《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 21


Draco's POV:

I kept trying to talk to Elaine, but she's been ignoring me for quite some time now. She's taking this breakup fairly hard, and Weasel hasn't been in a good mood either. He keeps making empty threats towards me while I'm walking to class and it's been hard for me to keep my cool.

I really just wanted to ask Elaine if she's alright. I could tell she was barely eating and she hasn't been trying in class anymore. One particular day, she didn't show up to class, so I decided to skip class as well to find her. My first guess was the Great Hall, but no sign of her. Then I checked outside since it was a fairly warm day for the beginning of April. And finally, I found her in the library. I peeked through the shelves only to see her in her favorite spot, staring out the window. She looked totally lost in thought when I interrupted her.

"Hey," I said, leaning against the nearest book case, smiling at Elaine. "Hey," she responded, subconsciously smoothing out her hair. "Can we talk?" I asked her, sitting down across from her after she nodded 'yes'. "What's been going on lately? You're not yourself...you're avoiding me...I never see you with your friends and I can tell you haven't been eating," I asked, knowing full well that her and Fred were over, but she didn't know that I knew. "Um...Fred broke up with me," she responded plainly. "Elaine...I'm sorry," I replied, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "Now I'm going to give you what you need...tough love. Come on, you need to eat," I said, swinging her bag around my shoulder and leading her out of the library before she could protest.


Elaine's POV:

Draco had finally found me in the library. I've been avoiding him since he was the reason that Fred broke up with me. Of course, I didn't blame Draco...it was all Fred's fault, but now that I was single I didn't want to give Draco any ideas. Besides, I didn't mind being on my own.

After telling him what had happened, he took me to the Great Hall and forced me to eat. He even sat at the Gryffindor table which surprised everyone around us including me. "Now, I'm gonna help you catch up on all your classes," he told me, pulling out a piece of parchment and writing down a schedule for us to do work together.

The effort he put into helping me is what really made all the difference. A week after Draco and I started being around each other more, my grades were better than ever. I was even eating and sleeping normally again. My friends saw how much I had improved (which drove Fred crazy by the way because he was a depressed mess) and they were just so glad to have me back to normal. It felt wonderful to be myself again.

Authors note: Sorry for such a short chapter everyone! Feeling a bit tired tonight so I promise to make it up to you all tomorrow! Xoxo

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