《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 23


Elaine's POV:

Harry and I had been so immersed in what had just happened, that we didn't even realize that we could've done something. "Harry! What are we doing? We need to go now!" I screamed, pulling Harry towards the stairs. He quickly tossed his invisibility cloak on the ground, as we ran down the many stairs towards the main part of the castle.

Before Harry and I knew it, we were already passing the Great Hall when we spotted the back of Snape's head exiting the castle from the main doors. As we ran towards the front doors of the castle, more and more Death Eaters were pouring in from the outside, running towards the Great Hall while Order members were apparating from thin air. "Ginny!" I heard Harry yell as he blasted a Death Eater into the nearest wall. I turned and saw Harry running towards Ginny who had just been stunned. "She'll be fine!" Lupin screamed at Harry, pushing Harry right into me. I grabbed Harry's hand and we ran out of the castle doors into the cool spring air. "Down there!" I said, pointing towards Hagrid's hut where a group of people stood. Bellatrix could be heard all the way from where Harry and I stood and we watched as she lit Hagrid's house on fire. "I've got Snape," Harry said as we both took off in a run towards the Death Eaters.

When we got close enough, Harry began sending spell after spell towards Snape when Bellatrix, Greyback and Draco spotted me running with Harry. "I knew I could smell you when we were up in that tower," Greyback said creepily. I quickly held out my wand in front of him, ready to fight, as Bellatrix went over to where Snape and Harry were. "Fuck off, Greyback...let me talk to her," Draco said sternly. He quickly backed off, allowing Draco and I to get close. "Draco...please," I said as I begged him to come with me. Tears poured down my face as he looked into my eyes for what could very well be the last time. "I can't...take this," he said, quickly handing me a piece of paper that I slipped into my pocket. "Well well...the Dark Lord is going to be very happy tonight...we murdered Dumbledore and will bring him his most wanted possession," Bellatrix cackled, slapping my face hard. "CRUCIO!" she screamed seconds later, causing me to drop to the ground. My entire body was searing in white hot pain. "ENOUGH!" someone screamed, and the pain was gone. "She belongs to the Dark Lord...if anything happens to her his plan will be ruined," Snape said as I sat up on the ground. "We must go now!" Greyback's voice said, pointing towards the castle. I slowly stood up from the ground, covered in mud and blood, ready to fight in case they tried to bring me along with them, but they didn't. I watched as Bellatrix, Greyback, Snape, and Draco rushed towards the Forbidden Forest. Draco took one last look at me and disappeared with the others.


Within seconds it was just Harry and I alone in front of Hagrid's burnt down hut. I turned to Harry and sat down next to him on the damp grass. I gently put my hand on his shoulder and he broke down in my arms. "Harry...we're going to get through this," I whispered encouragingly. "I can't believe it was Snape," Harry whispered back. I knew the word of Snape murdering Dumbledore was really going to shock everyone. Dumbledore, after all, always trusted Snape when no one else did.

As Harry and I sat on the grass, watching Hagrid's hut turn to ash, we heard someone approaching from behind us. I quickly turned around and saw Hagrid run up to us. "Are ye' al' right guys?" Hagrid asked urgently. "Yea...is everyone at the castle okay?" I asked Hagrid. "Fred's got a broken leg and it seems Bill Weasley got bit by Greyback...but those are the worst injuries I've seen so far," Hagrid explained. "Elaine...could you help put me house out?" Hagrid asked. I slowly stood up, feeling my sore body start to tense, and put out the fire that engulfed what was left of Hagrid's house. "Thanks...I'm sure Dumbledore'll fix it in no time," Hagrid said with a smile. "Hagrid, Dumbledore can't fix your house...Snape killed him," Harry said angrily as he stood up and stormed off towards the castle. "NO...yer mad...yer in shock!" Hagrid roared after Harry. "It's true Hagrid...we saw it happen," I replied as tears rolled down my face once more. Hagrid started picking up pieces of his house and started chucking them across the lawn as I ran up towards the castle after Harry. "He can't be gone," I heard Hagrid growl as I continued to run towards Harry.

When I finally did reach Harry, I realized where we were standing...right under the Astronomy Tower. A crowd had gathered around Dumbledore's lifeless body as Harry and I made our way to the front. I pushed past my classmates until I found Hermione. "Oh Elaine!" Hermione whispered, pulling me into a hug. We both began to cry. When we pulled apart, Ron's arms wrapped around me and pulled me in for a hug. He had a huge cut across his cheek. "Who did it?" Ron whispered in my ear. "Snape," I whispered back as we all watched Harry bend down down next to Dumbledore's lifeless body and break down in tears. We all watched Harry grabbed something from Dumbledore's pocket as Ginny walked up to him and consoled him. By the time Harry was able to stand, the entire school was outside and gathered around Dumbledore.


As we all stood in silence out of respect, Professor McGonagall pulled out her wand and pointed it to the sky. A small portion of the dark mark in the sky broke away. One by one, all the students and teachers had joined her; and the sky revealed to us that it was going to be a beautiful spring morning.

About an hour later, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I (plus a few teachers) were the last ones standing in front of Dumbledore. "Potter...come with me," Professor McGonagall said to Harry, leading him inside the castle. We all followed, though Harry went a different direction and we all went to the Gryfinndor common room. When we did reach the common room, I remembered something...the note. Draco had given me a note when we were outside.

As the rest of my friends sat in silent the common room, I excused myself and ran up to the dorm.

I quickly pulled the note out of my pocket and read.


I'd like to keep in touch with you while everythings going on. Write to the address I've put on the back...send a different owl every time. Stay safe.


I reread the note twice over and then turned it over and saw an address scribbled on the back. "Thought we were missing someone downstairs," someone's voice said from the door. It was Ron. "Oh yea...just reading this," I said, giving Ron the note. "He gave it to me just before they left," I explained as Ron read the piece of paper. "This is great...this means we will know what Voldemort's up to!" Ron said positively. "Yea maybe he can help with the horcruxes," I said, happy to have a small glimmer of hope after what had just happened. "Let's keep this between us till we can tell Harry and Hermione privately," I told Ron as he handed me back the note. I quickly shoved it back in my pocket. "Is your brother Bill gonna be alright?" I asked Ron as he sat on the edge of my bed. "Not sure...since Greyback bit him while he was fully transformed, he could be some kind of half werewolf...who knows," Ron said, running a hand through his hair. "How did he get here...Bill? And the rest of the Order?" I asked. "The liquid luck...it told Hermione and I to immediately get all Order members to Hogwarts," Ron explained, "I saw it told you to go elsewhere." "Yea...I waited in the Astronomy Tower...Harry and I were in the tower when Snape killed Dumbledore," I said, feeling myself start to choke up again. "It's alright, you know....we can get through this," Ron said, encouragingly...and I believed him.

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