《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 22


Elaine's POV:

Towards the end of April, Harry had finally gotten the memory from Slughorn. It was somewhat of a relief to know what we were up against, but the truth made everything way more complicated. Voldemort had split his soul into seven pieces called horcruxes. Dumbledore tasked Harry, Ron, Hermione and I in helping him find and destroy the remaining horcruxes. The objects that Voldemort has chosen to give part of his soul to are unknown, so we definitely had our work cut out for us. So far, there are two horcruxes already destroyed (Tom Riddle's diary and a ring), and there's one that Dumbledore knows of (a locket). "I've got to go with Dumbledore...tomorrow," Harry said, after explaining to us all he knew about horcruxes. "Harry...are you sure you should go," Hermione said, looking as worried as the rest of us. "I'm not worried...I'll be with Dumbledore," Harry said.

The next day, Harry prepared himself to hunt for the horcrux with Dumbledore. Hermione, Ron and I were worried sick...we knew it wasn't going to be easy.

Around 5pm, it was time for Harry to leave. The four of us sat in the common room in silence. "I think the four of us should split the liquid luck...I've got a feeling about tonight," Harry said, pulling the small vile out of his shirt pocket. "Harry you should take the whole thing," I suggested, but he had already made up his mind. He poured each of us a portion, took his half and left to go see Dumbledore.

"Cheers," Ron said, clinking glasses with Hermione and I. We all took the liquid luck in one sip. Immediately the feeling of invincibility surged through my veins. "I've got to go," Ron, Hermione, and I said to each other in unison. We didn't bother asking each other where we were going, the liquid luck knew. I had an extremely strong urge to go to the Astronomy Tower...so I did. I sat in the corner of the room, waiting for whatever the liquid luck was telling me to wait for.


About two hours later, the effect of the liquid luck started to wear off, but I waited around the Astronomy Tower anyways just in case something were to happen. Just as I was about to give up and leave, Harry and Dumbledore apparated in front of me. "Harry!" I exclaimed happily.

That's when I realized that there was nothing to be happy about at all. Dumbledore looked ill...very ill. "Harry what happened?" I asked urgently as I helped him sit Dumbledore on the floor. "Severus, Harry, get me Severus," Dumbledore whispered, as he struggled to sit up. That was when a door on the floor below us opened loudly. "Under the cloak...both of you!" Dumbledore, said, suddenly gaining enough energy to stand up. Harry had grabbed his cloak and was under it just in time...but I was too late. Draco Malfoy stood at the top of the stairs with his wand pointed at Dumbledore. He looked from me to Dumbledore and then back at me. "Get under the cloak!" Draco hissed at me just as Harry's hand had appeared and pulled me under.

"Draco you are no assassin," Dumbledore said calmly. I noticed Draco kept glancing over in the direction of where I was. "How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you," Draco replied quickly. In the moonlight, he looked almost as sick as Dumbledore. "Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she would bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison...forgive me, Draco, but I cannot help feel that these actions are so weak that you can't really have meant it," Dumbledore replied. "He trusts me...I was chosen," Draco said, pulling up his sleeve to reveal the Dark Mark inked on his arm. "Well, then, I shall make it easy for you," Dumbledore said, about to walk over to Draco. When Dumbledore tried to move closer to him, Draco got nervous and quickly disarmed him; the wand clattered on the floor loudly. "Very good, very good. You know, Draco, there is another way...if not for yourself, do it for her," Dumbledore said pointing in the direction Harry and I stood under the cloak. "The Order is willing to keep you safe...you do not have to do this. We can say you died in battle with me. Members of the Order will go and take your mother and keep her safe as well," Dumbledore continued.


Draco seemed to be contemplating Dumbledore's offer, but we were interrupted by the door on the floor below us opening loudly. "Well well, there are others? How?" Dumbledore asked. "The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement...I've been mending it," Draco replied, still holding his wand out towards Dumbledore. "Ah, let me guess, it has a sister...a twin," Dumbledore guessed. Draco glanced in my direction a second longer this time. "Draco...years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please, let me help you. Do it for Elaine," Dumbledore said. "Don't you understand? I have to do this...I have to kill you...or he's gonna kill me," Draco said as his voice cracked and tears rolled down his cheeks. I was about to slip out from under the cloak, but Harry had a tight grip on my arm. People were walking up the stairs now...but who?

My question was quickly answered when Greyback, Bellatrix, and another Death Eater I didn't recognize had climbed up the stairs. "Well, look what we have here...well done, Draco," Bellatrix said as she kissed Draco's cheek. "Good evening Bellatrix," Dumbledore said calmly. He made no attempts to retrieve his wand. "DO IT!" Bellatrix screeched at Draco. Her voice echoed through the tower. "He doesn't have the stomach...just like his father," Greyback said, taking a step towards Harry and I and breathing deeply. "NO! The Dark Lord had told the boy to do it. This is your moment...DO IT. Go on Draco...NOW!!" Bellatrix screamed. My whole body was shaking with nerves and adrenaline. "No," said a voice from the shadows. It was Snape. "Severus...please," Dumbledore said. "Avada Kedavera," Snape spoke and a bolt of green light hit Dumbledore in the chest. Dumbledore stumbled back and fell over the railing of the tower...dead.

The Death Eaters all rushed towards the railing to watch as Dumbledore fell...all of them except Draco. He stared off in my direction with tears in his eyes. I wanted to jump out from under the cloak, but my legs wouldn't move. As I stared back at Draco, I heard Bellatrix send a spell that placed the Dark Mark in the sky. That's when Draco was grabbed by the collar and dragged downstairs with everyone else...

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