your life isn't fair. I want you to be happy...I want to see you glowing on your wedding day...and I want to see your kids walking through these halls," he said, smiling. I knew he meant it...I knew Fred was telling me the truth. "And look, if anyone has a problem with it...just tell them to come talk to me," he said, grinning broadly. "I love you, Fred," I said, sliding myself under Fred's painting, and laying down under it. "Keep talking to me," I said, resting my head on the stone floor.

And Fred did just that...he kept me company and talked to me all night as I fell asleep under his portrait.

"Miss Granger!" a voice yelled at me. "Not now, 'Mione," I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Miss Granger," the voice repeated, and I knew it wasn't Hermione. It was Professor McGonagall. She was standing over me as I laid on the floor under Fred's painting. "Oh my god, Professor, I'm so sorry," I said, immediately standing up. "Don't let it happen again...thank you Fred," McGonagall said, turning and leaving Fred and I alone. "You told on me!" I said, half-laughing half-serious. "Well if you slept there any longer you would've been stepped on," Fred said laughing at me. "Yea yea...whatever," I said laughing along with him. I quickly said goodbye to Fred, and started heading back to the common room.

Draco's POV:

I woke up the next morning from the most terrible sleep. I told Elaine I loved her...and she didn't say it back. I mean, of course I understand why she didn't say it back...but it still fucking hurts. Despite Brandy's many attempts to cheer me up, I was in a horrible mood.

As I walked out of breakfast, I knew Elaine was avoiding me. I heard Hermione and Harry saying she didn't come back to the room last night, so when I didn't see her at breakfast, I got worried. I walked up and down every hallway, trying to see if I could find her.

As I turned down the corridor with the most classrooms, a voice called my name. "Psst!" the voice said. "Malfoy!" it repeated. I turned and saw Fred Weasley standing in his portrait, waving me over. Oh god, I thought, he knows what I said to Elaine. "I know what you said to Elaine," Fred said immediately. "Right," I replied...I didn't know what I was supposed to say. "Reckon I freaked her out a bit," I added, trying to keep the conversation casual. "Yea well...I talked to her last night. It's obvious she loves you back...but this whole 'me being dead thing' is getting her worried," Fred told me. "I think you should go talk to her," Fred added, smiling at me. "Okay...thanks," I said, smiling back about to turn away to go find her. "Oh...and Malfoy?" Fred asked, making me turn back around to face him. "Yea?" I asked, looking at him. "Take care of my girl for me...okay? If anyone is going to marry her, I'm glad it's you," he said, smiling down at his feet. "I will...and thank you" I replied, and left to go find Elaine.

Fred's POV:

It hurt me to give permission to Draco to go after Elaine, but nothing beats seeing her so happy. I knew as soon as Draco apologized to me at my headstone, that he had changed his ways just for her.

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