《The Other Granger- COMPLETED》Chapter 14


Elaine's POV:

After the Quidditch game was over, Professor McGonagall walked me up to the hospital wing. "Oh another one!" Madame Pompfrey exclaimed when I walked inside. She was tending to Katie who seems to have just woken up after her accident on the field. "What's the issue?" Pompfrey asked me as she walked over. "Broken wrist," I replied, showing her my hand. She made me sit on the bed, and mended my wrist with the tap of her wand. "Don't carry anything too heavy...and no pressure on that wrist for a few days!" she ordered, then dismissed me from the hospital wing.

"Miss Granger, a word, please," Professor McGonagall asked. She had waited for me outside the hospital wing. "Of course, Professor," I replied, following her to an empty classroom. "I just want to make sure you are being careful around Mr. Malfoy," she starts. "Of course I am," I replied, knowing all too well that she saw Draco send that bludger in my direction. "Professor Dumbledore doesn't wish for me to share too much information with you, but his parents are Death Eaters. And as we both know...Voldemort is after you," she started, but we were interrupted by the sound of the entire school coming back inside from the Quidditch game. "That's all I'll say...just promise me you'll look after yourself," she said with a smile. When I promised her just that, I left the empty classroom and made my way back to the Gryffindor common room.

I made it back to the common room just as the rest of the team did. "All fixed?" Harry asked, pointing to my wrist as we climbed into the portrait hole. "Good as new," I replied. "I brought your stuff up from the locker rooms," Fred said, handing me my broom and clothes. "Thanks love," I replied, adding that I was going to shower really quick as well. I threw my broom and Quidditch robes on the floor next to my nightstand, grabbed a towel and jumped in the shower. The hot water felt so nice on my sore muscles. When I finished showering, I heard the music blasting from the common room. I quickly changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt (I know right...perfect party clothes haha!) before heading back down.

When I went down to the common room, I found Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting at a table near the windows. "Harry, I've been meaning to talk to you," Hermione started just as I sat down at the table with them. "I think that was very wrong of you to have put liquid luck in their drinks today...and I'm going to Professor McGonagall," she explained. I had totally forgotten about the liquid luck. "I didn't put anything in their drinks," Harry said and pulled a tiny (completely full and unopened) bottle of liquid luck. "You only made them think they took it...Harry that was brilliant!" Hermione said, patting him on the back. "Explains why I broke my wrist," I added, laughing it off with my friends. I tried to forget who actually gave me the broken wrist, but my mind kept drifting that way. Not a second later, Fred and George arrived in the common room from the kitchen. They had smuggled at least fifteen bottles of butterbeer as well as a platter of food from the kitchen.


The party in the common room was in full swing. The music was pulsing through my veins as we danced and celebrated our win against Slytherin. Sometime during the party, Ron was hoisted up on Fred and George's shoulders and we all chanted 'WEASLEY IS OUR KING' for what felt like hours. The portraits hanging in our common room were holding their hands over their ears because we were just that loud. When Fred and George finally let Ron down, Lavender jumped into Ron's arms and they began snogging.

Harry and I immediately turned to look for Hermione who was already halfway out of the portrait hole. "I'll go check on her," Harry told me, following Hermione out of the room. I nodded, knowing she would be in good hands with Harry.

After Harry went after Hermione, Ron and Lavender also left. "Let's hope they don't run into Hermione," Fred whispered in my ear, scaring me slightly. I turned around and pulled him in for a light kiss. "Have you been drinking?" I asked him after we pulled from our kiss. "Maybe," he said with a goofy smile. I don't think I've had alcohol since Jason and I went out that night in London. "For you my dear," George said as he passed me a shot of fire whiskey. Fred, George and I clinked shot glasses and chugged it. Lee Jordan then walked over with a bottle of fire whiskey. "Great commentary at the game today Lee," I said as he took my empty shot glass and refilled it. "I do what I can. Got in trouble with McGonagall, but it was worth it," he replied handing me my glass back. After a few minutes of talking with the twins and Lee, Harry walked back into the common room and called me over to the corner table. "Well?" I asked, feeling slightly woozy from the two shots. Wizard alcohol was much stronger than muggle alcohol. "Have you been drinking?" Harry asked, smiling. "Maybe...is Hermione okay?" I asked, starting to hiccup. "She cried...a lot. And, of course, Ron and Lavender walked by us and Hermione attacked Ron with her charmed birds," Harry explained. He was about to say something else, but was pulled aside by a 5th year girl named Romilda Vaine.

