《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 37


Elaine's POV:

After realizing Draco had been hexed with the same spell that Goyle hit me with almost three years ago, I knew I couldn't touch Draco. Surely his skin was burning, and I noticed it was covered in boils. "Are you finished with your classes?" Madame Pompfrey asked me as I pulled a chair over next to Draco's bed. "Yea I'm done," I replied, watching her as she healed Draco. Madame Pompfrey and I have gotten to know each other quite well since I was in the hospital wing both as a patient and as a guest multiple times since I started at Hogwarts.

About an hour later, Draco still hadn't woken up. I continued to check the time on his watch, hoping he'd be up by dinner. As I sat there and waited, the chair I was in started to get comfier and comfier.

Draco's POV:

I woke up in the hospital wing. I saw Madame Pompfrey shuffle towards me as she checked my blue skin that was slowly fading back to its' original color. "Feeling alright dear?" she asked me in a whisper. "Yea," I muttered, thanking her for helping me. When I looked to my right, I saw Elaine was sleeping in the chair next to me. "How long has she been here?" I asked Pompfrey, now whispering myself. "About three hours...you two missed dinner," she replied, then saying I was free to go when I wanted.

Elaine's POV:

I woke up to someone wrapping their arms around me. "Come on sweetheart, we missed dinner," Draco said, standing me up on my feet as I woke up. "What time is it?" I asked, yawning and stretching as I woke myself up. "Almost 9," he replied, checking his watch. "What happened to you before?" I asked, referring to Crabbe and Goyle attacking him. "I guess they're not my biggest fans anymore," he replied, shrugging it off. It was clear he didn't want to talk about it. "Come on, let's go get food," he said, leading me towards the kitchen.

Right as the kitchen portrait hole opened in front of us, I felt my legs become numb. "I can't go in there," I said, feeling a lot of emotions coming to me at once. "How come?" Draco asked, holding the portrait door opened with one hand. "I can't go inside when I know that Dobby won't be in there," I said, feeling tears fall down my cheek. "Hey...it's okay...just wait here," he replied, quickly jumping into the kitchen after wiping the tears away.

Draco came out seconds later with a huge bowl of pasta for us to share. "Here you are my love," he said, handing me a glass of water which I took gratefully. "You know I've been getting those too...the flashbacks from the war...I did when we had Hagrid's class this morning. I kept picturing Bellatrix setting the house on fire...and then leaving you. Luckily Brandy was there to talk me through it," Draco said as we stepped into an empty classroom. Jealousy surged through my veins, but I ignored them. Draco wouldn't have said he loved me if he didn't mean it right? "It'll get better though," he added, making me smile. "Well I'm glad I'm not the only one," I replied, telling him all about my constant dreams of Fred and the war.


After talking with Draco, I did feel much better about everything. And having a stomach full of warm pasta surely helped make me feel better.

After we ate, Draco walked me back to the common room, kissed me goodnight, and then went back to his own dormitory in the dungeons.

The rest of the week flew by rather fast. Draco didn't get into any more fights, and instead, people were cursing and threatening me. "You're a traitor!" one girl yelled at me as I walked to the Great Hall for dinner one night. "You should be ashamed! Malfoy's a killer!" another boy shouted.

Trying my best to ignore the comments and threats being sent my way took up most of my time. It took everything in me not to just pull out my wand and fight whoever it was. Back in the orphanage, it was easy for me to not get noticed...but now I felt someone staring at me all the time.

"Maybe you should go to McGonagall," Harry suggested after I started receiving hate-letters by owl. "No...I don't want to give them that satisfaction," I replied, tossing the letters into the common room fire.

Luckily, the weekend came quickly, and that meant my Hogsmeade date with Draco was finally here.

I dressed in jeans and a sweater, since fall was quickly upon us and Draco waited for me right outside the Great Hall.

When we finally reached Hogsmeade, Draco and I ducked into the Three Broomsticks to get away from the rest of the school. "I'll get us some butterbeers," Draco said, leaving me to find a table on my own.

After passing many familiar faces, all of whom waved and said hello to me, I found an empty booth in the back of the pub and sat down. Draco spotted me right away and carried the two butterbeers over to the table.

"So, I have to tell you something...but I don't want you to freak out, okay?" he asked me. I eyed him cautiously, and said 'okay'. "There's a Ministry auror at a table over there, and he's been staring at me this entire time. I recognize him...he used to work for my father before he became an auror. I reckon he's going to try to take me in," Draco explained.

