《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 13


Elaine's POV:

The next morning, I woke up to see Harry gently tapping my shoulder. "Wakey wakey! We've got a game to get to!" Harry said, smiling at me as I hit him with my pillow. The game was the only thing on my mind. I definitely thought I was going to need a bucket to puke in as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I made our way to the Great Hall for breakfast. When we entered, Draco led the entire Slytherin table in booing us. Someone even threw a slice of bacon that nearly missed my head.

When we got to the table, Fred and George were already there, piling food onto their plates. "Nervous?" Ron asked me since I didn't touch any food. I nodded slightly, noting that he wasn't eating either. Harry had made Ron keeper this season (Harry was captain by the way). "Come on, Elaine, you've got to eat something," George said after finally convincing Ron to eat something. I finally decided to nibble on some toast when Hermione slammed her fist on the table, making us all jump. "What did you just put in their drink?" she demanded, pointing to Ron and I's cups. "Nothing," Harry replied quickly as he stuffed what seemed to be liquid luck in his pocket. "Harry you didn't...that better not be liquid luck. It's against the rules," Hermione informed, glaring at him angrily. "So is confunding someone to mess up during tryouts," Harry replied. Although I missed tryouts due to detention (I spoke back to Snape one day during class and he made me clean all the surfaces in his office without magic), according to Harry, Hermione confunded a guy a year above us named Cormac McLaggan. He happened to be trying out for the same position as Ron. After Harry pointed this fact out, Hermione turned bright red and turned to Ron and I. "Surely you two won't drink that...no!" she exclaimed as Ron and I clinked cups and chugged our drink. After I was done, I immediately felt a warm glowing feeling fill my body. Nothing could go wrong now...

"Let's go win us a game!" Ron said, high-fiving Harry cheerfully. Since Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Katie Bell, Ginny, and I were all on the team, we were the first to get up and leave the Great Hall for the Quidditch pitch. The Slytherin team soon followed, hissing at us the entire walk down to the locker rooms. The hissing and taunts didn't bother me, though, because the liquid luck had filled me with such an amazing sensation.


When the seven of us reached the locker rooms, we all immediately got changed. "You ready for this Granger?" Fred asked as I tied my hair away from my face. I nodded and smiled confidently. "Alright guys...and girls," Harry added after Ginny hit his arm, "we've got this. We're prepared and trained. Watch out for Crabbe and Goyle. I hear they've been made beaters and there's no doubt that they'll be aggressive....seems like it's time to go," Harry said as the announcer, Lee Jordan (Fred and George's best friend), began to run through the list of Slytherin players into the microphone.

As we filed out of the locker rooms, the crowd erupted in cheers. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff students alike were proudly wearing red and gold colors to support us. "Introducing our new Gryffindor Captain...HARRY POTTER! Gryffindor seems to be shaking things up a bit...NOT! More than half the team is Weasley...not to mention our newest classmate Elaine Granger is dating one!" Lee Jordan screamed over the microphone. "Excuse me would you mind commentating on what is going on and not our players' relationship status!" Professor McGonagall could be heard yelling at Lee through the mic.

The two teams met up in the middle of the field where Madame Hooch, our ref, was waiting. "Captains shake hands," she said. Harry and Draco shook hands, each one trying to crush the other's hand in the process. "Now...I want a nice, clean game. No rule breaking. Good luck," Madame Hooch said. She blew her whistle and the game begun.

Our two teams immediately kicked off the ground. Ginny, Katie and I (the chasers) were on fire for the first few minutes. Then...things got bad.

Harry was right...Crabbe and Goyle weren't going to play by the rules. Goyle had sent a bludger right at Katie. She fell thirty feet from her broom and had to be brought to the hospital wing. Then, it was just Ginny and I left.

Although George did manage to hit Crabbe really hard in the back with a bludger, knocking him out for the rest of the game, Ginny and I struggled against the three seventh year boys who were the chasers of the Slytherin team. One of them looked like they could eat Ginny and I for breakfast.


As Ginny and I continued to try and pass the quaffle, I noticed a familiar blonde was on my tail. I dove and made sharp turns on my broom, but I couldn't shake him. "Look at this folks! Malfoy's following Granger...this isn't the first time these two have been in close contact seeing as Malfoy has heart eyes for Granger!" Lee Jordan's voice bellowed over the microphone. I tried not to laugh, but I couldn't help it when I heard Professor McGonagall scream at Lee. The entire crowd was laughing and cheering. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw Malfoy's face turn bright red.

Turns out the reason Malfoy was following me was because the golden snitch was right behind me. I moved to the side slightly to keep an eye on the snitch as I got Harry's attention. He dove quickly when he saw the snitch. Harry and Malfoy were neck and neck when Draco tried to push Harry off his broom. As this was going on, I soared up towards Ginny. She had the quaffle. Ginny and I finally scored some points, keeping us 60-50 in the lead. Finally, I heard Lee Jordan call it over the microphone. "Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" he yelled. The entire crowd, except for Slytherin of course, erupted in cheers. As I did a victory lap around the field, something hit me...hard. It hit me in the arm, breaking something in the process (I couldn't tell exactly what it broke just yet). I struggled to stay up on my broom. When I looked up I saw Draco Malfoy holding a beater's bat. He had taken it from Goyle and sent a bludger in my direction. "ELAINE! LOOK OUT!" Ron screamed from about fifteen feet above me. The bludger was making it's way back around, just like a boomerang, and I just managed to dive out of the way. It would've knocked me out for sure if Ron didn't warn me. "Mr. Malfoy!" Madame Hooch called from the ground. He was immediately ordered to land his broom and was brought up to the castle by Professor Snape.

Draco's POV:

I hit her with a bludger. I don't know why. I didn't want her to get hurt, but at the same time I did. She had beaten me...she had won. I wasn't used to it. Watching her frizzy hair quickly come out of her neat pony tail as she flew flawlessly...seeing how her smile was the brightest thing on the field...and seeing her kiss Weasley. It was infuriating. I knew that I fucked up as soon as I sent the bludger in her direction. "Mr. Malfoy," Hooch called from the ground. I was ordered to land my broom and was marched up to the castle by Professor Snape.

He led me straight down into his office located in the dungeons. "You idiot!" he yelled as soon as I sat down in front of his desk. I wasn't used to him yelling at me, but it didn't really bother me either. I was used to being yelled at by my dad. He loves to tell me how much of a disappointment I am. If only he knew...he'd kill me if he found out I loved Granger. "You are going to get yourself killed!" Snape yelled. "Why's that?" I asked with an attitude. "If the Dark Lord finds out you're making goggly-eyes with Miss Granger, you can kiss you and your family goodbye. He'll kill you all," Snape said, pleading that I don't pursue her any further. Of course, I knew Voldemort was after her...and if he found out how I felt, it would be dangerous...but I couldn't help myself. "I made a promise to your mother that you'd be careful," Snape said, holding his head in his hands. "I don't need your protection..I don't like Granger...she's scum," I spat. With that, I turned on my heel and dismissed myself from his office.

Elaine's POV:

My wrist was broken...I knew that for sure. When I landed on the ground, Fred immediately ran over to me and examined it. I didn't care, though...the love and happiness I felt as I got hugged and high-fived for was worth the pain in my hand. I'd deal with my broken wrist at later time. For now...it was time to celebrate.

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