《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 20


Draco's POV:

Harry's curse really took a toll on me. I had to stay in the hospital wing for a week after it happened. Elaine would visit me every day, though. She's the best...and I could feel myself falling for her more and more every time she entered the hospital wing with a smile that I knew was just for me. I just had to remember to tell myself that he's after her...the Dark Lord will kill her if he gets the chance...

Elaine's POV:

A week went by since Harry cursed Draco. Hermione and Ginny made him get rid of his potions book that had given him that spell after they heard what happened.

I had visited Draco everyday in the hospital wing. I couldn't believe it when he told me I was his only visitor...it really made me feel bad for him. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy are always at his side...but not now.

Halfway through the week after he got hurt, Draco was finally released. It was nice to see him around the castle and in class again. Fred, however, didn't like the fact that Draco was out and about again.

One night, Fred and I were warming up in the air, tossing the quaffle around and waiting for the rest of our teammates to arrive. "Granger!" I heard a voice shout from the ground. I saw right away it was Draco and he was waving me over to him. "I'm just gonna go see what he wants," I said to Fred before he could protest. I quickly landed my broom and walked up to him. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he flashed me a smile. "Well I was wondering what you're doing tomorrow?" he asked. "Um...Fred and I were going to hang out tomorrow...I've been busy with all my schoolwork recently and Fred and I really haven't had a date in a while," I said, leaning on my broom. "Are you sure you can't make yourself free?" Draco pleaded. "I'm sorry...but no," I said, trying to sound as nice as possible. "Alright it's cool," he said, looking disappointed. He punched me playfully on the shoulder and walked off the field and towards the castle. "What was that about?" Fred asked, landing his broom next to me. "Just wanted to see if I was busy tomorrow," I explained. "Don't you think that's odd?" Fred asked. I could tell he was agitated...he has been that way quite a lot recently. "No I mean...we're friends," I said, watching Draco walk away. "Elaine do you not see what he's doing? He's trying to get you alone so he can ship you off to You-Know-Who!" Fred shouted.


Before I could answer, Harry and the rest of our teammates had approached the field. They had obviously just heard Fred shouting at me. George immediately ran over to us, pulling Fred aside to talk to him. "What was that all about?" Ron asked as he stepped up next to me. "Draco..." I replied, knowing Ron would understand right away. "No! I've had it with the two of them!" I heard Fred shout to George who was trying to calm him down. "SHH," George said over and over again. "Elaine...I can't do this anymore...I'm sorry but we're through," Fred said as he stepped up to me, in front of the entire Quidditch team. He didn't even give me a chance to respond; instead, he threw his broom on the ground and stormed off towards the castle.

Right then and there I felt my heart shatter.

Draco's POV:

I never made it back to the castle. I saw Fred was giving her a hard time and I had to make sure he didn't put his hands on her. I watched as he screamed at her in front of the entire team. "We're through," I heard him shout. At that point, I had to hide myself behind a tree as he stormed off into the castle. Man I wanted to kick his ass. The way he spoke to her...he didn't deserve her.

I watched Elaine look around at her team, who didn't really know what to do. I prayed one of them would take her hand and lead her away from the crowd. Luckily She-Weasel did. I remained crouched behind the tree as Ginny led Elaine into the castle.

Elaine's POV:

I will be forever grateful for Ginny who had wrapped her arm around my shoulder and led me back to the castle. She rubbed my back as I cried, all while leading me up to my dormitory. I'm not sure when Hermione had joined us, but she did, and helped Ginny get me settled in my room. "I'm gonna kick his ass," Ginny said. I saw through my tear-filled eyes that she was fuming. Hermione, however, remained calm, rubbing my back and handing me tissues. Then, there was a knock on the door. It was Harry. "Is she alright?" I heard him ask. "She'll be okay," Hermione said. "Where's Fred?" Ginny asked Harry. "I have no idea...George just went looking for him," Harry said. I really wasn't paying attention to what was being said and just continued to cry and cry. I've never experienced heart break before, and let me tell you, it's not fun at all.


About two weeks after Fred broke up with me, I began to get really lonely, but in the same way, I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. I barely ate or spoke and my grades were slipping. Draco would try to talk to me, but I never answered him, and Fred was avoiding me at all costs. Harry, Ron and Hermione would constantly try to get me to talk and hang out with them, but I was never in the mood. If I did feel like responding, it was usually one word answers.

At night, I wandered the empty corridors, talking to myself....I was going insane, but like I said, I was lonely. I wanted to hear someone's voice...even if it was my own.

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