Just as he finished speaking, the Ministry worker he pointed out stood up and made his way over to us. "Take you where?" I asked Draco quickly. "Azkaban," he replied. "Draco Malfoy. Please stand immediately and drop your wand on the table in front of you. You're being arrested for your crimes as a Death Eater," the Ministry wizard said sternly. "Certainly," Draco said, not resisting in the slightest. "Excuse me, sir, but do you know who I am?" I asked the wizard, as I stood on my feet. "Of course, Miss Granger...I'm not an idiot," the wizard replied, bowing slightly. "On what grounds are you arresting Draco Malfoy?" I asked him. "Miss Granger, he's a Death Eater. It's part of my job to round up the rest of the Death Eaters that have escaped and bring them to Azkaban where they will await a trial in front of a Ministry judge," the main explained. He used his wand and bounded Draco's hands together. "If you wish to defend Mr Malfoy in court, you may. But I can't ignore my duty as an auror...I have to bring him in to Azkaban," the man explained, almost feeling sorry for me. "I'll be fine," Draco said, looking quite calm as he was being detained. Before I could say anything or detest, Draco and the Ministry worker disapparated in front of me.


When I looked around the pub, all eyes were on me. I quickly grabbed Draco's wand and ducked outside, ready to head back up to the castle when George strolled up to me. "Hey! You okay?" he asked after seeing my face. "Draco just got arrested," I said, trying to stay calm. I hugged George quickly before we kept walking. "Yea...knew that one was coming," George said, walking next to me back to the castle. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Well this is probably the first time Draco's been off of Hogwarts' grounds since the Ministry has started arresting people. McGonagall can't stop him from being arrested if he's in Hogsmeade," George explained.

"What are you doing here by the way?" I asked, just remembering he wasn't a student any longer. "Needed to speak with the owner of Zonko's about opening back up my joke shop...we are thinking about partnering," George explained, as he continued to walk with me up to the castle. "Wow...that's wonderful," I said, smiling at him. "And it's possible I want to see Fred," George said jokingly. "I see," I said, laughing with him.

When George and I reached the castle, he decided to come with me to see Professor McGonagall. "Ah! Mister Weasley and Miss Granger! A wonderful surprise," she said when we entered her office. "Just came to see my brother...hope that's alright," George said, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Of course," Professor McGonagall said, pointing to the chairs in front of her desk, clearly asking both of us to sit.

"I no doubt know why you're here, Miss Granger. I just got an owl from Kingsley about Malfoy's arrest," McGonagall said, offering me a cup of tea. "Luckily, he won't be in Azkaban long. His trial is tomorrow morning. I suggest that you go, along with Potter, if he agrees to it, of course, and help Malfoy win this trial," she said, as I sipped my tea. "How can I even do that?" I asked, putting the tea cup back on her desk. "Surely, you must be joking Granger! You helped Potter win this war! You both know firsthand that Malfoy helped you while you were on the run...your sister told me something about a basket of food...and he no doubt helped you escape his house when you were captured," McGonagall ranted, proving me wrong instantly.

After chatting with McGonagall and George for a few more minutes, George and I left her office. "Hey...so Brandy wrote to me that she's in Slytherin," George said casually. "Yea she's in Slytherin...with Draco," I said, eyeing him. "What's Draco got to do with anything?" he asked, and I looked down at my feet. "I don't like seeing them together...the way they look at each other...I just, can see they have this secret bond," I explained, then proceeded to tell him how jealous I've been getting. "Oh please, Draco's in love with you," George said brushing away my insecurities. "So what's going on with you and Brandy? You officially dating?" I asked him as we walked. "Yea...when she graduates I'm gonna buy a small house...see if she wants to move in with me," he explained and I smiled, truly hoping she wouldn't break his heart.

Once George and I walked around for a while, he went off to see Fred, and I set out to find Harry.

Luckily, Harry agreed to come with me the next day, so at least I knew I could count on him.

Draco's POV:

I could care less about being arrested...but the fact that the auror arrested me right in front of Elaine was beyond humiliating.

"Name?" a man asked me at the gate of Azkaban. "Draco Malfoy," I replied and watched the gates swing open for me. I stepped inside and was brought to my cell by the same auror who arrested me.

"Here we are...right next to your parents...would you look at that!" the auror who arrested me said, making himself chuckle. "Oh Draco!" my mother yelled from behind the bars of her cell. "My poor baby," she cried as I was put in my own cell. "I'm fine, mom," I muttered, though the dementors floating up and down the length of the jail made me shiver. "Traitor," my father hissed at me. His cell was right next to my mother's and I was placed across from them. "Lucius," my mother hissed, trying her best to see my father from where she was, but he was hidden in the shadows. "Don't baby him Narcissa. He's with that mudblood...you saw the Daily Prophet," my father said, looking ashamed and disgusted at the same time. "What happened to you two? Didn't want to stay when your leader died?" I snapped at them. "Your father was arrested a week when the war ended...I tried coming back for you...I knew you were at Hogwarts...that's when I was caught," my mother said, begging for me to believe her, which I did. Of course my father wouldn't come looking for me...

Holding back my anger and hatred of my father, I did my best to avoid his eyes. I made myself as comfortable as possible, and slept on the cold stone floor, awaiting my trial.

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