After watching Hermione rush through the busy common room and up to the dorm, I realized it was probably time for me to go to bed. I walked up to the dorm and saw she was already changed and in her bed. "You okay?" I asked her when she noticed I walked in. "I just...am such an idiot," she answered with tears in her eyes. "Ron's the idiot," I replied, taking a seat on her bed. "It'll all work out for the best," I replied. "Do you want me to get you anything? Are you hungry?" I asked her. "Maybe some tea...and chocolate," she replied with a small smile. "I'll be back," I replied, swaying a little. I walked back down to the common room and ran into Lavender and Pavarti. "Hey girls...listen, Hermione just got really sick. Not entirely sure what she ate, but there's vomit everywhere. Do you think you could sleep in someone else's room tonight?" I asked, crossing my fingers, hoping they would say yes. "I think I'll be sleeping in Ron's room tonight anyways!" Lavender squealed. "Yea I could sleep in Ginny's room I think she has an extra bed," Pavarti said. "Thanks girls!" I replied cheerfully.


I immediately turned and walked towards Fred who was pounding back shots with George and Ron. "I'm going to the kitchen!" I shouted at him (the music was vibrating the walls now). "Don't get caught!" he answered with a smile. I quickly pecked him on the cheek and left the common room.

The castle halls were actually very creepy when it was dark out. Turns out it was raining too. Wind and rain was pounding against the windows and the distant roar of thunder could be heard. I quickly, and as quietly as I could, made my way to the kitchen. It was on the third floor, so I found the nearest staircase, careful to keep an ear out for any teachers walking through the hallway.

I finally made my way to the portrait that was actually the entrance to the kitchen. I tickled the pear that was painted on the portrait. When the pear laughed, the portrait swung open and revealed the gigantic kitchen filled with house elves. "Miss Elaine Granger! Dobby has heard so much about you from Mr Fred Weasley!" a small house elf said, shaking my hand. "How can Dobby help?" Dobby asked me. "I need some chocolate and cup of tea for my sister, please," I asked nicely. Immediately, two other house elves rushed up to me with just what I asked for. I kindly thanked the elves and left the kitchen to go back to the common room.

When I got back to my dorm, I discovered Lavender and Pavarti were actually going to sleep in another room. That small victory made me smile. I gave Hermione her chocolate and tea and then got changed. "Are they coming up anytime soon?" Hermione asked, motioning to the vacant beds. "I've told them you got sick everywhere. They're sleeping in another room tonight," I explained. Hermione managed a smile as she sipped her tea.

Three weeks went by and Hermione and Ron have not spoken at all. Christmas break was right around the corner and every time Lavender and Ron were near Hermione, she always excused herself to go 'vomit'.

Other than Hermione and Ron avoiding each other, everything else was going pretty well. We had our last Hogsmeade trip as well as Slughorn's Christmas party to look forward to.

The day before the Hogsmeade trip I had a huge exam to study for. It was Potions. Professor Slughorn kept putting me with Crabbe during our lessons, so I wasn't learning very much. I skipped my morning Transfiguration class, planning to study hard for the exam in the library.

When I walked into the library, it was virtually empty since it was only 9 in the morning. I passed shelves filled with books on every magical subject until I found the table I was looking for. It was hidden slightly by the book shelves, and sat right next to a window overlooking the Quidditch field. It was the best spot in the library in my opinion.

I quickly got myself settled in the library, taking out all of my books and laying them out of the table. I began to study hard.

I was finally getting the hang of this one specific potion I knew was going to be on the exam. I had studied for about an hour and a half when someone had walked up to my table. I brushed the hair out of face and looked up. It was Draco. He was holding two cups. "I knew you'd be in here...it's your favorite spot right?" he asked, smiling at me. I didn't answer. I didn't even know what to say. We haven't spoken since he kissed me during our first week of school.

"Can I sit?" he asked, taking a seat at my table. "Coffee?" he asked when I didn't answer, sliding me one of the cups he had in his hand. "What are you doing?" I asked nastily. "It's a peace offering...I've been missing you," Draco smirked, sliding the cup of coffee closer to me. "Oh come on...I didn't poison it," he said with a smile as I eyed the cup cautiously. "Why Draco? Why are you talking to me now? What do you want?" I asked, getting angrier by the second. "I told you...I want to make peace between the two of us. I'm sorry," Draco said plainly. "Sorry for what exactly?" I asked, folding my arms in front of my chest. "The bludger...and the fight with Weasley...and cursing at you while you and your friends walk to class," Draco listed. "Why did you do that? The bludger I mean," I added. "I can't explain it," he replied, looking at his hands. "Try to," I replied, staring at him. "I was just angry...I mean you beat us and then I knew as soon as you landed you run right to Weasel and kiss him and I-I just didn't want to watch that," Draco stuttered. I could tell he was embarrassed, but I was angry. "So let me get this straight...you were jealous and you thought 'huh let me go send a bludger to Elaine's head and see what happens'!" I exclaimed, standing up from the table. I was screaming now. I gathered up my books as quickly as I could and rushed out of the library.

I was steaming with anger. Harry, Ron and Hermione didn't dare ask what was wrong with me as I slammed my bag on the desk in potions class. Hermione could tell I was about to scream and cry at the same time. Luckily, Professor Slughorn put Hermione and I together for the test. I was able to relax knowing she studied twice as long as I did. "What's going on?" she whispered as I cut up ingredients. "Malfoy," I muttered, telling her I'd explain later.

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